Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cambodia Stock Exchange Opens

July 21, 2011
By Luke Hunt
The Diplomat

With just a little fanfare, Phnom Penh has finally opened the doors to its stock exchange. As expected, no shares were traded. But the opening was telling for the country’s often difficult bid to secure economic development alongside long-term peace.

Three decades of conflict – including the 1975-79 rule by the Khmer Rouge, which abandoned money and all but obliterated the country’s economy, cultural life and a third of the population – left Cambodia in the wilderness, and consigned its people to an uncertain future.

That is changing fast. The Khmer Rouge tribunal has started in earnest and Phnom Penh is flourishing despite a notorious reputation for corruption.

Amid this, the Cambodian stock market’s humble start was typical. Vietnam had an all-too similar beginning more than a decade ago, and Laos hardly set international investors alight when it launched in January with two listings. Cambodia’s low key start was no different, and most analysts agree its stock market will need five to 10 years before cementing itself as a genuine cornerstone of the economy. Between now and then, about half-a-dozen companies will earn their place as the market’s benchmarks.

Three state companies – Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), Telecom Cambodia and Sihanoukville Autonomous Port – are preparing listings. Several private companies, including Post Media, owners of The Phnom Penh Post, have also signaled their intention to list.

Of the these, PPWSA is the standout. Shortly after the historic 1993 UN-sponsored elections, Co-Prime Minister Hun Sen appointed Ek Sonn Chan, a Killing Fields survivor who believed he had been spared the worst of Pol Pot's holocaust to fulfill a mission, as head of the PPWSA.

He went to work on a collection of leaky old pipes that partially fed the city contaminated water for just 10 hours a day. Raising the quality of Phnom Penh water to standards normally associated with Singapore proved a long and sometimes difficult road, but battling ingrain perceptions and convincing people that it’s safe to drink out of a tap here was even trickier.

This was despite routine independent tests by PSB Corporation in Singapore that consistently delivered the PPWSA a clean bill of health. ‘People have trouble believing that it’s clean,’ a slightly indignant PPWSA Director Ek Sonn Chan once told me.

Then, in 2004, the Cambodia Beverage Company (CBC), the exclusive bottling partner of The Coca-Cola Company, came to the party and were happy enough with their own tests that it substantially expanded its operations.

The same year, the Asian Development Bank awarded Sonn Chan its Water Prize, and two years after that he won a highly prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for government service, and has been declared a hero by Hun Sen.

Cambodians know their country has problems. But every now and again, as with the opening of the stock market, this country’s peace dividend pays off.


Anonymous said...

Does Khmer hooker fucking rate got listed as well?

Anonymous said...

11:36 PM,

Are you looking to make investment in this industry?

Perhaps you could solicit your mother and sister, if you have any, to get into this business.

I heard male and female Thais, and female Viets are making a killing in this business.

Anonymous said...

11:36 "Does Khmer hooker fucking rate got listed as well?"
It seems that you are running this particular business? Are-you making money from the viets traficked from Saigon?

Anonymous said...

stock exchange will de-isolate cambodia from frog mentality, ok!

Anonymous said...

A Stock Exchange for in badly corrupted third world dictatorship? Can anybody tell me what will be next? A stock market requires good governance, transparency and rules of law that cambodia has next to nothing.

Anonymous said...

they say you get what you reap, so true in the case of cambodia. stop wanting to keep cambodia in isolation for too long already, ok! don't be so stupid forever, ok! let her free!

Anonymous said...

Haha, Khmer moneys don't know how to count, stock exchange, what a joke

Anonymous said...

Stock Exchange in a global collapsing economy? OK, Im putting my bet in the mark of the beast 666, to rise up and save the world. All who will take his mark will be doom for all eternity.

History been recorded that no one will able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast being 666, either on their forehead or in their right hand. It's about being enslaved to the system of the evil one who will come on this world scene very soon, within 15 years perhaps.

Enjoy your freedom know because disaster is looming over the horizon and will enter the stage to perform exactly as been written long ago in the Bible. With the advancement of technology the New World Order been forcing itself to give birth to that which has been planned by the elitist who control the affair of your life and mine without the mass knowing what is going on.

Don't believe me, just wait & see my fellow doubters.

Dictators exist because it's a picture of a real world dictator to come on the scene, known as the anti-christ. Though there are many anti-christs' in the world, but this will be the real Anti-Christ who will subjugate every soul to take his mark known as, 666, the mark of the beast. No escape, either you take his mark or be killed by refusing. How's that for freedom & demomcracy the world been touting for.


Anonymous said...

Please,don't invest this one because
Hun Sen will be out of power or dead
Don't waste your money.
Hun Sen will steal your money