Monday, August 22, 2011

Language and National Identity in Asia: Cambodia - By Steve Heder

Phnom Penh, 21 Aug. 2011

Dear All,

I am deeply encouraged by the discussions generated by my commentary A Language in Crisis—yes, not only the comments, rebuttals, rejoinders which address the points raised, but the crass, personalized attacks as well if they have even an iota of relevance to the topic under discussion.

I will respond shortly, more comprehensively, in addressing these important points.

In the meantime, may I ask that you re-read my commentary and read carefully this sobering, powerful within-without scholarly perspective by Dr. Steve Heder on Language and National Identity in Asia: Cambodia (Oxford University Press, 2007). It is found in Chapter 13, starting on p. 299.

Let’s continue the dialogue.

Theary C. Seng


Anonymous said...

Here we have another stunt which is Seng Theary like to show to the public. There is no doubt that Seng Theary can't even speak Khmer language properly, how dare she complaint that "Khmer language in crisis?" She should learn how to speak and writing Khmer properly first before come to argue about Khmer language.

Anonymous said...

She can't even speak English either, words she knows are fuck, dick, suck. etc

Anonymous said...


Seng Theary can speak English very well, particular the word "Oh Yes!"

Anonymous said...

Steve heder wrote the paper like some one traveller in cambodia. I thought he knew better than this.

Anonymous said...

She's right, there are are some brainless, uneducated and plainly for want of words, ANIMALS on this blog. You have the right not to agree with her opinion but you have no right insult her. Go back to your caves you savages.


តាគោហេរ said...

But she insults our language. Languages aroung the world have evolved through time and science, if not we can not catch up with the rest of the world. She was too young to know the abundant of Khmer slangs and expressions, as well as what had happened exactly in Pol Pot regime. She'd just copied and heard said.

Ask her to explai this in Englis :
This must be very rude according to T Seng

Anonymous said...

Theary shall write a full page in proper Khmer with grammatical perfection and clarity in ideas with Khmer punctuation to communicate her points of concern with the public.

Parrotting others ideas without learning what and what not the Khmer language on her own first is not only unacceptable but a shame for the educated one.

Anonymous said...

សេង  ជាពាក្យចិនមួយក្រុមដែលសុំរស់ជ្រកនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ​   ប្រែថា  គុណលេខ។

ធារី   ពាក្យខ្ចីពីសំស្រ្កិតប្រែថា  អ្នកជួយបំរើការ(assistant) អ្នកជំនួយ។

Go figure!

Anonymous said...

សេង  ប្រែថា  គុណលេខ។

Multiplication is a rule in business dealing for the profiteers/opportunists.

Anonymous said...

Ki-media deleted Takeo comments.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng likes to use sophisticated english language in her articles to show that she is intelectual. I remembered one of my English instructor who was a former speech writer for a Minister, told his students to use simple words in writing so that people could understand their opinions. Theary Seng, I want to see you in Phnom Penh when I am going to visit cambodia next time. We can go for a few drinks and talk about khmer luanguage or any topics about khmer culture.

Anonymous said...

8:12PM you are right,main key in mass communication is the simplicity.

The shortest sentence carried best message.

គេថា​​  និយាយឪយតិចតែស្តាប់ឪយច្រើន!


Anonymous said...

sure! Now, she's trying to cover her rear.

It's time to spend less time with your foreign friends, and start learning the real Khmer literature.

I've never seen anyone who is so unCambodian like Theary. Also, she does not represent the Khmer community, but trying to enrich herself.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng,

She is full of you know what. I'm honored to see more and more educated Cambodian women. I am disturbed however, the way she used Dr. Heder for her source. Again, I am strongly disagree that Khmer language is not and will never be in crisis. Nowadays, there are more intellectual/educated Cambodian people. So, let's us respect Khmer language and culture for Khmer sake.

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Never met Mrs. Theary Seng face to face. She just felt to be one new generation of the Khmer intellectual. But it sound to me she copied a lot of other people ideas.

Tuk Tre Sre said...

Well, I think in order to understand a Language -- one must attained at least 100,000 words in that particular language. I agreed with the comment above that Theary's used of words are very "sophisticated" and complicated to grasp the complexity of her conveying the meaning behind her pensive thought process.

How the Hell one understand when she writes without thinking it through of her Audiences!

Anonymous said...

The Author Steven Heder needs to have his information recheck regarding Thai words and court language and syntax, etc. influencing Khmer...It is Khmer that influenced Thai language and court language, etc. (Chapter 13.2)
More than 40% of Khmer words are in the Thai language. I will list some examples in Thai. Yes there are some Thai words that influence Khmer but to a much lesser degree. Another example is the boomerang effect, where the word was originally Khmer, became a Thai word then bounced back to Khmer.

i.e. Khmer word 'Chomneagn' (skillful) became Thai word as 'chamnan' (also skillful) then bounced back to Khmer as 'Chamnan'.
Khmer numerals may be influenced by Chinese/ seen in (Sam, sae, ha, hok, jet, paet, kao-sep).
Cooking terms such 'Cha', 'Kui-tiew', 'mee', 'banh xeo', 'banh canh', etc. are Chinese and Vietnamese.

Steve Heder should check the royal Thai dictionary...where much of the words from Khmer are listed and indicated as so (Kampuchpak)

Achar Kuy
Wat Sangke

Anonymous said...

the good character of a person is his/her humblenness and ability to accept mistakes/weaknesses - after all, no one should say that he or she never has had any blindspot.

back to the topic of language, i would like to know how many percentage of the readers here also think that Theary analyzed this situation with both biases and english language-centric naiivete?

you should appreciate and learn the language of a people and country with the respect that it is a part of that people and country's life and culture - its identity.

in the end, i still disagree with her notions that some selected words should be banned because they sound crass or impolite. more importantly, while i admire Theary's intellect and intention, i would do everything to fight the tyranny and imposition that would alter an already proven living and surviving language and culture based on someone's own arrogance and prejudice.

long live the khmer people and language!

Anonymous said...

First she tried to cover her rear by referring us to this source from Steve, and now the source is backfiring. No, she's not as smart as everyone thinks, in truth, she stole everything, including ideas, source, etc. from others' work. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

In daily spoken language, "si baiy," "phaeum" all sound more honest and sincere than "toul preah bongkoum" or "ek oudom, samdech." The latters sound way more degrading to the speakers and over-flattering to the receivers, particularly, ones who merit none of these honorific salutations.

Anonymous said...

"Ches aeng oy kraeng ches ke"
kom oy "Moat pa'aem tapok chu"

Anonymous said...

Looks like mea Theary is mea chheam tuokh. mea chheam tuoukh steals everything mea ning gets her hands in.

Anonymous said...

She's a manipulating bitch.

Anonymous said...

ពពួក អាកញ្ជាស់ៗជិតងាប់
សេះសល់ ពីអា ប៉ុល ពត អស់នេះ គ្មានបានការ

ពួកអាឯងរាល់គ្នាអស់នេះ គួរណាស់តែអា ប៉ុលពត
ទាក់ទង នឹង ជាតិ ខ្មែរ​ទៀត។

ពួកអាឯងរាល់គ្នាអស់នេះ មានសំណាងបានរស់
ហើយបែរជា មកជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសាយក ជារឿងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ដល់ក្មេងខ្មែរដែលមានយោបល់
ពីរឿងភាសារ ខ្មែរនោះ!

Anonymous said...

she is a potato! brown on the outside and totally white in the inside.

Anonymous said...

11:32PM's comment translation:

All of you about-to-go old fart left over from (Ah) Pot Pot are basically worthless! You, all should have been finished off for good by (Ah) Pol Pot thus putting an end to anything and everything you have to do with "Khmer"!

All of you are lucky to have been still alive, yet turning around to take it personal by insulting a young Khmer lady for her writing about Khmer language?

Kalonh Chuck,
កាឡុញ ឆឹក

P.s. I challenge all you old fart to write either in Khmer or in English in a civilized manner. Please do not write it in KhmerEnglish because Khmer language, unlike that of the Viet, survived (language wise) the French's colonialsm!!!

Anonymous said...

for mi chomkourt theary seng, joy dek euy

Tuk Trey Sre said...

I wouldn't go that far to finger pointed her of Plagiarism.

To err is Human. So, she used source that isn't credible and errs in historical facts. Heder is fault.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, isn't it? To say Theary "steals everything" -- is Plain ignorant. There are hundreds of thousands of Khmers who live in the US, less than 1% of us went to colleges/universities. She's a Khmer woman with a JD degree, and that say it all.

It takes sacrifice/perseverance, especially being a Woman in Khmers' eyes.

Give her credits, unlike us -- sitting infront of the PC & pouring sarcastic idiotic remarks that doesn't help anyone.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but this is KI-Media's audience...what the heck do you want?

The majority is Khmer old fart, and most of them are CPP's mercenaries and sympathiser!

Anonymous said...

Unlike those bystanders that may not have anything to do but to attack and insult, it's a show of character, courage, and care from Theary's part regardless whether or not it is to everybody's liking!!!

Can one please the world???

Anonymous said...

11:45 PM

There's a term for outside "yellow" and inside "white," yes, you've guessed it, she's a "banana," which explains why she likes to affiliate with foreign friends.

Anonymous said...

Anymore more racist comment on your part 12:10 AM?

I urge KI-Media to expunge your comment!

Anonymous said...

12:15 AM


Learn how to use the word correctly. No, you're not impressing anyone here by using this particular term. Perhaps go back and look up the definition again.

Anonymous said...

12:15 AM

Why are you trying to impress others with the word you're not really certain? You just made yourself look like an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:32PM,
I think some farts barking around here can't even writer their own laguage properly. If I'm mistaken they are the Hun Sen's dick suckers who are just jealous of her being one of the patriots, who is brave enough to fight back against this Yuon-slave government. Go to hell old useless farts!

Anonymous said...

Yes we accept and respect he degree! BUT should we say what se write are RIGHT! Do you think we are a fools or a jugs????

Anonymous said...

Yes we accept and respect her degree! BUT should we accept all what she write are RIGHT! Do you think we are fools or jugs????

Anonymous said...

Those Cambodian attorneys who acquired their JDs can only qualify to work with the NGOs. Please tell me how many Khmer lawyers who are trial lawyers. None! Would you think the US law firm will hire Theary and other Khmer lawyers as trial lawyers? The chances are less than zero. That's fact.

Ly Diep said...

កញ្ញាសេង ធារី
ខ្ញុំបានអានអត្ថបទនេះដោយយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ ។ នេះជាអត្ថបទដ៏សំខាន់និងមានប្រយោជន៍ណាស់
សំរាប់ខ្មែរយើងយកទៅសិក្សារៀនសូត្រ ជាពិសេសមេៗខ្មែរ ។ ក្នុងឋានៈជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ ការប្រើភាសា
បរទេសទៅកាន់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋរបស់ខ្លួន ដែលភាគច្រើនមិនចេះភាសាបរទេសនោះ គឺជាការប្រមាថមើល
ងាយដល់ប្រជាជាតិរបស់ខ្លួន និងជាអំពើខាកស្តោះដាក់លើវប្បធម៌ជាតិ ។
សូមអរគុណកញ្ញាចំពោះការខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងនេះ !
លី ឌៀប

Anonymous said...

ហេ លោក លីឌៀប!

លោក​ អូគេ ពីព្រោះលោកចេះសរសេរអក្សរខ្មែរ
បានត្រឹមត្រូវហីយមឹនជេរគេជេរឯង ដូចអាក្បាល

ចៅអ្នកភូមិ អាចារ្យលាក់

Anonymous said...

Yeah, go ahead expunge Ah 12:10 AM, 12:27 AM, and Ah 12:30 AM (first one)!!! Put them all out of their racist misery life!!!

ex·punge [ik-spuhnj] Show IPA

verb (used with object), -punged, -pung·ing.

1. to strike or blot out; erase; obliterate.

2. to efface; wipe out or destroy.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំបាទសូមចូលរួមចំណែកខ្លះៗ ដូនតាខ្មែរយើង
មានស្រះនិស័្សយ ស្រះពេញតួ ព្យញ្ជនៈ វេយ្យាករណ៍ វណ្ណយុត្តិ ពេញលេញគ្មានខ្វះ
ក្នុងភាសារសសេរ ឫទំនាក់ទំនងប្រស្រ័យគ្នា
ក្នុងគ្រួសារ ។ល។នឹង។ល។បន្តរមកក៍មាន
ក៍បានជួយកែលំអរ នឹងចងក្រងជារបៀប
សសេរអោយបានត្រឹត្រូវ ដូចជា របៀប
តែងសេចក្តី សសេរតាមអាន របៀបសសេរ
សំបុត្រ ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន សសេរជាជំនួញ ផ្លូវការណ៍
និពន្ធ កំណាព្យ។ល។នឹង។ល។សុទ្ឋតែមាន
ក្បួនខ្នាតទាំងអស់ នៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីប្រឡង
អំពីអក្សរសាស្រ្តខ្មែរម្តងៗ បើសិស្ស ឫនិស្សតិ
សសេរមិនត្រូវតាមក្បួនខ្នាតទេនោះ ប្រាកដ
លោកគ្រូនឹងអ្នកគ្រូដកពិន្ទុ ជាក់ជាមិនខាន។
ពាក្យថាក្បួនខ្នាត គឺជាច្បាប់ តែច្បាប់នេះ
ទេ ប៉ុន្តែការសសេរពិតជាមានពិន័យយ៉ាង
មិនរលាយទេ តែយើងតោងតែទទួលស្គាល់
ថាយើងមានការខ្ចះខាតផងដែរ​ សូមយើង
រៀងៗខ្លួនផងចុះ សូមអរគុណ។

Anonymous said...

i don't think cambodia has an identity crisis. i think cambodia is slow in reforming in education, judicial system, the economy and so on, but not language crisis, really! language never dies out unless khmer khmer people stop using and studying and learning and speaking it, etc, you know! remember, it is the writer's opinion, not a scientific analysis, ok!

Anonymous said...

What els this is what happen when you have a government that dont care about it people period. No intervation or creation for it education system. what a we can buy any degree in Cambodia. No one would care.

Anonymous said...

លោកពូ/អ្នកមីង 2:09 AM


ចៅអ្នកភូមិ អាចារ្យលាក់

Anonymous said...

people shouldn't attack other personally. instead, it is ok to give criticking, etc, not what do they have against other people that make them labeling another person this or that! why some people want to show their ignorance by that sort of thing? people seemed so mad, why? jealousy? personal issues? mental issues? a habit? under-educated? their pet died? what is it that make people so mad?

Anonymous said...

Fuck, first Cambodian people use French during the colonization, now using English thinking making them cool.

or because Khmer language is cheap, or make the persons who speak cheap that's why they omit Cambodian word and substitute other words for English

for Cambodia to improve their behavior, and out of savage and uncilized people, take a look at their neighbor, vietnam & thailand. Learn from them how these countries behave, and why cambodian cannot behave like a proper human being. Cambodia will not learn anything until their race wipe out of the map.

cambodia is so good at blaming others when all things failed. this is not the problem to solution. thes people must learn how to should responsibility. cambodian are cheap, they sell everything, including their country, land, fish, sand, trees, children, you name it, they all sold because these people are so damn greedy. cambodia 92% of them are Buddhist, what had the Lord Buddha taught them-- plenty, yes, a lot, but these stupid people never learned anything. when there's a celebration, these stupid people pretending they're praying to the Lord Buddha, but inside their mind and hearts are full of evil, these people are savage and uncilized. if you're cambodian, you know who you are. these people should be ashamed of themselves. these people are always fighting each other over little things, they are jealous of each other over little things, too. These people have a lot to learn, if they're planning to reintegrate into a civilized society.
i'm sick to my stomach when I see these people.

Anonymous said...

2:38 AM

WTF! LMAO! BTW, are you a preacher, or just another idiot?

Anonymous said...

Why can Theary just let these guys slide into hers one by one, if that'll make them less satisfied with her the so-called the continuation of dialogue.

Anonymous said...

2:40aM! go fuck yourself stupid! Not Cambodia that use Enlish in some ways Event the big langue like French, Spanish, Chinesem, Japan, and more are mix with American English nowaday!

Stop look only right the end of your nose to the Fucking Viet and Thai!!!!!

Whatch more web and Tv of the world , stupid!

Anonymous said...

Theary Eng just raised her concerns
about Khmer language for all of us
Khmer helping her to somehow to find
the way to up date Khmer language.Why
some of the above postings got real mads at her?.If anybody knew more please help instead of throwing trashes on each others.

ពាក្យថា​​ ឯកភាពប្រែថា ភាពតែមួយ​​=i unit
ហ៊ុន សែន ច្រើនតែយកពាក្យនេះទៅប្រើ
ជាមួយប្រទេសដ៍ទៃ ដូចជាលោក​ វ៉ា គឹម ហុង
និយាយថា ភាគីគណបកម្មការព្រុំដែនខ្មែរបាន
ឯកភាពជាមួយវៀតណាមហើយ ពាក្យនេះមាន
ន័យថា យួននឹងខ្មែរគឺតែមួយ បើតាមខ្មុំយល់។

ពាក្យសំណូមពរ ពាក្យនេះគួរតែយកទៅប្រើ
ជាមួយព្រះសង្ឈ​ ចំពោះអ្នក​មានសិល​ នឹង
ចំពោះអ្នកមានគុណ ដូចជា ឪពុក ម្តាយ
ជាដើម មិនគួរយកពាក្យនេះទៅប្រើជាមួយ
ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំនៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលទេ ព្រោះថាអ្នកទាំង
តែប្រើពាក្យថា សូមអំពាវនាវ ឬ សុំអ្វីមួយ
ខ្លះៗ ឃើញថាយើងមានបញ្ហាមែន សូមយើង
ខ្មែរយើងផង សូមអរគុណទុកជាមុន។

ការសែតអង្គរបូរី របស់ បង លី ឌៀប មាន
ជាងកាសែតនៅស្រុកខ្មែរខ្លះៗ។បង លី ឌៀប
នៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ហើយគាត់ពុំដែល
ឡើយ មិនដូចជាពាក្យគេចោតគាត់ថា
ជាចារកម្មយួនទេ សូមសួថាតើមាន
គុណ បង លី ឌៀប ខ្មុំមិនដឹងថា

Anonymous said...

អត្ថបទរបស់នាងលើកនេះ គឺបាននិកំពុងតែបំផ្លាញនូវប្រជាប្រិយភាពរបស់នាងអស់ទៅហើយ ជាពិសេស សូមនាងកុំសង្ឃឹមថា ទៅឈរឈ្មោះបោះឆ្នោត ឬ នឹងមានបំណងចង់ក្លាយជាអ្នកដំណាងរាស្រ្តអោយសោះ ។ ពីព្រោះថា អត្ថបទដែលនាងបានសរសេរកន្លងមកនេះ
គឺដូចជាកុំពុងតែបំផ្លាញ បន្តុះបង្អាប់និងបំពុលបរិយាកាស ព្រមទាំងបង្កនូវភាពល្អក់កករ​ទៅលើក្ដីសង្ឃឹម ផ្នែកខេមរយានកម្មទាំងមូល ​។
!!!!!សូមអោយមានសំណាងល្អ អ្នកនាងធារី!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Name us OLD FARTS?
Don't forget some of Old Farts, like your father, knew how to screw your mother so good; therefore Kbal you Chegn Mork.

Besides,Forget about Mee Cheh Phloeu!

Anonymous said...

សួស្ដី2:51 AM
លោកលីឌៀប គាត់មានថ្វីដៃល្អណាស់ ផ្នែកអក្សរសាស្រ្តខ្មែរមែន !
តែគាត់ក៏មានថ្វីដៃល្អណាស់ដែរ ផ្នែកខាងនិយាយហើយនិជេរស្ដេច !
លីឌៀប ​គឺមិនចាំបាច់អានអោយចប់ចុងចប់ដើមឡើយ
ព្រោះថាវាគ្មានអីផ្លែក ក្រៅតែពី គាត់សរសេរជរស្ដេចសីហនុ ច្រំដែលៗ តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។

Anonymous said...

Kbarl ah 3:11AM chenh pi konduoy chhhkkkkkkeeeeeer YUON!!! Kone me cho ke choy muoy niss ott puoch main tain morng...tov choy konduoy mer ah aing tov ah phott puoch!!!

Anonymous said...

Teary what do you try to say?

Make it clearer than this, do not make it too general like a cheap lawyer!

You may wright alot of write but you start by saying a wrong word that the Languaue is dying and it is not!

You show some kind of anfry and bring some kind of school paper that observe with fact by a foreigner! And we saw many of it and thenwarh!????

Let make the subject small, do jou mean politic, language. or people?

Anonymous said...

Teary what do you try to say?

Make it clearer than this, do not make it too general like a cheap lawyer!

You may right about a lot of thing but you start by saying a wrong phrase that the Languaue is dying and it is not!

You show some kind of angry and bring some kind of school paper that observe with fact by a foreigner! And we saw many of those,and then,what!????

Let make the subject small, do you mean politic, language. or people?

We all are in the Hands of GOD said...

Hi Khmers or Kampuchean Folks whichever you prefer.


If you are curious and really wanting to know, you can at least read this article which is part of our History, so you may understand why Theary Seng is so concerned about. She, perhaps, as a Kaun Khmer after read this article, she gained wisdom and wiser, and she brought this article (Histoy) for all Khmers' attentions and thought you who claimed as Khmers may learn from it.
The European or American Scholars had done their utmost research and they wanted to help the real Khmers if you are, but if you are not, then leave Theary Seng out of your stupidity attack. She is just a concern Khmer citizen and she cares.

Many of Khmers are in a state of denial, because of past glories. Well, my friends, our past glories are dead long times ago since the fall of the empire, after Jayavaraman 7 passed away.
This man whom we called a great King failed miserably to build a strong national defense, and when his son in law Jayavaraman 8 a usurper took the throne ever since the empire gradually collapsed. You still see

Here is a paragraph I excerpted from this history written by Steve Heder, page 304, paragraph 3 states:

"[N]evertheless, the broad move to linguistic Khmerization was an irreversible fact, and one whose triumph was furthered by PRK policies vis-a`-vis minorities. Unlike the Khmer Issarak, the PRK presented itself as Kampuchean, not Khmer, and the PRK
constitutionally recognized the equality of all nationalities and their right to maintain their languages, literature, and cultures.".

To further Clarify the "PKR" represents the Vietnamese' client who control Cambodia today and Hun Sen is one of them.
To Theary Seng,
Do not get upset with these ignorant people, negative entity surrounding you. GOD want you to learn how to bear the pain and sufferings, because these sufferings and pain are the manifestation of love & compassion, and do not fear you are on the cross and GOD is with you. Please be strong and do not be tempted by these negative entities.
Theary I pray for you from PSALM 23.

Your Khmer Compatriot

Anonymous said...

Why the gird bring back history and what is her uppinion on that!

THe facts is wright but the effect and cause not all what we Cambodyan see the same way!

SO ask question if you want to hear what We (Un wester education) think!???

Anonymous said...

4:49 AM
You are practicing your English at the wrong place. You can't even spell the word ( LANGUAGE ) but you want to compare your education to T S ? You must have been dreaming

Anonymous said...

4:59AM! you Son of a Toad is your parents ever tought you to be a human and proud of youself!?

I am not praticing English fool! I was saying what I understand her and let she understand me as I could!

If you toat head want education competition go read Oxford journal and pray the Ph.D, as God!

Shame of your parents to make yourself petty and inferior!!!!

Khmers' tragedies have continued.... said...

This 4:56 AM cannot write English and his or her opinions are not understood.

I can see that most comments may be belonged to the ignorant ones.

At this hour Khmer Scholars like Dr. Mak Phouen, Dr. Michel Chai, Dr. Khin Sok... Dr. Gaffar Peng-Meth are sobbing to witness that their people' knowledges are far below Cats and Dogs.

Anonymous said...

4:54! If Theary got angry she must be a fool! to be in public not all like you or agree with you, even if you were GOD!

It is OK for us ignorance miss understanding you or you can not understading! since we do not have so call foreigne Ph.D.

But for Verry Hight Education famouse all over International cpmmunity can not make uS understand and not understanding us! You education prepare you to divide the world, Live in your heaven Hight Educateer!!!!

Anonymous said...

5:58! those Ph D sould uneducated to communicate with the majority!

Anonymous said...

5:24 AM

I read the whole article (part of Khmer History) Theary posted for us to read, but you DID NOT READ IT.

If you did READ you would have not insulted her. Theary is just a messenger.

But anyway, I do not believe you will understand the document written by Steve Hedes. Steve did his research and most of the things he wrote were parts of Khmer history. All Khmer Scholars share Steve Hedes' research. And all the sources were stored at Dutch, France and China's libraries.

Do not get upset or feel that Khmers' language is being put down by. No, but according to the history, it's dying and it will be vanished for ever.

Anonymous said...

5:45Am!n You Shit Head I was not insulting her (Theary)I gave he my understandinG!

But I insulted you, Shit Head! and you parent to think less then Human in 5:59!!! for not fluence in others Lamguage!

Anonymous said...

5:45AM! use your brain stupid! If your mind notn evolve you are retarde! so the language!

We all are in the Hands of GOD said...

5:32 AM
I totally agree with you. I think Theary should not get upset or angry. I advised her not to, and hope she is OK.

I also agree with you that those Khmer Scholars need to find a way to fill a gap between the high educators and the people who have less education.

They have to help to make other Khmers who have less education to understand their messages. Without a good communication skill we will fail and we will be divided.

If you read my advanced comment and feel that I was so harsh, I apologize.


Anonymous said...

Good grace David!

Anonymous said...

5:45 AM,

I did not write this message by myself. Indeed, I asked my friends to write it for me and posted it here.

Thank you for your information!

I guess I had better start learning another language since the only language I know is dying and will be gone in no time.

Anonymous said...

Fuck pauk ah yuon kantop here, fuk ah yuon kantop domer ca

, first yuon kantop use French during the colonization, yuon kantop its old scrip to latin becasue yuon kantop are so shameful of its own race, origin and culture, yuon kantop try to mask, to hide it as they can. now yuon kantop using English and latin scrip believing making them look good.

or because yuon kantop language is cheap, yuon kantop are shameful of their culture or perhaps their culture or language make the persons who speak cheap and evil that's why yuon kantop omit latin scrip, and substitute other words for English or else

for yuon kantop race to improve their behavior, and out of savage and uncilized people, take a look at their neighbor, chinese & thailand. Learn from them how these countries behave, and why yuon kantop cannot behave like a proper human being. yuon kantop will not learn anything untill their race wipe out of the map.

yuon kantop is so good at denying and blaming others when all things failed. this is not the problem to solution. thes people must learn how to should responsibility. yuon kantop are cheap race, they sell everything, including their their wives, their daughters, their mamy pussy for so little, yuon kantop also steal other people country, land, fish, sand, trees, children, you name it, yuon kantop steal all, destroy all because their kantop race are so damn greedy and dam evils. yuon kantop claimed at 92% of them are Buddhist, what had the Lord Buddha taught these yuon kantop -- plenty, yes, a lot, but these stupid evil race never learned anything. when there's a celebration, these stupid and evil kantop pretending they're praying to the Lord Buddha, but inside their mind and hearts are full of hates and evilness, these people are savage and uncilized. if you're kantop race, you know who you are. these people should be ashamed of themselves. yuon kantop always committed evil and killed other over little things, they are full of jealous and hates against other people life and among their own race over little things, too. look like yuon kantop have a lot to learn, if yuon kantop planning to reintegrate into a civilized society.

i'm sick to my stomach when I see yuon kantop ass here and over with their dam culture, evilness ass, heart, mind and soul, these kantop ass helpless, they are evil, trickful and corrupted to bone

Anonymous said...

5:45 AM,

I did not write this message by myself. Indeed, I asked my friends to write it for me and posted it here.

Thank you for your information!

I guess I had better start learning another language since the only language I know is dying and will be gone in no time.

But since my parent speak the language and my children and grand chidren and all my friends and my country man do so in million. amd they determind to do so sorry for your HIGHT EDUCATION PREDICTION!

6:04 AM

Anonymous said...

5:24 AM
Your English is so terrible ... if I were you I won't say a word to respond to that comment above .

Anonymous said...

6:14! I am not afred of any one and I am not ashame to be no fluent in English!

One day you would be shame of your parents!
And they would curse you!

We all are in the Hands of GOD said...

6:17 AM
Don't worry about anyone who said that he or she does not understand what you wrote/write, I do completely understand what you intended to say.

The more I read your comments I sense that you are very wise person.

People should read your ideas not your broken English.


Anonymous said...

6:14AM! i have my level of people to communicate, you go with your dR.!!!

By the way! how can you stooopp me?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, David!

To have even just one person understading me, it worth writting again!

Thak you!

Anonymous said...

Theary should have published Dr Steve Heder’s article before her own comments on the state of the current Khmer language in Cambodia. It would be appropriate that way, since she is a non functional Khmer literate herself. Pretending to be a scholar on a subject as much important as the language of a nation instead of simply introducing Dr Heder publication (even if she recognized herself that she is not a linguist) is inviting all kinds of attack on her. On top of it, the way she adores to publish big pictures of her, each time she published anything KI-Media, doesn’t help either.
That said I would humbly take off my hat to Dr Heder for his objective research and observations which will certainly contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the state of current Khmer language. I agree that after three regime changes that the country went through over the last thirty years and the current internationalization of Cambodia, economically and politically, couple with the increasing use of the Internet, the Khmer language has indeed experienced some kind of crisis, but in no way it is dying. Rather, our language has begun a new revival with a period of trying and failures before it can consolidate and prosper. It is a natural process of language changes. Beside I am happy that the Khmer is still and always the lingua franca of Cambodia, accompanied in this new venture by English, French, Chinese as well as Japanese, Korean and not Vietnamese alone as in the past. I would suggest that the government should have a clear language policy and promote a better use of our Khmer language by organizing competitions in spelling or in authorship among public in general and among the youth in particular.

Anonymous said...

6:17 am,

Yes, I understand your comment clearly. I second with David on this.

Your comment is highly appreciated to the true discussion on this topic. We need to understand the problems clearly before we can solve it. If we Khmers do not understand as to what cost our language to die slowely --- how could we cure it! I know that a few bloggers here are really nasty always divert the issue to something else such as call her name, etc. Each of us have our own weakness as well as strenght, thus, we should look at each other strenght and build on that. Encourage each other to solves problems rather than contribute to the problems.

So 6:17 I am glad you contribute to this discussion! Keep up with your possitive contribution. Every little thing will help to our understand!

Koun Khmer

Anonymous said...

Hi Theary

I am conerning your comment of Cambodian language in Crisis. First instead of Cambodian language it should be Khmer Language.

The last point in your commen was you complain about the Khmer Unicode and Limon font and you have a trouble to transfer documents from one computer to an other. This is a technical problem with IT. I would seperate this matter from the Language in Crisis.

I hope you learn more Khmer in the near future.

Khmer Brissie

Anonymous said...

Folks, don't confuse the need for a job and prestige as something of a courage and heroism. without those fundings some of our heroes would have packed up and said good bye for a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Had the Viet controlled regime in P. Penh done anything when the P. Penh Post published the word "YOUN" as racist epithet?

Have any Viet controlled regime officials reacted or done anything about what Ms. Thearey C. Seng wrote about Khmer Language's crisis?

Just something to ponder over about the Hun Sen Viet controlled regime in P. Penh...

Anonymous said...

7:41AM. that the real problem! If our writing could not be work properly wit IT technology we will left behind!

So to be go along or suviving in this modern world we need to chance our three stories writing to 2 or one story if possible to survive for 1000 and 1000s years more!

Just an idea, the scholars need to think deeper about it!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what Theary Seng's title of the article, she had meant well. The article contained lots of constructive, positive crticism of the current evolving Khmer language - both writtn and spoken. Only Lok Ly Diep and a few people here have so far can see the good side of the article.

Most commentators talk and write like wild beasts, and may I say - this has become a Khmer character which has led us to so much self-destruction. No room for criticism, oppostion in our culture. It is a typical Khmer culture and character. It has been like that for two thousand years.

Anonymous said...

What's Khmer?

Khmer inhabitants consist of Chinese, Viet (now almost the majority because of Hun Sen), Muslims (Cham), Kuoy, Phnorng, Thais and others (back during Sihanouk's time up until now)...

As such and with the most of their agressive economics and trading traits, the chinese are the most pain in the ass of it all because MONEY talks...

Well, the rest is what it is right now in Cambodia...The Viet is trying hard...but the chinky will win in the end...Cambodia is just another island like HONG KONGv to the CHINKY!

Anonymous said...

8:18 swere to your grand parent ever saw Khmere dare to talk like that befor the Webside ananimus?

Not think like this for 10000 of year! some thing new happen to us! Keep saying the thrue and be brave, boys!

Anonymous said...

Could someone please clarify whether we should use king or royal language when we address Samdech Sanghareach or just simply Sangha language?

Why are people now using completely king language when they address those monk leaders?

Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

9:24AM! because the suckers are Stupid Tmil they try to destroy Budhish!

And all those sucker are Si Arch or are Arch Mouy Doom

Anonymous said...

Respond To Theary Seng statement , I thing the way that of her thought is due to her underestimation and misleading to Khmer language daily usage . What that she She is mentioning it is possible due to her environment Where she uses to be living

within noble environment . May be She does n`t experience to hear the rural speaking . .But the way she describe under her statement , some of phrases are ironical to the Khmer word meaning , like the one she mentioned the word ផើម which she said ,the word is reserved to animal .នៅត្រង់កន្លែងនេះ គឺបានបញ្ជាក់យ៉ាងច្បាស់ នូវកម្រិតចំណេះចេះដឹង របស់នាងធារីសេង យ៉ាងច្បាស់ក្រឡែត ថា នាងនៅមានចំណុចខ្វះខាតនៅឡើយ ទាក់ទងទៅលើភាសារខ្មែរ!

In another hand , I think the interest of her statement , that it is biased on politic issue . It is certainly , that it is one sort of pretext argument in order to slap Hun Sen , because Everyone knows , that Hun Sen uses often to speaks with vulgar language even in front the number of crows . But you should know, the way which Hun Sen is speaking , it is a one of his talent in order to joke and attract intention rural people to clearly understand and influence them into his stance favor . Because

He knows that ,if his speech is too polite or too noble , that it will put people into sleep .Then thank to this eloquent that why rural people do like him .

Anonymous said...

Thai language is popular all over the world now like Chinese is and yet Thai language came from Khmer language. This is what happens when Cambodia don't compete in Miss.Universe and that's why no one cares about anything Khmer anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack words is ok but the setence and meaning that brutal and show his color!

Anonymous said...

Samdech Chea Sim SAOY BAI,Yeang mork Haey..

Have you heard people addressing him now ?

WE do have real problem wioth our current language. Pease think and look at this critically, try not to be too conservative in our mentality.

Anonymous said...


Phearsa ( language) in Khmer has Aksor "Ror" ?

Anonymous said...

Ah Arch yeang tov haiy!!!!TOv ngob or soy tivong kout!

Anonymous said...

we have too many set of language let motherfuckers use what they want! To me they all ah runtai baign!

Anonymous said...

Just listen to these Kampucheans if they can debate any subjects without swearing, cursing, insulting each other or tearing each other apart.

The sooner the Vietnamese take over Kampuchea, the better.

Every body try to be a good talker but almost all are useless.

Just put every body out of their misery.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Ah chkuot 11:49 AM, what is bugging you? You have not been anything close to being a debater, vietcong gook.

Anonymous said...

In short, we should be lucky and happy, that we have our own language, we can use in daily life and also in the form of many different acts and forms, for our believes, our family clans and all society levels.
Why we have to copy or use other language, like some countries on this planet don't have their own.

Leadership said...

We should praise Theary Seng for her volunteering work on the critics of Cambodian language. We need more critics in Cambodia to develop pluralism and democracy.

As my last name is Seng too, I don't think this word is from Chines meaning multiply mentioned above.

Michael Kheng said...

Hi Everyone,

One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to remove and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had run way from him after she knew his cheating.

A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.

Anonymous said...


Why don't you write in Khmer language?
or Cambodian language like you said!

Anonymous said...


I think you are frustrating to learn and to use Khmer language. It is too hard for you to understand.
Instead of being patience, you are blaming the language or Khmer Unicode and Khmer legacy like Limon or ABC etc…
What is a pathetic bitch!
Next time if you feel like this go to masturbate yourself!

Anonymous said...

Come on 2:19 pm, you know that she doesn't write Khmer! Why are you insisting her to do so? Isn't this unproductive? You are getting into a personal attach, but not the issue! I dare you to stay on the issue. Growth up and take responsible on the issue on this more a productive contributor rathan the detractor!!

Anonymous said...

Come on 2:19 pm, you know that she doesn't write Khmer! Why are you insisting her to do so? Isn't this unproductive? You are getting into a personal attach, but not the issue! I dare you to stay on the issue. Growth up and take responsible on the issue on this more a productive contributor rathan the detractor!!

Anonymous said...

ហូ ជីមិញ កាលណាមាឱកាសសម្លាប់ខ្មែរគឺពួក
គេនឹងកំទេចខ្មែរឲ្យអស់ ដូចជាមានប្រើពាក្យ

Anonymous said...

សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ឈប់វង្វេងទៅខ្មែរអើយ បើយើង

Anonymous said...

ឲ្យគេប្រម៉ាត​​ហើយថាខ្លះទៅ ព្រោះយួនយកដីអស់
ហើយ​ ថែមទាំងមក​នៅពេញស្រុកទៀត មិនដែលឮធារី សេង ​ហ៊ាននិយាយ​មួយមាត់ទេ ស្ងាត់ឈឹង តែបែរ
ជាលើកអារឿងឥតបានការ ទៅវិញ

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំ​គាំទ្រ ទស្សនៈ​របស់ Pi Anh @ 11:49 AM ។
ខ្ញុំ​គាំ​ទ្រ​ទស្សនៈ​ភាគ​ច្រើន​របស់ សេង ធារី អំពី​ភាសា​ខ្មែរ​។ អ្នក​ដែល​ជេរប្រមាថ​គាត់​នោះ ជា​មនុស្ស​ដែល​មិន​ចេះ​ភាសា​ខ្មែរ​ថ្លៃ​ថ្នូរ ចេះ​តែ​ពាក្យ​បាតផ្សារ ជេរម្រ៉ាយគ្នា ភាសា​មនុស្ស​ថោកទាប​ ដូច្នេះ​ហើយ​បាន​ជា​ពួក​គេ​គិត​ថា ភាសា​ខ្មែរ​មិន​មាន​វិបត្តិ និង មាន​ការ​ខ្វះខាត។
ពួក​នេះ​មិន​ដែល​បាន​សរសេរអត្ថបទ​ថ្លៃថ្នូរ​អី​ណា​មួយ​ទេ មិន​ដែល​សរសេរ​អត្ថបទ​បច្ចេកទេស អត្ថបទ​ផ្លូវការ ។ល។ អ្វី​នោះ​ទេ ដូច្នេះ​ហើយ​បាន​ជា​មិន​ដឹង​ថា ភាសា​ខ្មែរ​នៅ​ខ្វះចន្លោះ​អ្វីខ្លះ។
ក្រៅ​ពី​ចំណុច​ខ្វះ​ខាត វិបត្តិ​ដែល​កំពុង​មាន ដូចជា​ខ្លះ​ប្រើក្បៀស ខ្លះ​ប្រើ​ចុច ដើម្បី​សម្គាល់ លេខ​ក្រោយ​ក្បឿស ខ្លះ​ទៀត​ចេះ​អង់គ្លេស​ច្រើន​ពេក​ទៅ​គិត​ថា ១ កោដិ ស្មើ ១ billion ។ល។ ខ្មែរ​ភាគ​ច្រើន​សរសេរ​ខ្មែរ​ខុស​តែ​ផ្ដាស តែ​ពូកែ​ខាង​ជេរ ដូច​ជា​លោក 4.16 PM ខាង​លើ សរសេរ​ពាក្យ ប្រមាថ ជា​ ប្រម៉ាត ជា​ដើ់ម។

Anonymous said...

Chineses and vietnameses can not spell the Khmer alphabet "R"(RO),they spell "L"(LO)Ex:Roghea(cold),they spell(loghea).

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is right,
Khmer language evolves to the wrong way because Khmer current speaking language comes from 2 sources:
1) From provincial uneducated people becoming Phnom Penh citizen
2) From whore becoming most of Cambodian ministers wifes

Anonymous said...

To idiots who consider Theary Seng as a Chinese:
Even her name is Chinese, Theary Seng is not less Khmer than you idiot.

Anonymous said...


"L"(LO)Ex:Roghea(cold),they spell(loghea)

It's not about the ethnics things, it about the area where they live. Like Takeo, Battambang, Kpg Cham etc.

The first time I tried to communicate with people in Battambang after Khmer rouge sent us there, I had to ask them to repeat what they said to me, just like the first time I tried to speak English with foreigners.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

Keep up with great brainstormings for the sake of Khmer language progress. A productive debate is overdue to prepare ways for an update dictionary before a Westerner takes over.

Philologists, grammarians, linguists, sociologists, scientists, as well as scholars in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sanskrit, and Pali are greatly needed to help set up a long-term project to produce an update version of a 21st century Khmer language dictionary. It would be great if a Khmer NGO could take care of this matter.

Many countries in this globe encounter the same problem as Cambodia. The case in point, in India, for example, Hindi cannot be used to communicate in technical or scientific context for lack of vocabulary, is it dying for that reason?

Anonymous said...

បេីនាងដឹងខ្លួនថាខ្វះខាតចំណេះខាងអក្សរហេីយប្រឹងរៀន នាងគួរឱ្យសរសេរី ។ កុំឱ្យដូចនាយ
កាឡុញឆឹក មិនចេះហេីយក៏មិនរៀន? កាឡុញឆឹក ធ្វេីអីក៏មិនស្រួលដែរ!

Anonymous said...

You are SO funny, 9:44 PM

Anonymous said...

12:03pm, called this a debate?

Typical Taiwanese politicians debate style?

Can't you just talk to each other in a calm voice without insulting each other?

Does it make you feel you are more superior than the other people?

Then, may be that's why your country is such a f#%& up?

It's better to ask or say one thousand stupid questions than to do one stupid thing without asking!

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Khmer's will continue to lose our identity and culture if we don't compete in Miss.Universe. That is why Thailand is stealing things from Cambodia because no one knows who Cambodia is.

Anonymous said...

Mr. 10:55pm,

Why don't you go to compete in Miss Universe yourself! Otherwise, get lost from this blog!

Anonymous said...

That is ok! 10:55PM! who want to identify with you?

Anonymous said...

I'm just being honest and its true. Ask someone what is Cambodia and Khmer culture. They would say Beggars, dark skinned, killing fields and poor. Ask them what is Thailand they would say Muay Thai, PAD Thai noodles, Tom Yum Spicy Soup, rich culture and etc...

Anonymous said...

the bottom line is i think it is ok for khmer language to evolve as well as any other languages all over the world. if you know english, a lot of their vocabularies, etc were derived or borrowed through the dead language latin, etc. nothing's wrong with that, i just want to point it out so khmer people won't lack the understanding that it's ok for our khmer language to evolve with time, you know! i think khmer language should be simplest forms, especially in writing. and technology terms, medical terms, scientific terms, etc, etc is ok to adopt from latin, french, english, japanese, chinese, etc, ok! we won't lost our identity just because our people and country chose to adopt, borrow or evolve our beautiful language, you know. all languages of the world, if you know their meaning or origin, etc, were at one time or another evolved throughout time, ok! so, i think it is ok for khmer to evolve as well, ok! get used to it, changes are invitable like anything else in life, ok! stop trying to resist good changes and be smart an clever about it, ok! it is ok, really! it's not going to be the end of the world nor will it put cambodia in crisis of national identity because if you are educated and understand the way languages work, then it is alright all along, really! don't be so fearful all the time of changes, ok!

Anonymous said...


កាឡុញ ឆឹក ខ្ញុំមិនសូវឆ្លាតដូច ល្បងឯងទេ ណ៎ា
ល្បង កុំប្រកែរប្រកាន់ខ្ញុំអីណ៎ាល្បង!
ហេ ល្បង ជួយបង្រៀនខ្ញុំខ្លះបានទេ ល្បង?

អរគុណធំៗទុកជាមុន ល្បង!!!

I am not as smart as you are brother 9:44 PM, can you help coach me a little bit please Brother 9:44PM?

Thanks a bunch in advance.

កាឡុញ ឆឹក

Anonymous said...

it is ok for khmer to be koun kat or mix breed, same with khmer language to evolve with time! don't be so racist, ok! the important thing is to keep khmer identity and language and writing, etc prevalent and to promote and encourage khmerness like speaking khmer, learning khmer, etc, ok! it's called smart and clever and educated, ok!

Unknown said...

Please for Christ sake help this poor boy from Haiti

Anonymous said...

i think it has nothing to do with khmer language being cheap or whatever. it's the social status like the ruling class, the royal language, the monk language, etc used slightly different language to communicate. common folks talk or speak in ordinary terms while the royal family and the monk and the elitist speak slightly different, i think. i think it is ok for khmer people to talking in ordinary terms as well like everyday conversation, need not be complicated, however, in school, of course, we have to learn the proper way, no slang, no cursing or foul language is allowed at work or in school, but with friends, it is ok, i think! you have to use common sense too when you talk and deal with people, you don't talk politely to a rude individuals, but you do have to talk politely to a nice, respectful person, it's all common sense in who you deal with, you know! that's called smart and clever, ok!

Anonymous said...

i encourage everyone of us not be ashame to speak more in our beautiful khmer language. god had given us our khmer language to speak since ancient time, so use more khmer language, really! be proud and educated about it, ok!

Anonymous said...

yes, show the world cambodia and khmer language, if they ask us, tell them we're from cambodia and there people speak khmer language, didn't you know that!

Anonymous said...

12:30 AM

What happens if one is ashamed of their country and its language, can you tell them that you are other race other than Khmer?

The answer is: "Yes."

Anonymous said...

ល្បង កាឡុញ ឆឹក, before I ជួយបង្រៀន ល្បង,ល្បង must answear this question first " did it happened to you naturally or Dr. fixed you after birth"

Anonymous said...

Hey I never have sewear problem with understanding my parents than other kids from other languages!

OH! my parents use the words " math or phylosophy" that's OK?

Anonymous said...

i admire civicus for looking to make or a new khmer business law dictionary, etc... please don't feel discourage after seeing or reading skeptics' or cynics' view on our beautiful khmer language. i think the more terms khmer adapted or borrowed or derived or re-invented or whatever you wan to call it, into our rich khmer vocabularies and language, etc, the more power to those of us who have the ability to do so and so on. may god bless our beautiful khmer language always.

Anonymous said...

Just get rid of ah Ly Yong who is criminal sellling sands to Singorpore. Just saw his bad news on American news(msn). Thief living in a very shameless life.

Anonymous said...

that is good new 3;18!

Anonymous said...

The KI owner who pretense as someone, and then throws negative comments once awhile (particular in this controversial topic)to increase the readership. Very CLEVER!

Anonymous said...

all the dumpest common above, they have very small brains eneought to think about their own language, they think they are the smartest people and speak right khmer language in cambodia but they all in srok khmer don't speak clear khmer such as Bosipa pan who does not have a clear action of speaking khmer language while they live in srok khmer, and a lot of khmer in upper class send their kids to learn chineses and other language than their own language most of them can't speak clear khmer language when they live on their own land before all of your dumpest common above before attact theary seng look at yourself have you help khmer? you are all stupid, they said green grass as blue grass, dark red to red and a lot more of khmer people living in srok khmer can't speak khmer.

Anonymous said...

ពូជស្ដេចនឹងមេចោរវាដូចតែគ្នា នេះចំពោះស្ដេច
ដែលដេកតែច្រាស ហើយនាំទុក្ខមកឲ្យពលរដ្ធ។
សុំធ្វើការស្រាវជ្រាវ ហើយប្រើខួរក្បាលពិចារណា
ឲ្យស្គាល់ខុស នឹងត្រូវ គុណនឹងទោសផង។
ទោះបី លី​ ឌៀប ជាយួនក៏ដោយក៏ខ្ញុំនៅតែគាំ
ទ្រគាត់ជានិច្ច ពីព្រោះគាត់បានធ្វើការច្រើនណាស់
សម្រាប់កូនខ្មែរ ហើយគាត់និយាយតែពីការពិត


Anonymous said...

i love cambodia.

Anonymous said...


If you know Theary,you know that she cannot speak Khmer clear either! Actually I think that she pretent not to speak clear in Khmer so that they know that she get her education from abroad! Just her way to show off! How long have she live in Cambodia now? If she still can't speak Khmer after a decade in Cambodia, she is indeed a slow learner!! But I believe she is not that dump, you yourself is dump for being fool by Theary! Anyway, don't worry, the true can't be hitten a way for long! But definitely I gave her a full credite for bringing up this subject. And thanks to HS for making this post tick!!

Anonymous said...

smart people want all the educated and smart people in cambodia. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.

Anonymous said...

Theary is lying, her commentary sole purpose is to give herself public attention...well, it failed miserably..