Wednesday, July 20, 2011

COMFREL will conducts Women Can Do It Training Courses in Takeo, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Cham, and Kampong Thom provinces in this 3rd quarter of 2011

Dear all,

COMFREL -Women's Network in Takeo, will conduct a local learning in Kiri Chongkoh Commune, Kirivong District, Takeo province on July 24, 2011. The course will be provide knowledge to local citizens, especially, women relating to necessary of participation in political affairs, decision making, gender and promote women to take part in local affairs.

Please find and see the attached file for details.

FYI : If you need releases or articles related to women can do it training courses, workshop on voter's voices, elections reforms, democracy/political reforms, decentralisation and governance, please feel free to visit our website :

Best regards,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

មិនចាំបាច់បោះឆោ្នតទេ ។ប្រគល់កៅអី
នាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រីអោយអាហ៊ុន សែនទៅ!
ពួកអា COMFREL ច្រំអាចម៍ត្មាត។