Friday, April 29, 2011

Thai troops continue firing into Cambodia: Cambodian commander

PHNOM PENH, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Thai troops still continue launching artillery shells into Cambodian territory at the 13th century Ta Krabei temple in Oddar Meanchey province on early Friday, just a day after both sides agreed to a ceasefire, said a field military commander.

"They have begun firing artillery shells at our troops at Ta Krabei temple at 4:50 a.m. (local time)," Suos Sothea, deputy commander of the artillery unit, told Xinhua by telephone from the battle fields on Friday morning.

"Thai troops may not respect their superior because on Thursday, their military commander had met with our commander and reached a ceasefire, but this morning they still shell at us."

"However, we do not fight back as we comply with the ceasefire, " he said.

Cambodian and Thai troops had exchanged gunfire for seven straight days from April 22-28 over disputed border areas at the 13th century Ta Moan temple and Ta Krabei temple in Oddar Meanchey province.

The fighting had killed eight Cambodian soldiers, six Thai soldiers and one Thai civilian, injuring several dozens, and forcing tens of thousands of the two countries' citizens flee home for safe shelters.

The border between Thailand and Cambodia has never been completely demarcated.

Cambodia's Preah Vihear temple was enlisted as a World Heritage Site on July 7, 2008. But Thailand claims the ownership of 4.6 square kilometers (1.8 square miles) of scrub next to the temple. Just a week after the enlistment, Cambodia and Thailand had a border conflict, triggering a military build-up along the border, and periodic clashes between Cambodian and Thai soldiers have resulted in deaths on both sides.

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