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(Photo: AFP/File, Tang Chhin Sothy) |
Friday, May 20, 2011
Cambodia's premium people's mover: Mule Men
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ទៅរួចលោកសង្ឃអស់នេះ ។
The place is just 200m away from the big mekong river. How stupid they are to let this place to be flooded?. They should have good drainage system to take this water out to the mekong.
That is why I called them PhD graduated but couldn't resolve the real job. It needs good machine operator to do it.
Areak Prey
Monk in srok khmer is out of control.
This is not the right teaching...
OK, how many merits do they earn for carrying those monks on their backs?
There was a story about 2 monks came across a flood, and a woman need one of the monk to carry her piggyback to the other side. The two monks look at each other. The younger monk said it's not a good idea. However the elder carried her anyway.
One hour gone passed, two hours gone passed, the younger monk broke his silent and said to the elder monk "How could you do that?" "It's not posswible."
The elder monk looked at the younger monk and said "Ohh you are still carried her in your mind, I put her down hours ago."
How many of us still carried bad memory in our mind that we should put down years ago.
Louk 100 50 4 water?
It is embarrassing to see our city flooded like that... Shouldn't we already knew that Cambodia is in the tropical monsoon region and so drainage system should designed to accommodate as such??
Cambodia is a low land country,it
happened in 1951 when I was 13 years
old.All Highways covered with water
flood.People could rowed boats on
highways,10 days later the flood
down.What a year!
It happened before,then it is happening again.
It happened and happening anywhere
on earth.That is what the planet earth can be.
All the lakes around the capitol are all fill up with sand that's why there is flood all over .The water have no way to go.
Are these 2 months paralysed?. If they don't want to walk by themselves,let them drown.
From a Cambodian Buddhist, Ppenh
It's too much! These 2 monks are physically dependant on others. The carriers must be killed and the monks must be drowned.
A PPenh resident
This is how Ah Hun Sen leads Cambodia to disaster. He gave BoungKok Lake and other lake to private company to fill it up. He doesn't know that in the old day the engineer created this lake to contain the water from flooding the city. But, ah Hun Sen did the reverse. He tried to destroy Cambodia piece by piece. He tries his best to sell everything Cambodia owns to his master Youn. He now has a billion dollar in Swish bank account.
Get rid of him by overthrow him. I totally support Mr. Sam Rainsy to overthrow Ah traitor Hun Sen before he destroys Cambodia for Youn's interest.
An image tells thousand words!
phnom penh city and the rest of cambodia always see seasonal flooding, water inundated from the mighty mekong river and the great lake of tonle sap; thank god, the flood water receded as fast as they are flooding the land of khmer. i guess, it a natural cycle in cambodia to have flooding like this, you know! god bless my beautiful country cambodia and all of our beautiful khmer people and citizens.
សូមមេត្តាកុំធ្វើការវិនិច្ឆ័យអវិជ្ចមានពេក៖ រូបនេះមានន័យជ្រៅជ្រះ បង្ហាញអំពីស្មារតីគោរព ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនានៃប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ទោះជាក្នុង ស្ថានភាពណាក៏ដោយ គេតែងទុកព្រះសង្ឃជា បុគ្គលដែលត្រូវតែគោរពបូជា ត្រូវជួយសង្គ្រោះ ជួយចម្លង ដោយហេតុថាទោះជាប្រទេសជាតិ ធ្លាក់ក្នុងវិបត្តិស្ទើរតែនឹងរលត់រលាយ គឺវត្តអារាម និងព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនានោះហើយដែលតែងជួយជា ជម្រកព្រលឹងជាតិឱ្យនៅរស់គង់វង្ស សម្រាប់បន្ត ជីវិតទៅមុខទៀត។ រឿងកំហុសព្រះសង្ឃខ្លះ គឺជាកំហុសបុគ្គល មិនអាចថាព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា អាក្រក់បានទេព្រោះព្រះសង្ឃក៏ជាកូនមនុស្សអ្នក ស្រុកធម្មតាដែលទៅបួស មិនអាចសុទ្ធតែល្អនិង ត្រូវទាំងអស់បានទេ។ ការរិះគន់ដោយគ្មានសុភ-និច្ឆ័យ មិនល្អចំពោះជាតិខ្មែរយើងទេ វាបាន ទាំងបង្ហាញភាពចម្រូងចម្រាស់ក្នុងសង្គមមួយ ដែលមិនងាយនឹងរកចំណុចរួមសម្រាប់សាមគ្គីភាពខ្មែរ។ ខ្ញុំសឹងតែមិនជឿ ថាសង្គមខ្មែរមានមនុស្ស មានទស្សនៈចម្លែកៗដល់ថ្នាក់ហ្នឹងសោះ។ តាមច្បាប់ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា អ្នកជួយចម្លង ព្រះសង្ឃដូចក្នុងរូបនេះ ត្រូវបានទទួល ផលអនិសង្សច្រើនជាអនេក។ចុះអ្នកដែលចាំតែរិះគន់វិញ បានទទួផលជាអ្វី? នោះសូមពិចារណា ខ្លួនលោកចុះ។
Hun Cent should leave nature to the way it was. Greed on money destroy things to other people 100 times more on the amount of blood money he gained. He sold the lakes to commercial enterprises to fill up with land in order to build apartments and so on.
9:43 AM, What do you expect from HUN sen, the guy who never been to school?
The reason he is the prime minister because Yourn made him and the reasons that Yourn made him to be prime minister for life because he let Yourns come to live in Cambodia as they please and he gives Khmer Lands to Yourn as much as they want. Other than that, there is no qualification for that idiot to be prime minister.
He is a pure jungle person. Each time he opens his mouth, tons of shits coming out.
11:17 am I agree with you on that, but what a bout His son should know better and what is he dong right now ?
shut up! boeng kak lake must go, ok! it's so unsightly! who want or need a mosquito-infested lake right in the center of phnom penh and so forth, really! stopping development is not the answer, ok; instead focus more on gov't social services reforms like provide housing, sanitation, infrastructure, etc, etc, to the people and citizens, ok! be smarter and wiser by now, ok! get educated, please! cambodia can use more educated people and citizens, really!
ដោយសេចក្ដីគោរពនិងជ្រះថ្លាដ៏បរិសុទ្ធ, វាមិនមែនជាការខុសឆ្គងអ្វីឡើយ គេអាចធ្វើដូចនេះបាន។ អ្នកសាសនានៅប្រទេសផ្សេងៗ មានថៃលាវ ជាអាទិ ក៏គេមានហែ សែង -នាគ ឬអ្នកបួសដូចនេះផងដែរ នៅពេលមានពិធីបុណ្យទាន។ គ្រាន់តែលុយទឹកប៉ុណ្ណឹង លោកមិនមែនដាច់ខ្យល់ងាប់ឡើយ៕
ដោយសេចក្ដីគោរពនិងជ្រះថ្លាដ៏បរិសុទ្ធ, វាមិនមែនជាការខុសឆ្គងអ្វីឡើយ គេអាចធ្វើដូចនេះបាន។ អ្នកសាសនានៅប្រទេសផ្សេងៗ មានថៃលាវ ជាអាទិ ក៏គេមានហែ សែង -នាគ ឬអ្នកបួសដូចនេះផងដែរ នៅពេលមានពិធីបុណ្យទាន។ គ្រាន់តែលុយទឹកប៉ុណ្ណឹង លោកមិនមែនដាច់ខ្យល់ងាប់ឡើយ៕
ខ្ញុំយល់ថា វាមិនអាក្រក់ហួសហេតុពេកទេក្នុងការ
ជួយចំឡងព្រះសង្ឃពីរព្រះអង្គនេះ។ ពីព្រោះ
ខ្មែរ ហើយការចំឡងព្រះសង្ឃពីរព្រះអង្គនេះគឺជា
តាមពិតវាមិនឆ្ងាយមែន ប៉ុន្តែវាក៏ជារូបភាពមួយ
បានបញ្ជាក់អំពីសង្គហធម័ មានការជួយសង្គ្រោះ
អ្នកមានសីល ចាស់ជរា កុមារ ស្រ្តីមានផ្ទៃពោះ
ជាដើម ។ល។
តែបើនិយាយពីអានិសង្សវិញញោមទាំងពីរនាក់បានទទួលច្រើនរាប់មិនអស់ ព្រោះនៅអតីតជាតិរបស់ព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធនៃយើង គឺព្រះអង្គកើតជាពោធិសត្វព្រះនាមសុមេធៈមាណព ដែលមានសទ្ធានៅក្នុងព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនារបស់សម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធព្រះនាមទីបង្ករ សុមេធៈមាណពបានសាងផ្លូវថ្នល់តែសាងផ្លូវមិនទាន់ហើយ នាពេលនោះព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធទីបង្ករក៏ស្ដេចយាងមក សុមេធៈមាណពក៏បានដេកយកខ្លួនធ្វើជាស្ពានលើថ្លុកទឹកដីភក់ដើម្បីឲ្យព្រះអង្គជាន់លើខ្លួនយាងឆ្លងកាត់ថ្លុកទឹក រួចហើយព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធទីបង្ករបានព្យាករណ៍បានថា នាពេលអនាគតសុមេធៈមាណពក៏នឹងបានត្រាស់ដឹងជាព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធព្រះនាមថាសមណៈគោតម…
The government should invest in city pipes. This photo paint a grim reality of corrupt government.
The level of corruption is not like other countries, I'd like to give a new name for it, "corrupt super glue government", which mean it could not be disassemble by force, they will have to take to their grave with them.
I respect and bilieve in Buddhism. But I am strongly against this shameful pictures of monks carried on the back by 2 stupid men.
Bilieve in Religion and any religion you like, but don't be stupid until doing stupid things like this.
I bilieve in Religion But I will never put my life before the religion.
អ្នកដែលចាំថាចេះតែថាចេះតែរិះគន់ទៅតែពួកអ្នកដែលរិះគន់គ្មានជួយអ្វីទាំងអស់ដល់ព្រះសង្ឃ សូម្បីតែឃើញព្រះសង្ឃនិមន្តដើរក៏គ្មានលើកដៃសំពះផង ហើយខ្ញុំតែងតែសង្គេតមើលអ្នកដែលឩស្សាហ៍រិះគន់ដល់អ្នកដទៃឫព្រះសង្ឃជាដើម គឺតែងតែចាំកំហុសតែប៉ុណ្ណោះឯង។
តែការធ្វើបុណ្យធ្វើទានវិញគឺគ្មានទេចំពោះពួកអ្នកចាំរិះគន់ តែចំណែកអ្នកមិនរិះគន់វិញចេះធ្វើបុណ្យធ្វើទាន និងចេះលើកដៃសំពះដល់ព្រះសង្ឃ និងចាស់ទំណាស់៕
This was from CPP Yuon operations and administration under the dumbest Hun Sen. Hun Sen did not proved his education level because he was a son of peasant family who used to serve as Khmer Rouges and then fled to Vietnam after he was shot in one of his eyes during during the war and met with his Yuon wife falsely named Bun Rany (Cambodian name). Later dumb idiot Hun Sen came back with his Communist Vietnamese comrades and armies to invade Cambodia and captured Phnom Penh easily. Can you seen how dumb and blind Hun Sen was? Hun Sen did not have experiences to lead Cambodia when he was purposely and illegally installed as a Crime (Prime) Minister by Communist Hanoi masters in Vietnam after a form PM Pen Sovan was ousted and put in jail in Hanoi, Vietnam. Former PM Pen Sovan did not allowed illegal Vietnamese people to enter Cambodian territory and had other political problem with Communist Vietnamese masters in Hanoi. Hun Sen has been using Communist Vietnamese masters or leaders and CPP Yuon comrades as his guiders or guidance or guides for more than three decades.
Khmer/Cambodian people have already known that Hun Sen talked nonsense or talk rubbish like a Hanoi jailer or prisoner. His CPP Yuon comrades and communist Hanoi masters have been using him as their strategies to over take everything from Cambodia to Vietnam, secretly stealing the money ($) before reaching out to poop and innocent Cambodian/Khmer people (before donors blamed Hun Sen and Cambodian government instead of Communist Hanoi crooks/thieves or masters in Vietnam and CPP Yuon officials like Sok An, Hor Nam Hong, etc).
Cambodia has been beyond the problems coming the dumbest PM Hun Sen, CPP Yuon comrades under the secret control of Hanoi masters.
Cambodian people at home and abroad including the international communities and the UN can not stand those Vietnamese crooks or masters and Hun Sen any more. It is really out of control and beyond the serious issues about CPP Vietnamese officials in Phnom Penh, Communist Hanoi masters/thieves and Hun Sen as well as Hun Sen's Vietnamese wife.
These 2 idiotic monks should be ashamed of themselves. Look at them, they are very young and they could not crss this body of water by themselves.
How on earth are they going to be able to do some volunteering works to help the poor in their community?
They are certainly lazy and useless monks!
These 2 idiotic monks should be ashamed of themselves. Look at them, they are very young and they could not crss this body of water by themselves.
How on earth are they going to be able to do some volunteering works to help the poor in their community?
They are certainly lazy and useless monks!
1:57AM! you Stupid Head try to wear the robe and ward in the water!
1:57AM! you Stupid Head try to wear the robe and ward in the water!
ខ្ជិលនេះខ្ជិលជ្រុល ។អាអ្នកជួយអៀវនោះក៏ភ្លើទៀតទំលាក់ចោលទៅមិនបាន។បើថាចាស់ទៅមិនអីទេ ចេះតែជួយទៅ តែពីរនាក់ជិះគេនេះគឺជាមនុស្សហួសនិយាយ ។
they only do this for the photo, don't be ignorant, ok!
i know, two lazy monks don't represent the sacred, pretigious, real educated khmer monks, you know! of course, there are lots of monks in cambodia, you know! so stop being biased on cambodia, ok!
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