Friday, October 21, 2011

Statistical Analysis on Land Disputes in Cambodia, 2010

Statistical Analysis on Land Disputes in Cambodia, 2010.

Source: NGO Forum

In Cambodia, land grabbing is characterized by disputes over land between the rich and powerful, on one hand, and the poorer and weaker people, on the other, [and] has been a very serious issue over recent years3. LDs are a critical issue for Cambodia at present. LDs are caused by a number of factors, including infrastructure development projects in urban and rural areas (including Economic land - and other Concessions) which are being implemented by national as well as international companies and International Financial Institutions (IFIs), often with little respect for the rights of these communities who are negatively impacted. This could include a lack of tenure in the form of security for land, and a failure to enforce laws protecting peoples’ rights. LDs have increased dramatically from 2006 before trending downward in 2009.4 In 2006, 20 LDs was erupting. This number rose to 28 new cases in 2007 and 48 in 2008.

LDs are of interest to all stakeholders, including government authorities, development partners, NGOs and civil society as a whole. Given the consensus on the importance of this issue, many measures and approaches have been applied by various competent institutions. However, the impacts of these approaches and interventions through the results of the land dispute resolution processes have not been reported consistently across all stakeholders. Therefore, this annual LD analysis report helps by tracking LDs trends for Cambodia over the time, and provides an evidence base to support stakeholder concerns. It is expected that the results of this analysis will bring practical recommendations that inform and improve LD resolution processes into the future.

The aim of this annual analysis was two-fold, firstly (a) to highlight land dispute cases, providing an overview of its resolution process within 2010; and (b) to inform the public about the dispute resolution processes and its associated factors, which help lead to resolution.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

LDs are caused by a number of factors, including infrastructure development projects in urban and rural areas (including Economic land - and other Concessions) which are being implemented by national as well as international companies and International Financial Institutions (IFIs), feng shui