Monday, April 25, 2011

My rights, my responsibility (Constitution) Series

Constitution of Cambodia (Sept. 1993)


Article 109

The Judicial power shall be an independent power. [In the Kingdom of Wonder , for not upholding judicial independence - GUILTY!]

The Judiciary shall guarantee and uphold impartiality and protect the rights and freedoms of the citizens. [In the Kingdom of Wonder , for not upholding impartiality and protecting citizens - GUILTY!]

The Judiciary shall cover all lawsuits including administrative ones.

The authority of the Judiciary shall be granted to the Supreme Court and to lower courts of all sectors and levels.


Anonymous said...

Even though Thai army fire thousand missiles into Cambodia and kill as many Khmer army. Dr. Hun Sen is a great leader who practice sensible, desire no war. That is What Khmer TV always say when every time they present the news in Cambodia!

But Dr. Hun Sen is very extremely cruelty toward his own people such as K5 policy, Coup 1997 and so on...He murdered thousands of patriot Khmers during 1997 coup by shooting in the head one by one, not one or two Khmers life but thousands Khmer lives have been cut shortly by PhD Dr. Hun Sen. Why doesn’t Dr. Hun Sen love peace at 1997 coup, as now with Thai? I wonder how many Cambodian life has PhD Dr. Hun Sen taken so far but why does he practice sensible, peaceful with Thai and Viet? But not with his own Cambodian people.

How come Dr. Hun Sen has no mercy on his own people but he has plenty mercy on Thai and Viet. I am Khmer but I don't understand.

Can anyone please explain why?

Anonymous said...

3:28 PM

Because he wants to marry to you.

Anonymous said...