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Kem Sokha (Photo: Den Ayuthyea, RFA) |
By Kim Peou
Translated by Soy
Radio Free Asia
Click here to read the original article in Khmer
The election season is not here yet, but politicians are attacking one another little by little already in order to seek popularity.
On Sunday 29 May, a tape recorded showing the conversation between Kem Sokha, president of the HRP, and Hun Xen was distributed to several news media. The tape provided the conservation between Kem Sokha and Hun Sen that took place in 2007. Kem Sokha said that the tape is real but that he is not a puppet of the CPP.
He claimed that the ruling party is scared about losing its support to the HRP, that’s why it was releasing these issues. He said that these problems do not bring any concerns to him: “After destroying Funcinpec, they destroyed the Sam Rainsy Party, now they want to destroy the HRP also, so this is their timing only. Yesterday, they called me over the phone to tell me that they will do something, that is why they threatened me.”
Kem Sokha issued the comments above after a secret tape was posted by the Deum Ampil News revealing the entire length of the conservation between him and Hun Xen. The tape also showed the HRP’s nakedness, and it also shows that the HRP is a party formed by Hun Xen to destroy the SRP.
The conversation shows that Hun Xen praised the victory of the HRP through his financial support, as well Hun Xen’s support by providing a venue for the HRP’s congress at the Olympic stadium. Hun Xen also provided additional ideas to Kem Sokha so that the latter will use people from the SRP to work with him, etc…
Kem Sokha claimed that he did reply as shown on the tape because he wanted to form the HRP so that he can hold a large party congress that can accommodate between 20 to 30,000 people, but he did not promise to serve the CPP at all.
CPP MP Cheam Yeap denied that the CPP was not involved with the HRP. He claimed that the tape is not real: “I tell you, right now, the production can be imitated by computer due to modern technology.”
Regarding this issue, Yim Sovann, SRP Spokesman, said that this tape is not unusual. The SRP knows that the HRP is a party that was set up by the CPP in order to divide the voice of the opposition and this has been going on for a long time already: “This information is very regrettable, because it shows that Cambodian politicians are not truthful. The majority of them are puppets of the ruling party. I believe that the people will understand this issue clearly.”
The HRP was formed in 2007 after Kem Sokha, the former president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), resigned from his position. The HRP received 3 seats during the 2008 election. Up to now, the HRP and the SRP have tried to reach an alliance, but the plan has failed.
don't be bias and partison! some of us just want to work together for the common cause and for the sake of cambodia. of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! scam rainsy always forget that! of course, khmer hated youn for what they did to cambodia like steal our lands, territories, etc, etc, however, continuously attack cambodian gov't with the pretext or lame excuse of youn card is detrimental to the development and prosperity of cambodia and our khmer people, you know! wake up already, ok! there are times like during contested election when we compete, and when election is over and finish, we should always work together for the sake of cambodia, ok! don't be so stupid already, really! show khmer people that you are smarter and wiser, ok!
គណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ជាគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល អោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន។
កឹម សុខា ជាប្រធានគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន។
ថ្ងៃនេះយើងស្ដាប់ឮជាក់និងត្រចៀករបស់យើង យ៉ាងច្បាស់លាស់ហើយ ថា៖
កឹម សុខា ពិតជាប្រធានគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួនមែន។
រួមបញ្ចូលទាំងកូនស្ដេចសីហនុ ចូលរួមទៅលិតបាតជើង ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួនផងដែរ។
ពួកនេះជ្រៅតែមាត់ គំនិតរាក់កំផេល ...!
ពួកអាពូជខ្ញុំគេ ៥រយជាតិ....!
There more twists to this story than what it's written here.
If HRP was created and financial by CPP and the phone conversation that allegedly between Kem So Kha and Hun Sen did happen and it was recorded,
who did the recording??
Why, DAP who run by that clown Soy Sopheap, a pro CPP could print that phone conversation without getting trouble from Hun Sen, as we all know what type of Hun Sen' s personally.
Is Mike right that we fell into Yourn trap by destroying and accusing each other blindly without cause?
In Khmer Rouge' s, they accused us of being state enemy before they killed us, by the time the madness was over, almost 2 millions of us were perished.
គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី ទូរទាំងពិភពលោកអំពាវនាវ
សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ប្រយ័ត្ន កឹម សុខា អោយមែនទែន..!
ពីព្រោះបុគ្គលនេះបានលក់ ឧត្ដមគតិ, មនសិការនឹង
សតិសម្បជ្ជញ្ញ: ទៅបំរើបនក្បត់ជាតិអាយ៉ងយួនកុម្មុយនីស្ដ តាំងពីចុះហត្ថលេខាដោះលែងពីគុកព្រៃសមកម្ល៉េះ..!
The truth is Kem Sokha and the HRP are not aligned with the CPP and are not influenced by the CPP. Both Sam Rainsy (SRP) and Kem Sokha (HRP) are the only front runners of any type of opposition against Hun Sen's CPP.
Hun Sen and his agents are using proxies within both the SRP & the HRP to destroy each other and both the SRP and the HRP are blinded by this. This is the reason why an alliance between the SRP and the HRP is not possible because the inner workings of Hun Sen have already infiltrated those two parties and this makes both opposition parties suspicious of each other.
In my opinion, Kem Sokha's HRP are more vulnerable to Hun Sen & the CPP agents infiltration than the SRP.
THE BEST WAY TO DESTROY KHMER PEOPLE IS HAVING KHMER FIGHT KHMER. The Vietnamese have done it MANY times throughout history and Hun Sen has learned well from his Yuon masters.
ហេតុអ្វីបបានជា សម រង្សី មិនទទួលចង សម្ពន្ធភាពជាមួយ កឹម សុខា ?
ពីព្រោះសម រង្សី ស្គាល់ក្រយៅក្បាលកឹម សុខា ដុះនៅឯណាយ៉ាងច្បាស់ណាស់។
គណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ជាគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល អោយពួកក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន។
កឹម សុខាជាប្រធានគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកកញ្ជះយួន។
មេបោក កឹម សុខា គេបានប្រាប់ក្នុងមហាសន្និបាតមួយ
នៅក្រៅប្រទេស គឺនៅ Philadelphia រដ្ឋ Pennsylvania, USA
ថា គេនឹងទៅដណ្ដើមយកកៅអីអង្គុយយ៉ាងតិចឱ្យបាន៤៥ដែរ ។
អ្នកវិភាគឯករាជ បានខ្សឹបប្រាប់ថា សម្ដេចឱ្យ២កៅអីហ្នឹង
ខ្លួនមួយកុំចង់ជិះទូកពីរ..បី..ប្រយ័ត្នក្បត់កិច្ច សន្យាងាប់ខ្លួនណា...
ប្រាប់អោយធ្វើអី ធ្វើហ្នឹងទៅ...
Mr Kem Soka is an opportunitic man who help CPP to murder khmer people and sell out cAMBODIA cheap to Vietnam. He is a true khmer traitor.
He and his families won't live long as his sin fllow him every second.
ខ្មែរអើយខ្មែរ កុំភ្លើពេក ហ៊ុនសែន, កឹម សុខា សមរង្ស៊ី គឺដូចតែគ្នាទេ ។
អាក្ដណា ដូច អាក្ដណាទេ
កឹម សុខា ជាពង ខាងឆ្វេង
សមរង្ស៊ី ជាពង ខាងស្ដាំ...
So the marriage between Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha didn't materialized? Now, the two dogs are biting each other again until the next proposal?
There will be more news about this lier who destroy khmer democracy.
Some more documents will disclose as time appropriate.
He knows that Khmer people believe in swear word so he did for himself when asked by Khmer Post reporter to convince khmer that he his an honest and working for khmer.
LIST OF INSTANCES OF EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS during 1997 coup by PM Hun Sen. These people with their name list below were murdered by PM Hun Sen.
• Ho Sok, 45, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Interior and second ranking FUNCINPEC official in the Ministry of Interior.
• 2-3. Gen Chao Sambath, alias Ngov, Deputy-Chief of the Intelligence and Espionage Department, RCAF Supreme Command since 1993
• 4 and 5. Maj. Gen. Ly Seng Hong, Deputy-Chief of Staff, RCAF General Staff (second highest-ranking FUNCINPEC official in the RCAF General
• 6. Colonel Sok Vireak, Chief, Transmission Bureau, Army General Staff. A former KPNLF General Staff officer in charge of military training who joined Nhek Bun Chhay after the Paris Agreements. Status
• 7. Colonel Thlang Chang Sovannarith, Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Fifth Military Region, RCAF General Staff
• 8. Colonel Hov Sambath, Deputy-chief of Military Training Bureau, RCAF General Staff
• 9. Lietenant Colonel Sao Sophal, 42, an officer of the First Bureau of the RCAF General Staff.
• 10. Navy First Lt. Thach Soeung, aged about 30, an ethnic Khmer from southern Vietnam, stationed at Dang Kaum Navy base on the eastern bank of the Tonle Sap.
• 11 to 14. Seng Phally, Lt. Col. Chao Keang, Chao Tea and Thong Vickika - security officers working under Gen. Chao Sambath.
• Seng Phally, alias Huot Phally, aged 25, single, a gendarme who worked as chief of the security team at the Pipoplok 2 Hotel/Casino
• Lt. Col. Chao Keang, aged about 25. He was an officer in the Research and Intelligence Bureau of Chao Sambath
• Chao Tea, 29, brother of Chao Keang, a security guard at the Regal Hotel/Casino. His body bore a bullet hole in the left side of the chest and in the right side of the stomach. He was also handcuffed and blindfolded
• Thong Vicchika, aged about 27-28, a body-guard of Chao Sambath and a security staff at the Regal Hotel/Casino.
• Dr. Seng Kim Ly, a military medical doctor
• Major Lak Ki, Head of Operations, Research and Intelligence, RCAF High Command
• Four unnamed body-guards of Nhek Bun Chhay were summarily executed after his office-cum-house in Somnang
• Major Lak Ki, Head of Operations, Research and Intelligence, RCAF High Command
• Pheap, a body-guard of Major Lak Ki, in his late twenties
• Dok Rany, 27, an officer and body-guard of Gen. Chao Sambath who worked at the Research and Intelligence Bureau
• Ros Huon, aged 23, Sopheap, aged 25, two alleged members of the Gendarmerie
• Dok Sokhun, alias Michael Senior, a Khmer-Canadian journalist who taught English at ACE Language School in Phnom Penh
• Major Aek Eng (CPP), Head of Administration of Phnom Penh Thmei police station
• At least four, and possibly up to 22 persons described as FUNCINPEC soldiers executed and cremated in Pich Nil on 9, 10 and 11 July 1997 by Military Region 3 soldiers. Status: Confirmed executions in at least 4 cases
• 34 to 36 (and possibly 45). On 17 July, at about noon time, the body of a soldier was witnessed floating near the bank of the Tone Bassac near the Watt Chum Leap, in the village of the same name, Rokakpong commune, Saang district, Kandal province. The body was headless and both hands were tied up behind the back with a kramma. It was dressed in dark olive military uniform
• 37 and 38. Two unidentified men, blindfolded and with their hands tied behind the back. Status: Confirmed executions
• Pheap, aged 33, a bodyguard of the First Prime Minister. Status: Confirmed execution.
• Sok Vanthorn, 21 and Sou Sal, two villagers from Ampeov village, Kompong Speu province. Status: Confirmed execution.
• Brig. Gen. Chea Rittichutt, a founding member of the Moulinaka movement and the Governor of Kep-Bokor
• Navy officer Meas Sarou, Deputy-director, First Bureau, Navy, based in Chrouy Changvar, and one of his body-guards, and a third person, a woman named Luch.
• Ung Sim, Second Deputy Governor, Kompong Speu province - missing since his arrest, reportedly near Pich Nil by CPP soldiers on 7 or 8 July 1997.
• Col. Sam Sarath, Deputy Chief-of-Staff, Third Military Region
• Put Som Ang, male, aged 42, a KNP activisit in Siem Reap province, and Sam Sophan, 38, an activist in Takeo province
• Major So Lay Sak and Major Chin Vannak, officers working in the Logisitics department of the RCAF General Staff
• Som Taing, Deputy Chief, Inspection Office, Provincial Governor's Office, Kompong Speu
• Chum Sarith, Chief, Criminal Bureau, Provincial Police, Sihanoukville
Forty-six bodies were brought in and dumped at the crematorium of a Phnom Penh pagoda between 5 and 9 July
In the case of Ho Sok (executed on 7 July, brought to Watt Lanka on 8 July); of Seng Phally, Chao Keang, Chao Tea and Thong Viccheka (executed on 5-6 July and brought by the police to Wat Unalom on the morning of 7 July - see cases number 13-16 above) and in the case of a fifth corpse which was brought to the same pagoda on the same morning, but which could not be identified, the police ordered that cremation of the bodies be conducted without question and without proper cremation permit.
Between 9 and 11 July, according to a variety of reliable corroborating accounts, the bodies of 4 and probably up to 22 soldiers were alleged to have been executed in Pich Nil and burned
Plus many and many more names with lose count that order and executed by Hun Sen and CPP.
ខ្ញុំថាហើយថា! គណៈបក្សកឹម សុខាគឺជាគណៈបក្ស
ដែលពួកហ៊ុន សែនជាអ្នកបង្កើត។ ខ្ញុំឮគេថា
ហ៊ុន សែនបានឱយលុយចំនួនសែរសិបមឺនដុល្លា
ទៅឱយកឹម សុខា តាមខ្ញុំស្មានប្រហែលជាអញ្ជឹង
មែន។ ដូច្នេៈបុគ្គលរូបនេៈអាចបញ្ជាក់បានថា ជាជន
ក្បត់ជាតិដូចជាបុគ្គលហ៊ុន សែនដែរបានរួមដៃគ្នា
All political parties must work for the voters, the Khmer, ultimately. Try to sell what you have got and NOT what your opponents got or had. the power is in your hand!
CPP already destroyed SRP and now they see HRP is getting stronger and CPP is getting ready to destroy HRP. At the end HRP and SRP and fight each other all day and that is all they will get, fighting each other. HRP & SRP do not trust each other and that is what CPP wants, CPP is laughing all the way to the bank. STP and HRP supporters wake up, enough already, wake up and look at the big picture, you 2 are not enemy, your enemy is cpp and their boss from vietnam.
គិម សុខា អស់ល័ក្ខណ៍ហើយ!
គប់ប្រាជ្ញនាំប្រាណបានក្ដីសុខ គប់ពាលនាំស្ដុក
ចិត្តហ្មងសៅ។ គិម សុខាសេពគប់ជនពាល
ហ៊ុន សែន ត្រូវទទួលបាបកម្ម។
Sorry, Mr. Kem Sokha I heard your real voice and you have admitted it was your voice which you stated in Khmer Post, RFA, etc... I hope you’re being brave enough to tell the truth. If you acknowledge your mistake, I will continue to support you as good leader. Also, I am asking yourself to make correction immediately; however, don’t you never ever cheat our people again. Take cares HRP’s supporters and Mr. Kem. KHMER SOLIDARITY.///
it is good for Kim Sokha that Hun Sen does not kill him. Hun Sen only shows their relationship.
who is the next person........ be careful na.
It is unbelievable to see some lunatics on this board who don't seem to wake up. HRP, Kem Sokha, is a youn's rats. You are fucked, idiots, used, abused and manipulated by the CPP. The guy is finished, HRP is cooked. I suggest, Mr. Kem Sokha, accepted without any conditions in merging with SRP to give Hun Sen a sweat revenge for revealing this damaging info.
Kem soKha committed fraudulent and betrayed his party and his country. Khmer this day not stupid anymoire once you are liar you have no chance second time, we have no time for you to correct your mistake as Cambodia die out.
If you are still learning you have no place in politic as time tick very fast, democracy movement need experient leader to run the country during crisis, people lost their land to neightbouring country, hunger, logging, drugging, prostition, human trafficking, land grabbing, and killing.
We will punish you very harshly in the next election 2013. I am very poor and sell Grass Water for survive I did vote for HR last election but not anymore I promise. My family and others Cambodian will die if you mess out with our live.
Kem soKha committed fraudulent and betrayed his party and his country. Khmer this day not stupid anymore once you are liar you have no chance second time, we have no time for you to correct your mistake as Cambodia die out.
If you are still learning you have no place in politic as time tick very fast, democracy movement need experient leader to run the country during crisis, people lost their land to neightbouring country, hunger, logging, drugging, prostition, human trafficking, land grabbing, and killing.
We will punish you very harshly in the next election 2013. I am very poor and sell Grass Water for survive I did vote for HR last election but not anymore I promise. My family and others Cambodian will die if you mess out with our live.
ហេតុអ្វីបបានជា សម រង្សី មិនទទួលចង សម្ពន្ធភាពជាមួយ កឹម សុខា ?
ពីព្រោះសម រង្សី ស្គាល់ក្រយៅក្បាលកឹម សុខា ដុះនៅឯណាយ៉ាងច្បាស់ណាស់។
I am in sad mood when learning
this information . Whatever, I do congratulate to Hun Sen `s tactic,because this man is very clever . He has done all the ways in goal to keep his power going so well ! So What Cambodia is being as to day that thank to
this man . If we do analyze deeply since 30 years Hun Sen had done many positively to Cambodia , 1: Joined with Youn army to chase out Pol Pot 2: He was a very important people who was struggling to make Paris agreement passed successfully 3:
Thank to his famous politic (win win ) which prompted to dissolve all the rest Khmer rouge force 4: Successful to involve Cambodia sovereign from the Youn plot
Stupid Khmer always fight each others that fucking why the country became the smallest one in S.E.A. Our enemies right now are CPP and Yuon we've to focus on that if your guys realy loves and cares for our country just fucking merges all the parties that the only chance can saves our country from Yuon alright fools.
Ah Kem Sokha acts like a loser. He is a Youn Spy. He is belonging to CPP. I am not belonging to any party, but I have found Mr. Sam Rainsy is a real Khmer nationalist; and the SRP itself is the ONLY credible nationalist and democratic party.All Khmer must support Sam Rainsy Party.
កឹម សុខា ជាអាយ៉ង មានចរិកយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តរបស់ហ៊ុន សែន
ទោះបី កឹម សុខា គ្មានបំណងក្តី....ប៉ុន្តែវាបានកើត
កឹម សុខា ជាអាយ៉ង មានចរិកយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តរបស់ហ៊ុន សែន
ទោះបី កឹម សុខា គ្មានបំណងក្តី....ប៉ុន្តែវាបានកើត
ថ្ងៃនេះយើងស្ដាប់ឮជាក់និងត្រចៀករបស់យើង យ៉ាងច្បាស់លាស់ហើយ
ជាមួយកឹម សុខានោះ ខ្មុំតែងតែឭកឹម សុខាអួត
ណាស់ បើមានសមាជិកណាម្នាក់ធ្វើខុសជននោះ
ពឹតជាមិនយកបុគ្គលជាធំឡើយ មិនដូឆ្នេះទេ
បក្សនេះត្រូវចប់ហើយ ហើយក៏មិនបាច់ដើរ
គណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ជាគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល អោយពួកក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន។
កឹម សុខាជាប្រធានគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកកញ្ជះយួន។
មេបោក កឹម សុខា គេបានប្រាប់ក្នុងមហាសន្និបាតមួយ
នៅក្រៅប្រទេស គឺនៅ Philadelphia រដ្ឋ Pennsylvania, USA
ថា គេនឹងទៅដណ្ដើមយកកៅអីអង្គុយយ៉ាងតិចឱ្យបាន៤៥ដែរ ។
អ្នកវិភាគឯករាជ បានខ្សឹបប្រាប់ថា សម្ដេចឱ្យ២កៅអីហ្នឹង
គណៈបក្សប្រជាជនរបស់អា ហ៊ុន សែន ទុកគណៈបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី ជាបន្លាក្នុងកែវភ្នែកវា ដែលពួកវាកំពុងរកឱកាសដើម្បីកម្ទេច គណៈបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី ចោល ហើយដំឡើង គណៈបក្ស សិទ្ធិមនុស្សរបស់ កឹម សុខា ធ្វើជាដៃគូនយោបាយប្រឆាំងតិចៗស្រាលៗវិញ នេះយុទ្ធសាស្ដ្រដែលយួនវាបានរៀបចំទុកឲ្យ អាយ៉ងវាអនុវត្តកម្មវិធីនយោបាយជារាងរហូតមក…
12:45 PM
អាតាសម្បតិ្ត ថា
តើ វិនិឆ័យទោស...អ្វី ?
រួចចុះឯកឧត្តម ប៉ុន្មានក្បាលដែលរត់ចេញពីគណ
បក្សសម រង្ស៊ី នៅកំពង់ចាម ហើយទៅចូលជាមួយ
គណបក្សសិទ្ឋិមនុស្សនោះ តើពួកគេត្រូវ
The question are:
1.who record the conversation?Answer: Hun sen himself. no one dares to record it beside himself.
1. Who released the conversation audio? the answer is government official. how brave he is to release this audio. I think Hun Xen ordered the official to release it.
2. Why did he do so? I think we do know the purpose!
Dear All,
It maybe true or not,I do not know beacause the news is from the source of DAP news,a mouthpiece of CPP.But what I know an information about the last visit of Kem Sokha in Sydney,Australia that he was talking on the phone with a High Ranking of CPP from Nom Benh while he was with a group of Khmer patriots...He was happy chatting,smilling during his conversation on the phone.
I really don't known what his hiding agenda behind the scene ?
If it will be a chance by having the next Election in 2013,HRP of Lauk Kem Sokha will be replace SRP as majority opposition group in Xmer Parliament House for sure !
SRP will be fade out as a small opposition group,like or not this is a political game that Hun Xen would be designed for the next election of 2013.
Ung Bun Heang
កឹម សុខាថាគ្មានការលាក់លាមឬការសម្ងាត់ទេ
ឡើង រួចការសុំកន្លែងប្រជុំចាំបាច់អីត្រូវសុំពី
ហ៊ុនសែន? តាមធម្មតាគេត្រូវសុំច្បាប់ពី
ក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ វាហាក់ដូចជាស្តាប់ទៅ
កឺម សុខា លាក់ពុតនឹងកុហក់ដល់
នេះឯង ទោសនេះមិនត្រូវទុកឲ្យមាន
មានច្រើន នឹងមានសមត្ថភាពដូចជា
លោក ស៊ឺន សុងប៊ែរ លោក ប៊ុល ហម
តាស៊ឺន សានបាន។
Guys if you are going to post in khmer. Please make the text bigger ok We can't read. The text are so small.
All of your arrogance keeps fight each others. Who gonna gain on this propaganda I'm sure ah Yuon and CPP will why can your find the solution and try to united together on the next coming elections so we can kicks all of thus dogs illegals Yuon out from our country and retake Khmer Krom back from the dogs eater too.
Hi guys, DAP already retract the article from its website. Please understand that the source of the tape DAP got from WIKILEAK. Soy Sopheap did not recorded the conversation.
សូមកុំប្រៀបប៉ុល ហំម ទៅលោកស៊ឺន ស៊ុបែរ។ ប៉ុលហំម ជាមនុស្សគំរក់ណាស់ បើរាប់ប្រពន្ធវិញមិនតិចជាង២០ទេ តានេះមហាពុករលួយ។
Kim Sokha as Pol Horm. Why people promote him?
គណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ដែលប្រមូលបានបញ្ញាវន្ដពីបរទេស ប្រមូលប្រាក់កាសពីបរទេស និងជាមេរោគ ដែលបំបែកបំបាក់គណបក្សសម រង្សី ជានិច្ចកាលគឺជាអាយ៉ងរបស់CPP ប្រហែលជាមានឯកសារច្រើនទៀត ដែលសយ សុភាពមិនទាន់បញ្ចេញ ចាំមើលប្រតិកម្មរបស់គិម សុខាសិន។
យើងដឹងទាំងអស់គ្នាហើយចរឹតជននេះ មិនចាំបាច់ផ្ដល់ពេលវេលាអោយគាត់លោះលាងទេព្រោះទាំងពីដើមរៀងមក គិម សុខា តែងតែកុហកគេឯងគ្រប់គ្នា សូម្បីបងប្អូនខ្មែរនៅបរទេស ដែលសុខចិត្តលះបង់ក្រុមគ្រួសារទៅជួយធ្វើការងារគាត់ ក៏លោកគិម សុខា មិនផ្ដល់ទំនុកចិត្តអោយពួកគេដែរ។
មនុស្សចោលម្សៀត បោកប្រាសខុសទំនង។។។
It was just a congratulatory phone call--yes, really--yet everyone's disproportionately overreacting a simple phone call.
Pi Anh
You can't see the wood for the trees.
With the deforestation, Kem Sokha can not hide.
In the land of ah Cwack People Party,the one-eyed is king.
ឥទ្បូវអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នា ភ្លឺភ្នែកហើយ ខ្ញុំប្រាប់តាំងពី យូរហើយថា លោក កឹម សុខា ធ្វើការអោយ សម្តេច ហ៊ុន សែន ទេ តែមានអ្នកខ្លះនៅតែជ្រួល ជ្រើម។ អ្នកដឹងទេ ខ្មែរនៅ ហ្វ្ល៉រីដា ខ្លះគាត់ចាស់ៗ ហើយ ហើយចេះនិយាយភាសាខ្មែរយើងបានច្បា ស់ទៀត តែពួកគាត់មិនយល់នូវអ្វីថា ជានយោបា យនោះទេ។ ដូច្នេះគាត់ជឿ លោក កឹម សុខា។ អ្នក ខ្លះអស់ប្រាក់ជាច្រើន ទើបភ្ញាក់ខ្លួន។ កុំបន្ទោស គាត់មកពី ស្តាប់លោក កឹម សុខា មិនច្បាស់ ហើយខ្ញុំបានចូលរួមស្តាប់ផ្ទាល់ដែរ មិនហ៊ានថាទេ ព្រោះពួកគាត់ត្រូវគ្នាហើយ។ ខ្ញុំគាំទ្រ លោក កឹម សុខា ដោយលែក គឺ គាត់ត្រូវធ្វើការ ផ្នែកសង្គម ពន្យល់ជនជាតិ ខ្មែរយើងអោយច្បាស់ នូវអ្វីជា សិទ្ធិ ជាប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ជាសិទ្ធិមានជីវិតរស់នៅ ជាសិទ្ធិប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ...។ល។
ចង់ដឹងថែមទៀត ខ្ញុំនឹងជូនតាមសំនូមពរ តាមតែ ពេលវេលាខ្ញុំអាចជួយលោកអ្នកបាន។
kem sokha stated in his conference last year that he will win 95% of the vote during the next election. now i know where he get that percentage from (CPP). but i really don't think hun sen is that dumb to give him all the seats.
ពួកយើងសុំលាហើយ គិម សុខា។
Dr. Sambath
គ្រាន់តែដាក់ មនុស្សពីរនាក់ ជាជំរើសនៃថ្នាក់
ដឹកនាំក្នុងបក្សសិទ្ធុមនុស្ស ក៍មានគេស្គាល់មនុស្ស
ក្នុងសង្គមសេរី ពលរដ្ឋមានសិទ្ធិចំរាញ់គ្រប់បុគ្គល
ទាំងអស់ដែលចង់បំរើរអោយសាធារណ បើសិន
ជាបុគ្គល កឹម សុខានៅតែក្អេងក្អាងទេនោះ
មនុស្សទេគឺវាបក្ស កឹម សុខាទើបត្រឹមត្រូវជាង
ហើយ អាកឹម សុខាឈប់ព្រុសដាក់គេអែងទៀត។
អាតាសម្បតិ្ត (Dr. Sambath) HRP permanence member in Lowell, MA
spend about $100,000 from last election in TAKEO .
When he got back home his second wife mad and almost file divorce:)
Khmer people, please continue to feed Kem Sokha as your leader...
គណៈបក្សប្រជាជនរបស់អា ហ៊ុន សែន ទុកគណៈបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី ជាបន្លាក្នុងកែវភ្នែកវា ដែលពួកវាកំពុងរកឱកាសដើម្បីកម្ទេច គណៈបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី ចោល ហើយដំឡើង គណៈបក្ស សិទ្ធិមនុស្សរបស់ កឹម សុខា ធ្វើជាដៃគូនយោបាយប្រឆាំងតិចៗស្រាលៗវិញ នេះយុទ្ធសាស្ដ្រដែលយួនវាបានរៀបចំទុកឲ្យ អាយ៉ងវាអនុវត្តកម្មវិធីនយោបាយជារាងរហូតមក…
scam rainsy always wanted to divide cambodia, how stupid he really is! no wonder people don't want to vote for him!
Folk there will be more coming about ah kuk sorah.... no one knows the deal between ah kuk sorah and samdech but ah kuk sorah himself. Samdech always call him a ah kuk sorah. He needs ah kuk sorah to destroy SR because Ranaridh couldn't do it.
Khmer- my word to you all... if you truely love your country get out from ah kuk sorah...He works for his peronal fame not for the country... This is my suggestion to you all. You'll be stunned to hear the next story that ah kuk sorah secretly negotiate with HS to take Cambodia to the next level of destruction that will be so diffecult for you and I trying to save.
Now you can see clear. This time is your decision. Either in Cambodia or outside of Cambodia, you have your own brain. Pick the one that your brain tell you to do. Do not pick the one that your friend told you and do not pick the one that you think you will lose your friendship!
Make your choice!
Good luck friends!
Success in your future!
Khem Sokha is overly ambitious to achieve his political goal. He is a man of trying to get free rides or piggy backing on others. I think he is wrong to have dealt with Hun Sen. Hun is the Dog who will attach anybody if he see fit. He is no man for to be trusted. I also think Khem Sokha deserves it to have playing with fire. Now he got burned. What we want is a leader for the long haul who will not put Cambodia at hunge risk like Khem Sokha and Hun Sen. We like someone who is moderate in way of leadership.
កដធ្លាក់ដល់ដៃពលរដ្ធខ្មែរបាននោះ គឺមានតែយើង
ទាំងអស់គ្នាចូលរួមធ្វើទៅតាមសមត្ថភាព បងប្អូន
បែបប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្យនោះ សូមជួយពន្យល់ដល់
phoneឫ Skytalkឲ្យពួកគាត់បានយល់ច្បាស់។
ដោយភក្ដីភាពពីខ្ញុំ សំពៅ
ពាក្យខុស ចាង ពាក្យត្រូវខាង 3:59am
កឹម សុខាធ្វើសន្ទនាជាមួយហ៊ុន សែន តើខុសអ្វី
ទៅ? គង់ គាំ ជាអតីតៈមនុស្សរបស់បក្សប្រជា
ជន មានតួរនាទីជាអនុប្រធានបក្សសម រង្សី
ដែរឫទេ? សុន ឆ័យធ្លាប់ទទួលប្រាក់ពី
ហ៊ុន សែនរាប់ម៉ឺនដុល្លារ តើគួរទុកចិត្តទាំង
អាតាសម្បតិ្ត (Dr. Sambath) HRP permanence member in Lowell, MA
spend about $100,000 from last election in TAKEO .
When he got back home his second wife mad and almost file divorce:)
Khmer people, please continue to feed Kem Sokha as your leader...
Ah Kem Sokha acts like a loser. He is a Youn Spy. He is belonging to CPP. I am not belonging to any party, but I have found Mr. Sam Rainsy is a real Khmer nationalist; and the SRP itself is the ONLY credible nationalist and democratic party.All Khmer must support Sam Rainsy Party.
គិម សុខាបាន ស.រ.អា បួន ឬ ប្រាំដងហើយ
លើកក្រោយបំផុតនៅរដ្ធកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ា នៅកន្លែង
ខ្លះគ្មាននរណាទៅស្ដាប់គាត់ ព្រោះគេពិនិត្យកាយ
វិការ សម្ដីសម្ដៅ និង ការប្រព្រឹត្តិ មិនស្របនឹង
នយោបាយរបស់គណបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី ខាងក្រៅ
ក្នុងរយៈបីបួនខែមុន គាត់បានសប្បាយរីករាយនឹង
ជនតំណាងរាស្ត្រខាងសម រង្ស៊ីមួយចំនួនរត់ចូល
គាត់ ប៉ុន្តែការឈ្លក់ទឹកដមនោះត្រូវរលាយខ្សុល។
ប្អូនគាត់ចូលហ៊ុន សែន ឥឡូវដល់វេនគាត់។
5:03 AM
ខ្ញុំដឹងថាអ្នកជាមនុស្សរបស់ ម្សៀ ខឹមសុខា ចូរអាន ខាងក្រោម ៖
កឹម សុខាធ្វើសន្ទនាជាមួយហ៊ុន សែន តើខុសអ្វី
ទៅ - វាខុសធ្ងន់ណាស់ ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជឿ អាម្សៀ ខឹមសុខា ព្រោះគេនឹកថា អាម្សៀ ខឹមសុខា នឹងរួមគ្នាប្រឆាំងយួន ឈ្លានពាន ជាពិសេសប្រឆាំង អាហ៊ុនសែន ដែលដឹកនាំប្រទេសផ្តាច់ការ និងឲ្យធ្លាក់ក្នុងភក់ជ្រាំដូចសព្វថ្ងៃ។ អាម្សៀ ខឹមសុខា
កុំប្រៀបធៀបលោក គង់ គាំ ជាមួយ អាម្សៀ ខឹមសុខា វាខុសគ្នាឆ្ងាយណាស់។ អ្នកក្បត់ និងអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិមានឈាមជ័រខុសគ្នានិងអត្តចរិតខុសគ្នាចូរស្តាប់សំដី ម្សៀ ខឹមសុខា វាមានអំនួតជានិច្ច ទោះជាទើបនឹងចេញពី ភាវនាធម៏ថ្មីៗ ក៏អាម្សៀ ខឹមសុខានេះ អួត ហើយ មានៈដែរ។
លោកគង់គាំជាអតីតៈមនុស្សរបស់បក្សប្រជាជនមែនតែដោយកាលៈទេសៈ នេះវាដូចជាលោកឯងនៅក្នុងជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហម ចង់មិនចង់ លោកឯងក៏គេវាយផ្លាកជាខ្មែរក្រហមដែរ។
ដោយសារគាត់មានស្មារតីស្នេហាជាតិរេបៀបនេះហើយទើបគាត់ចាកចេញពី CPP មកចូលរួមជាមួយបក្សសម រង្សី ។ ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទាំងក្នុង និងក្រៅប្រទេសមានជំនឿលើទឹកចិត្តស្នេហាជាតិរបស់គាត់ ចូរកុំសង្ស័យឡើយ។
សុន ឆ័យធ្លាប់ទទួលប្រាក់ពីហ៊ុន សែនរាប់ម៉ឺនដុល្លារ តើគួរទុកចិត្តទាំងអស់បានទេ?ជំនាន់នោះ តំណាងរាស្រ្ត រាប់ក្បាលក៏ទទួលប្រាក៉ពីហ៊ុនសែនដែរដើម្បីសុវត្ថិភាព វិលត្រឡប់ចូលស្រុកវិញជាពិសេស អាឆ្កែបំបង់បាយពូជស្តេច រ៉ាណារិតវាយកលុយហើយវាបណ្តោយឲ្យ ហ៊ុន សេន បំផ្លាញស្រុកខ្មែរទៀត។ តែសុន ឆៃ បានកសាងស្នាដៃច្រើនណាស់ដើម្បីជួយស្តារជាតិនេះសរបញ្ជាក់ថាគាត់ពុំមែនជាមនុស្ស ក្បត់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋដូច ម្សៀ ខឹមសុខាដែរ។ សូមកុំពិចារណាច្រឡំឲ្យសោះ។
Dare to tell that Khmers who destroy khmers and the country, becaude we do not love each other, we only hate each other. It's the plain truth. It could not hide, could not deny.
To live and to survive we have to repent and forgive each others and love each other.
If we do not love each other, there is no reason for whatsoever to blame the foreigners to take our country by making us tear down each other.
And you cannot love each other unless we turn to God and ask HIm to work in us.
Bye bye ta Sambath. Don't try to lie to me about your big man Khem Soka.
កូនខ្មែរអើយ គួរប្រើពាក្យថ្លៃថ្នូរ ក្នុងការបញ្ចេញមតិ
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