Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ECCC Reform must include the resignations of UN Knut Rosandhaug and UN Siegfried Blunk

PHNOM PENH, 12 May 2011:  The president and founder of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia (AKRVC), Ms. Theary C. SENG, calls for the resignations of UN top administrator Knut Rosandhaug and UN co-investigating judge Siegfried Blunk for their anti-victim actions and policies which work against the main goals of the Extraordinary Chambers (ECCC) of justice (truth-seeking) and reconciliation (meaningful victims’ engagement).
These men have soiled the ideals of truth, justice, reconciliation for the Cambodian victims in their anti-victim actions and policies.  Their actions will further imbed the already deeply ingrained cynicism of the Cambodian population, the worst legacy imaginable for this fragile society of great distrust and trauma, as we struggle in the process of healing.
- Theary C. Seng

PRESS RELEASE: Victims Associatio​n president calls for the resignatio​ns of UN administra​tor Knut Rosandhaug and co-investi​gating judge Siegfried Blunk




Anonymous said...

it is funny how Theary Seng dreams up all these associations and NGOs of which she is the self-appointed president, even though she appears to be the only member.

Her ignorance of the most basic principles of the law make her constant 'press releases' quite entertaining.

Nevertheless, I would like to appeal to KI Media not to serve as the prostitue propaganda tool for Theary Seng to throw her dirt at just about anyone who disagrees with her. Better to get back to reporting the news and we will all be happier.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is constantly soiling the ideals of truth, justice, reconciliation for the Cambodian victims by marginalizing all the Khmer victim, undermining the integrity of the court and also by constantly bothering those people who are really fighting for truth, justice and reconciliation, rather than self-promotion, as Theary Seng does.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng, please write to whatever institution awarded your law degree and ask your money back. To make sure, just enclose some of your recent posts here and I am sure they will understand right away that you have not the slightest clue about the law and will happily return your money.

Anonymous said...

Press Release: The president of the KI reader association calls for Theary Seng to cease spamming KI-Media and to shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

great, theary.

Anonymous said...

go back home Missier Knut Rosandhaug and Siegfried Blunk to fuck your wife. We, the victims don't need you.

Anonymous said...

That's why it is critically imperative that the National Assembly MUST pass the new law to reduce the number of these loose cannons.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Theary, I understand that you envy these people, because they have real qualifications, real jobs but also real compassion and dedication.

You in contrast, have non of these. You are just a cheap bitch throwing dirt at people because you envy them so badly. But envy is the purest form of recognition, so I think Khnut and Siegfried would be pleased to read your not, if they had the time to read your rubbish, which I am sure they don't, because they got stuff to do. And they actually know what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Only those who support KR and Hun Sen who see what Theary Seng has been dong right now is bother to them. Justice cannot be serve unless all due process has been applied. In this case we can see from the start that the KR tribunal is biased and the UN is trying to go a long with it. So Khmer vitims will never get justice.

Anonymous said...

no-one has ever benefited from what Theary Seng does, except herself.

What a hypocritical bitch to have never done anything of value to anyone else yet never cease to throw dirt at decent people.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng talks always like 'we, we, we', like she has a mandate to talk on behalf of Cambodians, Cambodian victims or any other group she pretends to be representing.

Shut up or talk for yourself, you fucking narcissistic bitch!