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Hun Sen: ‘Pheu Thai win marks new era’ |
Thanida Tansubhapol
Bangkok Post
It has been widely speculated that Thai-Cambodian relations will bloom again now the Pheu Thai Party has won the election and is taking the helm of government.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has made it clear that Pheu Thai's victory will improve ties between Thailand and his country.
He said the election outcome marked the start of "a new era of cooperation" and differences between the countries should be resolved peacefully.
The Thai-Cambodian relationship has had more downs than ups over the past two years since the Democrats took office in December 2008. Ties went rapidly downhill in 2009 when Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen appointed Thaksin Shinawatra as his economic adviser.
The controversial appointment led Bangkok to downgrade its diplomatic relationship with Cambodia by recalling its ambassador to Phnom Penh. The situation improved a little after Thaksin resigned but became hostile again when seven Thais were arrested at the Thai-Cambodian border last December.
Among the seven were former Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth and Thai Patriots Network coordinator Veera Somkwamkid and his secretary Ratree Pipattanapaiboon.
The Thai government succeeded in negotiating for the release of five but Veera and Ratree were sentenced to eight and six years jail, respectively, for espionage. Hun Sen said they would both have to serve two-thirds of their jail terms before a royal pardon or prisoner exchange programme could be sought.
Thai-Cambodian ties spiralled downward and turned deadly earlier this year when troops clashes several times between February and May.
Hun Sen always refused to deal with the matter bilaterally despite continuing efforts to reach a peaceful solution by both sides' armies. He eventually brought the issue to the international level, asking the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the United Nations intervene.
It remains to be seen if the Pheu Thai-led government will be able to turn the sour relationship between the two nations into the sweeter one.
Since the issue is very sensitive, Pheu Thai's No.1 party list MP-elect Yingluck Shinawatra, who is tipped to become prime minister, should not hastily make public the country's position without fully vetting it with the Thai public.
There are also growing doubts in certain sections of Thai society over whether Ms Yingluck would put the benefit of the country above that of her brother Thaksin when dealing with the Thai-Cambodian border dispute.
Thaksin has been accused by the Democrats and yellow shirt People's Alliance for Democracy of trying to secure an oil and gas concession in the Gulf of Thailand with Cambodia.
Ms Yingluck's statement on Wednesday _ that the new foreign minister must be competent in negotiating the issue of Thai-Cambodia relationship and must be accepted by the international community _ may not be enough to make some people believe that the Pheu Thai government will be able to handle the Thai-Cambodian issue effectively.
To prove her true leadership in directing Thailand's foreign policy, Ms Yingluck must not allow Hun Sen to dominate the border talks or she might fail to create public confidence in handling of the Thai-Cambodian dispute.
HUN SEN may expect thai situation to get better mood but among of politic still had thunder and can hear some sound and it is not lightning yet .the two airs are chasing ,it may blow out soon .
Hun Sen is very excited.
But remember Thai work for their own benefit first before other nations'.
But Hun Sen and the current Khmer government work for the Viet benefit first.
Khmer cannot pretend not to see this dangerous problem.
And the country is controlled by the mafia.
Soon it will be sneh ha khaok chet tiet heouy.
អាខ្វាក់អើយ! កុំទាន់អរខ្លាំងពេកអា! ប្រយ័ត្នវាកើត
វាកើតheart a tact ងាប់មុនអាយុ! កុំសង្ឃឹមថាជនជាតិថៃគេភ្លើដូចជាអាខ្វាក់ឯងឱយសោះ! កុំសង្ឃឹមថាយួនអាចងាយស្រួលចូលរាតត្បាតដូចប្រទេសខ្មែរឱយសោះ ព្រោះពលរដ្ឋចេះដឹងថៃគេមានទូរទាំងនគរ គឺគ្មានយួនសម្លាប់ពួកគេណាម្នាក់ដូចខ្មែរឡើយ ខ្មែរអ្នកចេះដឹងស្លាប់អស់រលីង។
How about "Cambodia and Vietnam Border Row set to test PM Hun Sen's leadership".
7:12 AM
What kind of test?
Hun Sen has already tugged his tail between his legs and bowed low to the Viet. He cannot survive without the Viet.
No matter how wrong or bad the Viet do to the Khmer,
Hun Sen dares not say anything back.
What does that tell you as a leader for sovereign nation?
He is only brave in yelling at his own countrymen.
8:13 AM
I agree with you on that.
People are sick and tired of him being coward toward the Viet.
Well...What choice does Ms Yingluck has in dealing with Cambodia on the issue of Preah Vihear? She doesn't need to reinvent the wheel of Thai politic toward Cambodia! She can do the same things as AH ABISHIT expect different result or Do the things that benefit both Cambodia and Thailand in the peace and stability base on mutual understanding!
Please don't use Thailand unilateral map to solve Preah Vihear temple issue and any negotiation on Preah Vihear temple issue must be based on France-Siam treaty of 1904 and 1907 and this is the fact! Nobody can change the fact!
Ah Hun Sen Ah kbot cheat!
Let's compare Youns, Siems and Khmers, who is smart and who is stupid.
How about "Cambodia and Vietnam Border Row set to test PM Hun Sen's leadership".
"Khmer Kampouchea Krom dinity and freedom to test PM Hun Sen's leadership".
Let's see if PM Hun Sen is Khmer or Vietnamese.
How about "Cambodia and Vietnam Border Row set to test PM Hun Sen's leadership".
"Khmer Kampouchea Krom dinity and freedom to test PM Hun Sen's leadership".
Let's see if PM Hun Sen is Khmer or Vietnamese.
Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten
By Ms. Rattana Keo
Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 30,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?
Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 30,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?
Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 30,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?
The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.
Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 30,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?
Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?
Smart Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,
12:11 PM
There are many good comments going here, why do you have to mess them with your repetitive copy and paste shit that nobody reads.
I wonder what side you are on, CPP’s spy or the people.
គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី ទូទាំងពិភពលោកអំពាវនាវ
សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ប្រយ័ត្ន កឹម សុខា និង សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អោយមែនទែន..!
ពីព្រោះបុគ្គលទាំងពីររូបនេះបានលក់ ឧត្ដមគតិ, មនសិការនឹង សតិសម្បជ្ជញ្ញ: ទៅបំរើបនក្បត់ជាតិអាយ៉ងយួនកុម្មុយនីស្ដ
ឱ្យមកសុំលុយកាស ពីខ្មែរក្រៅប្រទេសនឹង
Hun Sen needs to be smarter by allowing all khmer professionals work tpgether as a team or else it won't work. If khmer gov't doesn't promote unity between both gov't oposition leaders, then the whole system will be collaped. Every nation has a gov't that works to protect its nation and country. Otherwise don't be a leader at all.
If we want our country to be successful ASAP, we have to follow those countries that are already successful like singapore, aust, new zealand etc...None of their gov't workers would go out to expose on their gov't if they are doing the right things. In this case, I would see the internal affair is leaking for the outside world to see and critique upon.
In this case, we need to question, how are we to run the system that suit each other needs? it is this simple; by listening, understanding and respecting each others' ideas and concerns on how to rebuild our nation and country.
So, I would say, Hun Sen gov't is lacking unity and respect for one another. From here Hun sen needs to change his attitude, to reform his governant and promote; rights, love and justice for all and it has to start from the top down...Please call upon Madame Mu to give you some advice and the outcome for what has to be done.
Cambodian needs to make term limited for the president that all we wanted. I'm fucking hate dictator country I saw only one man been on power for so long I'm fucking sicking tired of seeing ah Kwack slave Yuon in power we needs to change it now don't fucking wait.
3:56 PM
To be honest you are real so stupid, Over 30 000 km2 of Cambodia had given to Vietnam by Hun Sen treaties from 1979-1985. How could you said that ? all Cambodia natural resources were given to Vietnam benefit only by Hun Sen. More than 5 millions Viet are living in Cambodia for free and they have more right to vote or protection than real Khmer people.
The master plane of CPP is to serve only Vietnam benefit and convert Cambodia to Nambodia province as Uncle Ho master plane.
3:56 PM
Hun Sen knows that working as a unity will benefit the nation, but it will not benefit him and his cronies.
And unfortunately he chooses the latter.
His goal is break the unity to conquer; it is a communist style of government.
4:05 PM
UNTAC drafted the constitution with term limit.
But Sihanouk opposed and compared the constitution to Somlor Khmer (Khmer soup).
He said: “Only Khmer can cook good Somlor Khmer.” Meaning the constitution should be drafted to suit the Khmer liking, which is no term limit.
The son of the bitch shoots his own foot by not listening to UNTAC.
The Hun Sen's clans must pays to what they has done to Cambodian people. The cambodian as people, we must stand up and fight for ourself survivor, and countnry as said "dies as heros rather live as slave.
We are agree with you 100%. Ah Ex king name Sihucnuck is mess up khmer nation because of his greed and his stupidity in leadership skill. He makes heap of mistake but he doesn't dare to take responsible such as he was big Khmer rough leaders to created killing field. He created Two prime minister in one small country, he is making khmer people die everyday due to his mistake and unresponsible leadership skill. Somethinf go wrong he shift blame to other but not himself. The ex king is not khmer role model for the khmer people at all.
The Ex king kicked UN out of Cambodia in 24 hours after election because the ex king tried to gain creadit by himself in the name of unity. He created a big mess on khmer nation until today.
These two traitors names are "Xoy Sopheap and Xal" they don't serve khmer nation or khmer people at all. They are serving Vietnam nation benefit such as they don't dare to talk about Hun Sen treaties from 1979-1985.
The traitors names "Xoy and Xal" are like to confuse khmer people in Cambodia every day. They try to brain waste Cambodian people to confuse about the truth and the face about khmer real history. They do everythings in their power to confuse Cambodian people throught their TV show programs.
Xoy Sopheap and Xal are the real traitors. Cambodian people must don't forget their faces and their families faces. When the opportunities are coming Cambodian people will know hwat to do to these traitors and their families, relatives and friends.
Now it's about time Hun Sen learns from Abbhisit. Be fair on the election process and don't cheat. Be a man like Abbhisit, concede if you lose election Hun Sen. But I don't think that Cambodia is going to have a fair election as long as Hun Sen and CPP is in power. His tactic of cheating he learn from Vietnam always prevail him in the election.
Yingluck said,"she is her brother
clone,but not his puppet".
Hun Sen is so excited because
Thaksin is his close friend.
Don't be fooled with Thai,ah Hun
Do you want to be good friend with
Vietnam,then with Thai?
Hun Sen wants to have two masters.
Don't take these words as your
thought:"two heads are better than
one".This one is different story,
but Thai and Vietnam were/are
Khmer enemies.
The past they were,the present they
are enemies.
A temple boy with 2 years high school education. Be a Khmer Rouge soldier at age 16. Be Khmer Rouge commander at age 18 (promoted due to his Khmers killing skills). Be Cambodia foreign minister at age 25 (installed by Vietnam due to being good at taking order from Vietnam). Be Cambodia prime minister at age 30 (promoted by Vietnam in appreciation for allowing free migration of Viet people into Cambodia). Thanks to his leadership skills, with his 30 years rule Cambodia and its people are still begging to survive.
អាហ៊ុន សែន! នែ+អាកញ្ជៈយួន កម្លាំងសូណាមីអំណាចពលរដ្ឋបានខិតជីតដល់ខ្មែរហើយ! បន្តិចទៀតនឹងមកដល់ភូមា បន្ទាប់មកដល់កម្ពុជា។ ដូច្នេះអាឯងត្រៀមក្តាម្ឈុៈទុកឱយហើយទៅ! កម្លាំងអំណាចពលរដ្ឋនេះគឺពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិឯងមិនអាចទប់ទល់បានឡើយ។
Ngaob tov ah kwack oeuy doeum bey oy khmer ban sok san phorng.
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