Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Obituary: The Honourable Jack Layton, Leader of the Canadian Official Opposition​

Jack Layton
August 22, 2011

Dear Compatriot,

Please join me in extending our deepest condolences to the Honourable Olivia Chow and her family for the loss of her late husband, the Honourable Jack Layton, leader of Canada's Official Opposition, who passed away this morning.

Mr. Layton was truly a great Canadian hero. He is known for his caring, simplicity and honesty. He is loved and admired by the Canadian public at large. A leader with strong social values and compassion, a man who had committed his entire life to serve and improve the quality of lives of all Canadians. It's a sad day for Canada and we are deeply sadden by the lost of one of our finest leaders in Canadian government history.

Sincerely Yours,

Pretty Ma, SG
Sam Rainsy Party of North America


Anonymous said...

Get a life PM. Why are you using KI to make this announcement?

By the way, you're not a spoke person for SRP in North America. Have we not already told you so in the past.

Anonymous said...

Thank for caring,simplicity,and
honesty man.Your life is precious.
May God bless you.

Anonymous said...

The curses that been directed at PM Hun Sen took affect at the wrong person?

Anonymous said...

Dear 6:22PM

This is PM,
And who you or we that might be? Could you kindly enlighten me on your official affiliation or position, for that matter?

BTW, I do have a life and a very fulfilling one. Thank you very much. Why not reveal yourself and be a man so we can discuss this in a gentlemen way. Best,