Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Op-Ed by Uon Sim on Sihanouk and Hun Xen in the Vietnamese hegemony

Op-Ed by Uon Sim on Sihanouk and Hun Xen


Anonymous said...

អាស៊ីហនុនេះ គឺជាឃាដករបំផ្លាញខ្មែរ

លាក់មុខ ដ៏សាហាវបំផុត

អាសីហនុ គឺជានិមិត្តរូប នៃក៏បំផ្លាញជាតិខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

Thank 2:24PM idea.
All Khmer people knew that ah SIHANOUK and Monarchy are traitors and killed and destroyed Cambodia.
In 1960,ah Sihanouk let Vietcong use Khmer soil along Khmer-Vietnam
border,called HO CHI MINH TRAIL to
fight South Vietnam.
In 1970,ah Sihanouk called Vietcong
to kill and invade Cambodia.
And up to now,ah Sihanouk is still
selling and killing Khmer people
just for monarchy and power.
Khmer in Cambodia and abroad should
protest against him and ah Hun Sen
during this NEW YEAR.

Anonymous said...

i think there are more to cambodia than just a handful of some self-serving politician and so forth! let's not forget that, ok!