Dear Readers,
Please find below an anonymous letter from one of our readers in France, protesting the corruption at the Cambodian Embassy in Paris. This irate reader complaints about the rude behavior of Cambodian officials at the embassy, as well as unacceptable demand for fees that exceed the legal limits. The original letter is in French. The English version is our translation.
Thank you,
KI-Media team
I am a Cambodian citizen working in France.
I am writing to request information about corruption from your institution.
In fact, there are many Cambodians working in France like me who consider the Cambodian Embassy as the only authority in France that will help and assist us in case of need.
However, you're more like vampires who exploit the blood of innocent workers.
First, you treat us very badly. Each of us who are going to the embassy are just spitted with humiliation with your disdainful gaze and your rude words. You only ask us for money without providing any justification.
For example, the cost to extent a passport is fixed by yourself and this is different to the legal amount.
In fact, you consider us as enemies or slaves to exploit or to terrorize...
Quite frankly, Cambodian immigrants in France do not need you.
People like you should find shelter with the mafia in the nefarious district of St. Denis.
I will copy this letter to all Cambodian newspaper around the world.
Je suis un citoyen cambodgien qui travaille en France.
Je vous écris pour vous demander des informations concernant les corruption dans votre établissement.
En fait, il y a beaucoup de cambodgiens qui travaillent en France comme moi qui considère l'ambassade du Cambodge comme la seule autorité cambodgienne en France qui va les aider et les assister au cas où ils ont besoin d'aides.
Cependant, vous êtes plutôt comme des vampires qui exploitent le sang des travailleurs innocents.
D'abord, vous nous traitez mal. Chacun de nous passe à l'ambassade juste pour êtes craché au dessus avec vos regards d’humiliation, et des paroles impolis. Vous ne demandez que de l'argent sans aucune justification.
Par exemple, le prolongement du passeport est fixé avec un prix par vous même par rapport à la quantité de l'année et qui n'est pas du tout légal ou règlementaire.
En fait, vous nous prenez comme des ennemies ou des esclaves à exploiter, à terroriser....
Je vous dis franchement, les immigrés cambodgiennes en France n'ont pas besoin de vous.
Les gens comme vous devront trouver un toit chez les mafias dans le quartier sensible à St. Denis.
Je voudrais faire une copie à tous les journals cambodgien partout dans le monde.
it's that hun sen's system
there are many dogs working in this embassy which waiting khmer working for asking more money .
we must show this corruption by recording in the telephone when they ask money and we get this recording
on youtube .
Bad behavior or lost of self responsibility.
We live in a democracy and free country, we therefore still write an anonymous letter or some time we use the wrong name of someone else.
Hun Sen name means:
Hun = share, meanning the share of Vietnam in Cambodia soil
Sen = Give tresures too, meanning give all Cambodia tresures to Vietnam.
The name Hun Sen was given by Vietnam to remind "Hun Sen" about his role in Cambodia to Vietnam.
All you Vietcong slaves working at Cambodian Embassy in Paris are no less than a criminal! You mother fuckers extorted hard earn money with blood and sweat from Cambodian people who seek your help! You mother fucker Vietcong slaves have arms and legs and why don't you mother fucker Vietcong slave go out there earn the fucken money for yourself?
Just remember there will be time when your fucken Vietcong slave family will need help and my hope your fucken Vietcong slave family will face the same fate!
So thing has not been change since 1997....
I confirm this Cambodian embassy to Paris is full of men and women who are there only to make money and certainly not help Cambodians. They are crooks of the nation. In 1997, I was student in Marseille. I had to go to Geneva for an interview but my passport was almost expired, validity less than 6 months required by Swiss Embassy to get a Swiss visa. I so called the Cambodian Embassy to have my passport's validity extension. The Cambodian man at the Embassy said:
Oh no problem, we are all khmers we need to help each other. Just come here to Paris and you will get your passport validity extension.....
Wouah, great! I have never heard such thing from Cambodian officials. But I wanted to double-check. I asked my French girl friend to call the embassy again. She got the same response as I. So with great hope, I paid a TGV ticket (more than 500 French Francs ~ 85 euros, extremely expensive for my student budget). I arrived at the embassy at around 9h30. A man at the reception desk was playing Tetris on the embassy computer. I said hello and explained my case. He pointed me the lady with who I had to see. I went to see her and explained the situation again. She looked at me and explained me the process bla bla bla.... then she said, you need to take a rendez-vous at least 3 days before coming here.
I insisted with politeness again and again before the passport extension. She finally said: anyway the ambassador is not here, he drives her daughter back to the aiport and no-one has a stamp and can signs the passport.
But the reason behind it is that she wanted me to pay and as student I have no money for her and anyway I don't want to pay. Furthermore the lady was really antipathy. She was just there to suck Khmer bloods.
The result of my day to Cambodian Embassy was tired and 150 euros of expense and no-visa.
We need to write all these stories to French deputies and government to inform them of the corruption of this Cambodian Embassy. Corruption must be punished by law. We need to have witness, next time go to the embassy with hidden Camera and record everything. We call also call for some journalists to this job.
Bon courage a mes compatriotes Khmers.
So thing has not been change since 1997....
I confirm this Cambodian embassy to Paris is full of men and women who are there only to make money and certainly not help Cambodians. They are crooks of the nation. In 1997, I was student in Marseille. I had to go to Geneva for an interview but my passport was almost expired, validity less than 6 months required by Swiss Embassy to get a Swiss visa. I so called the Cambodian Embassy to have my passport's validity extension. The Cambodian man at the Embassy said:
Oh no problem, we are all khmers we need to help each other. Just come here to Paris and you will get your passport validity extension.....
Wouah, great! I have never heard such thing from Cambodian officials. But I wanted to double-check. I asked my French girl friend to call the embassy again. She got the same response as I. So with great hope, I paid a TGV ticket (more than 500 French Francs ~ 85 euros, extremely expensive for my student budget). I arrived at the embassy at around 9h30. A man at the reception desk was playing Tetris on the embassy computer. I said hello and explained my case. He pointed me the lady with who I had to see. I went to see her and explained the situation again. She looked at me and explained me the process bla bla bla.... then she said, you need to take a rendez-vous at least 3 days before coming here.
I insisted with politeness again and again before the passport extension. She finally said: anyway the ambassador is not here, he drives her daughter back to the aiport and no-one has a stamp and can signs the passport.
But the reason behind it is that she wanted me to pay and as student I have no money for her and anyway I don't want to pay. Furthermore the lady was really antipathy. She was just there to suck Khmer bloods.
The result of my day to Cambodian Embassy was tired and 150 euros of expense and no-visa.
We need to write all these stories to French deputies and government to inform them of the corruption of this Cambodian Embassy. Corruption must be punished by law. We need to have witness, next time go to the embassy with hidden Camera and record everything. We call also call for some journalists to this job.
Bon courage a mes compatriotes Khmers.
Not only in France, in Germany is the same. For instance, every normal visa costs 50€ in wich 30 € send to Phnom Penh and 20€ go the boss. That is normal, if they don't do like how can they buy Ville (1-3), 2nd wife and luxus cars without pay tax in Cambodia? That is the sickness of developing countries, but Cambodia is the worst method.
2:32 PM,
It is very interesting! Thank you for sharing with us Khmer people here. I will spread this to everyone in the U.S.
I don't know the detail about the Cambodian Officials of Cambodian Embassy in France. I would have to say that those officials, as you mentioned, are the CPP Yuon officials and that they are Yuon/Vietcong illegal migrants in Cambodia who could speak and write Khmer very well including French. Hope it is true about CPP Yuon officials under the bad ass Hun Sen (who served his Communist Hanoi masters) who are very corrupted and crooks.
I will share with my Cambodian/Khmer friends in the U.S.
Those fucking officials in Cambodian are Yuon CPP crooks and a bunch of uneducated communists from Vietcong who have been taking advantages of lawless and unconstitutional country of Cambodia (they created and pushed Hun Sen to do more corrupted law and illegal operations in Cambodia) and doing dirty and mafia businesses for profits of themselves. That is Yuon Communist styles influenced Cambodia.
I have no doubt abut this behaviors because these embassy staffs are chosen amongst Hun Sen closed family who were from uncivilized part of Cambodian society. My first trip to Cambodia and someone asked me to go with them to one of Hun Sen'sister house. She look like a pig with many small children sleeping on the floor. I talked about this to other friends. They said this family was so backward. They told me that when Hun Sen first trip to France, all his staffs have took all pillows covers and everything they like from hotel they were staying. It was very embarrassing for that incident. So everyone who is being sent to overseas are like hungry crocodiles.
2:59 PM
Are you sure about your accusation or your own dream want to be on this place ?
I am not a friend or relative or close to, or knew Mr. Hun Sen, or worked before for the Khmer Rouge. But I am still have a job as a member of the Cambodian Embassy in Europe, thank to my strong work in supporting the front national liberation again the Vietnamese occupation and late worked for the rebuilding of our country after the election 1992.
3:44 PM,
You are an idiot and a crook of CPP Yuon members, cheating, stealing and causing a corruption, making Khmer people look pretty and embarrassed in front of foreigners because of you, one of uneducated communist CPP Yuon bastards. You are destroying Cambodia reputation in the world. You are not qualified for being an Khmer embassador due your Yuon CPP nepotism as Communist style from Communist Vietcong. It was illegal for CPP Yuon officials and Hun Sen to appoint you without proper examination and legal testimony. You are really a crook and corrupted.
Je partage avec vous l'auteur de cette lettre.
Il y a environ 2 ans, j'ai fait prolonger le passeport de ma femme. Il y a une personne de l'ambassage nous appelé en disant que pourquoi je ne mets pas de l'argent. J'ai demandé pourquoi ? Elle m'a répondu : qu'avant tu mange du potage et maitenant tu mange du riz et alors ? Et elle nous a menacé que s'il nous ne voulons pas donner, elle va nous renvoyer le passeport sans prolongation dont nous avons besoin pour faire le papier auprès de la préfecture. J'ai accepté sa demande. Elle me réclame en liquide, je dis, NON, car en France c'est interdit ou risquer d'envoyer les liquides dans un envellope. Après une longue discussion, elle accepte le chèque de 30euros. J'ai prévu de porter plainte contre cette corruption car j'ai noté le numéro de chèque que je l'ai envoyé et j'ai la date que je l'ai expédi.
Alors, c'est l'occasion, si l'auteur de cette lettre est d'accord, nous portons le plainte ensemble auprès de l'autorité française. Mon adresse :
Cambodian Embassy in Washington,DC clerk arbitrarily would fix and increase fees on the documents as well.
I helped a friend's kid to renew her passport(paid regular fee) and a requested additional affadivit of certification that's supposed to be free listed online.But the clerk threatened no extra $50 added no paperwork on a hand writtne note sent to me.
I called and asked to speak to the clerk in charge.To my surprise,the person turned out to be a Cambodian American volunteer who said the extra charge was for his time and service.
How about that?
For a new passport for the Eu citizen, they have to pay about 60 € for ( new passport validity 10 years.) This is a regularly application form and wait from 4 to 8 weeks. But an express application, the authority will ask you for also double or more. You should have the reasons, why you need an express (wait from 1 to 3 weeks.)
Most of our Khmer friends always wanted an express application form, but ready to pay for only an regularly fee and don't have reason.
The Cambodia consulate in Seattle, Washington is another jerk. Well, maybe that's why he was chosen to be one because Hun Sen really needs a person like this consulate to serve him (easy to brainwash).
នៅទីណាមានតំណាងរដ្ធខ្មែរឯបរទេស ទីនោះមាន
សំណូកនិងពុករលួយ ដូចមានលិខិតពីស្រុកបារាំង
និងប្រទេសអាលីម៉ង់ នៅក្នុងអត្ថបទនេះស្រាប់។
បើអាហ៊ុន សេន ពុករលួយ អ្នកធ្វើការក្រោមបង្គាប់
របស់វាក៏ដូចចៅហ្វាយវាដែរ។ វាស្អុយគគ្រុកទាំង
ក្នុងស្រុករហូតដល់ក្រៅស្រុកទៀត នេះចំជាអាមហា
ថ្ងៃអន្សារបស់វាជិតមកដល់ហើយ ពលរដ្ធខ្មែរនិង
ចងកយកទៅសម្លាប់ដូចអាសាដដាំ ហុស្សេនជា
The French embassy staffs (Cambodians) in Phnom Penh are the most corrupted staffs of all embassy staffs in Cambodia as well.
When some one sponsors their spouse or relatives to French, they have to pay the most outrageous extra fees to those staffs.
All ah Hun Sen officials are crooked,
corrupted,and evil behaviors.The whole
Khmer people should find the way out to
get rid of them,but how?
Some Khmer abroad,when they went to work
in Cambodia and they are still crooked
and corrupted.When will Khmer people change these bad behaviors?
Should all Cambodians revolt against them
or just let them do what they want to act
like this forever?
i know, it's seem like it is the people that are evil and corrupted. embassies are supposed to help people, not treating them badly and cheated on them, etc, etc! i think diplomats should take a refresher course on diplomatic courtesy, work ethics, professionalism, etc, etc, really!
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