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The authority was inspecting the metal pieces suspected to be part of a spy plane exploded mid-air. The pieces were found in Preah Vihear province on 16 August 2011 (Photo: Hang Savyouth, RFA) |
16 August 2011
By Hang Savyouth
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer
Joint authority force in Preah Vihear province have discovered several metal pieces made from aluminum spread on the ground. The parts could be pieces a small plane flying over Kulen district, located about 40 km southwest of Preah Vihear city.
The discovery was made after 3 loud explosions were heard in the air on Tuesday morning.
Research teams from the joint force including soldiers, military police and CMAC employees, indicated that several metal pieces measuring 4 to 7-cm thick, as well as an electrical box were found near a villager’s house and also in several locations in the forest located in Kulen district, south of Sroyong commune, after several consecutive explosion sounds were heard. The sound created panic among villagers located about 40-km around the area.
On Tuesday 16 August, Sor Thavy, the deputy district governor of Preah Vihear province, said that several explosion sounds were heard at about 6AM, then the authority started the search immediately after villagers from Kulen district reported that they saw metal pieces raining down from the sky near their houses.
The Preah Vihear provincial authority made a preliminary assessment that the metal pieces could be parts of a small spy plane that were remotely controlled and that there were no pilot in the plane.
Nevertheless, the Cambodian authority did not yet find proof that these metallic pieces were part of spy plane, nor did they find where did the plane come from or its country of origin.
Perhaps Abisith trying to fly to Cambodia to meet with Thanksin and Hun Sen on Friday and the plan had machanical problem caused to explod in the air?
seen only body parts what about the engine parts it must be engine had some where in that area .
those cambodian arm force commanders do not know the defference between the air plane
and the ko-yon.
they are looking at it. and waiting
for permission to traid in for a
gallon of cheap moon shine.
Atlanta, GA.
Must be an alien trying to abduct hun sen.
that the lightning that srike ah Hok mlandy.
Hi Everyone,
One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to remove and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had run way from him after she knew his cheating.
A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!
When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.
discovered the metal pieces unmanned aircraft, it proves that the Department of Defense is unable to control and protect the territory of Cambodia. Our general "many stars" are really incompetent in all areas.
ស្តាយមិនគួមានមនុស្សជម្ងឺខួរក្បាលហើយមិនទៅព្រែកត្នោត ! បែជាមក comment តែអារឿងត្រឹមចង្កេះចុះក្រោម អត់មើលអត្ថបទគេសរសេរពីអី ! អូភ្លេចអាចំគួតមួយហ្នឹងត្រូវបានមីស្រីអារ៉ាត់អារាយបំរ៉ុងយកទៅស្រុកខ្មែរឆាប់ៗហើយ ! ព្រោះវាត្រូវទៅដេកមើលខួរក្បាលឆ្គួតៗ របស់វា ហិ ហិ អាប្រុសចេះត្រឹមធ្វើរឿងត្រឹមចង្កេះចុះក្រោម !!!! ពិជាពូជន៏អាអត់កំណើតមែន !!
"...metal pieces measuring 4 to 7-cm thick..."! Damn! Those are rather thick pieces of metal to be onboard a small aerial vehicle, don't you think? On the other hand, they could have come from a UFO that crashed near by. Hunsen should go and find the alien and worship it.
យ៉ែ! អា៣:៤៨PMឯងបានប្រាកដ ជាពូជមានកំណើតមែន ហាហាហា!!
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
Hey, Have any thing to define this metal. of the small spy plane and anything to show this come from any country.
May be it's be the part of commercial airplane.
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