Friday, April 22, 2011

King of Cambodia snubs Wills and Kate's wedding [-The Brit royals ain't no Hun family???]

(Photo: AFP)
Friday, 22 April 2011
The Sun (UK)

PRINCE William and his fiancée Kate have been sensationally snubbed by the King of Cambodia.

King Norodom Sihamoni has not replied to the couple's wedding invitation.

He is the only Royal out of dozens worldwide who has failed to respond.

Sihamoni, 57, a shaven-headed former ballet dancer and instructor, is not the first Cambodian king to snub a British royal wedding.

In 1963 his dad Sihanouk refused to attend Princess Alexandra's wedding after being told he would not get a guard of honour and could not stay at Windsor Castle.

Sihamoni, who took the throne in 2004, lived under house arrest with his dad in the 1970s while the Khmer Rouge regime murdered 1.5 million Cambodians.


Anonymous said...

អាស្តេចចំកួតលួង ទាំងអាស្តេចចាស់ និងក្មេង សុទ្ធតែជាស្តេចអុករបស់បក្សប្រជាជនយួន ហ៊ុន សែន! មិនដែលរវល់នឹងទុក្ខលំបាករបស់ប្រជាជនដែលរងការជិះជាន់ពីអាហ៊ុន សែន និងបក្សពួកវាឡើយ! មិនដឹងថា ជាស្តេចប៉េកាំង ឫស្តេចភ្នំពេញទេ បើម៉ាង៉ៃៗងាប់នៅតែប៉េកាំង! សង្ស័យចិនចាក់ថ្នាំញៀនឲ្យ បានជានៅខ្មែរមិនបាន តិចទៅប៉េកាំងៗរហូត!

Anonymous said...

Ms Rattana Keo and her families, with fully support from all her friends will create and plan a great revolutionary to throw out Hun Sen regime from this world.

Ms Rattana Keo and her families, all her friends will save poor Cambodians from this Hun Sen Vietnam slave regime.

Anonymous said...

Why? Because the Xmer king was created by the communist (Viet and China), that is all. shame.

Anonymous said...

អាស្តេចត្រសក់ វាទំនោរទៅតែខាង Communist ទេ

ចិន និងយួន វាមិនដែរទំនោរទៅរក Democracy ទេ

អស់បីលាននាក់ ដោយសារ ចិន និងយួន វាថែមទាំងស្រលាញ់ ចិន គឺជាមហាមិត្តរបស់វា

Anonymous said...

បើចិន និងយួន ហៅទៅ ច្បាស់ជា ស្លរឈាមទៅ ឃាត់មិនឈ្នះ

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរអីលូវ យល់ច្បាស់ណាស់ អំពីឃាដករលាក់មុខ ស៊ីហនុ

Anonymous said...

Sdach Khmer chea sdach la-khoun belonged in Khmer myth and "once upon a time ....blah blah..." Preah-vor-bey-da, kaun chea monous ka-doeuy te ter! (father, I am gay!)

Anonymous said...

Fucking Yourn Sydney CBD for calling Ms Rattana Keo racist.

Racist? for millions of Yourn living in Cambodia? How many Cambodian people that your dirty Yourn allowed to live in your country.

Only one CPP has the kind of conscience like Ms Rattana Keo, there would not be a single Yourn in Cambodia.

Pol Pot need to rise up from his grave and purify Cambodia again.

Anonymous said...

What work he is doing. Why he is careless with strengthening with other countries for returning prosperity to the nation. He is not preserved to be Khmer King. If he has not enough money because of Hun Sen not pay for, he must tell the people begging them. People will not be stingy with him. Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just an information from someone, who did not know so well the protocol of the Queen. Most of the information about this weeding has to publish by the secretary of the Palace and will not writing on the new paper.

Anonymous said...

It is better to have him as our King and not some one from the former Khmer Rouge as our President.

Anonymous said...


HUN XEN: យី ស្អុយផោមអាង៉ោលម្លេះ!

Anonymous said...

Sihamoni bald head without dharma.
The ghost king of ghost Banana kingdom of Nambodia.
I have never seen,known,and heard,
the communist country has had a king
like Cambodia.
He loved China,Vietnam,and North Korea;what a stupid banana kingdom!.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you traitor the king of cambodia Sihamoni and his relatives

Anonymous said...

Either he is a foolish king, or the HoonXen won't allow him to attend.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំសូមរំលឹកលោកបន្តិចឡើងវឹញ ពីភាពបាទដៃ
ទៅ :
១​ ក្រោយរដ្ឋប្រហារឆ្នាំ១៩៩៧ ស.រ.អា.បានស្នើឲ្យ
គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែរង្សីគេចចេញពីការរូបរួម
២ លោកសមរង្សីធ្លាប់សរសេរសំបុត្រទៅសុំ
ទោសលោកហ៊ុនសែន ហើយថ្មីៗនេះក៏ធ្លាប់
៣ លោករង្សីធ្លាប់ហុចដងដាវឲ្យអាយ៉ងយួនសម្លាប់
៤ លោករង្សីធ្លាប់នាំគ្រួសារទៅលេងនៅហា
៥ គួរឲ្យព្រឺខ្លួនមួយទៀតរង្សីបានប្រកាសថាខ្លួន
តើអំពើទាំងប៉ន្មានខាងលើនេះតើលោកកឹមសុខាឫលោករង្សីជាមនុស្ស hypocrite vendu au CPP.តើលោកកឹមសុខាមានធ្វើអ្វីខ្លះខុសដែល
ចាញ់វាធ្វើជាងិកង៉ក់ខុសនេះខុសនោះ ទាស់នេះទាស់នោះមិនឲ្យរូបរួមគ្នាកើត។
6. 2008, HRP & SRP agreed to boycott the assembly meeting a day before. Next day, SRP and all its members went to the assembly without the HRP's knowledge


Anonymous said...

Siha-money is a rotten Rat!
Great suffering and millions died by this coward king.

Anonymous said...
