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Sam Rainsy (Photo: Reuters) |
Dear colleagues,
By now, you must be aware of Kem Sokha's letter to me dated April 18. All the press has received it and has asked for my reply to Kem Sokha's question about the formula for uniting the Sam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights Party: Creation of a new party with a new name, or merger with the SRP?
I've just replied to VOA and RFA that before choosing any FORMULA for a union, we must first show the required SPIRIT for a genuine and sincere union. Such a spirit requires mutual respect and mutual solidarity as real partners in a real union would show to each other.
Therefore, the HRP, if it is sincere, must stop publicly treating the SRP as an enemy by using the same language, the same propaganda tools and the same political tricks (such as displaying "defectors") as the ones used by the CPP in their continuous attempt to "break" the SRP.
If the HRP treats the SRP as an ENNEMY, as the CPP does, how could they hope to become our PARTNER? What ground does the HRP have to treat us as an enemy? We have never committed any crime against the Cambodian people compared to the multiple crimes we reproach the ruling CPP to have committed. On the contrary, we have done our best to defend our country and all the victims of injustices in Cambodia.
In fact, by adopting the CPP's attitude toward us, the HRP is -- willingly or not -- serving the CPP interest and they have become a CPP de facto ally, at a time when the SRP is the main target for the CPP in the face of very serious national problems. Everybody can see that the SRP bears the brunt of the CPP attack on the opposition and the civil society. And curiously the HRP now joins hands with the CPP in attacking the SRP.
This is not the first time that an "Alliance" of democratic forces is due to collapse: Remember the past "alliances" between the SRP and the royalist FUNCINPEC party. Eventually, only the SRP has proved to abide by principles whereas its short-term “allies” proved to be political opportunists manipulated and bought by the CPP.
All the best,
Sam Rainsy
*SAMRAINSY,Should listen some Mao Mony vann voices and check up his party now.
*Some time the real voices are Bitter....but True.
*if samrainsy listen just one site....next time his regime will collapse like lon nol regime soon.
* Mr Lon nol he is a Good Khmer leader since year 1950...But in year 1970-75 his have a lot Bad entourages...and finally...his regime collapse by Pol pot ....etc.....!!!!
It is hard for the opposition to form the alliance, but it is much harder to win the ellection.
Mr Sam Ransy and Mr Kem Sokha,
Here is my suggestion.
I know you tried to unite to each their for a common cause. But is very difficult to achieve your common goal.
Two parties like two cars with different bodies and different engines and different spare parts. You cannot unite together for making into one car. That is impossible. We all must understood about this and face with reality. But you can make into alliance and call it alliance of SRP and HRP. The two cars can work together to bring good business by not to compete to each other.
SRP and HRP can work together as an alliance by making some internal agreement for campaigning during election and for a coalition government. These two parties must help each other during election. Therefore they have to target their own strong electorates. Any electorate which SRP has their candidates, HRP must not put in any candidate. That way, each party will spend less resource and least man power to get strong return. After election, any party who has the most elected MP would be the Prime Minister and the one with least MP will be deputy. The quota for Minister will be allocated at the same way. It will be worked out by looking at number of elected MPs and the one with most MP will get more ministers and least MP will get least Ministers. There is room for working together for a common cause. Remember, Cambodia has adopted a proportion representation system which voters will only vote for the party they want and not like FIRST PAST TO POST which voters vote for a candidate. Therefore in the last three elections were being implemented with a wrong system. THe distribution for the seats should be worked out by the shares of votes gained by each party and not by assuming candidate with higher votes because voters didn't voted for that candidate but for the party.
I urge SRP and HRP to look at this system very carefully and re-amend the implementation accordingly. If they implement with this correct system, SRP and HRP can have more chance to be the Government. If not, I don't think I can even smell any increase in numbers of MP of these two parties at all.
Areak Prey
យកល្អ យើងនៅផ្សេងអំពីគ្នាទៅវិញទៅ វាប្រសើជាងចូលរួមគ្នា ដោយគ្មានភាពស្មោះត្រង់។
kim sokha he a spy viet he is hun sen and CPP DOG he is corruption man he me be the team of traitors
Kem Sokha got his pays from a couple fronts. #1- is from CPP.
Watch out Kem Sokha! His brother still working for CPP.
ខ្ញុំមិនកាន់ជើងខាងណាទេ ប៉ុន្តែមនុស្សសំដីស្រីដូច លោកសុខា ឱ្យតែងាកគឺនិយាយដើមគេនៅក្រោយ ខ្នង។អួតថាបានធ្វើវិបស្សនា តើធ្វើដើម្បីអួតថាបាន ធ្វើ ឬធ្វើដើម្បីកែលំអផ្នត់ចរិតចិត្តគំនិត?កាយវិការ ឬសំដី ឬបំណង ឬទោះជាការនឹកគិត របស់ដែល តាំងខ្លួនជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ គួរណាស់តែប្រយ័ត្នប្រយែង។
4:21 AM,
Do you know Kem Sokha's brother name working for CPP?
There is a concern about SRP joining with HRP. It is very tricky. SRP and HRP should not be joined as one since Kem Sokha was paid by CPP to do the dirty work for CPP. Be careful though!
Thanks for your comment and thanks Areak Prey's input as well.
A new laws must be draft by SRP before each party can be merge for an honest and stronger party. And both parties must be agree and sign a new laws before a merger begin. Agreements by words are nothing.
Hun Sen gets what he wants by breaking his opponents.
He sets the trap and they fall into it.
*The communist lessons from china and viet-nam Hanoi teaching some Low khmer Politicians since year 1975 [KHMER NOT TRUST KHMER].
-Why Samrainsy and Kem sokha not talk Face by face in one place in u.s.a or France?
-Make sure and clean all Bad thing between Both Party.But I guested khmer Politicians like them are so Low mind and not Good 100%.Finally they're the same and will lost to Hanoi and CPP soon.
What about not listening to what Kem, Sokha had said, but investigated or do the internal inspection whether there have been corruption caused by MPs Chhay Eang, Yim Sovann, and Sumara or not. The party(Mr. Rainsy) should not listen to only the three of them, but most of the report from our supporters.
Attention people:
I hope the guy with a loose screw in the head doesn't turn up. He always write lies about Sam Rainy.
Bangkok s'enfonce peu à peu dans la mer
Golfe de Thaïlande : s'organiser ou disparaître
*ENG CHHAY EARNG he is a GAMBLER or not?.his not stop to play cards now?.His play card since year 1992-93 and destroy his father Money since his in Medical Student.
-SAMRAINSY know or not?
-Kem sokha before his join in Politic his have 2 spouses.
-His second wife was living in Phoum vearl sbov Kandal Province.His stop with her now?.
Fucking stupids Khmer people always likes to fight each other. Never fucking geting along. That fucking why the fucking country became the smallest one in S.E.A. Fuckers why can your guys getting along each other and try to save our country from the enemies Yuon and Siames. I'm fucking sicking tired of your bushed politicals party just united together. Can your guys make only two party, enough is enough don't be to ambitious men.
The sad and depressing reality is that even if the SRP and the HRP unite themselves to form a liberal & democratic alliance...they WILL NOT win ANY election in the foreseeable future.
The CPP will ALWAYS stay in power because:
(1) The Royal Cambodian Armed Forces & the National Police is controlled by CPP generals.
(2) Judiciary is very corrupted & bias and will always lean in favor of the CPP.
(3) Government ministries & agencies function more as family-owned private businesses organized by the CPP rather than governmental institutions. An example: A minister uses his position as a proxy & utilize government resources to make profits through business dealings. His wife would help manage it and he would only hire his children as under-secretaries and not some educated and eligible university graduate.
(4) The Cambodian people don't know how to unite. They will protest for ONLY their interests, but not support their neighbors' and countryman's struggle. Cambodians don't know how to come as one.
(5) Cambodians are gullible to propaganda and superstitions.
5:34 AM
I had seen this comment before again and again.
Copy and paste the same statement here and there is not part of the discussion. It's considered as spam.
Rainsy had known Chhay Eang gamble...., but now he listen to his wife and the one side report from his top men
Even though we heard and read same comments for 100 times Khmer people just don't know how to be unity and organize as ONE NATION. People has the same ideas power, corruptions, money and carelessness about their own people and country especially CPP members. Khmer people will be fighting each until nothing left and Hun Sen will stay in power until CAMBODIA is gone from the World Map very soon.
Communist front of CPP: Sold to the Vietcongs.
Royalist front of the Norodoms: Sold to the Vietcongs:
SRP front of democrat: DIVIDED
HRP front of democrat: platform unknown?
While Khmer Nation is being Vietnamized, and Khmer Lands are being encroached by Vietnam & Thailand, hence extinction of Khmer Nation is very near.
Kem Sokha's wife say openly she prefers that her husband runs for Hun Xen because, at least, he receives some (a lot of) money.
So, the only purpose of Kem Sokha's speaks is only to divide SRP...to be paid by Hun Xen.
It's crystal clear !
It's a waste of time for SRP to discuss with him.
MP Samrainsy has the right to protected his party from Hun Xen spies that was send to destroyed Khmer National party and Funcinpec party in the past which MP Samrainsy fully aware of. I don't blame MP Samrainsy for his unwilling to trust Mr Kem Sokha
Since HRP is new and has small amount of Representative they should sacrafice HRP and jiont Samrainsy Party for the sake of our country and Khmer people.
Our country is more important and HRP, put our country above politics and party.
Khmer love Khmer
សំដីលោកសុខាពីរោះដូចទឹកជ្រោះភ្នំគុលេន ស្តាប់ហើយចង់ស្តាប់ទៀត សំដីមានទឹកដម
មានន័យខ្ពស់ក្នុងការអបរំ ប្រកបដោយសិល្បធម៍
អបរំតាមលោកតាក្រមង៉ុយដែលទៅណាមកណាមានតែខ្សែដៀវនឹងសំនួនវោហាទៅណាមកណារាស្រ្តប្រជាចោមរោមស្តាប់មឹនហ៊ានអាក់ខានឡើយ។បើមិនជឿសូមចូលទៅ www.hrpcambodia.info
អើយស្រីស្មោះ ងឲ្យខ្ទើតដូចខ្ទួយ បើអ្នកណាផ្តល់យោបលឫធ្វើឲ្យ
មិនសូវៗហ៊ានដេញ ក្របីដើរចេញបងដេញឲ្យស្រីមើល។អ្នកណាតែង
បទនេះ អីក៏ដូចមេខ្ញុំម្ល៉េះ។
ប៉ន្តែវាមិនទៅមុខសោះ ឥឡូវរទេះភ្លើងចេញដំណើរ
នាវាចេញពីផែហើយ ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាពុំអាចរង់ចាំ
អ្នកលើរួមមិនបាន អ្នកក្រោមគេរួមហើយ។
ខ្មែរត្រូវចាំថា គោលការរបបស់គុម្មនិស គីបំបែកបំបាក់ផ្ទៃក្នុង ធ្វើអោយយើងជាខ្មែរមិនទុកគ្នា រួចហើយទើបគេវាយបកជាក្រោយ បើខ្មែរនៅតែមិនទុកចិត្តគ្នាយ៉ាងនេះ ខ្មែរគ្មានផ្លូវនឹងអាចស្រោចស្រង់ជាតិបានឡើយ ខ្ញុំជឿថា បក្ស SRP ក៍មានរនុកក្នុងរបស់បក្ស CPP មិនតិចដែរចូលបន្លំក្នុងហ្នឹង ដូច្នេះហើយពួកហ្នឹងឯងដែលតែងតែនិយាយញុះញង់បំបែកបំបាក់មិនអោយទុកចិត្តគ្នា ចំណុចល្អរបស់ គិមសុខានោះគី ពេលមានរឿងគាត់មិនដែលរត់ចោលស្រុកទុកអោយអ្នកដែលដើរតាមមានរឿងនោះទេ
Kemp Soka is a fake, its all about himself.
If he wants unity, he don't need to encourage deffection, or boasts.
He should have plan for unity!
Plus He dares not raise a mouth against youn or the cpp.
SRP & HRP are like oil and water; by their nature they are not able to mix; to join; as one solution. SRP wants to float like an oil on the surface of water; and HRP also wants to float the same as SRP. From outside; they are look like shaking hand but they hide the knifes at their back to sharp each other.
In summary; both of them got no way to settle their impossible wish. One way that may happen to them is died by natural death.
Our unfortunate Khmer people has been wearing the same old stinky sock for over 30 years. We have:
1) never taken the sock off
2) never wash/bleach the sock
3) slept with the sock on
4) baunt chern thom with the sock on
5) baunt chern toeut with the sock on
6) sex with the sock on
7) eaten with the sock on
8) jerk off with the sock on
Now it is time to take off this old sock and try some new socks on.
Try any new sock on BUT the CPP's sock.
Let's try on some new sock.
Thai and Vietnam has had used the same tricks to divide and conquer over Khmer.
Sihanouk hated Thai about Preah Vihear,but loved Vietnam and allowed
to use Khmer soil along Khmer border,
Pol Pot worked well with Vietcong,but
later they were against among themselves.
Sihanouk and Khmer Rouge loved and
worked a team,but later Khmer Rouge
kicked Sihanouk out.
All of these were/are Khmer attitudes among themselves.
Khmer never trust Khmer,but they
trust Thai and Yuon just for their
own benefits,"POWER AND MONEY".
The Khmer abroad stopped supporting Kem Sokha,but Sam Rainsy still has a lot of supporters.
Kem Sokha is Hun Sen supporter.
It's really hard to say that a union between the SRP and the HRP to form a democratic alliance will work.
Personally, I don't think it will work.
There's already so much strife and factional dispute and the two parties haven't even merged yet!
I swear, if the SRP and the HRP merge, it's only going to turn into another FUNCINPEC/NRP and eventually there will be so much internal fighting that the opposition movement will collapse and fall apart!
The bottom line that SRP and HRP can't find any formula for uniting, is SRP wants to keep Sam Rainsy's name as the party name at all cost despite Sam Rainsy became a convicted criminal while HRP wants to create a new name party. Other issues are just their pretext to attack each other.
Khmer in Sydney CBD
12:56 PM (Khmer in Sydney CBD)
You are bullshit, a group of Vietnamese communists in Sydney, Australia. Yuon called your group Khmer in Sydney CBD. Are you trying to confuse everyone from the other countries that you are Khmer folks living in Sydney, Australia?
Are you a group of Vietcong communists doing the money laundering between Cambodian and Australia? It sounds like you a group of Communist guys have more freedom in Australia more than in Communist Vietnam, doing the illegal business and making dirty dongs (Vietnam currency) and stealing the land from Cambodia (reals estates).
Ya, dumb dog 3:!1 PM, so what, let your wife come and lick my dick because I have so much money to spend, LOL
4:27 PM,
I have gun to shoot your head with a full load of your Yuon master's mind of killing my Cambodian people before your fucking secret plan to take over Cambodia's land and islands. I will be there in Sydney to look for a group of faked Khmer coming from communist Vietcong. I am not afraid, dude! I want to destroy Yuon bastards like you for my Khmer/Cambodian people's freedom and independence.
You gonna be dead one of these days.
Cont'd from 5:31 PM
To 4:27 PM,
This Yuon idiot deserves to be shot to death. Khmer people have suffered so much and more than enough. Australian government will find out who your group of Khmer Sydney CBD are. I will tell Aussie that you and Yuon bastards are the hidden Yuon communists are illegal to live in Australia and try to destroy the democracy in Cambodia and the democratic movement people who are the victims of your CPP Yuon officials (communist ruling party in Cambodia)and push blind/brainwashed Hun Sen to kill his own Khmer people because of dirty bribery and money stolen from international donors
We Khmer cant even get shit started in here. Too Many personnel attack! on the past and the present. Having 5 wives! sleep with goat!....come on Khmer people. Know how to talk politic... We are fighting against CCP Hun Sen...not your personnel attack.
IF you are a Vietnamese communists in Sydney, Australia swim your fake ass back to VC country theft! you support communist so you dont deserve a democrocy life! Also if you live in the USA support Hun Sen please get your ass back to Cambodia and support your dictator governement.
If all Khmer are joul m-siat-, what is your point posting in here.
Mr. Rainsy does not have to listen to Mao Monyvan. I do not give a dam to this guy. His head was brought up by Mr. Rainsy, whom he now betrays. Khmer peole do not need people like Mao monyvan or Sleng-bitter- peole. They are poison. I have conviction that Mr. Rainsy is intelligent enough not to be tricked or fooled by selfish Kem Sokha and Mao Monyvan. Kem Sokha who is 100% selfish might be Sen's slave who is 100% Viet's slave.
Dear My beloved trusted Sam Rainsy,
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
I respect you from the bottom of my heart.
I depend on you from the bottom of my heart to save Cambodia from being swallowed by Yuon and ruled by selfish dictator.
Please do not integrate, consolidate, intertwine with HRP.
Coalition is OK. Please remain the name SRP, do not change or everything will come apart. I wish, I implore that the name SRP remains forever because you are the symbol, the icon of real Nationalism.
There are two groups of Cambodians-
the traitor and the nationalist. If we are all traitors, we must not have existed by now- we are all yuon and siam. But if we are all nationalists, we do not have to fight with each other like we do now. But we are of two groups.
Hun Sen and cpp are Viet's slave.
There are 70,000 yuon boats floating in Tonle Sap river now. Hun Sen does not say anything. Yuon- civil and military- are everywhre in Cambodia, Hun Sen does not say anything. This is how yuon had taken KampucheaKrom. But many selfish and ignorant Khmer still love Hun Sen, the Yuon's slave. The the nationalist- Mr. Rainsy has to work hard to save the country. But many are still idiot not supporting or even belive him. Sooner or later everyone including Hun Sen, Rainsy, myself and you all, will die but the next generation Khmer will suffer physically and mentally just like khmer kampucheaKrom now.
if one person stole a chicken and another person stole an elephant,
which one is more guilty to be looked into. I do not believe that there are financial curruption in SRP but in CPP.
Look how many people from SRP who has ton of money property mansion and so on like those in CPP. Why people are so concerened about Chhay Eang past gambling when he play with his money for $2000- and he no longer do it. What about multi-million dollare money the CPP stole from the nation. come on, make common sense idiot!.
April 19th, 2011
People have urged the two main opposition parties to unite in order to better the chance of winning the next election.
I like Kem Sokha while he was working for the human right agency. That seems the right job for him, but personal ambition has overwhelmed him to create his own party even though his newly created party has the same principal as the Sam Rainsy party. This would clearly demonstrate that he has put his personal interest before the national interest. He knows and all of us know that the expansionist in the east has been growing its root in our country so deep already. Time is extremely essential for our survival.
Kem Sokha should not and must not have created a party that would have only strengthened the puppet party and created the confusion among our people to decide on which opposition party to select. Kem Sokha should understand the word concession.
Look at Kem Sokha’s poor recent decision. At a time when the two parties were attempting to unite, the puppet party threw bait (one infamous member from Sam Rainsy party ) at him and he bit it. Please try to understand the overall view of the strategy that the expansionist has been using and diligently counter it. Right now even though the puppet party bought some people from Sam Rainsy party or the Human Pain Party, the puppet party does not need to take them to their own party, just make them (the defectors) to go back and forth between your two parties and make a foul out of yourselves.
Presently, the expansionist uses the puppet party to accomplish its goal and luckily it found one dump Khmer, Samdach Dek Koul (because his master hit his head constantly), to achieve it. Approximately 20 to 30 years from now, the expansionist will not need any indigenous Khmer to work for them anymore, because they will have enough of their own people to carry the task.
AND WE ALL LOSE. Samdech DEK KOUL will understand then but it would be too late since he has been allowing the expansionist people flow to our country at will about thirty years. It is right to call him “AH MAHA KBOT CHEAT” right now. Let this current circumstance uncheck, Cambodia will be vanished from the world map in the next fifty or sixty years.
Samdech Dek Koul, open your eye and wake up. Try to sacrifice your life to save our mother land. It may not be too late. I know you are a Khmer too.
With regard to Kem Sokha, whatever actions that you have been taken, and your future actions would only serve directly or indirectly the expansionist interest, because I could not envision that your party will be a threat to the puppet party – just a party to legalize the puppet government before its master take the full control of our country.
Sam Rainsy should not change the name of your party because the expansionist – through the puppet government – will break your party apart by “buying” some of your members to dissolve it as they did to FUNCINPEC. If some of your core members are heavy gamblers as people speculated, they should resign to give your party a better image.
To the so called Nationalist like Kem Sokha, I think enough is enough. Your party is simply detrimental to the Khmer unity. Since both parties have the same principal, why create another one to make a fake two and mix up people’s mind.
Like it or hate it, just keep one Sam Rainsy party because we urgently need to stop the expansionist and time is on the expansionist side.
Best regards,
Sar Sarak
There goes the 2013 election Khmer people!
To 1:57 AM,
Sar Sarak,
Since SRP mentioned that Kem Sokha received the money from CPP Yuon or Hun Sen, that made SRP members feel offensive and think that Kem Sokha is CPP Yuon spy. SRP members worried that CPP Yuon and Kem Sokha will break up large groups of SRP.
Is it true that Kem Sokha involved the money from CPP Yuon and Hun Sen who tried to buy the voters of SRP?
It is stupid that Kem Sokha or any party member who are the money hungers or think about the money. Why did Kem Sokha do something to raise money or talk to SRP members and Sam Rainsy about the money was bribed by CPP Yuon? It is kind of naive for Kem Sokha have been doing to offend the SRP?
Some members or voters said HRP have CPP Yuon women or female voters joined HRP (i.e. Hun Sen's Yuon wife, Bunrany). It is kind of confusing. My question is why Kem Sokha stayed away from the CPP and Hun Sen voters or members who might caused the damages to opposition parties.
Heard that CPP female voters participated the International Women Rights and that really pretended and scared the groups of women that are part of Ms. Mu Sochua and SRP.
I think Kem Sokha is kind of dumb and did not know what he was doing in HRP by involving the CPP and Hun Sen and International Women Right Event that Hun Sen's Yuon wife participated in that event and reached out HRP. Kem Sokha should have stay away from the money or voting buying form CPP bastards and bitches.
Kem Sokah should find the organizations, Human Right Watch groups, international donors org., groups of Khmer people living abroad and so on. Should write the letter to U.N. or International Communities to ask for their supports for the democratic movement in Cambodia so that groups of HRP will receive funds from those organizations. Kem Sokha needs to prove and do something that is right for Cambodia democracy and opposition party.
Kem Sokha is messed up though.
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