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The country moves in the right direction ... on forced evictions? (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post) |
PHNOM PENH, Jul 21, 2011 (Xinhua) -- Ninety-five percent of Cambodian youth is optimistic about the overall direction their country is taking, but face challenges on the way to a meaningful participation in the political and socio-economic life of Cambodia, said a new study released by the United Nations Development Program-Cambodia (UNDP) on Thursday.
A lack of knowledge and understanding of democratic processes and difficulty to express issues of concern are among the obstacles to greater youth participation as citizens.
The study, titled "Youth Civic Participation in Cambodia", involved face to face interviews with 2,000 youth aged 15-24, of them 20 percent are urban dwellers and 80 percent are rural residents.
It showed that respondents' knowledge of democratic institutions and their roles was very limited, particularly of elected bodies such as the parliament and commune councils.
"Ninety-two percent of youth had heard of commune councils; however, nearly a third of those respondents did not know what they do," said the study. "Parliament was the least familiar to youth, with just three quarters having heard of parliament, and two -thirds of these people did not know what parliament does." Youth are the key to democratic participation in Cambodia with two out of three people in Cambodia being under the age of 25 years old and more than 30 percent of the country's 14.3 million population aged between 10-24 years old.
However, about 95 percent of Cambodian youth said they are proud of being Cambodian and the direction the country is taking by valuing to history, cultural heritage, democracy, and political leadership and feel that all Cambodians are respected equally, stated the study.
On the media consumption side, the study found that about 90 percent of Cambodian youth have consumed to broadcast services such as radios and television.
It added that roughly 93 percent had access to a mobile phone and 42 percent had their owned phone; however, on the internet side, the amount of young internet users is still very limited -- only 6 percent.
The critics should listen and learn from Cambodian youth, real Cambodians, unlike those
overseas-un-Cambodian refugees. The culprit with these refugees is that these traitors are gravely ingrained with enormous animosity again their country and government. Yes, it is very shameful.
Pi Anh
It is the big blow for SRP. Maybe it is the final stand for the party.
The opposition pary can be good or bad, depend on who is running it. So far it is not good for the country.
It would be easier to deal with communist country like China, Vietnam,.....ect. When you have the deal, the deal will stick forever.
Democratic country like Thailand, can't be trusted. When Cambodia had a deal with Phue Thai party, you think it is good enough ? no, when the yellow shirt in power, they just ignore the agreement !! and it will be vise verssa with the Red shirt !!
When Cambodian Gov. talked to them, they just tell you what they want you to do, they don't want to hear any thing from you. They call this negotiation ?????
How are you going to deal with this kind of ignorance ??????
It is not just with Cambodia, it happend to German company also. That is why they hold the Air plan hostage.
I want to hear from SRP on this issue.
តែកូនខ្មែរទូរទាំងប្រទេសក្នុងនិងក្រៅប្រទេសបានមើលឃើញថាប្រទេសខ្មែរបច្ចុប្បន្នកំពុងតែដើរឆ្ពោះទៅរកគ្រោះមហន្តរាយគឺដោយសារមេដឹងនាំជាក្រុមក្បត់ជាតិនិងជាកញ្ជៈយួនដាច់ថ្លៃ ពួកនេះហ៊ានសម្លាប់និងរំលាយពូជសាសន៍ខ្លួនឯងដើម្បីប្តូរនិងអំណាចរបស់ពួកគេ។
3:44 AM
You're wrong! You're only speaking for yourself--not moi.
Pi Anh
3:44 AM not just speaking for himself but he's also speaking for me and other Khmers local and oversea as well.
That's what UNDP had been doing, interviewing YOUTHS IN CAMBODIA. It says: " ... 90 percent of Cambodian youths have consumed to
broadcast services such as radios and televisions ". It simply proves
that majority of our youths are interested in politic but they are fed with lots and lots of Hun Sen administration's garbages 24 hours a day everyday. When one hears, sees, repeats the same thing over and over, one will believe everything one hears, sees, and repeats. That what communist propaganda is all about. Real democraty? What? Never heard about it. If what UNDP finding is correct, Yuon communists and Hun Sen communist have suuccessfuly made ignorants out of our people. Isn't that their common target?
The level of khmer youths and khmer people in general are too limited - shrouded in deep ignorance of reality. Mainly CPP rubbish stuck intheir heads. Turn on TVs, all CPP propaganda, you were bron and grew up with it 7/24, so don't be surprised. They have never seen anything other than the froghole. More to come, until their toilet yards are bulldozed over by Yeay Phou, then they will cry for help from Samdat and the pigsy.
The main reason that those young people think that the country is moving in the right direction because they have been brain washed by local media that is controlled by the pro-CPP government and the majority of them, if not 100%, work for the CPP. Everything is rosy on all TV screens, everywhere you turn you see CPP or Hun Sen propagandas. Just like the old days during Sihanook era we were told that Cambodia was one of the greatest countries in the world. Guess what? people really bilieved him then. I watch Khmer TV on the Internet and Nothing has been said about land grabbing protests, even the people that got robbed by Hun Sen's club go to protest with posters of Hun Sen and his wife. Don't they know that Hun Sen's buddies with the approval from the devil himself that make them lose their land?
Anyway, Welcome to the Kingdom of Wondering... Only in Cambodia, the Prime Minister has his own army. Do you call that Democracy? Even his own CPP member wouldn't dare to challenge Hun Sen...
នគរថ្កើងប្លែក ល្អមើលតែភ្នែក តែចិត្តរងកម្ម ដីព្រៃ
ស្រុកខ្មែរ គេលក់បញ្ចាំ កៅប្រាំបួនឆ្នាំ ចាំអីមិនអស់។
រាជការសព្វថ្ងៃ អំណាចពេញដៃ ខ្វៈក្តីសប្បុរស
យកសជាខ្មៅ យកខ្លៅល្ងង់សោះ បណ្ឌិតសេះហោះ
បោះត្រាឡើងសក្តិ៍ ។
រាស្ត្រផ្តល់អំណាច ឯងទៅជាកាច ឃោរដូចជាព្យគ្ឃ
ដណ្តើមដីរាស្ត្រ បញ្ចៀសចាប់ថ្នាក់ ដាក់គុកច្រវាក់
ឥតករុណា ។
រាស្ត្រស្រែកទ្រហោរ យំទួញអង្វរ លឺគួរអនិច្ចា
ពាសពេញនគរ មិនលោះថ្ងៃណា សង្ឃឹមសេនា ប្រមុខតេជោ ។
លឺល្បីថាខ្លាំង ឲ្យជួយតតាំង ឃារឃាំងពួកចោរ
ដឹងអីសម្តេច តេជោសោត្រោ ក៏មិនខុសចោរ
ជួរជាតិអប្បលក្ខណ៍ ។
រាស្ត្រខ្វល់នឹងដី រីអស់មន្ត្រី ខ្វល់នឹងបុណ្យសក្ត្រិ៍
ដណ្តើមគ្នាធំ អាងពួកអាងបក្ស សាមគ្គីបែកបាក់
ដល់ថ្នាក់លង្វែក ។
នេះឫអភិវឌ្ឃន៍ ចូរចាំឲ្យស្ទាត់ ពីរោះអនេក គឺធ្វើ
ឲ្យផ្ទុះ ដូចជាគ្រាប់បែក ល្អមើលតែភ្នែក ក្នុងចិត្ត
រងកម្ម ។
these are Cambodian youth. What you expected?
ខ្មែរឯនាយសមុទ្រ បានទៅលេងស្រុក
ខ្មែរយ៉ាងតិច ពីរពាន់នាក់ក្នុងមួយខែ។
គេទាំងនោះ មិនភ្នែកខ្វាក់ ត្រចៀកថ្លង់
មាត់គទេ។ គេដឹងឮឃើញអស់ហើយ
សូម្បីតែខ្ញុំ គង់ទៅឃើញស្រុកកំណើត
ពីរឆ្នាំម្ដងដែរ។ នៅទីក្រុងគគ្រិច នៅស្រុក
៨០,000នាក់ ស្របច្បាប់អា ហ៊ុន សែន ឲ្យ
ទៅធ្វើការនៅសៀម ចុះអ្នកមិនស្របច្បាប់វា
នៅកូរ៉េរាប់ហ្មឺននាក់ នៅតៃវ៉ាន់ នៅសិង្គបូរី
ថា អាហ៊ុន សែនចុះវាខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាងហើយ
តែបុគ្គលមួយចំនួនខ្វាក់ថ្លង់ជាជាហ៊ុន សែន
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