Civil party applicant Theary Seng appealing ECCC decision regarding Meas Muth and Sou Met of Case 003, lodging another application against CPK Secretaries madam Im Chaem, Ta An, Ta Tith of Case 004
PHNOM PENH, 5 May 2011: The overt political interference into Cases 003 and 004 of the United Nations-backed Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (“ECCC”) by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and the UN’s subsequent collusion as reflected by the action (or more correctly, inaction) of the international co-investigating judge, is an affront to victims of the Khmer Rouge. We deserve more than the cheap justice that is being administered right now by these cases. We appeal to the donors and the international community to put an end to this legal fiction that is being written for us vis-à-vis these cases—that there are two standards of justice: dignified justice for people of the developed world; and cheap, tattered justice for the poor, like us Cambodians.
On 3 April 2011, I, Theary Chan SENG, submitted a very public application entitled “Civil Party Application to Case No. 003/004” with the ECCC Victims Support Section, which was filed with the Co-Investigating Judges (“CIJs”) 19 days later on 22 April, as verbally confirmed to me that same evening by ECCC Public Affairs chief Reach Sambath when we were guests on a Radio Free Asia call-in show.
In this one application, I publicly named and expressly hold Khmer Rouge military commanders Meas Muth and Sou Met directly, personally, individually responsible to me for the Crimes against Humanity (including the legal elements of murder, extermination, enslavement, imprisonment, torture, political persecution) in their roles as commanders of the Navy and Air Force of Democratic Kampuchea, respectively, and for their material contribution in developing and implementing the common design and purpose of a joint criminal enterprise which impacted the whole of Cambodia. That is to say, as a matter of international law, they are directly responsible for my legal injuries during the fall and exodus out of Phnom Penh (Phase I Movement) when my father, a Lon Nol military commander, “disappeared”; and the movement of the population of the East Zone (Phase 3) when the Khmer Rouge imprisoned my family and me first at Wat Tlork and then Boeung Rai Security Centers, where I experienced and witnessed, inter alia, the death of my mother, among the 30,000 (thirty-thousand) lives estimated to have been extinguished at Boeung Rai. Here, the legal nexus are the CRIMES, not the geographically districts and zones they physically commandeered, vis-à-vis me as an applicant, except for their criminal actions as they were related to the capture and exodus out of Phnom Penh in 1975 when we shared proximity.
On late Friday afternoon, 29 April 2011, the CIJs publicly announced the closing of investigation of Case 003 in one sentence.
On late Tuesday, 3 May 2011, following a long holiday weekend, my lawyer Mr. Choung Chou-Ngy signed for the receipt of two separate documents (dated the same day as the closing of investigation announcement) with the decisions of the CIJs, both documents classified “Confidential”, even though the names of the five charged persons are not mentioned.
Since the lodging of my first application on 3 April 2011 until now, I have received additional information which will allow me to demonstrate legal injuries “as a direct consequence of at least one of the crimes against the Charged Person” pursuant to Rule 23bis with greater clarity the names of the Charged Persons, their crimes and category of whether they fall in Case 003 or Case 004.
Consequently, I will appeal the CIJ decisions of my one application to “Case No. 003/004” naming Meas Muth (also spelled Meah Mut and aka Khe Muth) and Sou Met with the Pre-Trial Chamber which I have until May 16 to submit. These two military commanders are grouped in Case 003.
Simultaneously, I will submit a second civil party application involving the crimes committed against me by CPK Secretary “Me” Im Chaem of Region 5, particularly of the mass graves in Phum Travong in Preah Net Preah district (Northwest Zone); CPK Secretary “Ta” An of Region 41 (Central Zone, mainly of Kampong Thom, Pol Pot’s birthplace province) also believed to be deputy to Ke Pauk (also spelled Kae Pok, now deceased named in Seven Candidates for Prosecution by Steve Heder and Brian Tittemore); and “Ta” Tith (brother of “Ta” Mok, the “butcher”, who died under police custody also named in Seven Candidates for Prosecution) who was CPK Secretary of Kirivong District 109 of Region 13 (Southwest Zone, where the butcher Ta Mok ruled along with his network of family members in senior positions in the Zone—two brothers-in-law, including Ta Tith, four sons, two daughters and five sons-in-law, including Meas Muth) and instrumental in the 2nd Phase Movement of the Southwest Zone population to the northwest where he terrorized Region 1 (Northwest Zone). It is believed that these military commanders (including Meas Muth and Sou Met) of the Southwest and Central Zones were also instrumental in the purges of the East Zone where I was imprisoned during the Khmer Rouge years. These three CPK Secretaries are grouped in Case 004. I have until 15 days after the closing of investigation into Case 004, which the CIJs have yet to announce.
The CIJs have woefully failed in their Rule 56 responsibility in keeping the public informed generally, and in providing adequate, timely information to victims in order that we may file civil party applications specifically. Even with sufficient information, it still takes great energy, time and resources to put an application together for any educated, well-informed victim. Now consider the difficulty in light of the stress of political pressure, of intimidation, of lack of information giving by the ECCC of the average Cambodian victim. This ECCC which initially, genuinely, substantively, unprecedentedly embraced victims into its process as “civil parties” (of which I was the first) is quickly turning against victims and their meaningful participation.
For further information, please contact me at +855.12.222.552 or or visit where I have consolidated information surrounding the law and controversies of Case 003 and Case 004.
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Maps of KR zones/districts culled from Ben Kiernan's The Pol Pot Regime (Click on each map to zoom in) |
Civil Party Application Case 003-004 - Ms. SENG Chan Theary
Thank you Theary for your hard work to bring justice for the Cambodian victims. I am very proud of you. We need many people like you.
Go get them Theary, your deceased parents and relatives should be approvingly proud of you.
THEARY, your action, will bring more problems to cambodian peoples,,
as well as a whole country stability
my father also died, i already forgot it. 35 years passed by...
Why does she choose this war time to sue the former Khmer Rouge? Before the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia had about 5-6 million population and about more than half were Khmer Rouge.
This is a time that Vietnam wants to cause more confusions and more fights among Khmers.
I am not sure Ms Seng is being used by Hanoi/US, may be yes.
Some who applaud her but many who see the danger do not.
OK Theary Seng,
You decide to provoke instead to heal.
You earn a lot of money because of this business. You betray your own country for your own dirty interest. Cambodian people know who you are.
Go, Theary, Go!
Give them a taste of justice for a change. Let those inept judges know how the victims feel! Let those criminals feel the pressure!
We are all behind you 1,000%!
10:43 AM
I can see how anxious you want your woman to seek justice during this war time. Most of my Khmer people do not support your ideas, because they want to heal and to move on for their lives, thus to build the country. These Khmer Rouge she seeks to sue are also the ignorant/victims, because they only followed their masters who created them.
You choose the right time to play Hanoi;s card. We see it clearly.
What can heal the Khmer people without justice?
Can quietness and forgiveness help heal the people?
What about the Khmer Rouge inventors and developer such as Vietnam, China, and Sihanouk not to mention Heng Samrin, Hun Sen.
What about K5 plan by CPP in which more than
fifty thousand Khmer were Killed.
Why too much focus on the dead horse and not on the living killer- the CPP.
11:10 AM
Ms. Seng is not the only person whose family members were killed.
Half (~3 millions) of my people were victims while half were members of KR.
It depends on the circumstances.
Ms Seng is rich now while million Khmers are living so poor, some have no food or places to live. Cambodia's security is at risk, because Vietnamese controls Cambodia behind Hun Sen's government. Those million poor innocence people want peace and heal with no further this fake KRT. They want to move on to build the country.
We have about less than 10 million while Vietnamese in my country are about 6 millions.
We don't want to walk on the same path as our ancestors did that caused us to lose half of Khmer Kingdom to the Vietnamese.
Less population, my people will be soon like the Cham people.
There are no real justice on the planet, and if you think we do have, then call on Vietnamese who created Pol Pot.
This suffering is not the first time nor the last. So heal and build the nation before too late. Unless Ms. Seng is being advised by somebody to gain something, we can understand.
Ms. Seng is playing Hanoi's card. She is Khmer but she is being used by Hanoi.
Kem Sokha is also being used by Hanoi to get rid of Rainsy.
Vietnamese are creating a lot of confusions in Cambodia, now the war between Thais and Khmers, their army is alread inside Cambodia and will come more.
The main purpose of Hanoi is to cause more problems among Khmers, thus their troop will be in a full speed, though we knew that Vietnamese army is already in Cambodia everywhere including Koh Kong.
11:42 am.
Good, but how can the people be healed?
Go Theary I strongly supporting you, When people commit a crime against humanity they have to pay for that crime. It is not OK to say it is long ago and I forget about it, It is a part of a healing process for those who suffered and seeking justice. I have lost Three brothers and their family, all together is 14 people and I still grieves today and hoping that one day there will be justice for my brothers.
Thank you Theary for fighting for justice for all Cambodians those who are suffered.
Var Kim Hong does recognize that Cambodia, if compared to the colonial Service Geographique de l’Indochine scale map 1/100,000 and the 1985 delimitation treaty, will loses 9,000 hectares; and compared to U.S Army Mapping Service scale map 1/50,000 with the 1985 Treaty, would lose about 7,900 hectares to Vietnam. This statement was confirmed by Var Kim Hong to Mr. Touch Bora Esq through a telephone conversation on 30 August 2002 at 4:30 p.m. (Sydney time), which Mr. Touch Bora Esq wrote in his letter dated on 9 September 2002 sent to Sam Dach Ta Noroudom Sihanouk concerning over border affairs.
In fact, the loss is absolutely more than the 1000 square kilometers stated by MP Sam Rainsy in his statement, if we add the size of the historical water of 30000 square kilometers awarded to Vietnam under the 1982 Agreement which has been into affect and now already become under the full control of Vietnam. And this would not be the last if the equidistance principle be used to delimit the maritime boundary, Cambodia will lose an additional area of sea and seabed measuring at least 860 square nautical miles from the Brevie Line to the north, analyzed by Mr. Touch Bora Esq or another 10000 square kilometers confirmed by Mr. Sean Pengse, the President of the Cambodian Border Committee Worldwide, which exclusively include another Koh Poula Wai to Vietnam added to the previous lost islands- Koh Tral (Dao Phu Quoc) and Koh Poulo Panjang (Dao Thu Chu).
This is why sVar Kim Hong said in front of Students´s Movement for Democracy (SMD), and Sam Dach Ta Norodom Sihanouk on 22 Janaury 2000 during our audience with him concerning the border resolution with Vietnam that; “If we want peace, we must sacrifice our flesh to the tiger.” The truth is discovered now that, “Sacrifice the flesh to tiger actually means cutting our land to the Viet.” This word was clearly spoken out from his mouth and there were Sam Dach Ta as witness and 31 members.
We must condemn this Var Kim Hong for his role in helping the traitorous regime of Hun Sen.
Smart Khmer Girl Ms. Rattana Keo,
Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten
By Ms. Rattana Keo
Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 30,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?
Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 30,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?
Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 30,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?
The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.
Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 30,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?
Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?
Smart Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,
Dear Ms Theary Seang,
Why don't dare to bring up over 30 000 km2 of Cambodia that lost to Vietnam treaties 1979 to 1985 ?
Are you scare of Hun Sen killing you if you dare talk and find justice about that ?
Theary! Please dare to bring up the topic 30 000 km2 of Cambodia lost to Vietnam by PM Hun Sen treaties.
We support you if you dare!!!
Hi Keo Rattana
Post something els. Ok I am sick of reading the same.
Theary Seng; go for it. It is ok and ignor some stupid comment.
11:57 AM
If you and Ms. Seng want a real justice then she should sue the mastermind, the creators who created the killings, not these these ignorant servants. If she does not dare to sue the masters of the killing field, then she is being used by Hanoi/CPP.
Keep in mind that wars and sufferings of human beings are not the first nor the last.
Theary, Read this:
Read about the US secret bombing campaigns in Cambodia ... courtesy of Uncle Sam
Editors: David Goldman, Erin Mahan
General Editor: Edward C. Keefer
United States Government Printing Office
Office of the Historian
Bureau of Public Affair
Press Release
During the period covered by this volume, July 1970–January 1972, the Nixon administration expanded the Vietnam war into Cambodia and Laos as part of its strategy. This volume covers South Vietnam in the context of this larger war in Southeast Asia; therefore, the volume begins in July 1970 in the aftermath of the Cambodian incursion. At the time, a variety of topics dominated the policy discussions of President Nixon and his principal advisers. Among these topics were U.S. troop withdrawals, Vietnamization, negotiations in Paris (both the public plenary sessions and the secret talks between Kissinger and North Vietnamese Politburo member Le Duc Tho), and possible South Vietnamese operations in Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam. Throughout the rest of 1970 these themes moved forward on separate paths that occasionally intersected with one another. South Vietnamese operations, first in Cambodia and then in Laos, were seen in policy terms as providing South Vietnam additional time to develop a more effective military, to generate economic growth, and to achieve some degree of political stability. The operations were also to demonstrate the success of Vietnamization and justify the continuing withdrawal of U.S. troops.
In late 1970 and early 1971, the focus shifted to decision making regarding plans to implement a major South Vietnamese out-of-country operation called Lam Son 719, launched in early February 1971. The strategic purpose of the operation was to halt or slow the flow of military supplies to Communist forces in South Vietnam via the panhandle of Laos. At the same time, it would demonstrate the growing military prowess of the South Vietnamese Army. On the negotiating front, Kissinger continued in 1970 and throughout1971 to meet periodically in Paris with Le Duc Tho and other senior Vietnamese Communist functionaries, but made no progress. At the same time, representatives of both sides also met publicly in the plenary meetings. Each side used the public Paris meetings to exchange carefully calibrated propaganda, making the meetings, if possible, less productive than the secret talks. The volume focuses on the Kissinger–Le Duc Tho talks with only occasional documentary coverage of the public talks.
This volume also documents President Nixon’s penchant for secret operations and covert warfare: his continued support for secret bombing campaigns in Cambodia and Laos and his approval of the November 1971 Son Tay raid into North Vietnam to rescue American prisoners of war. Nixon also signed off on new and continuing information gathering initiatives and propaganda that supported intelligence operations against Communist forces, organizations, and governments in South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Additionally, he approved clandestine support for South Vietnamese political entities friendly to the United States. These operations are documented in some detail to demonstrate the role of covert actions in support of overt political and military operations.
In the waning months of the period covered by this volume, deadlock had set in. Neither side appeared able to win militarily, or even to weaken his adversary sufficiently to make him negotiate in good faith. There were signs, however, that Hanoi might be preparing to mount a major military effort in 1972. Its purpose would be to break through this impasse without having to travel a diplomatic path. The volume concludes at this point.
Hi 12:33 PM,
My comments are not stupid if you really understand and follow the geopolitics, and understand that Vietnam expansionism in Cambodia enforced by CPP and people like you and Ms. Seng.
Hi 12:33 PM,
My comments are not stupid if you really understand and follow the geopolitics, and understand that Vietnam expansionism in Cambodia endorced by CPP and people like you and Ms. Seng.
Hello Theary and gang of 4 ..., Read carefully:
Second, the mandate of the ECCC has been much politicized and is limited to trying the atrocities committed during the Khmer Rouge period of April 1975 to January 1979.
In his interview with the Phnom Penh Post, Noam Chomsky, emeritus professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pointed out that “the leading US political establishment like Henry Kissinger, a member of the late president Richard Nixon’s administration…should also be held accountable for creating the conditions that paved the way for the rise of the [Khmer Rouge]”.
While acknowledging the mass atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime, we should never forget the level of atrocities committed during the US secretive bombing of Cambodia from 1968-1973. A declassified telephone discussion between Henry Kissinger and General Alexander Haig, Nixon's deputy assistant for national security affairs, recorded that Nixon had ordered a “massive bombing campaign in Cambodia [to use] anything that flys [sic] on anything that moves”.
The map of US bombing targets released by Yale University’s Cambodian Genocide Program shows that more than half of the country was affected by the indiscriminate bombings. Professor Ben Kierman, director of the program, puts the casualties figure from the bombing at 150,000 deaths, while Edward Herman, a professor of Wharton School, and Noam Chomsky put the toll at 600,000 using figures provided by a Finnish Commission of Inquiry.
Based on this, we can never naively claim that US bombing led to the mass executions by the Khmer Rouge or refuted the regime's mass atrocities. But, to certain extent, the blanket bombing, which directly led to the destruction of livestock and agricultural land, could have definitely played a role in the mass starvation.
From new data released during the Clinton administration, Taylor Owen, a doctoral student at Oxford University, and Professor Kierman noted that 2,756,941 tons of bombs were dropped on Cambodia.
To put the figure into perspective, just over 2 million tons of bombs were dropped by the allies during all of World War II. The bombs dropped in Cambodia represented about 184 Hiroshima atomic bombs combined, making Cambodia the most bombed nation in the world. Based on the new data, Professor Kierman also stressed that the casualties might be much higher than his earlier predicted 150,000.
I can see that THeary is a looser.
She should go back to finish her law degree in the jungle.
Theary is indeed a looser and a bad one at this. Throwing dirt at anyone who does not agree with her, making KI Media her photo diary and self-advocacy tool, posting her useless thoughts across the whole page, I am really sick of this and wish someone put an end to this.
The Khmer Rouge issue seem never to go away and it is creating too much distraction for Cambodia peace and stability! From now on Cambodia will be associated with the Khmer Rouge regime and the killing field even the Khmer Rouge regime long gone from Cambodia for the past 30 years! And no matter how much Cambodian progress into the modern world and the fucken Khmer Rouge issue is not too far from behind to stir up bitter memory which most Cambodian people wish to forget! I also have family members died during the Khmer Rouge regime. And there come a point where I have to move on and not living in the past and I can honestly say that I am moving on pass the stupid Khmer Rouge issue! I believe capable Cambodian people such Ms. Theary Seng should move beyond the Khmer Rouge issue that happened some 30 years ago too! For me I don't see any good in putting these Khmer Rouge on trial beside lock them up in jail and throw away the key!
What happen during the Khmer Rouge is pure social engineering. It is pure experimentation on human being base on some stupid ideology that somehow it will turn Cambodia into utopia! Now the world know of the outcome which result mass killing of Cambodian people called The Killing Field to make Cambodian people to conform with "Angka"!
Cambodian people such as Ms. Theary Seng should concern more about the living and stop wasting with something that happened 30 years ago and the death of 3 million Cambodian people and her parent! If Ms. Theary Seng want true justice and how try to kill these Khmer Rouge leaders by her own hands! For me if I want true justice and I have to kill these Khmer Rouge leaders myself!
Ms Rattana Keo, We thanks you for your hard working to bring Koh Trol back to Cambodian people.
Please don't stop talking about Koh Trol because most politicians are trying very hard to forget about 30 000km2 and Koh Trol.
Cabramatta station,
Are you still coming to Cabramatta Library Ms Rattana Keo?
12:55 PM
who give a shit about your common??? At least Theary is trying to do something foe those who lost their family and seeking justice.
12:55 PM what have you done for the Cambodians people??? so shout the fuck up when you did not do anything for the Cambodian people.
Please stop wasting time and money on the Khmer Rouge trials. The current Cambodian government is worst then the Khmer Rouge era, this time Khmer people and Cambodia will be gone forever like KHMER KROM.
Good job for Ms. Theary Seng but today all Khmer people needed to survive this current crisis.
yes....Put all this Khmer Rough back to jailed or Hang to death.. I preffer dead. Most Khmer dont understand what they did to ours country. Dont give them peace... This will bring closure to the family member.
To all Khmer people. Cambodia as a country will have never peace or prospor to it people, until all the Khmer Rough are capture and bring it to trial! They are still in Power and controlling the country as of Today. So Khmer citizen dont play dump or pretend you dont know. Do something about it. That why Khmer people fled all over the world because if this bad people.
Yes you stupid fools above!
If all theary Seng do is Hanoi trick! Where is ah Hun Xen?
1:46! you stupid Hayana! true Justice is not to kill the criminal by your own dirty hands!
But to bring all posible and relevent suspect to the court to hear both side of the story!
Do you think Pol Pot can do all those thing with no connection to his generals???
1:46PM! to kille the suspects by your own hands is not true justice BUT a BLIND JUSTICE!!!!!
Don't be stupid like ah Kwack Hun Xen!
DO you say, if ak Kwack Hun Xen was guilty of killing Cambodian, Pol Real, Hing Bun Heang, and so on of hi generals who killed Khmer by ordered just to keep his position and wealth have to be punish TOOOOOOOO?
Do ma ahn ah Hok Landy's son , HouuN XEEEN son inlaw! Ah Houn Xen may killed my fater!
Somebody are behind Ms. Seng to make noise at the same time war is about to occur between Thai and Khmers all over the place forgetting at Eastern border the big army is quietly entering no one pays attention.
As much as she and her mystery advisers try to make this case as it is important, we Khmers see that this woman is being used by Hanoi who is now sleeping with 3 US/Russia/China.
The KRT were created by Hanoi/US to embarrass China, and to make million of dollars only. Have we seen any KR been convicted?
The Vietnamese were the creators are free to silently kill Khmers, using Khmers to kill Khmers.
Ms. Seng, we thought that she has some education she could help our poor country, but now we see she makes tons of money from the fake KRT and clearly she is playing Hanoi's card to persecute the ignorant servant Khmers who only followed the order from Hanoi to until Khmers will be extincted as the Viets have always planned.
Less Khmers more Viets, and the majority are Viets will vote for Vietnam. Cambodia will always stay, but the new faces are Vietanmese aka Kampucheachun not Khmers.
If Ms. Seng has a little brain of Ms. Ngoc Van (Ang Chau), Jeyjettha II's wife in her Ms. Seng would be shut up and run for the Office as Senator to support and help poor Khmers or else instead of playing Hanoi's card.
There are so important thing Ms. Seng could do is to run for Senator in Cambodia helping Khmers, we Khmers will support her. Why does not she do it? She may have received tons of money from Hanoi, the master killers, the KR's creators to just make noise and to persecute the ignorant Khmer servants. Ask why those ignorant Khmers fell into the hands of Hanoi? Because tehy were poor and ignorant. To avoide that from happening in teh future we ought to help and educate them.
Ms. Seng helps Hanoi to reduce Khmer population and claimed that she is seeking for a real justice.
If she really seeks for a real justice, then why does not she sue the KR's creators, Hanoi, and how about the powerful killers in power today? Why is she waiting for?
How many Khmers that Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Sok An, especially the master of the concentration camp, Hor Nam Hong killed during KR regime? This just named a few killers, may be too many more.
How many thousand Khmers were killed in K-5 by the Viets? Deny as they want, but the facts it was the Vietnamese who created the genoide in Cambodia killed Khmers.
The Vietnamese did kill and sacked Oudong took all Khmer Empire treasure from the ancient Kings during the 1st and 2nd Vietnamese Interventions by the help of their spy Ms. Ngoc Van, Jeyjettha II's wife from inside Cambodia. Believe it or not she had her court in Khmer Kingdom.
This last Vietnamese military intervention will be the last of the Khmer Kingdom by the helps form Khmers like Theary Seng who fight and kill own Khmers for Hanoi. This last Vietnamese military intervention is that the Vietnamese created the conflict between Thai and Khmer, and when Khmers of course need Viet army help. As soon Viet army enter Cambodia as a matter of fact stay are in already, they will stay for ever. Good Bye Khmers.
Theary Seng and Ken Sokha are being used by Hanoi as we have observed this current situation.
arrest and jail this KR leader now..... take all their fanily wealth to.
1;33am. You can dare only the ignorant servants but the master killers are in power. Why don't you arrest them?
To 11:23PM and 11:26PM
Say what you like! If I can kill just one Khmer Rouge leader and justice is served for me and my family members and this is called eye for an eye!
This is instant gratification and you can't get better than this!
2:15AM! If your mother and father did it the wrong way and brought ou a stupid like you. What can I do?
Blame it on stupidity or Ph.D.!
Hi 11:07 PM
Don't let yourself be tempted.
Their comments are not stupid fools, so read, learn and think.
I emphasized "Theary Seng is playing Hanoi's card" and I said to Kem Sokha and Sourn Ratha the same thing.
And don't low yourself to a servant like Hun Sen who is already sold his soul to Hanoi, unless you want to compete with him to please Hanoi. If you do then How Much you have been paid by Hanoi/CPP to make noise?
I emphasized "You are a fool liar". You know why you are a liar? Because you take this time that Hanoi is busy to finish its expansionism in Cambodia. Theary Seng, Kem Sokha and Sourn Ratha are playing Hanoi's game making headline and Khmers forget to pay attentions to Vietnamese.
What real justice? The real justice is to look for the masterminds the creators not the ignorant servants. The KRT was a joke, because it took place in Cambodia where the real killers are powerful.
Speak for yourself but don't speak for my Khmer people. As long as the population of my people keep reducing, and Viets keep rising in my country, there will never have a real justice.
Ms Theary Seang doesn't really want to take Ex Khmer Rough Hun Sen and his CPP group to KR Court of Justice at all. Why? We though Ms THeary Seang is very interesting in true justice for innocent blood of Cambodian people who murdered by KR and Hun Sen regime. Why? and Why? Ms Theary Seang! Why?
Are you just want to be famous like Rock Start in Khmer communities only???
Ms THeary Seang, You have too take Hun Sen and his CPP group to court of justice because they murdered a lot of Cambodian people.
Hor Nam Hong was one of the killer but no Khmers including King Sihanouk dare to challenge him. He sued King Sihanouk in French court then he sued Rainsy in French court.
I bet Hun Sen is also scared of Hor Nam Hong too. Guess who is behind Hor Nam Hong and why is he so powerful? YUON HANOI is behind Hor Nam Hong. Rainsy asked Hun Sen to replace Hor Nam Hong for the bad job Hor did as a foreign minister, just to measure Hun Sen's capacity and wanted to who is in charge in Cambodia. Yuon or Hun Sen. If Hun Sen cannot fire Hor Nam Hong it tells all that Yuon are in charge not Hun Sen.
Now come to Ms. Seng. How can she sue the powerful killers? She lives in Cambodia peacefully without hurt or harm, she must have some sort of protection and connection. Who paid her and paid Kem Sokha to make noise, while Yuon are roaming all over in our country? it is up to readers to decide and keep observing their activities.
Theary is back in Cambodia for personally retaliation and reputation rather than common justice. We're all Cambodian, every family lost their relatives, We're living in peace now.if she want 100% justice, arrest all former Khmer Rouge, and not only 5. If possible, she should ask donor to contribute more $$$$. Khmer Rouge Tribunal is not a top priority of the current situation.
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