"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Aug. 23, 2011
Written by A. Gaffar Peang-Meth
Pacific Daily News
It was the young Cambodians' wholehearted embrace of technology that nudged me and my NGO friend -- both of us well past 50 -- to raise concerns over the gradual decline in direct personal relationships among humans, relationships we both believe are essential to productive interaction.
As we spoke, some quotations I found in a PowerPoint and used in my column in this space five years ago popped back in my head: "We reached the moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors. We have conquered outer space, but not our inner space." And: "We talk much, we love only a little, and we hate too much."
Having learned how values and principles historically have been guides for human beings, I write from time to time about Lord Gautama Buddha's ancient teachings 2,500 years ago, which seem to have relevance in today's Cambodia, where 95 percent of her 14 million citizens are Buddhists, where democrats are fighting for rights and freedom.
After our meeting, I received a note from my American friend, along with Foreign Policy magazine's special report, "Technology Will Take on a Life of Its Own." He suggested that perhaps we have been already bypassed by the new age and young Cambodians will have to come up with a new system of ethics aligned with the new technology.
I found Foreign Policy's special report by Ayesha Khanna and Parag Khanna frightening. They summarized American futurist Alvin Toffler's books -- "Future Shock," "The Third Wave" and his new book, described as the "Hybrid Age" or "Fourth Wave" -- man becomes part of the machine and the machine becomes part of man.
"Billions of the world's poor from Africa to India are already participating in technological experimentation," wrote Khanna and Khanna. "And yet we have not even begun to grasp the implications of human-technology co-evolution."
I emailed my friends that it seems like humanity is being robbed of its soul, and I am not willing to lose that soul. Those values and principles that have always guided collective and individual behavior must not be allowed to disappear.
I am a fan of Alvin Toffler. He said, "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." To learn is to think. In the words of the great Chinese teacher Confucius, "Learning without thought is labor lost."
Toffler, who predicts a fusing of man and machine as technology engulfs every aspect of our lives, still espouses the value of continued learning. Those who are acolytes of technology likely would respond that they are continuing to learn. Look, they might say, at my Facebook page; I have 1,200 friends. Look at all the tweets I keep up with. I'm learning. I check Wikipedia all the time.
This, though, is not what I think of as learning, nor do I think Toffler would consider the reading of 10 Facebook pages and assiduous watching of "Entertainment Tonight" as the sort of learning he had in mind.
Learning, as Toffler noted, requires thought. Thought, I believe, is not the product of seconds, but of blocks of time devoted to consideration of information and ideas from a variety of sources. Technology offers the capacity to expand the sources of information, but simultaneously demands of us that we discern among the many sources those that inform, not misinform.
To discern the difference will require that we maintain the human connections that have framed human interaction until the present day. The quality of our thinking is improved when it is challenged by those who hold views at variance with our own.
Our own analysis of information is inevitably filtered through the sieve of our values and principles. Much as I continue to encourage Cambodians to be guided by the traditional teachings of Lord Buddha, among others, I hope each of us will not lose sight of the principles that have been the foundation of our communities. As my American friend lamented, when one begins to curse and engage in name-calling, an exercise made easier by the anonymity of electronic communication, one stops thinking.
As Lord Buddha said, "Nothing is permanent." Everything changes; things change and people change. "Fill your mind with compassion," Buddha preached. "When you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it," Buddha taught.
Reason was what Socrates, a founding father of Western civilization, also propounded.
A young Cambodian graduate in political science from a foreign university emailed me from his home village in Cambodia's northwest, praising regime opponents for working "tirelessly" with villagers, even when threatened by representatives of the government in power, but he criticized those who share the same goals for failing to work together -- and for dividing villagers further into different parties that believe in the same thing: democracy.
This failure to work together toward common goals flies in the face of Buddha's teachings and will thwart democratic progress, with or without the boost that modern technology can give to the struggle.
A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D., is retired from the University of Guam. Write him at peangmeth@yahoo.com.
too complicated to understand!
From what I have leurned and try to leurn more, Capitalist accept the fault nature of human while the communist try strongly earasing it and felt!
Bad nature will stay with human forever we will alway try to defend by teaching the right thing to our children but let them know that the fault is part of humanbeing. Good and bad, dark and light, right and wrong will alway coexist!
The failure to work together toward common goals are alway here from the start of buddhist, chritian, muslim, communist, and capitalist! No one well know phylosopfy or organazation can stay in one peace for 100 of year!
So the Capitalist accepted and try to work together in peace with separet group and idear that come democracy with election and time limited!
And it work better than force to joint in one! accept the nature and try best to bring the good out of it!
Dear Doc,
This is B Boy from an outer space who's just dropping by and stumble upon your article here. It's an eye-opening piece indeed.
"Illiteracy" may be redefined to include those who may just be waking the next morning and find themselves asking .. Is the 21st Century already here?
Nice seeing you, doc!
B Boy
Technology without restrain will bring down humanity with no conscience, or right stated, without a "soul". This is coming inline with bible prophecy that people will become a number instead of a individual. Humanity will be control by technology, enjoy your freedom now before the time arrives. Meanwhile, the world is being lull into accepting the technology as progress. The stage is being set for the anti-christ to come on the scene. See post below.
9:11AM! like it ornot we can not stop human progress!in free world!!!!!!
The Transhumanism: Speaking Image?
Revelation 13:11-16
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.(dragon is referring to the devil)
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. (the anti-christ is the first beast. This is his false prophet causing people to believe the anti-christ)
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (only for deception purpose)
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.(referring to anti-christ)
==And he had power to give life unto the image (statue) of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.== (this could be the transhuman technology or supernatural but only to deceive the world into damnation)
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (you are doomed once you accept this mark of the devil)
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(666)
Who is the Anti-Christ? Satan
A calling for ONE world currency is a move closer to the mark of the beast. One world government is a move closer to the mark of the beast. World economic crisis is a manifactured problem to bring humanity closer to the this bible prophecy to usher in the kingdom of DARKNESS.
Khmer Israel
That's a streng name you got?
and more dificult to read than Dr. Peang writting!
9:41 am,
Can you unpack of what you want to say! Don't quote this from the bible! Make sure that the lay people understand what you want to say.
God talk! ??
If this is God talk, than who understand of what God said should share his/er understanding to the rest of the bloggers! Like 9:41 am in this case! s/he well understood the bible....should interpret it!
I am wondering from one up bringing...I am sure that this is not a uniques case, where the neighbor curse his girl that event if you going to be prostitute, you should be the head of the prostitute! Thus, my question is...is this if the case for all the Khmer parents that raise the children up to be a leader of anything, event a prostitute, how can Khmer children be United? Because the parents are already imprint this in the mind of the children already....how one expect to be a follower of anythings? And to be a leader, s/he also need a followers, how one can achieve this? I remember a Khmer elder blaiming there are a lack of a followers, they are not listen to any good leaders! Than, how come there are many people follow Mr. Hun Sen! Carrot and stick stategies with the Khmer people? Can the good leader(s) use the same method?? In order to save the Khmer soul?
10:22AM! Without demoncracy, justice, fair election, and term limit for the top post , there will be NO good leader!!!
Do I right Norodumb Ranarith????
10:27 am,
After the first National election in 1993, the FUNCINPEC and BLDP had the opportunity to set the term limit. But when one has power, one thought that s/he is invensible/ cannot be take out! The samething as Mr. Sen right now! Term limit should be put in place! in order to allow the country to flourist! This is the crucil element to prevent Cambodia from being like the Middle East! Because people will go again dictatorship! And those who are power hungry will die by their greed just Ranariddh! Although he is physically a life, but mentally hed dead...he has no political asset in political arena anymore!
Dr. Peang -Meath,
Have you ever consider moving back to Cambodia to teach less fortunate children?? I think now that you are retired, and deposied with a wealth of knowledge you can have great impact on young minds for years to come.
I think investing your time writing articles in your golden years in KI-Media is somewhat of a waste of time. I would challenge you to invest your time and energy in where the need is greatest, and that is educating undeserving children.
10:46 am,
I am not support your point! I believe in his freedom to choose. He is not wasting his time! Don't use such intermidating statement against him if you don't know him! Your tactic is worthless, unless Dr. Peang-Meth, want power, that would be another story. But from what I know him, I don't think this is the case. Is you read many articles that he wrote, you would understand that he had give his life to Cambodia and her people more than anyone could ask from any khmer men or women as he had already done so. So if you love and care for him as you love and care for yourself and your family, you should allow him to choose his own life! And allow him to help Cambodia the way he know how!
10:42, I agree with you 100%. And if BLDP don't agree with FUNSUNPEC 100% BLDP elit like DR. Peang, Sok Sokun, Son Sobert may can stand up and pull Cambodia to the right way!
They gave to much way to UNITY!!!
10:46! don't be a fool and lie to yourself!
With knowledge like Dr. Peng should not wasted to teach only a small group of people! He better to write on KI to reach million of people or at lease teach a stupid person like you to get smarter!
What are you doing in KI if not to leurn1? don't wast your time use your brain 10:46!
BTW 10:46 am, his camerate in arm Mr. Son Sobear (?spelling) has been doing this over two decades aleady (taken care children without parents), but he has very little impact! Dr. Peang-Meth belong to the policy level not at the mino level. Of course I beleive that he could go teach the young mind, but this is not the best use of his time! The opportunity cost for him is too high! I would rather see him work at the policy level...in order to make use of his time and his wealth of knowledge efficiently!
Now I challenge you back 10:46 AM, if you could get him in at the policy level and pay him a decent salary at minimum of $3,000-$5,000/per month. I will support you! Otherwise leaving a lone!
3000-5ooo? first he need to have Ph D from Hanoi!!!!
PhD from the US > PhD from Hanoi. Of course unless you use to work with the people that get their PhD from Hanoi, I am not going to dispute you on that because your cland have gun! Gun talk in Cambodia! Threatening environment that Mr. Hun policy to keep Khmer be a slave to the regime, not only that Koun Khmers being a slave to the Hun's regime, but also to other countries in the region as well! It is very shameful for such leader that lack the ability to creat enough job for his people that he suppose to governce!
FYI, private sectors and NGOs are already pay higher than this for someone knowledgeable like Dr. Peang-Meth. Why do you think that he should go just to teach a few children? what is it good for a few Khmer children? You should pay close attention to the well being of the person that you ask to sacrify his life again! Reconsider your request! Again, Until you have a good place and a good pay for him, don't ever ask him to sacrify his life again!ever! Do you know how to read this statement! And may I ask as to what have you done for Khmer people???
PhD from the US > PhD from Hanoi???
PhD from the US ^ PhD from Hanoi?/
Who biger than the priminister??
12:26 pm,
Gun > PhD Hun Sen > PhD from US >PhD from Hanoi > 12:26 to that matter!
What go up must come down! And if Mr. Sen remember this, he should be more humble to Khmer people and take care of them! And that include you Mr./Mrs. 12:26 pm. Humble could get you a long way.
BTW, use your brain, no need to ask this question next time! Use your brain, the more you use your brain, the better you get at it! Try it! You might be able to answer your own questions!
Please stop wasting time with Yiekcong's spy (10:46AM)
Dr Peang Meth,
Just keep doing of what you have been doing - share your knowledge to other people.
Ignore that dumb ass.
joint for the sake of joint is an orgy!
This is the friend I know, that put this out. I want to share with the KM's bloggers:
"Be YOU, be the best you...and you'll see a beautiful world full of love, compassion, and peace...."
"It's never too late or...too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." -
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
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