"What the Cambodian People Are Anticipating is Case 002, Not Cases 003 and 004!" (sic!)
Political Analysis by Neth Pheaktra
Phnom Penh Post Khmer, May 20, 2011
(Unofficial English translation from the Khmer article)
Phnom Penh: "I would like to see the full completion of the trial proceedings for Case 002 against the four former senior Khmer Rouge leaders before starting to scrutinize Cases 003 and 004," a survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime commented, adding that Case 002 has great significance for Cambodia’s history and for learning about the inner working of the Communist Party of Kampuchea on how it ordered and planned the killings of the Khmer people.
This case will fill a gap in Cambodia’s history because the question as to "why the Khmer Rouge savagely killed its own people?" has so far not provided an answer to all the victims. Furthermore, these four former senior Khmer Rouge leaders are currently very old and they are ridden with countless diseases.
This clearly shows that what the Cambodian people consider as important and is of great interest to them is Case 002, but not Cases 003 and 004. In fact, the latter two cases are currently facing turmoil among the judicial staff of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal itself. The International Co-Prosecutor would like to pursue the prosecution of these cases, but the National Co-Prosecutor – Mrs. Chea Leang – had released a Press Statement clarifying her position by stating that the suspects in Case 003 are not senior Khmer Rouge leaders nor are they the most responsible individuals of the Democratic Kampuchea regime.
Mrs. Chea Leang underscored in her Press Statement that: "The National Co-Prosecutor holds the position that the suspects in Case 003 do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for prosecution, and the prosecution of the defendants currently detained by the ECCC sufficiently fulfills the mandate of this Tribunal."
What was raised by the National Co-Prosecutor clearly emphasizes the goal of national reconciliation and the protection of political stability in Cambodia which has experienced peace only in the past decade. The push for more prosecutions on former Khmer Rouge cadres by the International Co-Prosecutor for whatever reason can lead to a failure in the national reconciliation process through the Khmer Rouge cases as it would increase the number of prosecutions and create more complications. The Cambodian Premier stated in the past that he would rather see the Khmer Rouge Tribunal fail than allow Cambodia to return to a new civil war.
Nevertheless, to prosecute or not to prosecute is a judicial matter. The Cambodian people want justice but they do not want a return to civil war or turmoil, nor do they want to see any secession zone created from the desire for justice. What the Cambodian people want is for National and International judicial officers to provide clear balance between justice and national reconciliation. Peace in Cambodia came at a heavy cost, financially and in terms of human lives. Therefore, the Cambodian people no longer want to see bloodshed and tragedy anymore.
. . . . .
Published in both English and Khmer editions of The Phnom Penh Post
May 27, 2011
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Theary C. Seng (Photo: Nigel Dickinson, 2010) |
Dear Editor of The Phnom Penh Post:
I am deeply troubled by Neth Pheaktra’s analysis “What the Cambodian People are Anticipating is Case 002, Not Cases 003 and 004!” in the Khmer-language Phnom Penh Post, 20 May 2011. He attributes one quote to an unnamed victim saying that s/he would like to see Case 002 against the “four senior Khmer Rouge leaders fully tried first before moving on to scrutinizing cases 003 and 004”, and goes on to defend the position of the National Co-Prosecutor Chea Leang and Prime Minister Hun Sen against Cases 003 and 004, quoting the Prime Minister that he would rather see the Tribunal fail than allow for political upheaval. In response to the analysis, I’d like to raise three points:
1. Division of Labor. The 40-plus personnel in the Office of Co-Investigating Judges of the Extraordinary Chambers (“ECCC”, or “Tribunal”) can proceed with their investigation of Cases 003 and 004 without interfering in the progress of Case 002. These 40-plus personnel have no role or duties in the trial hearings of Case 002 beginning on June 27. Currently, they are sitting idle, collecting salaries in the range of US$250,000 per month. The numbering of the case files is sequential for purposes of management, but the work on these cases can be done concurrently, especially as they are at different stages in the ECCC process, without overlapping staff or venues.
2. The False Dilemma of Peace vs. Justice. Truth is a pre-condition of justice. Justice is an integral element of peace. There can be no genuine peace without justice; there can be no justice without truth. A fragile peace of temporary stability of the Pyongyang or Burmese ilk cannot last; it will only further imbed impunity, oppression and other social ills into iron-clad destructive mentality. A fragile peace or faux stability is a superficial façade over a boiling kettle of unresolved social injustices. Truth, justice and peace are mutually reinforcing of and not opposed to each other, as argued by Neth Pheaktra, Madam Chea Leang and Prime Minister Hun Sen.
3. Cambodians Demand QUALITY justice, not a figure. We know there is no magical figure as to how many should be tried or indicted. We know it is not practical nor desirable to try everyone with a bloody hand for crimes committed during the period of 17 April 1975 to 7 January 1979. That would be in the hundreds if not thousands, and it would create social chaos and instability, working against the goals of reconciliation. That said, however, the current five is not enough and to push for another five is not unreasonable. Here, to argue social instability is to employ a false pretext, which is the current position of the National Co-Prosecutor and of the Government. In blocking further prosecutions, the Prime Minister is assuming the role of a prosecutor or co-investigating judge, an unacceptable overreach of his political position.
Cambodians will not be satisfied with the current five indictees, especially in light of the US$200,000,000 already spent on this ECCC, for the deaths of 1,700,000 to 2,200,000 loved ones. And there's a real fear that only Duch and one or two of the senior KR leaders in Case 002 will live through the whole trial. This is not an equation that is acceptable to Cambodians—trying only five, with the real possibility that of these five, only three or four will live through the full legal proceedings and be the scapegoats of the KR regime. It's nonsensical math.
In sum, to prosecute or not to prosecute is a judicial decision, not to be decided by politics, if we are to adhere to international standards. International standards of QUALITY JUSTICE of INTEGRITY FOR ALL, including poor Cambodians, not just for the Cambodian elites and people of the developed world. International standards of the United Nations, agreed upon by the Cambodian government for this ECCC.
Theary C. Seng, Founding President
CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education
Ms. Theary C. Seng has certainly provided several good and logical points free from Cambodian politics for the ECCC to consider.
ECCC should never allows Hun Sen and his government to interfere with their works or the legacy of yielding to political pressure at the cost of judicial justice will haunt the UN for many years to come and make the UN look like a powerless fool in the eyes of the Cambodians who expect the UN to be different and thus helping bring them real justice.
Anet Khmer
One should not be driven by her own political agenda. You should also study the primary goal and process of establishment of the court. You have to remember that:
1) It is Cambodian government who has asked UN to help set up the court.
2) It is clear in the agreement between Cambodia and UN that the court will prosecute only KR leaders and the most responsible persons.
Not all Cambodian wants 003 004
,only Theary Seng `s team wants these .Because while the trial could embark to another case and so on ,that means there will be more job created for her team , then Seng Theary `s business would survive so well .
I urge Seng Theary To join CPP right now, as she is a feminine brilliant one ,rather than being attempted to do thing that would put others in trouble .
within CPP her future career could be more competitive and certitude than hanging around this Khmer rouge trial .
Theary Seng, please stop speaking on behalf of Cambodians. Why is it that you always feel your voice is so important so that you keep shouting and no-one else can be heard?
Princess Theary, not Cambodians are stupid enough for not understanding your points.. They are just worrying about what happen if those Khmer Rouge turn Pailin into the battlefield again..
You need to answer this question first, before you pursue what you called "justice for your family"..
Remember: you have american passport..whatever happen in Cambodia, you just simply get your air ticket ready and we have to live in big fucking mess again...
It is uncertain to the definition of the most responsible of the KR leaders. There is conflicting scope of inviting more KR leaders to KRT. During KR regime, military leader of each region is the most powerful man in the defined land. And most of KR commanders had certainly and actively involved in the mass killings. It is an appropriate level to pursue 003 and 004 case.
As for HNH which has recently lost a case in french court, his opposition to the open 003 and 004 has an agenda. He might be included in the criminal list for KRT because he was also the most responsible man at reeducation camp at Beung Trabek which under his supervision, many diplomats and intellectuals had been sent to S21 for execution. He must be responsible for his criminal past. How can he represent khmer in the world stage while evidence show that he is a khmer killers. HNH must go now. why cambodia govt still allow this killer to lead foreign policy? he is a killer. He must be brought to KRT for crime he commited during his supervision at Beung Trabek camp.
Is Theary Seng own KI? Gee, I mean, she is all over KI, TS this TS that...Seem to me it is not about case 003/004 or whatever, it is more about Theary Seng bombarding us with her this and that!
* The khmer king sisowatt sarimattak
-Mr Long Boreth
-Mr Hang Thun Hak
-Mr Lon non [Brother of Mr Lon nol]
-Mr Vong sa Rindy ect......They,re DEAD by Khmer rouge regime under [AMERICAN DOGS]for nothing.No US Govt do some thing for them. in ECCC.
-Si so watt serei roth [choun chorl Mashit for his father]
-Lon Rith [choun chorl mashit for his uncle].
Have something intelligence to say, moron. Write something half of her intelligence and KI will post it for you. But for you jealous moron, don't even dream about it--not in this life time. You are not only limited in intelligence but more importantly HUMANITY.
Ms. Seng, God bless your work and Cambodia.
stop, stop, it is enough problems,
no more cases, no more trials,
theary, she wanted to earn money
to pay her rent in USA.
so, theary, does not care about cambodia futures..
Neth Pheaktra is an opportunist rather than a journalist. His sub-standard political analysis clearly reflects his lack of journalism ethics and professionalism, not to mention his lagging qualification.
Pheaktra's motivation is to use PP Post not to report the events as they happen, but to serve as a propaganda machine for CPP in order to advance his personal greed. What a shame for him and PP Post!
• Ho Sok, 45, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Interior and second ranking FUNCINPEC official in the Ministry of Interior.
• 2-3. Gen Chao Sambath, alias Ngov, Deputy-Chief of the Intelligence and Espionage Department, RCAF Supreme Command since 1993
• 4 and 5. Maj. Gen. Ly Seng Hong, Deputy-Chief of Staff, RCAF General Staff (second highest-ranking FUNCINPEC official in the RCAF General
• 6. Colonel Sok Vireak, Chief, Transmission Bureau, Army General Staff. A former KPNLF General Staff officer in charge of military training who joined Nhek Bun Chhay after the Paris Agreements. Status
• 7. Colonel Thlang Chang Sovannarith, Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Fifth Military Region, RCAF General Staff
• 8. Colonel Hov Sambath, Deputy-chief of Military Training Bureau, RCAF General Staff
• 9. Lietenant Colonel Sao Sophal, 42, an officer of the First Bureau of the RCAF General Staff.
• 10. Navy First Lt. Thach Soeung, aged about 30, an ethnic Khmer from southern Vietnam, stationed at Dang Kaum Navy base on the eastern bank of the Tonle Sap.
• 11 to 14. Seng Phally, Lt. Col. Chao Keang, Chao Tea and Thong Vickika - security officers working under Gen. Chao Sambath.
• Seng Phally, alias Huot Phally, aged 25, single, a gendarme who worked as chief of the security team at the Pipoplok 2 Hotel/Casino
• Lt. Col. Chao Keang, aged about 25. He was an officer in the Research and Intelligence Bureau of Chao Sambath
• Chao Tea, 29, brother of Chao Keang, a security guard at the Regal Hotel/Casino. His body bore a bullet hole in the left side of the chest and in the right side of the stomach. He was also handcuffed and blindfolded
• Thong Vicchika, aged about 27-28, a body-guard of Chao Sambath and a security staff at the Regal Hotel/Casino.
• Dr. Seng Kim Ly, a military medical doctor
• Major Lak Ki, Head of Operations, Research and Intelligence, RCAF High Command
• Four unnamed body-guards of Nhek Bun Chhay were summarily executed after his office-cum-house in Somnang
• Major Lak Ki, Head of Operations, Research and Intelligence, RCAF High Command
• Pheap, a body-guard of Major Lak Ki, in his late twenties
• Dok Rany, 27, an officer and body-guard of Gen. Chao Sambath who worked at the Research and Intelligence Bureau
• Ros Huon, aged 23, Sopheap, aged 25, two alleged members of the Gendarmerie
• Dok Sokhun, alias Michael Senior, a Khmer-Canadian journalist who taught English at ACE Language School in Phnom Penh
• Major Aek Eng (CPP), Head of Administration of Phnom Penh Thmei police station
• At least four, and possibly up to 22 persons described as FUNCINPEC soldiers executed and cremated in Pich Nil on 9, 10 and 11 July 1997 by Military Region 3 soldiers. Status: Confirmed executions in at least 4 cases
• 34 to 36 (and possibly 45). On 17 July, at about noon time, the body of a soldier was witnessed floating near the bank of the Tone Bassac near the Watt Chum Leap, in the village of the same name, Rokakpong commune, Saang district, Kandal province. The body was headless and both hands were tied up behind the back with a kramma. It was dressed in dark olive military uniform
• 37 and 38. Two unidentified men, blindfolded and with their hands tied behind the back. Status: Confirmed executions
• Pheap, aged 33, a bodyguard of the First Prime Minister. Status: Confirmed execution.
• Sok Vanthorn, 21 and Sou Sal, two villagers from Ampeov village, Kompong Speu province. Status: Confirmed execution.
• Brig. Gen. Chea Rittichutt, a founding member of the Moulinaka movement and the Governor of Kep-Bokor
• Navy officer Meas Sarou, Deputy-director, First Bureau, Navy, based in Chrouy Changvar, and one of his body-guards, and a third person, a woman named Luch.
• Ung Sim, Second Deputy Governor, Kompong Speu province - missing since his arrest, reportedly near Pich Nil by CPP soldiers on 7 or 8 July 1997.
• Col. Sam Sarath, Deputy Chief-of-Staff, Third Military Region
• Put Som Ang, male, aged 42, a KNP activisit in Siem Reap province, and Sam Sophan, 38, an activist in Takeo province
• Major So Lay Sak and Major Chin Vannak, officers working in the Logisitics department of the RCAF General Staff
• Som Taing, Deputy Chief, Inspection Office, Provincial Governor's Office, Kompong Speu
• Chum Sarith, Chief, Criminal Bureau, Provincial Police, Sihanoukville
Forty-six bodies were brought in and dumped at the crematorium of a Phnom Penh pagoda between 5 and 9 July
In the case of Ho Sok (executed on 7 July, brought to Watt Lanka on 8 July); of Seng Phally, Chao Keang, Chao Tea and Thong Viccheka (executed on 5-6 July and brought by the police to Wat Unalom on the morning of 7 July - see cases number 13-16 above) and in the case of a fifth corpse which was brought to the same pagoda on the same morning, but which could not be identified, the police ordered that cremation of the bodies be conducted without question and without proper cremation permit.
Between 9 and 11 July, according to a variety of reliable corroborating accounts, the bodies of 4 and probably up to 22 soldiers were alleged to have been executed in Pich Nil and burned
Plus many and many more names with lose count that order and executed by Hun Sen and CPP.
KI, please stop promoting the case against former Khmer rouge leaders.
Former Khmer Rouges are not the thread to Cambodia, Yourn is.
we must be united to fight and kick all Yourn out of Cambodia and we can use all former Khmer rouge force.
They are good fighters and Yourn hater just like us, (except Yourn dogs CPP).
We must create a movement similar to 1970' s in each villages to control who are Khmer and who are not. Every villagers must have guns to protect their village against outsiders.
We need the top Khmer Rouge leaders
to Khmer Rouge court:Sihanouk,
Monique,Khiev Samphan,Nuon Chea, Eang Sary,Eng Thirith.
Look at the Intl Court in Haque,
they caught and sent few intl
committed crimes only.How
come there are so many cases in Cambodia?
Khmer are worrying about Vietnam
and Thai,but the main one is Vietnam.What is it doing in Srok
Khmer?Could all Khmer people take a close look?The Vietnam is a intruder.It is taking Khmer sea water,Khmer islands,Khmer along border land,and sending 6,000,000
Vietnam immigrants in Cambodia.
The Vietnam is controlling politics
,businesses,and etc...
The Vietnam has huge seven rubber fields in Cambodia with 99 years
contracts.Why did Cambodia lose
Rong Damrei province to Vietnam in 1683 and lose the whole Khmer Krom
completely in 1949?
Cambodia needs unity,strength,and
courage against Hun Sen and Vietnamese in Cambodia.
I fully supported case 003 and 004 investigation. Those involved with KR regime must be accountable for your actions.
with all what have seen, theary seng is intelligent with all of the writing but not very bright.
A lot Funcinpec loyalis are muredered by Hun Sen during 1997 coup but Prince Ranaridth and Bun Chay are join CPP to be rich. They are eat great foods, drink champoin, using Viagra to increase their sex life with young girls everyday.
What're about the victims of 1997 coup? Prince Ranaridth and his high rank officers are betray these victims innocent blood for their sake.
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