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On 22 July 2011, Hun Xen warned the opposition against using the Jasmine Revolution (Photo: Siv Channa, CEN) |
22 July 2011
Cambodia Express News
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Phnom Penh – Hun Xen issues yet another warning to the Cambodian opposition party, telling them not to copy the Jasmine Revolution – a legal popular movement to topple the government leader. Hun Xen warned that he will order arrests and he will use the people’s force to support his regime in order to counter such movement.
During a press conference broadcasted live on TV and radio stations on Friday 22 July 2011 at the Eternal Peace building in Phnom Penh, Hun Xen indicated that the Jasmine Revolution should not be used in Cambodia. “How many are you? How about the people who support the CPP that rule the country, where are they? Don’t try! Because we played with each other once already in 1998. In 2003, following the election, the opposition wanted to try this again, but I prepared 220,000 people to counter it.”
With his declaration, Hun Xen also announced that the Thai Yellow Shirts have prepared funding and armaments to foment an anti- Cambodian government force inside Thailand. But Hun Xen warned that he will issue arrest warrants if such anti-government forces are formed. He also warned that the opposition force [in exile] in Bangkok is also in his hand and it is only a matter of time before measures will be taken.
Hun Xen’s declaration came immediately after opposition leader Sam Rainsy went to Tunisia to study about the Jasmine Revolution which led to the toppling of the government leader. In a communiqué titled: “Sam Rainsy in Tunisia to prepare People Power in Cambodia”, the SRP announced that opposition leader Sam Rainsy will spend 3 days in Tunisia to study about the Jasmine Revolution in North Africa that led to the toppling of Ben Ali, the Tunisian leader, at the beginning of 2011. Sam Rainsy arrived in Tunis in 21 July 2011.
what the heck scam rainsy always talks about revolution? revolution by yourself, you loner! nobody in their right mind is going to join your insane, radical idea, ok! this is not 1975, ok! so don't be so stupid forever, ok! there are more to cambodia than you and i, ok! get used to it, ok! you're never going to be the prime minister of cambodia, ok! nobody will vote for you, scam rainsy, you can participate in the election and still lose, nobody in their right mind is voting for you, you know! stop dreaming about revolution and then run away and hide again and again. grow up already, and stop being stupid forever, ok! god bless cambodia.
It will never happens--not Cambodia.
You can mark my words. Also, let's me reiterate that this BS will never occurs in my country--never.
Pi Anh
just chut up your stinky mouth ...
you dont know anything beside eat and sleep....
Yuon all over in Cambodia ,you never open your fucking blind eye
that enough wake up pal .
Hun Sen never trust Khmer to protect him thus he said "I prepared 220,000 youns to counter it.”
There will be blood batch in front of the tounle bourn muk in PP.
Khmer must rise up to take our land back.............
Hun Sen can threat however he wants it. But thing will be changed.
This kind of attitude had been used in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and it worked now it gone to Yemen, Syria and it will come to Cambodia. The world will not stand and look at Hun Sen crush, smash and shoot people like he was doing in the past.
I'm pretty sure the glimpse are ahead of us soon.
He can't use force to "SMASH" like KR used during its time.
Richard Toun,
Lowell, MA
The final prophecy will arrive soon to Cambodia!!!
The war on The Bassac or Tonle Mok Boun is coming soon. There will be war at the 4-intersection of the Mekong river in Phnom Penh soon.
my dear, the reality is that using race card is outdated and won't win your the heart and mind of the khmer people, really! do you understand that using a race card( of course we know khmer people hated and do not trust youn an siem, etc) is just outdated and unfounded and no more than using political attack on cambodia. we know that already, so, it is useless to keep repeating the outdated idea that no one support, ok! that is why i called stop being stupid forever, ok! use the god given brain cells of yours for a change, ok! it's time to look pass the race card issue in this day and age, ok! you've gotten to do better than than, you know! people aren't stupid as you think we are, ok! do something about it and stop whining here forever, ok!
again, your idea is so outdated, ok! if you don't understand what outdated means, i suggest you look it up online dictionary, ok! don't be so stupid forever, ok!
smart people don't use often use violence to gain power, smart people used their head and their mind to get what they want, that's all smart, ok! don't be stupid forever, ok!
smart people use the rule of law to get what they want!
សម រង្ស៊ី គឺជាអាយ៉ងដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់អា ហ៊ុន សែន ព្រោះដើរនិយាយមិនធ្វើ ផ្តល់ឱកាស់អោយអា ហ៊ុន សែន សម្លុតគំរាមរាស្ត្រ ។ សម រង្ស៊ី បើលោក មិនអាចម៍ទេ សុំកុំផោមអោយឆ្កែអរ ។ តើលោកដើរ និយាយនេះបានចំណេញអី? បើលោកចង់យកអំណាចពលរដ្ឋ មកធ្វើ កុំនិយាយ ពីការបោះឆ្នោត បើលោកចង់ចូលទៅបោះឆ្នោត កុំ និយាយពី អំណាចពលរដ្ឋ ។ លោកបានត្រឹមជន្ល អោយ ហ៊ុន សែន សម្លុតគំរាមរាស្ត្រ យកមុខមាត់ ហើយបំបាក់ស្មារតីរាស្ត្រ តើបានប្រយោជន៍អី? ឡប់មែនលោកឯងនេះ ។
Hun Xen has nothing to worry, if he is a legitimate elected leader unless he gained this position by vote stealing.
Pro Vietcong
Only the old farts, mostly ah refugees (traitors), who are completely ingrained with hatred of the country (Vietnam)who saved their lives. This group of people are lack of decorum; they do not how to thank those who saved them from mass graves. They never let go the history, instead instill this hatred in their children. Plus, they like to bring up the history and use it to undermine and derail Cambodian government--they're not helping the country. Whereas, the Cambodian youths are doing everything they can to bring peace and prosperity to the country, while these old farts left behind with full of hatred with them. What a shame for these old farts.
Pi Anh
The rule of law doesn't work with Hun Sen and his cronies. We Khmer have to have courage and stand up against this dictator bastard. This man doesn't care about us, he only care about is his power, and money for his family. This CPP administration served YOUN long enough and we Khmer can not afford to continue to keep him in power one more term. YOUN is every in Cambodia and soon we Khmer will be the minority in our own country. Those of you continue to support Hun Sen, you are actually supporting YOUN who have been planing to annex Khmer as part of Indo-China Federation over hundreds of year ago. Wake up people, we Khmer only have 15 million of population and YOUN have over 85 million people; therefore, it will be soon enough that Khmer will become Indo-China Federation if we choose to do nothing. For those of you who are too blind to see the truth, you are no different from a frog living in a pond. Please stop lying to yourself that thing will get better in time because it has not been over 30 now. As much as I hate to see more bloods shed among Khmer, some time it is for the better because we have to die in order for us to survive. We have to be willing to sacrifice and to die for the sake of our children's future. The time is now people, let us all rise up and shed our blood once and for all for the sake of our existence.
Phnom Penh
Jasmine revolution will not work in Cambodia for one reason: People in Phnom Penh are happy with CPP government. No need to change it. Why Sam Rainsy wants to have a revolution in Cambodia ? Not even one Khmer person in USA could unite khmer communities in Lowell or Longbeach. Sam Rainsy is a book smart, not street smart.
Long live CPP......khmer Canada
To the 1st poster @ 12:40 AM
This Vietcong is so nervous of being kicked out of Cambodia.
Just count the # of ok! in his comment.
you know!
Some posters in KI Media are on Hun Sen's payroll and they are here to maliciously defending Hun Sen at all cost.
One of them the 1st poster @ 12:40 AM, whose writing style is easy to recognize, it always has at least one or more of these:
you know!
Pi Anh = Ah Vietcong = Ah chhloeuy
When you only got 10-15% of the population happy with HUN SEN and what are you going to do with the 80%?
Khmer Prey Veng,
Can we have a new leader? You have been in power for so long, and Cambodia really needed a change.
Revolution is not the solution to the Cambodian problems as the country has barely come out from internal fightings and is not strong enough to sustain another blow to its head. It cannot even walk on its own and now is forced to go through another fight? That would be suicidal to the nation as a whole.
Fighting among ourselves through means of violence will further weaken Cambodia and she will never be a match to our 2 stronger and richer neighbours, thus making it very hard for her to defend even her remaining territory.
The CPP has enough supporters in Cambodia to make an uprising a bloody nightmare for Cambodia. The Cambodian military has never been an independent institution and its rank and file is not well educated enough to resist orders from the government to carry out bloody suppression.
At the end of the day Mr. Sam is safe and sound outside the country while his supporters will be crushed beyond imagination and in the mean time the rest of the world can shout their sympathetic cry with no concrete military intervention.
Changes in Cambodia can only take place gradually through time and education. Recent studies have shown that Cambodian youth, the pillars of Cambodian society needs to be educated and informed so that they can responsibly and knowledgeably demand from their government for changes.
With smart citizens any government that wants to be in power will have no choice, but to listen to the demands of its population.
Anet Khmer
Anet Khmer, I understand your concern about the blood shed, but if we don't take a drastical action the door is continue to closing on us. We are not dealing with an educated Government here, this is a "Thug" we are talking about. As a former Khmer Rough soldier, this man is willing to kill without a tiny moral in his skull. It has been over 3o years and nothing have change. The time is now my friend, the cambodian people have been making peace with this administration too longer and we not going to take it any more. We are tire of the corruption, poverty, and eviction. I want my country back now.
Phnom Penh
មានសកម្មជនរបស់គណបក្សសម រង្សីមួយចំនួន
ក្នុងប្រទេសសៀមសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ។ ពួកនេះត្រូវបាន
អនុគ្រោះតាមសំណូមពររបស់សម រង្សី។
បញ្ហាមួយនឹងចោទចំពោះពួកគេ ដោយសារនៅ
រយៈពេលយ៉ាងខ្លីខាងមុខ រដ្ឋាភិបាលថ្មីរបស់
អ្វីជាមួយមេបក្សសម រង្សី។
តើសម រង្សីបានគិតដល់វាសនាពួកនេះទេ?
Yes, 30+ years under HUN SEN our people should have been more educated already but HUn Sen keep them under his feet for not letting them have really educated so he can control Cambodia forever. If you have time 30 years like that I bet the education department of Cambodia really booming instead its moving backward unlike Saddam, his country really can build its own nuclear when he was in charge.
It just a matter of time guys. Nothing will be last forever (Eternity). When the students graduate from colleges and universities and have no job and only those that have connection to get jobs there will be a mass demonstration occurs. Every years students graduated 1-2 degree and no work and the poor keeps getting poorer and those workers didn't get any raise to balance to their cost of living. I'm sure there will be a change. Just a matter to time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you kept seeing and hearing those farmers saying "Rather die for their farm lands" or in Khmer "ស៊ូស្លាប់ដើម្បីដីស្រែ".
Mr. "PI ANH" said to mark his word, that "revolution in Cambodia will never happen".
Yes, that was what King Sihanouk said in 1970.
Another anon, said, that "revolution will never happen in Cambodia because people in Phnom Penh likes CPP", but he forgets to mention that the majority of the Cambodian population - does not live in Phnom Penh.
When there is a stability in the country-- everyone lives under the same justice and set of laws; all people have the same opportunity and equality; wealth spreads evenly amongst its citizen; everyone has a decent place to sleep and enough food to eat--- the revolution will not take place.
However, if the poor and the powerful live under a different set of laws and if the poor and the powerless feel that their rights, dignity, property, land and belongings are taken away from them by the rich and powerful, there will be an inevitable uprising, and it will be an unstoppable one. This is the law of the nature.
We better fight than just talk. How many Hun Sen name in CPP. We are geting mad to HUN SEN rules. We are not mad to CPP. Thanks
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើមវាហ៊ុន ណាល់ ។ឪវា
ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន នៀង ជាចោរលួចគោនៅស្រុកក្រូច
ឆ្មារ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ម្ដាយវាឈ្មោះឌី ប៉ុកជា
អ្នកលក់នំអាកោរ។ អាហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើម
វា គឺ ហ៊ុន ណាល់ ជាចោរដូចឪពុកវាដែរ។
មែកត្របែកខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាង ហើយឆ្នាំ៧០រត់ចូល
ចូលព្រៃម៉ាគី ធ្វើជាខ្មែរក្រហម។
ជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហម គណៈភូមិ គណៈឃុំ និង
គណៈតំបន់មួយចំនួនជាចោរ ឬ មេចោរលួច
គោ ឬ ក្របី។
ដល់មកបានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី កើតជាចោរលក់
ជាតិ លួចជាតិ។ឪអាហ៊ុន សែន ជាចោរ អាហ៊ុន
សែនជាចោរ អស់ទាំងមុខមន្រ្តីក៏ជាចោរដូច អាខ្វាក់
ហ៊ុន សែន ដែរ។
Dear Anet Khmer,
I second you on this one. I lived through KR, I lived for a while under Viet regime, and refugee camp. I am strongly believe as you do that Khmer is not ready for another blow. If we are going to do another revolution --- we are definitely whitout our own race.
Of course, I am still on the same page with you on this!
As much as I dislike Mr. Hun Sen to the core, but I dislike more the Khmer who will bring another khmers to kill another Khmers. (Anet Khmer, are you on the same page with me on this?).
It will never happen in Cambodia because:
1)Khmer is a passive people (no the Khmer in Angkor period)
2)Khmer are Buddhism, Muslimes like in Liby, Tunesia, Egypt, or Arabian world.
That is thae fact.
not only that, my dear, the US gov't have a policy that they do not support any terrorist organization that plan to attack a peaceful nation like cambodia that did not attack america by force. so, don't worry, cambodia and khmer people, america is a land of the rule of law on earth, so america would never support a radical group of violence, terrorists like scam rainsy group to attack or have revolution in cambodia from scam rainsy, ok! so, don't worry, it is scam rainsy's freedom to whine here only, he's useless for cambodia, we all know that already, so don't lose sleep over it, you know!
remember that ron yasith guy, who tried to attack cambodia, well, he's in america's jail now for using american soil to attack a friendly cambodia because congress of america did not declare war with cambodia, so it is against america's policy to support a violent, terrorist group like scam rainsy party, etc, you know! god bless cambodia.
khmer and cambodia just got over civil war , the kr atrocity, etc, etc, so cambodia is not ready of the so-called jasmine revolution because not only that gov't of cambodia and the world would not allow that to happen in cambodia, and khmer leaders and cambodia did reformed and changed and educated already since 30 years passed, so, if any revolution to occur in cambodia, it is probably the next 100 or 200 or 300 years or 1000 years from now, but most definitely not now, ok! it's just impossible, nobody on earth will support that, not even khmer people of cambodia, you know! so, it's only a dream of scam rainsy, really! don't worry, cambodia! god bless cambodia always.
Revolution only exists on paper and propagandist mouthpiece like KI and VOA.
Cambodia is fine. We don't need change.
Why don't you learn how to change yourself first, then return(not as ah puok refugees)to your beloved country and help Cambodia with new developments for peace and prosperity for the country and its people. This is the kind of change we need for Cambodia--not other BS change like your loose cannon leader who runs around trying to bring change to the country. This is the kind of leader that you should abandon.
Pi Anh
in cambodia and among khmer people, only talks, compromise, negotiation, etc, is allowed and supported, but never revolution, that thinking is so outdated just like the using of the race card, it is so outdated in this day and age, you know!
Ah Net Khmer !
Ah Net Khauch Chhker !
Ah Net Khmer Khnhom Yuon !
Pi Anh,
Please don't call Khmer live abroad "ah puok refugees" ... you just give label to other Khmers people...how do you feel when we call you "ah puok Kloun Khmer Kbla youn"..."ah louk chet"...etc. well you get the ideas...clean your filty mouth before you speak again and write on this bloc (of course this is given that you have some education, otherwise, go ahead -- be a low life talk like child that have no parents to teach you with any manner!)
Koun Khmer
i don't think it's nervous, it's more like tickling to hear a terrorist group plotting to sabotage cambodia, you now!
Pi Anh and Ah Net Khmer = Yuon in Khmer Costumes
ពួកអាក្រពើយួន, ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជៈយួន ពួកអាអស់ឯងគួររកទូកឬក្បូនទុកឱយហើយទៅ! ព្រោះព្យុៈសូណាមីរបស់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជិតមកដល់ហើយ! ទោះបីជាពួកអាឯងមានគ្នាច្រើនជាងហ្នឹងទៅទៀតក៏ដោយក៏មិនអាចទប់ទល់នឹងមហាព្យុៈសូណាមីរបស់ពលរដ្ឋនេះបានដែរ! បើដឹងខ្លួនទាន់គួរពួកអាក្រពើឯងនាំគ្នាដែលទឹកទៅនៅហាណូយវិញទៅវាជាការប្រសើរ! ពួកអាក្រពើឯងត្រូវតែចងចាំថា៖បាបកម្មដែលពួកឯងបានប្រព្រឹត្តមកលើពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជាងបីលាននាក់នោះគឺមិនអាចគេចរួចជាដាច់ខាត!មិនចាំបាច់ចាំដល់ជាតិមុខទេអាថ្លើម!...
Pi Anh= Mee Hun Mana
Mee Samphoeung Ors Sarch Neov Srok Khmer
WE enjoyed reading all of your interchange posted comments by expressing your ideal and opinions. Unfortunately, we are over due and definitely needed to change a ruler.We do and urging in needed a ruler by the majority of the people and not by one KHMER ROUGH RULER FOR 30 YEARS BY HIMSELF. BE HONEST TO YOURSELF,DURING KHMER ROUGH REGIME /RULER,BROUGH SO MUCH EVIL AND HOLOCAUST.NOW ,WE ARE STILL RULED BY KHMER ROUGH RULER.PROVED IT..KHMER ROUGH LEADERS ARE STILL LIVING AMONG US AFTER 36 YEARS (RESPONSIBLE FOR NEARY 2 MILLION LIFES).USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT!!!!!!!ALSO IF HUN SEN IS SUCH A POWERFUL RULER.HE WOULD NOT FEELING INTEMIDATED !!!!!!
you know!
How many postings have you posted on this single subject?
And you tell yourself not to lose sleep about it, so why so many postings?
Are you paranoid or worse?
Bouawat you are right Revolution happen anytime in Cambodia.Dictator regime will not live for ever. See in the past, king of france,Tsar of Russia,emperror of ChinaPhilippine's president (Marcos)Indonesia'Presidents (Soeukarno,Suharto)and even king Sihanouk were deposed from power by a revolution.... Egypt ..Tunisia now Syria and Libya Will soon colapsed.
4:08 AM
Puok Ah Chkuot Jruok refugees deserved to be called "maggots" if nothing less. Yes, these maggots well deserved what they've asked for.
Pi Anh
Pi Anh,
You actually are in Cambodia and your English is way better and more perfect than ours as Refugees living the third world country.
Your Vietnamese parents trained you so well in aggressive manners
I would not endorse any kind of revolution to oust Hun Sen. Wisdom is better than might or weapon of war. Beside, God is the overruler of kings & presidents. Why don't we all appeal to his authority on this matter? The nations are but a drop in a bucket in his sight.
"There is no wisdom nor understanding, nor counsel against the LORD,(Yahweh)."
If God wants Hun Sen to stay in power, you can't go against God's counsel without doing damage to yourself and everybody else that that are involved.
I'm not saying God approves of everything that Hun Sen does and said. But God has a purpose for everything, even for an evil leader to continue for long period of time. Our best bet is to appeal before his court of justice which is in heaven, not before the United Nations.
Knowing the history of a lot of infighting among ourselves, we are going to end up destroying ourselves because of our Pride & high mindedness.
The king's (Prime Minister's) heart is in the hand of the LORD,(Yahweh) as the rivers of water: he turneth (overrule)it whithersoever he will. Proverb
You see, appealing to him he could change the heart of the king to bring good instead of continue evil. Are we willing to humble ourselves and seek our true Creator for his help?
3:27 AM,
Yes, I definitely am!
Anet Khmer
Pi Anh,
Where do you live in Cambodia? I am looking for you through the intelligent. If you are Hun Sen, then your house with your Yuon thieves and family members will bombed or explosive. If you are Yuon/Vietnamese speaking Khmer language and taking like the way you talk, you are reported to the China and USA. Then you will be destroyed in the hands of intelligent agents. You are going to be shot to death one of these days. Good luck for your negative attitude toward to Khmer people and serving your Yuou CPP thieves. Khmer at home and abroad are raising awareness about someone like you who always backs down innocent Khmer people. Again, good luck for what you are doing to hurt Khmer people.
Khmer Intelligent
Mr. Preacher,
Those who bring God to the conversations because they can not think for themself; therefore, please stop shuffle your belief in people throat.
5:18 AM is Yuon though to be a peace of shit that lied and faked in front of Khmer people and foreigners. Very fake and this blogger is pretending
By reading comments in this forum, one can see clearly how the killing fields of the KR took place in Cambodia. In the Killing Fields of the KR, it was the Khmers who mostly killed the Khmers and you can blame the Vietnamese all you want. The killing is the result of hatred and mistrust built up through many years of conflicts.
If a revolution were to start and happened to be succeeded, more killings along the same line of the Khmer Rouge will come back for sure in cambodia. Hatred will never be resolved by hatred, but by understanding, forgiveness, tolerance and cooperation.
The hatred in this forum could be felt through the skin to the bone and even to the bone marrow of the reader.
Many Cambodians have unfortunately learned nothing from the Killing Fields of the KR, which is certainly sad!
Anet Khmer
I can think for myself, thank you!
It's you that may not think for yourself.
There goes my pearls being trampled on by s---e.
Feasibility of Revolution In Cambodia
Two main factors need to be considered before taking action of this nature: 1- the viability of the opposing camp, and 2- the opportune moment to strike.
The above factors are contingent upon the quality or coherence of leadership in-waiting, supported through strong network or internal party organisation or movement from the very top down to the grassroots.
The West and China will likely reassess their respective stance towards Cambodia the moment the people have made their collective voice heard on the streets as we had witnessed recently in Egypt and the Arab world.
Politicians must study the pros and cons of their plans, and try to minimize human suffering if at all possible. The end foreseen must be worth the sacrifice to be made.
It's possible that revolutionary change could come about through non-violent means. The armed forces could also change side or allegiance according to which way the currents flow.
The biggest question mark over the Phnom Penh regime has been its subservience to Hanoi and its lack of transparency over Cambodia-Vietnam border delineation process that has been going on for some years now and due to be completed (conveniently!) before the next general election.
(Continue below)
Anet Khmer, you are the one who screwed up with Khmer people. With your words and comments, you want to be protected by Yuon when you screw up and cause the damage your own Khmer people. You need to have a good judgement for yourself before you say Anet Khmer (Poor or pitiful Khmer). You need to show the support for Khmer people. Yuon folks pretends to be Khmer and speaks really well, then they look down on Khmer people when they (Yuon) are doing well. They manipulate Khmer to hate Khmer people. So, what wrong with you and Yuon people living in Cambodia. Again, I discourage you not to mention like that just like ground and sky. Physically, you did not act, but just talked only. If you want to solve the problem, then roll your sleeves and participate and help out. So, don't manipulate people (Yuon, Khmer, Chinese, and so on). Thanks
Feasibility of Revolution In Cambodia
The persistent threat posed by Vietnam in the East and Thailand in the West can be better seen to where there is a genuinely independent and neutral government installed in Phnom Penh. There should be enough legal treaties and maps that can be produced at international forums like the ICJ and other world security bodies whenever the country's sovereignty becomes threatened or encroached upon, in conjunction with the Paris Peace Accords.
I think both the peoples of Vietnam and Thailand will stand to benefit from an independent, free and democratic Cambodian government in the long run. Sadly, these peoples are also relatively unfree and are under the yoke of their rulers in one way or another, particularly, the Vietnamese people. The prospective well-being and enjoyment of freedom and human rights protection in Cambodia could pose a direct threat to enforced political status quo in Vietnam today; a country of nearly 90 million souls still competing for economic breathing space. Beside Cambodia, Vietnam also borders Laos and China, neither of whom are democratically governed. This is why during the recent rare, but officially staged public anti-China protest a placard bearing the words 'Why the Vietnamese people are still suffering ...?' was hastily snatched off the brave protester by the Vietnamese police.
So what has this got to do with poor Cambodia? Well, everything, specially, in this age of mass information when nothing done in secrecy or transparency can escape public scrutiny for long.
6:18 AM, when it comes to time. Use strategy and the backup plans when two sides of enemies, East and West, are watching. Khmer people have to be very very very careful. Khmer people need the International Communities and help from the outsiders. Khmer people need to be prepared and think very carefully before they do something. Khmer people need to get together as fast as possible.
6:17 AM,
You accused people of not doing things concretely to help Cambodia, what did you do? You just speak and pass your opinion like everybody else in this forum.
Besides, I believe you live in the free western world,don't you?
Have you learned what a freedom of speech is yet? If you have, don't tell people not to express their opinions.
6:17 AM,
I like to read all the comments made by anyone who wants to write so don't tell people to stop writing whatever they want!
Are you like Hun Sen who only reads and is happy with articles that serve him and his purposes? You sound like him in your comment; not so brutal yet, who knows, you may be when you are in power. Hypocrite!
You make it sound the Cambodians are so stupid that they can be screwed so easily by just reading a comment.
Come on, give the people of Cambodia a little bit more of respect.
Give me Liberty, or give me Death!
oiy! i'm bored!
LON NOL soul will be returned ,all the youn aggressors and it lackeys will be floating with the grasses stuffed in their tummies back to mekong down streamer,history are repeating it own selves.
Pi Anh good youn is the death youn
People at Phnom Penh and country side are ready, Mr Sam Rainsy. We are waiting for your call to rise up as one in every provinces and the cities.
We Are Ready To Rise Up To Fight With No Fear.
7:02 AM,
... and then the Killing Fields also come back...
Make sure you are not in Cambodia!
7:16 AM,
Me too, I am only ready when brother Sam is here. But I don't think he will be here.
he concerned is good for country
it can caused & damaged the country
go to capture (Serey Rotha), a Leader to form armaments to destroy cambodia & put him in jail for life time..
don't let any revolutions to begin.
i support u. decho SEN,
your concerned is very good for
cambodian peoples & very good for country
our country already has peace & cambodian peoples has enjoyed thier life...
Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten
By Ms. Rattana Keo
Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 30,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?
Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 30,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?
Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 30,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?
The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.
Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 30,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?
Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?
Smart Khmer girl, President Ms. Rattana Keo,
Mr. Pi Anh,
What you just showed our bloggers is that you are indeed a low life, no education, and your mother did not teach you any manners to be nice in the public space. You are such a useless Khmer! Again, sorry to your mother that had give birth to you!
Anet Khmer,
I'm glad to know that you are on the same page with me. If you can help...can you give some advise to Mr. Pi anh!!! (he should try to be a refugee...there a possibility that he could have an open minded).
I think you are well put as of to why Khmer kill khmer and continue to blaim the Vietnamese! Khmer like to look down on the poor...thus, when the poor become the ruler....they just pay back. If they ever learn anything on buddhism (the karma that they create?). There the old Khmer says, "when the water rise, the fish eat anns, when the water go down, the anns eat fish"! It is rather the nature of human being!
Pi Anh or Pee Ass,
Pi Anh is just a prostitute and he loves to suck penis and lick anus of men.
Pi Anh father,
I'm beginning to think Sam Rainsy is working for the New World Order. NWO crowd does not like dictators who don't want to play game with them, so they employ someone who can change that for them so they could fully implement their plan in Cambodia.
The United Nations is part of the New World Order; the conflict between Khmer & Thai flashing fires could been by design ordered by the UN to advance Vietnam to be sole protector of Cambodia to ward off Thai aggression. At some point, Khmer people are going to cry out, "We want Vietnam as part of Srok Khmer so they can protect us from Thailand. In the end, Vietnam got want they wanted & the New World Order got what they wanted - Cambodia being one of Vietnam.
May be Cambodia was not a legitimate country after all those millennia, it needs to return to it's rightful occupant, Vietnam. Can't resist the will of God if that is the case.
Righteousness exalt a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverb
Think about it: are nations overly righteous that they are destroying themselves or are they overly sinful that evil reproaches them?
Jasmine revolution is supported by CIA and MOSSAD. Wake up khmer diaspora !!! Don't dream of a revolution in CAmbodia, we don't need one. Thank you.
Long live CPP !!!!
IF the jasmine revolution occur in Cambodia the States not sit down and watching ,the States will step down and rescue the people don't be afraid, USA take the people for their ideology ,Hun Sen not gonna be big interested of the world and US any more .Let rise up we are surviving.
To Sam Rainsy supporters,
If we don't want to rise up as you ask us to because we don't want to go through another war, does that mean we are traitors? How?
Kbot Cheat Ey Te Ke, Snae Ha Cheat Ey Te Eng!
Khmer Douch Knea te toeu!
8:06 AM,
Where the fuck was the US during the KR regime and period afterwards?
In hiding?
Long Live Mr Sam Rainsy!
Jasmine Revolution is the only answer!
Please lead us Mr Sam Rainsy, We are not scare of Hun Sen and CPP vietnam slave regime blackmail or any form of bully any more because we are so sick of that for over 30 years.
Long live Sam Rainsy and Jasmine revolution in Cambodia!
KR was supported by U.S, all part of the New World Order implementation.
I like Jasmine Tea better then wat sam is proposing to bring about-revolution & more bloodshed.
Khmer Ey Te Eng, Youn Ey Te Ke.
Si Prahok Douch Te Knea Te Toeu!
I had better start applying for an immigration to any country who accepts me before Mr. Sam starts a Jasmine or a lotus or whatever revolution here in Cambodia.
Still enjoy my life eating good noodles soup in PP. Guess I can come back after things have calmed down.
Call me traitor if you want for I was called a traitor also by the KR for the fact that I was living in PP before 1975.
Noodles soup lover
Mei bitch Ms Rattana keo, You think you so smart president of the bitch group who have sex with boy friends while husbands go to work. Who doesn't know about your tresome activity in Sydney Cabramatta. Bitch that open her legs for boy friends while husband at work. Tresome president bitches group at Sydney Cabramatta.
Yes...... you can lead all bitches revolution in Cabramatta to all Cambodian girls to follow and learn tresome cultures like yourself that is your revolution, smart khmer bitch president of tresome khmer bitch,.,.
Pi Anh,
8:24 AM
Ah Pi Anh is going low as CPP!
Eh Pi Anh,
Take it easy, brother. Tone down dirty words and some swearing so I can enjoy reading your comments.
Dirty words are too spicy for me.
Tone down.
Noodles soup lover
Eh Pi Anh,
Take it easy, brother. Tone down dirty words and some swearing so I can enjoy reading your comments.
Dirty words are too spicy for me.
Tone down.
Noodles soup lover
What is going on here?
Look like it has been an all-out war among the Khmers who call themselves Neak Snae Ha Cheat!
Neak Snae Ha Kuy Teav
Hun Sen and youn can't kill thousands khmers in one time,the world not going to stay still watching people get kill by Hun Sen(Hun Sen in US black list )So brothers sisters will die if we are not sacrifice LET RISE UP to open the NEW PAGE OF KHMERS history.
Hun Sen fate is gloomy ,Hun Sen doom days on it way
Where there is suppression, there is uprising!
NATO Forces, USA Forces, UN Forces will help Cambodian people in rise up against dictatorship regime like Tunisa, Egypt, Gadaffy families hit by NATO missiles so does Hun Sen families will be hit by NATO USA missiles guide.
Let's rise together as one people to free our nation from traitors regime CPP Hun Sen.
More than 50% of Cambodia is filled with illigal vietnamese migrants, soon it will 100% of Cambodia be filled with vietnamese migrants, we don't have time. It's a national emergency!
It's either now or never!
Where there is crisis, there is opportunity!
Make maximum use of the momentums of the revolutions going on around the world!
LON NOL soul will be returned ,
with stupid politic & poor performances...
LON NOL, was sucked, sucked, sucked
because of LON NOL, stupid politic,that, made me stayed with KR for 3yrs...
Without destruction there can be no construction.
It is legally to get rid of one to save the nation and millions of people. Think about it.
Political Analysis Today:
Most of us have known about Pol Pot's paranoia, but Pol Pot has become the past, present Pol Pot is Hun Sen who has always appeared in the public by his ruthless leadership style.
Hun Sen's appearance to denounce Sam Rainsy and threaten Cambodian people about the possibility of people revolution is another same-same political attitude that Hun Sen doesn't want to publicize it at all.
From day to day, Hun Sen and his cadres have tried to manipulate Cambodian people by boasting on the development of democracy, economic betterment, fair election, social welfare and caring for the destitute etc. Mass media in Cambodia including printing papers, TVs and Radios are out-speaking about this manipulation to lure the Cambodian people to believe in them. Hun Sen wants these things to be heard more than threatening or publicly intimidating like this.
However, Hun Sen cannot keep himself peaceful to hiding his personal ruthless attitude. Khmer proverb says that "kor dombao knong, k'aek hir romlong, romsai kontuy" or "the wounded bull will always be sensitive even though a bird flying pass above".
By visiting Tunesia and the informing of different despotic leaders who have clung to power longer than Hun Sen have been toppled by the people is another well-informed news for all Cambodian people, and it is the itchy news for Khmer despotic Hun Sen.
Sam Rainsy's well-informed statement described world's despotic leaders have been gradually toppled by its own people: "He associated Cambodia’s Hun Sen (32 years in power) with Tunisia’s Ben Ali (removed after 24 years in power), Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak (removed after 30 years in power), Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi (to be removed after 42 years in power), Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh (to be removed after 33 years in power) and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad (to be removed after 40 years of dictatorship including his father Hafez al-Assad’s 29-year reign)."
People revolution will happen in Cambodia will be critically caused by the leadership of Hun Sen and his cadres. Following factors are good example for all Cambodians to rise up to fight against Hun Sen:
Attempts that Hun Sen has tried to dismantle SRP by using different means such as budget pressuring, driving him away by the political court sentencing, bullying opposition activists and threatening Cambodian people nationwide.
Attempts that Hun Sen has tried to moderate public speech by monopolizing mass media, ruling of a law to control civil society's effective tasks and the creation of politic of fear.
Election fraudulence by creating election committees who are serving CPP, vote-buying and election cheating. This election cheating can win only for power, but cannot win the heart of the Cambodian people and the revolution will not be avoided.
Rampant corruption in which Hun Sen cannot handle with this social illness. Land grabbing as well as other social charity by Hun Sen and his groups have increasingly re-affirmed the corruption behavior realized by the Cambodian people.
Sam Rainsy is the key leader for future of Cambodia. Middle classes Cambodian people has supported SRP before but now Cambodian farmers have also supported SRP. The revolution will happen from both inside the city and remote area to tell truth to Hun Sen that his manipulative approach and lying will not work any more.
Hun Sen cannot make himself as a saint like he wishes. Finally, he will be the dictator and criminal leader of Cambodia like the Pol Pot. Today, she has shown his natural characteristic again.
Khmer Young
Pi Anh = Vietcong = Ah chhoeuy = Hun Sen's shit
10:34 AM
That is very true majority of Cambodian people are living in povert, not enough foods to eat and medical help as billionaoirs, millinairs CPP traitors sell out Cambodia and make us majority Cambodian people suffer.
We have enough of suffer, blackmail, bully from Hun Sen CPP traitors small group. we must rise up together as one in all provinces, cities to free ourKhmer Nation from Vietnam slave regime.
If Hun SEn and Vietcoge start to kill us Khmer America, NATO forces will send warship with load of F16 and missiles to fire at Hun Sen and his families group like Gaddafi got hit by NATO missiles last few months ago.
Get Up Get Up Everybody around the country to free our nation.
It is time for you to go Ah Kwack euy.
Stand up to Ah Kantorp and save our land before you leave or go to hell.
Dear 2:01 PM,
I agree with you stand up all Khmer and save our last land ( Cambodia ) .
It's very obvious that Hun Sen so afraid of the jasmine revolution.
Lottus revolution in cambodia? I wish Sam and his supporters lots of lucks. I am willing to help with monetary contribution but not willing enough to join the front line to confront cpp and all its youn supporters in cambodia; most vietnamese in cambodia are very difficult to distinguishe from khmer people because the talk and walk just like khmer but have no mercy for khmer. I would probably be willing to join the cambodian lottus revolution but I have two lovely kids and a wonderful wife; they need me and appreciate me more than khmer people in cambodia. Good luck Sam rainsy and I hope cpp will not harrass your members more after your visit to learn about the revolution in africa
As I read and studied and evaluated the comments from the most extreme nationalist(Ah refugees)views in Cambodia today,I'd like to personally express my concerns about strong nationalistic views for the KI sustainer members and opposition leader's supporters during online debates, which could lead some of these KI readers turn to other forms of terrorist act against the Cambodian government.
Moreover, I personally denounce their critically extreme nationalistic views. This group of people have been insensitive, insensible, irresponsible, yet callous of their government but themselves.
It is my sincere hope and belief that draconian measures must be adopted and implemented by the Cambodian government to forestall any future terrorist attacks on the Cambodian government. In other words, some of the KI members must be put on blacklist.
Pi Anh
8:24 AM
Shame on you, maggot!
It's great to see yet another Pi Anh wannabe. However, you cannot emulate my success, Ah Chruok Jruok refugee.
Real Pi Anh
វប្បធម៌ខ្មែរធ្លាក់ចុះខ្លាំងណាស់ មានជនមួយចំនួន មិនសូវចេះនិយាយស្តី សូម្បីតែពាក្យសមរម្យអត់ ចេះផង។ ប្រហែលមកពីយួនឈ្លានពានយូរពេក នៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ បានពង្វក់ស្មារតី តាមបែបអរិយ ធម៌ព្រៃ។
ខ្ញុំមិនមែនជាសញ្ចាតិខ្មែរទេ ខ្ញុំអានហើយទាស់ ភ្នែកពេកក្រៃ បើខ្ញុំវាយតម្លៃអញ្ចឹងហើយ អ្នកដទៃ ប្រហែលជាមិនខុសពីខ្ញុំប៉ុន្មានទេ។
8:24 AM
Learn how to write effectively does take time and patience. Having said that, let me say this: your writing style (forget other egregious errors) is pathetically embarrassed, and cannot emulate my writing, Ah Chruok Jruok refugee.
Pi Anh
7:29 PM
"Some KI members must be put on the blacklist."
Let’s start with you 1st Pi Anh, the Vietcong.
Now he brags about his English is so good, what’s a faggot?
These maggots (refugees)have nothing better to do.
These maggots make me sick to my stomach. You people disgust me.
Pi Anh
Fucking Khmer in Cambodia talking nonsense...let start this Protest and get rid of Hun Sen and It foreigner CCP thefts. It killing the country and Khmer people future slowly. Dont worry about the Youns..get rid of this bad PM Hun Sen. Khmer people never unit! alway talking shit and jealous of each others. so no more excauses Freedom is waiting for you do your parts!
1:15 AM
What the hell are you mumbling about, maggot?
Pi Anh
Holy Mary, Joseph and Jesus! Why do you have to send this preacher to piss off the KI sustainer members?
A brief biblical parable for the preacher:
The Christians are still debating "who killed Jesus"?
My answer: the Jewish did. They did not physically killed this
weird-looking guy, instead they sent this crazy-looking guy to the Roman soldiers. Without a doubt, the Roman sent this bastard back to heaven (yes, back to His Father), because he admitted that he is "God."
My question to the Christians is this: What difference does it make who killed Jesus? The guy was sent by His Father to be crucified on the cross to save Pi Anh from sin, and therefore who cares how he died. Again, the guy was sent by His Father to die for Pi Anh. Certainly, the guy did his job. End of story. Or should continue the story by blaming Adam and Eve, or Ah refugees?
Pi Anh
អា ផៃ អាន! អាឈាមយួន! អាស្រកីដូង! បុគ្គល
it same to be that Hun Sen supporters are so wory about Jasmine revolution. Yes, this would be happen the day after cambodian national election 1213...This could be confirm for 75% from cambdian people survey since last revolution 1998. Most of cambodian hight ranking are long time ago prepared to leave cambodia one day end with their million dollars in very foreign country bank.
Ah Pi Anh, don’t waste your time here.
Chau eouy go suck Hun Sen’s cock; you will have better luck there.
Ah Pi Anh’s grandpa
In term of the same blood we should love each other, but not allow other countries invade or interfere our internal. Like the border issue which it is very sensitive information which at the end of the day we are ( not any person) suffer for lossing our territory. I believe if we work togehter to fight our enermy first after we defeat our enermy then we can further our internal. That's the khmer's empire regime apply.
I do not see Khmer help khmer yet. Even small thing like local product we do not support it yet. So start from here so that we can further do the big thing. Wake up n work together. There are some kind of person that born up to make other people happy, but not to hurt people itself. Learn to help, to share and give but not to grap, to interfere or invade its people. Then Buddha will save you!!
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