Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cambodian National Conference - Friday & Saturday, October 21-22, 2011, Washington, DC Area [-20th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements]

For more information:


Anonymous said...

Khem Sokha and bunches of these idiots should have used their time more wisely. They should participate the rally in New York or organize additional rally in Washington DC, rather partying. The least, they could save that money send to flood victims in Cambodia. Dumb motherfuckers!

Anonymous said...

4:54AM. I totally agree with you. This year PPA demostration will be held at many key locations such as UN in Geneva, UN Headquarters in New York, Place du Trocadero in Paris, Parliament Hill of Canada in Ottawa and this group should held one at US Capital Hill in Washington DC instead of party. The least Mr. Khem Sokha and his clan who's with him should join one of the demostration instead attending this useless party with these useless people. Or is he also one of the useless. The answer probably obvious. USELESS!

Anonymous said...

Khmer citizens in Cambodia and those Khmers who live overseas (still think you are khmer blood) should focus the upcoming Khmer elections because if you don't, CPP will be in power again....

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is Vietnam/CPP's strength.
The same strategy that Vietnamese used to divide Khmers in 1600's and 1700's. Kem Sokha won't dare to join this demonstration against Vietnam/CPP. Go figure!!