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Theary Seng and Supote Prasertsri |
On Air Highlights
ABC Radio Australia
A debate is stirring in Cambodia about the continued viability of the Khmer language. It started with a commentary that the Khmer language is in crisis and in fact, dying.
Theary Seng, founding president of the Center for Cambodian Civic Education, wrote in the Phnom Penh Post that spoken Khmer is often either crude or highly stylised, while written Khmer has not been updated for modern times.
The comments triggered controversy and heated discussion in the country and in Cambodian communities abroad, including from Professor Supote Prasertsri, formerly with UNICEF (Thailand) and UNESCO (Cambodia) as an education expert and now an advisor to a number of civil societies in Cambodia.
Presenter: Adelaine Ng
Speakers: Theary Seng, founding president of the Center for Cambodian Civic Education; Prof Supote Prasertsri, former education specialist at UNICEF (Thailand) and UNESCO (Cambodia)
Click the control below to listen to the debate:
seng theary sounds like an absolute idiot. she has been given some time to do some home work beofre the interview. she did nothing.
Theary can't even pronounce the English word "problem" ... She is lost and she attacks Khmer language as a language full of crudeness. Well Theary...take a closer look at the American English that you claim to be fluent in. Check this out: Hey F*cker...Hey Mother f*cker...Hey you stupid b*atch...and so on...Check out the American dictionary of informal words and expressions. Theary is lost big time. She speaks English with a huge accent big time, yo!
Well, it is good to raise awareness! Thanks for bringing the topics to open discussion. It is very important that Khmer people or readers will understand and see the black and white.
Khmer Yeurng
Seng Theary is right,
speaking Khmer is completely changed to the wrong way,
written Khmer also is per example
a lot of idiots use NOUN as VERB:
It is wrong to write like that.
Seng Theary has admitted that she can't speak Khmer fluently but it doesn't mean she is not knowing that Khmer language is dying (sic) it seems she tries to argue that although, she is not a surgeon but it doesn't mean she cannot do operation for a patient. I think she smokes cigar too much makes her brain doesn't function properly which leads her see something beyond her knowledge in Khmer language. There is no doubt that it is just her view that claimed that Khmer language is in crisis, but we can ask the question that how many expert or professor of Khmer language who have agreed with her opinion?
Theary should study how to speak and writing Khmer properly first before she comes and argue about Khmer language. If it is too hard for you to learn it, don't complain it.
I don't know anything about Theary Seng when her article first appeared. In this interview, she said she has limited knowledge about Khmer...and to have limited knowledge of something does not entitle one to make a gross assumption of Khmer. It is not the language that is in crisis. It is the social class in Cambodia that dictates the usage of the language in a certain way. If one is poor, one would find more crude offensive speech as oppose the higher social class. For example..."Aign see bai"..."I eat rice"...as oppose to "Khnyom nyam bai" in the common way...or "Khnyom totualtian bai"...in the higher class. The higher social class tends to know foreign languages and so uses more foreign words. Just an example would be..."thngai nih yeung command ei"..."what do we order today"...and "command" is a French term for "order". Theary sounded like a troubled individual that needs counseling. She has years to go in the Khmer the language. I hope that she will be proud of her Khmer heritage someday, as it is a beautiful language with richness in its 2000-year history. Maybe when she is more fluent in Khmer, her view about Khmer may change. Many languages have foreign words, including Khmer. There is nothing wrong with that. Much of Khmer words are of Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, French, English, Thai, etc.
Achar Kuy
Wat Sangke
Has Theary ever thought of dating Prof. Supote Prasertsri?! They may make a great couple! lol :)
Trapok chou thom klen prahok...uad kluon aeng tha Ahkaing dae...chom chia chhnas maen!
Theary Seng is cleared of what she said! but she still too much care about bad word that would use alway in every getto! But she right about unify and organized the languague in professional level!
Achar Kuy:
Even if a language is perfect, but if the people use it uncorrectly, it will die.
if you all think you have it bad with Hun Sen in term of dictatorship, you all just witnessed a greater potential if you also heard how Theary so angrily addressed this issue!
what the fuck was she referencing to when she said her concern was strengthening the language and make it standard to the "larger Cambodian" population????
she does not even have the fluency or expertise in the Khmer language. bottom line is, she is very narrow in her assessment, and limited to her conservative world views. plus the anger that seems to be a permanent part of all her expressions.
sue her if she started any petition to ban any use of your birth laguage! declare your position against this cultural and language genocide attempt!
she is a conservatist christian who lacks broader acceptance of other world values than your ideals of what should be.
correction: other world views than her own ideals
correction: other world views than her own ideals
10:14! what wrong with you? She don't speak fluence in Khmer because se was forced out of the country and brought up by English speaking people!
But in her heart she still care about Cambodia het mother race! you should be proud about her!
her litle sound of concern because her care! Let think of what sheris wrignr and ca we do any thing about it?
What she wrong we can speak again IT! But not to make it sounf cheap and lowlife!
10:48! sue your mother you stupid! people have right to exprest their bopinion!
10:25 PM,
it is nothing wrong if Theary speaks limited Khmer, or if she does not speak it. the problem is the way she grossly judged the use and meaning of the Khmer words.
i love her and am proud of her in her other endeavors and idealism. but on this subject, she should let it go and stop policing and administering her own language morale on others. just like many, many people in her adopted country of USA hold dear, the freedom of speech and expression should never be infringed upon. if there is any issue with bad moral or behavior, address it through other ways beside killing off a language that has existed since even before her great, great grandparents were born.
10:27 PM,
let me free express my opinion: you are a total idiot!!!
do you know how to read?
10:30! so! you opinion suck!
Give Theary the credit that brought all of you to be awear of the users of Khmer language are in crisis!But should Give credit where the credit due! shouldn't just look at what is wrong, but have to give equal amount of time to look at what is right...and balance your view. Don't be a one track mind, neither it is good for others or for yourself!
11:11 PM,
Be careful, theary will ban you from using that bad word!
Any language has incorrect and correct users...meaning literate and illiterate...all in one basket. Khmer has 14 million speakers in Cambodia, 4 million speakers in Thailand and 8 million speakers in Vietnam...total about 26 million speakers worldwide. How can a language die? One must be a morron or imbecile to classify Khmer as a "dying" language...totally misjudge and disrespectful, unless the users are in decline. We encourage the Buddhist Institute and other institutions to help promote and enrich the Khmer language and culture. Long live Khmer! :)
Achar Kuy
Wat Sangke
foreigners aren't expert or fluent in khmer language, so why we put too much emphasis or give too much credit to them for claiming that khmer language and cambodia is in crisis?
This website published anything on Theary Seng even she farts. So just be careful and use only nice words.
A problem in this subject ,is due to Theary Seng who is an owner of this argument ,She couldn't even having enough knowledge of Khmer Language .On another hand , every of her arguments , she never dare to debate in Khmer .It look like for now , she is tending to correct preceding subject which her topic ,is saying , Khmer language is dying to Khmer language is in crisis ,in order to minimize the impact on her reputation .Because what that her topic mentioned on Khmer language issue , that has put her in total embrace . May I am misleading ,Thear seng
probably has wrote this topic is a biases on politic issue, especially aiming to slap prime Hun Sen , because altogether learns that, Hun Sen is on of a guilty who is responsibility and speaking as such thing .
ខ្ញុំចង់ ឃើញអ្នកសារព័រត៌មានវិទ្យុ អាស៊ីសេរី VOA ឬ RFI ណាម្នាក់ ធ្វើការសំភាសន៍ជាភាសារខ្មែរ ផ្ទាល់មាត់ជាមួយ អ្នកនាងធារី ។ចង់ដឹងថា តើនាងមានសមត្ថភាព នឹងបកស្រាយអោយបាន
ច្បាស់លាស់ អំពីប្រធានបទមួយនេះ ដែរឬទេ?
Anyone ever think that good moral starts with the use of good language?
Do you want Gangster language and gangster society environment or moral & decency in society? I think this is what Theary is trying to portray in a broader sense. Corrupt language, corrupt people and corrupt behavior will lead to down grade of society & environment.
Yak Nee Yak
Do not take it on the Khmer language because you have a yeast infection!
i think the use of language depends on the situation and environment people are in. a language, not just khmer, to be fair is like the air we breathe, some tone of voice deem appropriate in time and place, etc, that doesn't mean the language is in crisis, though! mad people use crude language, while a neutral, compassionate person may use polite, and professional language skill, etc... i think is that what she referred to? then it all depends on the circumstance of the moment, spaces and time, and has nothing to do with khmer language in crisis as claimed,
well, people make mistake all the time, that's why we talk about it and work as a team, etc, etc, you know, so we can remind each other and and help each out in that crisis moment, etc! however, when it comes to life and death situation, even a small, rare mistake may not be tolerable or allowed, you know! so, it all depends on our job, the situation, time and places, etc, really! tis is where education comes into play, i think!
it helps to think before we open our mouth!
I can't believe this sh*t! Oops that is a word from the English languague that Theary claims to be fluent in. Lol. Theary needs to put her "lawyer brain" to learn to speak the Khmer language properly already. She is annoying as hell! Ooops that is another English phrase again. Lol. How dare she characterizes the Khmer language as "earthy, and dying" etc. She sounds so annoying and clueless about the Khmer language altogether. For example, she also mentioned about this Khnmer word "pherm" or pregnant in Enlgish. She said that the usage of the word is restricted with animals only but people now aday use the word with people. That is stupid. Consider the words Mae(Mother) and Ba(Father). The Khmer use the words Mae and Ba for animals and the Sanskrit words Maerta and Beyda or Evpuk to replace those words when speaking for people. But guess what the words Mae and Ba are actually the native Khmer words that were used way before the influences of the Hindu Sanskrit language.
Theary also attacks the Khmer language translators in Cambodia and she said that they could only translate 85% of the content from English to Khmer. Well what about her? How much can she translate from Khmer to English. Give her a Khmer poem of just a few stanzas from this website KI, for a starter! Lol. She also said that the Khmer language is "dying" and when confronted by the interviewer about the usage of the word, Theary fumbled big time and started to correct herself. So she can't even speak English precisely and she claims to be fluent in the language. Oh please already! Khmer language is still alive and kicking whether with or without Theary. The Khmer language has been in existence for thousandS of years and it aint gonna (Oops English words again) "die" as observed by Theary who can't even learn the language of her native tongue. Theary you can go on speaking English all you want, but the moment you open your mouth to speak it, other speakers of English will notice right away that you are still a heavily accented English speaking member of a minority group. I am not impressed at your halting English at all. You are very shallow and seems bitchy at times. You are not Sun and things are not evolving around you. The fact is you will age and eventually "die" but the Khmer language will go on into the future after your time on Earth has expired. Lol
it's ok to make mistake in this case; live and learn from it, though. it builds characters, you know! nobody is perfect species on this planet, really!
nothing personal!
in this case, think before we write!
Every languages need to be reformed. Samdech Penn Nouth helped Khmer languages a lot, but the new generations? What are they planning?
Need new words.
everybody is good at something, whatever that is! can't rule out totally, you know!
but not everybody is good at everything!
As far as I’m concerned, Theary is not only confused but also damaging her credibility. In her orignial article, she wrote: “The current written Khmer language is a nightmare with great limitations for communicating complex ideas. The written Khmer lacks clarity.” It is quite odd for for her to publicly debate the technicality and limitations of a language that she can barely speak or write. In the interview, she once again tried to justify that her lacking in Khmer language should not disqualify her from the debate. Well, one wonders when she gets sick, would she go to see a plumber for treatment?
don't even go there! even samdech penn nouth have some flaws, too, you know; he used or emphasized too much sanskrit and pali in khmer language. i think it is quite ok; however, i believe in simplicity in usage.
to really understand our khmer language, i think we also need to understand the different social status or social classes in khmer society. yes, different social group use the khmer language differently, not to mention regional dialect as well, you know. i'm no khmer language expert, but i do understand a lot about it, though.
it is next to impossible to have khmer language uniform usage throughout as there exist the social status group, etc in cambodia, even in the past. i think it is quite alright. that's what makes cambodia beautiful and colorful and diverse.
that said, khmer in conservation may be a little informal than written khmer, though, but not always the case, however!
khmer language do have the formal, the informal, etc... i mean, it is more complex than just talking here, you know. it takes a thorough research or study to understand it more, i think.
the same with southern accents, Texas "twang" (?), and ebonics, i am sure Theary has her own judgement and preference on those too...
While I do get the point and agree to an extend Theary's concerncs, but cannot see how she can conclude that Khmer language is dying.
Theary mentioned there's no standard in Khmer language.
Question, would a lack of standard qualify or cause a language to die? I tend to think not. There may not be uniformity, but no uniformity does not necessarily mean an end to a language.
All above are good comments as far as I am concerned. I am still trying to understand this person Theary Seng's contributions to the Cambodian people. What has she contributed to the Cambodian people anyway? Intellectually, NO! Technologically, NO! Economically, NO! Socially? Maybe or NO! Educationally, NO! Historically, NO! Culinarily, No! ... Theary seems to have a lot of demons living inside her. In every internationalized interview with her, she was always on the offensive and tense throughout. She is not a peaceful person. I bet in Cambodia, the Westerners still treat her as a mere simple local. In the States, she can't fit it either. It seems she is all alone in this world and that is why she attacks so much at anything, especially anything related to her own Khmer roots. If that is not sad, I don't know what is. She is just a ticking timed bomb ready to explode one of these days. I pray that she will not become like that one American guy who display his hatred against the Cambodians by shooting them Cambodian kids dead at a McDonald's. Theary needs to make peace and reconciliation with herself and the Cambodians. How old is she anyway? How come she keeps claiming that she is not good in the Khmer langauge. I was born in the Refugee holding camp in the Phillipines and I think I can speak and write Khmer pretty well and it is only the product of the homeschooling from my parents. I bet I can read and write Khmer better than that "older" Theary Seng. Theary needs to be more interested in anything Khmer and starts making peace and accept the world just as what Confucius says: Do not try to change the world because it will eventually evolves to something better than you. I make up that last line. Hahaha
Ms. Seng,
From my observation, here are some crude and offensive earthy language in daily use that you may find shocking in Khmer.
"Choi!", "Jom!", "Knui!", "Kdor!", "A Ranteas Banh!"
and shockingly, these occur in English equivalently as, "F*ck!, D*m!, A**hole!, "B*stard, Son of A B*tch!"
From these observation, the English language is crude, offensive, and in moral decline. Even the young one utters these vulgarity.
I think Keo Cham has just blowned Theary Seng away. Keo Cham hits the nail exactly right on its head. Theary needs to watch the American produced movies sometimes. Almost every single line contains vulgarity just as Keo Cham has observed. Considered the following phrases: "I am totally f*cked! What the f*ck! That is one f*cking awesome! etc...That is one big-assed house! That is b*iatchy cool...etc. So does that mean English is a dying language too. This proves Theary is totally lost in her "sheltered existence" from the real world altogether. It seems everywhere she goes she has accumulated more and more critics. She also loves to use other people's writing and ideas. Has anyone read her speech in America at all. It is all littered with quotes from this person and that person. She even use the writing of a Westerner to support her lowly opinion of the Khmer langauge. That is not cool at all. Can't she form any conclusions of her own already. How hard is it anyway. In a basic math class, every student is taught to come up with conclusions based on the observations and evidence. Is Theary Seng going to attack the mathematics too? I hope she understand that mathematics is also a language in itself. For example there are different ways to say 2 mathematically. You can say two as 4-2, or 8/4, or x-6=2, etc. Is she also going to attack the accountancy too? Accounting is the language of business transaction. Is she going to weed out all of the foreign words from the native Mon-Khmer language? She is simply out of her comfort zone this time. She claims to be a lawyer, how many successful cases has/had she defended anyway? Enough of Theary Seng...
so far, the only thing i agree with Theary is the view that says the current ECCC is a half-assed job. so politically restricted and influenced.
1:25! shot up!
Let's compare Khmer language to the two most widely spoken languages on the planet.
Chinese - the standard language is call Putonghua. Chinese schools are required by the gov't to teach Putonghua. Having lived in China for four years, I can attest that people, including teachers, may speak Putonghua inside a classroom but that may not be the case outside. In fact, many students and teachers say its not natural to speak Putonghua for them. Instead they prefer local dialect (or fangyuan). Language is messy in big country China, but the Chinese language is not dying, but it is defined by region. Just like Khmer language, if no established standard, it will get messy in the future, but it will not become obsolete.
English - There is no such thing as standard SPOKEN English, though there is standard grammar. If someone is not using standard English that is because he/she is not using proper grammar. There is American English and British English. Which is standard you may ask. What is the right answer?
Who dare to be the expert to answer this question. English language has changed and continue to change between Europe and North America English. Is the English language dying because it is changing? This is similar to Khmer language. It is changing. It is evolving. IT IS NOT DYING.
I agree that a standard has to be established, but I just don't see Theary's conclusion Khmer language is dying just because there is no standard yet. I would venture to say that Khmer language spoken in America is starting to divert from spoken Khmer inside Cambodia. Khmer language spoken oversea has borrowed words from English and with younger people there is accent. This would not qualify as dying as oppose to changing.
Shut up band of illiterates,
Theary is right,
Khmer language is abused by idiot Cambodians who don't understand what is noun and what is verb and write thing in all of Cambodian medias..
Phrases from Talkin’ American by Ronald Harmon; California State University, Fullerton
There was a lot of nice ass at the dance. He finally got some ass last night. Hey, get your ass over here right now. He’s got his ass in a sling because he didn’t declare a bunch of income to the IRS. Your ass is grass if they catch ya. Beth worked her ass off to get where she is today. I danced my ass off last night. Remember, if anything goes wrong, it’s your ass. Just get off your ass and make something of yourself. That asshole just kicked his dog for no reason. Everyone in the office hates an ass-kisser. There was a nice piece of ass sittin’ at the corner table. Why do you put up with that shit from him? Look at all this shit I got to take care of today! Why can’t they just throw their shit in the trash can? I know where we can score some real good shit. You can put all of your shit in that closet. She shit a brick when she found out her daughter had sex with an older guy. I just don’t give a shit! We worked like shit to finish on time. Who wrote this piece of shit? He’s a piece of shit. I’ve got a hell of a hangover this morning. That is a hell of a car you bought. He’s a hell of a smooth talker. It’s cold as hell out today. His work beats the hell outta the other guy’s. We beat the hell out of ‘em in overtime. Give ‘em hell on opening night! The whole project went to hell after the labor dispute. You expect me to help? Hell I will! She said he’s always a good fuck. I don’t want that fuck comin’ around here. He really fucked his partner when he took off with their dough. Aw, fuck it all, I give up. Fuck! I cut my finger. Do ya really give a fuck what she says? This whole plan is fucked. I think this fucker came off a ’65 Chevy. Get outta my way, fuckface. This party’s gonna be fan-fucking-tastic! There was some fuckup in accounting, and they billed the customer twice. He’s a complete fuckup. It’s a bitch to pull the clutch outta that car. I’m tired of her bitchin’ about every little thing she doesn’t like. Getting that report done right was a bitch.
I think ABC radio Australia should invite an expert in Khmer language from the royal academics of cambodia to discuss about khmer language, instead of talking with a thai scholar, Dr Supote. I don't buy any of their opions, since both are not an expert in Khmer Language. Khmer is not dying, but evolving.English, on the other hand is evolving much more especially American English, a language which Theary Seng is speaking. For example, in Texas people are saying, " How are y'all doin", or "bye y'all" or what's up?. I agree they are speaking their own language in their country. Everyone understand each other. let it be. Cambodia is the same. We borrowed words from french such as SIDA or AIDS from English. What is wrong with that? In fact, khmer borrowed less words from foreign language than other languages. For example, Hindi a language derived from Sanskrit itself, is using more Engish words in daily communication among indian elites. Again, Hindi is not dying, but evolving.
You are shitting with people, right? How is that about using noun as verb?
I agree with 2:14, Khmer language overseas will be evolving for sure. Spoken Khmer in America has English words mixed in it and is known as Khmenglish. The pronunciation is heavily influence by the English pronunciation. For example, the beloved word Khmer will be pronounced as not Khmae but as Kameer instead. Hahhah. Khmer speaking people in Cambodia commented that Khmer speaking younger generations from overseas speak Khmer as if they are still at a baby language acquisition stage. Hahahah. Khmer-speaking overseas think that the Khmer-speaking people from Phnom Penh sound like the speakers of Vietnamese or Chinese instead because of the swallowing of some sounds. Hahah. For example...the word Srey is prounounced as s'ey, Phnom Penh is prounounced as Om pinh and Mouy roy is pronounced as "ma'hoy" etc....Even Theary Seng pronounces the English word "problem" as PLOBLEM. What is up with converting the r to the L? Isn't that what the Chinese and Vietnamese do anwyay? Hahah.
Mee jomkuort aeng hian diel Khmer...hawng aeng kom nov srok Khmer ei!
Sick and tired of 2:31!!! Hey fool you need to check your stupid brain out already, you annoying jerk. It is OK to use a noun as a verb if it is allowed grammatically, you stupid fool. Consider the English word "hand", you stupid jerk! It can be used as a noun and a verb. For example, I hurt my hand (noun). Please hand (verb) in your paper. Man you are stupid, you crazy jerk!
Let's leave out the personal attack against Theary. No, I'm a fan of her. Buts it's only fair that a rebuttal to Theary's conclusion is not extend to her person.
If you disagree with her then demonstrate so with convincing evidence and logic.
Any fool can make personal attack, but not just any fool and debate intelligent to discredit another's claim.
2:39, I understand your anger as expressed by others on this board already, but you need not be emotional because it only adds more proof to her lowly opinion of the Khmer language. So just express your opinion of her lowly opinion in an honorable manner. Thank you, please don't be mad at me though.
2:48 is honorable. The person is right. Her lowly opinion is not a statment of facts but it is only based on her misinformation. So since it is not a fact it is not absolute at all. The Thai professor already negate Theary's opinion already that Khmer language is not a dying languge but an evolving language. The Khmer Rouge tried their best in equalizing the Khmer langauge for everyone during their regime but permitting the rural terms be used throughout Cambodia in the 1970's, but I don't know what happen to that practice nowaday. Negate Theary's lowly opinion, but please refrain from attacking her person. I agree with the contributor 2:48
Reading many of the commentaries you will find the main cause of the cambodian underdevelopment: a mentality frozen in time, with the lack of flexibility and resilience able to adapt to new ways. Oscurantism and cultural stubborness had been the backstage forces moving and controlling the tragic history of the Khmers for the last 5 centuries.
Wow..and 2:57 is a fine example of what stupid really is. Cambodians have been adapting and changing since the first century till the present day. So what are you talking about! If the Cambodians are not adapting and changing, why do you think they are the way they are right now. Khmer civilization is Hindu based, Modern Khmer was formerly French based, Pol Pot's economic system was Communist based, and now aday Khmer society is American based... So check your understanding out...you are lost...
2:57 AM,
Oh yes, we have adapted so much already. Your shallow assessment about Khmer is false. Khmer has adopted Pali, Sanskrit for new terms such as 'angkulilek' (typewriter) (anguli = fingers and lek = write), 'vithyusakarm' (radioactive) (vithyu = radio, sakarm = active); and in Khmer numerals, much have been lost already with the exception of 'dombar' (4), 'plone' (40), etc. All have changed to easier Chinese terms as in 'samseb' (30), 'saeseb' (40), 'haseb' (50), etc. Other modern terms like 'Sida' or 'AIDS' is foreign...and oversea Khmer know the accronyms for them...maybe some in Cambodia may not know them but can learned. Much of Thai and Lao languages borrowed from Khmer. Khmer is rich in culture and language. Modern Khmer is as good as any other major languages. We are not stubborn people...kind and gentle for the most part. Many the tourists actually say that we are the sweetest/kindess people in Southeast Asia. Don't insult Khmer if one lacks the facts or right informations. Thank you!
Be good and behave...love thy self!
Achar Kuy
Wat Sangke
Yes! complaint Thai took your words to become great so if you have a chance to take it from American why don't you do it! STUPID!?
All I can say is that Khmer langueage is beautiful and rich...
"Khnyom mian motanapheap dael bahn koeut mok chia Khmer"
2:57! there is fanny statement to say "too much!" World keep progres and bring new technology that came along with new words!
You want to have just limited word or stopdevelop like CAVEMAN?
Since when did Khmer not taken from the Americans??? Infact, much of the Khmer rock and roll music was influenced heavily by the Americans during the Vietnam War. Khmer continue to borrow from others to be great and will continue to do so...we are not ashamed and stubborn. If it is good and better, why not?
Theary mentioned we do not have clear punctuations...do we really need it to convey ideas? Thai language which borrowed much from Khmer is absent in punctions in their paragraphs (.) and (,) and Thai/Khmer still use Khan (๚ ,ฯ ) and also western symbols such as (!,?,",(-)), etc.
Achar Kuy
Wat Sangke
stop beating around the bushes, guy! it is really ok for khmer language to evolve with time, really! didn't i tell you that i don't like primitive society! well, now you know! cambodia must be modernized and developed, period, end of story, ok!
and give people proper credit, no plegerising is allowed, ok!
There is no shame in borrowing when it comes to language
Much of Western Europe language, knowledge, philosophy is borrowed from the Greeks.
Many English vocabularies and root words are borrowed from Latin, Greek, French or German.
When a language stops adapting and borrowing it becomes less functional which leads to less relevance, and over time, becomes obsolete.
If at some point in the future overwhelming Cambodians start using English, French, Thai, or Vietnamese instead of Khmer then that's when we need to start to worry about Khmer becoming extinct.
But as long as the Khmer language still being taught in schools, and universities, and official government still using Khmer then we have little concern that it is dying.
Those issues Theary brought up, punctuations, manner of usage are just the mechanics, custom, and culture of Cambodians. These are petty issues that do not amount to threatening the survival of Khmer language. Most of the issues Theary brought up concerning Khmer language is culture driven. The Cambodians people and culture dictate the manner their language is used. It is not indicative that the language is in crisis.
smart and clever society will adapt and survive, no shame, really! same with cambodia since the birth of cambdia. so what, cambodia can evolve too, you. they say ideas know no boundary, so true! plagerising is ok as long as credit is given, you know! nothing to be ashame of khmer language to evolve forever, ok! get used to it, it's part of nature, you know! god bless cambodia always.
I think Khmer language is written in verses or phrases to convey an idea. In English spaces are needed to separate the individual words and are arranged grammatically to convey an idea. However, sometimes English words omit spaces as well. Consider the English compound words of butterfly and superman. The word butterfly cannot be broken into butter fly. That is a no no. Sometimes English words use a hyphen to connect two words together. Consider Marry-Anne. Grammatically, since Khmer is Sanksrit or Pali based, the grammatical structure is very very similar to the English grammer standards. English language also include phrases that represent ideas which is similar to the Khmer phrases. Consider the phrase "babe in the woods" which means an inexperienced person. Consider the English phrase "give birth" which is translated into the Khmer phrase of "Chlong Tonle". Both phrases simply refer to the fact that a woman produces a baby from her body.
While English written conventions are well developed, the Khmer written conventions are not lacking either and the existing ones are capable of making the ideas clear as well. In a telling statement, a period is used in English, and likewise the Khmer also have the similar symbole called Koa Mote....Just like mathematics, the Khmer language are continuing to evolve. For example, in mathematics it used to be cool to write the square root of 4 as radical 4, but that practice is no longer cool and the new way of writing radical four is 4 to the 1/2 power which is easy to calculate. Remember, before there was any written language, there was a spoken language. So the written language only exist to serve the needs of the spoken language. If the spoken language changes, then the written language will also be affected. The point of it all is that the Khmer written language or spoken language are not static. For crying out loud, how many of us can actually read the old Khmer inscription carved in stone tablets dated back to the Khmer Empire era? Maybe none. So this shows that it has changed over time to meet the needs of the Khmer-speaking people(s). Look at the Khmer counting system. It has changed so much as well. It used to be a base 5 and a base 20 and then converted to a base 5 and a base 10 instead. What I really wish though is the adoption of the English names for the Khmer numberals greater than a million. I am tired of reading the numberal 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 as 1, 000 lien, lien, lien, lien, lien, lien, lien, lien.
did you know that khmer language is so rich in rhymes. we can hear it in khmer songs from all era. do observe it and see!
The Khmer language is not dying. I agree almost wholeheartedly with Professor Prasertsri even though he spoke much less than you.
Your argument is dying at a very fast pace this time.
I am not sure if you really know what you want to do with the Khmer language. You seem to be quite confused yourself about the accuracy of the translated materials with the health and life of the Cambodian language.
Standardization of a language takes time and it will take much longer in a poor country with less educational infrastructures like Cambodia.
Pissed off
Prof Supote Prasertsri's conclusion at the end is a right hit on the nail.
I couldn't agree more!
Pissed off
12:23 AM,
Thank you for your response to Theary. It is certainly very well written and you have great thought in your writing.
Pissed off
Officially, the country China has 56 nationalities that are recognized by the government. I'm listing some of them here, Miao, Buyi, Zhuang, Yi, Han, Hui, Hani, Zang zu(or Tibetan), Korean, Yao, Naxi. The Han is the majority and the rest are ethnic minorities, where many do no have written scripts. Within these ethnic groups there are sub-groups. For example within the Miao minority, there is Black Miao, Blue Miao, Clear Miao(or Qing Miao).
When the communist took over China more than 60 years ago, there's efforts put in place to make everyone speak one language call Putonghua. Over 60 years later, despite not having written script, being forced learn Putonghua, the majority of the Chinese minorities still retain their ethnic language, albeit lesser number of people can speak.
When I compare Khmer language situation as described by Theary to the Chinese minorities I do not see Khmer language being threatened. Unlike the Chinese minorities, Khmer language has written script, maybe not to Thear's liking, but we have written scripts. It is being taught at school, and being use on a daily basis not just in Cambodia but all over the world. Despite living oversea more than 30 years, I'm still occasionally reading the Khmer Bible. The church I worship in still using Khmer script. I'm sure many Cambodian churches all over the US still using Khmer language. Khmer is used in Australia, and France.
I think Theary raised a false alarm. The alarm she should be raising is for poor Cambodian kids who have no opportunity to get education to learn Khmer properly. They are the key to preserving the Khmer language for years to come.
To those who love Khmer language, which is their own, they should learn from Khmer dictionaries, one of Samdech Chuon Nath and the other
one of Nuon Buth for words that they are not sure. It takes about 6months to study them a few hours a day.
I thought she could be somebody someday...until this "Khmer language is dying" came along...girl you blew it BIG time!
Listening to you...you don't know shit...I encourage you to learn Khmer.
website នេះ យេីងក៏ឃេីញថាពាក្យ
‹ព័ត៌មាន› ត្រូវសរសេរខុសដល់ពីរបីកន្លែង ។
How about:
-Americans speak and write English.
-Australians speaks and write English.
-Canadians speak and write either
English or French.
-Mexicans and most of South Americans speak or write either Spanish or Portugese.
The long discussion about this subject is very healthy. People may
Khmer language is well-alive! Should focus on Yuon-Siem encroachment on east-west borders, not silly discurssion on Khmer.
ភាសាខ្មែរពិតជាកំពុងតែងាប់មែនហើយ ដោយសារតែ +++អានមិនត្រូវគ្នា ដូចជា ទស្សនា ជា ទោះ-សៈ-នៀ, មិថុនា ជា មិ-ថុ-នៀ, មិនា ជា មិ-ណា។ល។// សរសេរមិនត្រូវគ្នាផងអានមិនត្រូវគ្នាផង ដូចជា កិន្នរ (កិន-ណ) អានឬសរសេរជា កែវណឬកែណ, បព្វជិត (ប៉ាប់-ពៈ-ជិត) អានជា បុប-ពៈ-ជិត, បទុម ជា បុទុម, ភមរា ជា ភុមរាឬភូមរា។ល។// +++អ្នកអានពត៌មាន ចូលចិត្តធ្វើសម្លេងត្បៀតៗ តឹងៗ រឹងៗ ប្រឹងៗ ឬគំហកៗ រហូតបានបាត់បង់សម្លេងពីរោះពីធម្មជាតិរបស់វា។ ក្រៅពីនេះ នៅមានកំហុសវេយ្យាករណ៍យ៉ាងច្រើនថែមទៀត។
សូមមើលនិងស្ដាប់ ហើយធ្វើតាមអ្នកអានព័ត៌មានរបស់ជាតិសាសន៍ដទៃផងទាន។
You are right, this is what Theary meant - she didn't say the language is dying, by that she meant it is abused, ill-used, corrupted, lack of leadership to improve in the age of high technology, if people listen to her carefully.
Even Dr Prasetsiri( Khmer living in Thailand) agreed to a large extent with her , and he couldn't rebut her properly.
9:19 AM Theary Seng first topic is saying : the language is dying.
that why she got so many bombardments
100% TRUE.
2:43 AM,
You need to improve your ability to read sarcasm. of course, people use nouns to create verbs in the English language. I was just being sarcastic to the idiot who said khmers are crazy to use nouns as verbs.
You need to calm down and stop being uptight like Theary.
9:19 AM,
ច្បាប់រាជនេតិ ឬ ច្បាប់ព្រះរាជសម្ភារ មួយឃ្លា
« អសារក្តីបី បណ្ដាំមេជី ព្រេងព្រឹទ្ធប្រដៅ
អង្ករសសុទ្ធ ចម្អិនឲ្យឆៅ ពិសីតែខ្លៅ ប្រាជ្ញឥតមារ
យាទ » ។
អ្នកខ្លះខាងលើជេរគេមីចុយ ឫអាចុយ ចុះខ្លួនឯង
វិញមិនចេះចុយទេឫ? ឋាននរកពិតជានៅចាំ
លោកសំដែងធ៌រទេសនាផង ក្រែងចម្លងរួចនឹងបាន
ការគាំឆ្គងក្នុងការប្រើនេះ ទៅតាមការគ្រប់ប្រទេស
និង អប់រំប្រជាជាតិខ្មែរ.
ខ្ញុំបានពិនិត្យសម្ដី និង ឮលោកនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី
មានប្រសាសន៍ ប្រើពាក្យពុំគាប្បី ឬ អាសុរោះ
ចំពោះបក្សប្រឆាំង ឬ ជន គាត់ពុំគាប់ចិត្ត
សម្ដេចសង្ឃទាំងពីរគណៈ ប្រើព្រះសង្ឃដីកា
ដូច្នេះ អ្នកមគ្គុទេសក៍(អ្នកដឹកនាំ)គួរប្រើពាក្យ
ល្អជាគំរូល្អរបស់រាស្ត្រ របស់ប្រទេស.
អ្នកទាំងនោះគួរស្រលាញ់កិត្តិយស កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះ
និង សេចក្ដីថ្លៃថ្នូររបស់ខ្លួន.
មិនពិបាកអានទេ ព្រមវេយ្យាករណ៍បាលី ឬ
ពាក្យថា ទស្សនា(ទាសៈន៉ា)ទស្សនា(ទួសៈនា)
មិថុនា អានថា មិថុន៉ា មិនមែនអានថាមិថុនាទេ
ពីព្រោះស្រៈិ និង អក្សរ ថ ជាអឃោសៈ.
ក ខ ជាអឃោសៈ ដូចពាក្យថា កុមារ.សូម
ខមាទោស សូមអានថា ខម៉ាទោស ពីព្រោះថា
តួ អក្សរ ខ នេះជាអឃោសៈ អាចសម្លាប់ ម ទៅជា ម៉. តួអក្សរសម្លេង អ ជា អឃោសៈ
តួអក្សរសម្លេង អ៊ ដូចជា គ ទ ភ ល ជាដើម
I agreed with 10:48AM.
The English words:bad,white,blue...
etc...are adjectives,but they can
be nouns,if we put article,"the"
the bad,the white,the blue...etc...
We knew what we knew the ones we
did not know we should learn to
No one knew everything.
No one knew nothing.
Someone knew something.
I learned a lot from blogger ideas,
the good ones,I kept it,but the bad ones,I ignored it.
បើសម្លេងនៅក្នុងការប្រែភាពយន្តជាតិខ្លួនឯងក្ដី ភាពយន្តបរទេសក្ដី ធ្វើសម្លេងឆ្គងៗ និងម្ញែៗ មាយាៗ ហាក់បីដូចជាខ្វះការយល់ដឹងពីភាសាថា ត្រូវធ្វើយ៉ាងម៉េច ឬនិយាយយ៉ាងម៉េច ឲសមរម្យ ឲទំនង ដើម្បីឲពិរោះ ។ដូចនេះ វាបានធ្វើឲមនុស្សខ្មែរមួយចំនួនមិនចង់មើលឬស្ដាប់ភាពយន្តដែលមានសម្លេងប្រែជាភាសាខ្មែរ។
នេះមិននិយាយរួមទាំងសិល្បៈ ការសម្ដែងរាំច្រៀង ការតែងកាយ ការសម្ដែងតូរ្យតន្ត្រី និងចម្រៀង ដែលនៅតែអន់និងថោក រកអ្វីប្រៀបជាមួយជាតិដទៃមិនបាននៅឡើយ ផងទេ។
ភាសាខ្មែរមិនមែនកំពុងងាប់ទេ តែវាកំពុងជិតដាច់ខ្យល់ហើយ ព្រោះកូនខ្មេរមួយចំនួនលែងចេះនិយាយខ្មែរហើយ គេនិយាយតែភាសាអង់គ្លេសជំនួសខ្លះៗទៅហើយ។ បើគេសរសេរខ្មែរវិញ បានតែពីរឬបីបន្ទាត់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ វាមានកំហុសទៅហើយ បើសួរគេថា ម៉េចក៏សរសេរខុស គេតែងឆ្លើយថា ភាសាខ្មែរពិបាកខ្លាំងណាស់ ស្មុកស្មាញ ដូចជា ប្អូន(ស្រី) បែរជាហៅថា ចែ(បង), បង(ប្រុស) បែរជាហៅថា ពូ ជាដើម, ឯភាសាជាតិជិតខាងវិញ គេនិយាយងាយនិងច្បាស់លាស់ជាង គឺ បង ថា បង, ពូ ថា ពូ។ អ្នកខ្លះ រួមទាំងអ្នកនិពន្ធផងក៏នាំគ្នាថា ភាសាខ្មែរលំបាកស្មុកស្មាញបំផុត ទាំងអំណានទាំងសំណេរ ព្រោះមានសុទ្ធតែពាក្យបាលី ឯភាសាអង់គ្លេសវិញ ងាយជាងឆ្ងាយណាស់។
ហេតុនេះ គួរតែនាំគ្នាលែងរវល់ពីរឿងភាសាខ្មែរទៅឬ ហើយទុកឲវាអន្តរធានតាមកាលតាមវេលាទៅឬ? បើវាពិបាកដូចដែលគេតែងលើឡើងមែននោះ។ ម្យ៉ាងទៀត រឿងប្រើភាសាខ្មែរមិនត្រូវគ្នា ជារឿងគួរឲអាមាស់បំផុតសម្រាប់ភាសាខ្មែរ ដែលអាចចាត់បានថា ភាសាខ្មែរជាភាសាឡប់ៗបានទេ ????????????
Khmer people in Cambodia speak and write Khmer so funny. They keep creating words and spell any way they like. Khmer lkanguage is in anarchy. Pick up any popular magazine and newspaper, you will see so much errors in spelling, idioms, grammatical errors, etc everywhere. Most writers are young, and lack education; but then even older people don't seem to know what they talking about. Big words are used to show off but not to communicate message. It is a common Khmer character.
When I read old books written by educators like Chhouk Moeung Mao, Tiv Ol, etc it is so easy to understand, but not textbooks just written by present day educators. Srak Penh Tuor is not used any more now, everything is almost simplified - not for the better but for the worse.
Theary Seng has her valid points put across but most people here have no capacity to understand her.
I think 1:56 is an idiot. How many ways do you know to explain an idea, you nitwit. There are only a few ways to express the general idea and then that general idea has to be developed through major points and minor points. That is it, you fool. You can prove a general idea deductively or inductively. That is how people in the world communicate. The Cambodians people are no exception. Theary Seng is simply another Pol Pot. Pol Pot attacked and destroyed everything Khmer include language and heritage. Theary Seng is continuing Pol Pot's destructive mindset.
One of the animosities against Theary Seng is she values western culture and people more than her own. It is not so much about the language. Her essay in Phnom Penh Post was not meant for Khmer. It was to show off her writing in English language and to impress Westerners. If she truly cares about Khmer language, the essay should have been written in Khmer and directed toward Khmer audience.
Seng Theary is still very much better than those who claim they are khmer but they cant speak and write khmer, but Seng Theary herself doese so well, both speaking and writing khmer that is why she knows well what is bad, wrong and right in using khmer language.
Support most of her idea.
Funny that you can say some silly thing like that to praise Theary because Theary herself acknowledges she's not fluent in Khmer.
It is because we have many simple khmers like 3:04 PM, that Cambodia has had decades of 99.99 % votes for CPP!!!
Why did not he or she comment on the issue instead of being a defense lawyer for Theary? She would pity you and think that you are a no worth crude imbecile. That is the attitude she has been portraying, at the least.
ខ្ញុំក៏យល់ស្របតាមយោបល់ នាងធារីដែរ។ ភាសាខ្មែរសព្វថ្ងៃចូលដល់តំណាក់ការច្របូកច្របល់
ហើយ។ អ្នកសរសេរសារពត៌មាន អ្នកនិយាយតាមវិទ្យុ ចូលចិត្តបង្កើតពាក្យខ្លួនឯង ដែលគ្មានប្រភពឆ្បាស់លាស់។
ឧទាហរណ៍ៈ ទទួល កិ› ទំនួល(នាម)
តើពាក្យទំនួលនេះ មានប្រភពមកពីណា?
ពាក្យៈ ទទួល មិនអាច› ទំនួល បានទេ
បើពាក្យ៖ ទួល មួយម៉ាត់ វាអាច ជាទំនួល បាន
ប៉ុន្តែនេះ ជា៖ ទទួល ដូច្នេះមិនគួរបង្កើតពាក្យគ្មានមូលដ្ឋានច្បាស់លាស់យកមកប្រើនាំឱ្យច្របូកច្របល់ទេ។
ពាក្យៈ ទង្វើ ក៏មិនគួរយកមកប្រើដែរ
ពាក្យៈ អំពើ យើងធ្លាប់បានប្រើមកជាយូរហើយ ហេតុដូចម្តេចក៏បោះបង់ពាក្យនេះចោល?
ពាក្យៈ ធ្វើ មិនអាច› ទង្វើ បានទេ
ចូររកមូលដ្ឋាននៃពាក្យទាំងនេះផង មុននឹងយកពាក្យថ្មីនេះមកប្រើ។
យកល្អ ភាសាខ្មែរ គួរតែយកតាមក្បួនវេយ្យាករណ៍បុរាណមកប្រើ វាប្រសើជាង។ សូមកុំជួយបំផ្លាញអី
they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you know! meaning what you think is not necessarily what others are thinking, etc, really! why we care so much about other's opinion, especially if it's not a life and death situation here, you know!
2:38 has hit the jackpot again. Theary first and foremost thinks that she is a speak of English. She hates Cambodians and Cambodia, period. She think the Cambodians and Cambodia are beneath her because she is an English-speaking lawyer well-versed in the "English" langauge. She never takes the time to develop or brush up her Khmer reading, speaking, or writing skills and instead she is always happy to be only "proficient" in the Khmer langauge speaking ability. Has anyone ever seen Theary's writing in Khmer? NO! Has anyone ever seen Theary speaking English at all. She tries so so hard that it makes your chest becomes tight from listening to her. She even mispronounces some of the English words that she claims to be fluent in. Get off your high horse alreaady, Theary. You are a Khmer and thus you should love hearing, speaking, writing Khmer alongside English. Well, you think you went to live in the Uy Es Are and then you lose your Khmer language skills or something? Look at Mr. Sam Rainsy. He practically a French person because he speaks French fluently and he lives in France for most of his live, but when he speaks Khmer, write Khmer, and read Khmer, he shines. So how come? Look at Hun Sen. He only went through a lowly temple schooling, but look at him now. He speaks and write Khmer beautifully. This shows that when you take pride of being a Khmer and love Khmer language, then you will grow to love the Khmer literary tradition passed down from generation to generation. I
Take it easy on theary seng everyone. She was only trying to get some funding from the international donors to strengthen and preserve khmer language by proving her point to foreigners, maybe and maybe at least five percent of the funds she gets would go to create new language in rural cambodia.
Official ROMANISATION is the key to save the khmer language anf put in the international arena. The Romas create the perfect alphabet 3000 years ago and had been the tool the made all the modern languages easy to learn / read& write. The khmer alphabet, too long, complicated is a liability to the progress in this global times... I'ts beautiful as a piece of museum, yes.. but beyond that is not suitable to the modern times. Cambodia lost the oportunity of improve the alphabet 1n 1942.. so thats 60 years lost of non-sense linguistic bickering....
Language school in rural cambodia
នាង ធារី សេង គួតែចាប់ផ្តើមរៀនភាសាយួនអោយ
ដូចបក្សប្រជាជនបដិវត្តន៏កម្ពុជាទើបប្រសើរ ព្រោះថា
ពួកអាកញ្ជះយួនម្នាក់ៗសុទ្ធតែចេះភាសាយួន ពួកវា
មានបានដូចពួកអាកញ្ជះគេ គួពិចារណាឡើងវិញ
កាលណានាង និយាយបះពាល់ដល់លាភសក្ការៈ
របស់គេ ពួកគេនឹងជេរប្រទេចនាងហើយ លោកិយ៏
ក៍កែមិនបានដែរ!!!!!!!! Ph.D ពីស្រុកយួន
និយាយស្តីស្អីក៍ត្រូវទាំងអស់ បញ្ញាវនពីប្រទេស
លោកសេរីគ្មានតម្លៃទេ ឧទារហ៏រដូចជានាង
12:51Am is just another typical lazy ass who doesn't want to learn but instead chose to lay blame on the language.
Look at Chinese, Japanese, French languages ...etc, are they easy to learn or unsuitable for your so-called modern times?
This is a case where a stupid bitch trying to act smart...in reality, so dumb and know shit about Khmer and its culture!
Ms. Seng should be deported out of Cambodia!
Where is your Khmer Identity and Khmer conscience? The Khmer buddhist institutions resisted romanization of Khmer nearly a hundred years ago...for the sake of Khmer identity.
FYI Thai and Lao scripts today were modeled after Khmer scripts by their founding fathers! Go figure! Khmer is unique and beautiful...we were a cradle of civilization in Southeast Asia and Khmer people should be proud and make our culture great again.
people who are not really expert shouldn't step out of their professional boundary of knowledge, really! otherwise, without a disclaimer, they only make themself look bad in the public eyes, you know! that said, it is ok to share good, useful knowledge by saying i think, in my opinion, i rebutted, i'd like to add, i disagree, etc; this way, we look more educated and professional and so on, you know! and do study something about communication for we all need it as human beings, really!
<> :-)
It goes to show that the Yuon propaganda has hit Khmer so hard and deep. Even if we are facing our cultural and lanaguage crisis, most people still can't see and swear insults at her ceaselessly.
It hurts ven someone grew up outside the country and can rightly point out the defects in the language to those who have grown up using it all their life. Deep down they know, but they have no gut to admit it for the sake of false pride.
Her criticsm was not the death of the lanaguage, literallt; but the anarchy and decadence of the it. This is where most can't get it.
I thing Theary did not make a conclusion of that commentary. As far as I am understanding is that she try to bleme the Educational system of causing the Khmer Language to die . if she can sum up with how to deal with an issues, it may be help people to understand more and having less confusing.
Khmer Brissie
New generation of Khmers must master English and native Khmer language to be able to compete in the new internet world.
To 12:51 AM
--The roman alphabet itself is very very much complicated in pronunciation and spelling.Anyone can see this by looking at each word in englihs that we are using, there is no any sign to pronounce and to write. what we can do is just simply, commit it to memmorise ,not the letter we see.and if want to know it ,we can write a few lines of khmer sentences in roman character, we will find it difficult to read and understand.Go on Theary, you are partly right.
The Vietnamese Romanised Cocngeu script was plagued with problems when Alexander De Rhode devised it for the Viet, but it had been refined graudally later on, to the point where it was accepted by all viets.
It would help Khmer check the word in a dictionary quicker if romainsed, but I wouldn't advocate its adoption, we have 2k years of our language and culture. We need to refine it and have a legal body to approve new terms and the standardisation of the language.
nakk naa cang tiong thaa,saser tua aksar roman ngiay sruall nus , sum meul a-vi tael khnhum kam bung saser nis dua, nakk ning tiong thaa tua roman nus , via lumbaak baeb naa heuy,
mun ning thā sa-i muay, gua bicāranā oy bān la-it la-an sin , camm niyiay ceñ mak, beu min añciong de, via namm rumkhān tall nakk tadai nā.
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