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Despite five years of process at a cost of nearly £100m, only one defendant - prison warden Kaing Guek Eav, alias as Duch - has been convicted. Photograph: Reuters |
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Hun Xen sharing niceties with Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea |
UN's reputation also at stake amid interference and delays at court where its judges sit with Cambodian counterparts
Wed 23 Nov 2011
Brad Adams
If additional cases are not allowed to go ahead, only four people will end up going on trial for one of history's darkest moments. This will allow many Khmer Rouge officials responsible for large-scale atrocities to continue to live freely, some in the same communities in which they carried out mass killings. It will mean the man I met in Berkeley may never feel like he can go home. "I want to die in my country," he said. "But not of a broken heart."
At a conference on Cambodia in Berkeley last week, an elderly Khmer man tearfully explained to me why he won't go back to his homeland. "How can I go there and have any peace so long as the people who killed all of my family are still free?"
The extraordinary chambers of the courts of Cambodia (ECCC), set up by the Cambodian government and the United Nations, were supposed to ease his way home. But after five years and more than $150m (£96m), the court has tried just one defendant, Kaing Guek Eav (alias Duch), the warden of the infamous Tuol Sleng detention centre where approximately 14,000 people were tortured and then executed. Repentant, Duch confessed and was convicted of crimes against humanity.
This week the long-awaited trial of former Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, and Ieng Sary finally began. The first case takes up the forced removal of Phnom Penh residents to the countryside, where large numbers were executed or died after being subjected to forced labour.
Some are calling this the most important trial since Nuremberg. Along with Pol Pot, who died in 1998, the three presided over a regime of unprecedented viciousness in which as many as two million Cambodians – a quarter of the population – were killed or died from disease or starvation.
From the outset the ECCC has been mired in controversy over political interference, corruption and long delays between court proceedings that have left many Cambodians wondering if the court can ever deliver justice.
The tone had been set back in 1998 when the Cambodian prime minister, Hun Sen, invited Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan to his home and announced over a champagne toast that they would "bury the past." A former Khmer Rouge fighter himself, he recently said he would rather see the ECCC fail than take up more cases, leading to speculation that he is protecting some of the former Khmer Rouge members in the ruling Cambodian People's party. It would take a brave judge to defy the ruler of a de facto one party state.
In the court's most recent scandal, the Cambodian and UN co-investigating judges moved to close a case against additional Khmer Rouge commanders without interviewing key witnesses or conducting crime site investigations. Criticised for mishandling the case, the UN co-investigating judge resigned, citing government interference in his work. The UN is now trying to replace him with a Swiss reserve judge, but the Cambodian government has thus far refused to formally appoint him.
While there is now wide agreement in UN circles that the ECCC is a mistake that should never be repeated elsewhere, a fair trial of Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary would allow the court to keep some of its promises to victims. The reputation of the UN, which has dithered in the face of repeated controversies in Cambodia, is at stake.
While it can't control Hun Sen, it can set up an independent committee to report on the failures of the ECCC and take action to correct them. It can press Japan, France, the US, the UK, and other donors who continue to provide almost half of Cambodia's annual budget to take action to reverse the ECCC's descent into quagmire.
The most urgent task is to make sure the new investigating judge is appointed so he can continue investigations into additional cases.
If additional cases are not allowed to go ahead, only four people will end up going on trial for one of history's darkest moments. This will allow many Khmer Rouge officials responsible for large-scale atrocities to continue to live freely, some in the same communities in which they carried out mass killings. It will mean the man I met in Berkeley may never feel like he can go home. "I want to die in my country," he said. "But not of a broken heart."
Brad Adams is the Asia director at Human Rights Watch. He worked in Cambodia from 1993-98 and is writing a book on Cambodia
"How can I go there and have any peace so long as the people who killed all of my family are still free?"
Because this ECCC is Hanoi-US ECCC.
But after five years and more than $150m (£96m), the court has tried just one defendant, Kaing Guek Eav (alias Duch),
Because this ECCC is Hanoi-US ECCC.
Yuon Hanoi and US have been behind this this ECCC to hided other Genocide , war crime and crimes against humanity committed by Hanoi and US during 1970s.
1. US carpet bombing in late 1960s-1973 caused nearlly million Cambodian lives, mass atrocities, mass starvation .
2. Yuo Hanoi has committed genocide since Vietna war ( Second Indochina War ) till up today 2011:
1. Viet Minh , Viet Congs war during 1060s-1970s in Cambodia which caused many Camboidna lives , mass atrocities that was an obvious a crme war.
2. The deep involvement in genocide between 1975-1979 by using former Khmer Viet Minh's hands to kill Khmer such as So Phim in Eastern Zone, Rous Yim in Northern Zone and in other zones as well between 1975-1979.
3. K 5 Plan ornanized by Le Duch Tho immmplemented by Hun Sen in 1980s.
4.Youn Hanoi has been behind Hun Sen hand grenage attacked in 1997 caused hundred Cambodian lives.
5. Youn Hanoi has been behind Hun Sen in political event in 5-6 july 1997 end up mass killing and caused hundred Cambodian lives.
6. Youn Hanoi has been behind Hun Sen in mass killing Cambodian peacefull demonstration against fraud election by Hun Sen in 19998.
7. Yuon Hanoi have influx million of both yuon military and illegal yuon immigrants to Cambodia as part of Genocide.
8. Youn Hanoi has been behind Hun Sen by using land grabbing ( 99 years contract )to starve majority of Camboidan as part of Genocide.
So yuon Hanoi and US try to hide other genocide , war crimes , crimes against Cambodian humanity and killing fields that committed by Hanoi and US .
Chhang Yok is an US tool to hide genocide and war crime and killing field which committed by US during in late 1960s-1970s US B 52 bombing and US involvement in Vietnam war that later on that war spreaded into Cambodia.
Hun Sen is an poltical tool to hide genocide and war crime and killing field which committed by
late Ho Chi Minh who was the mastermind of the Indochinese Communist Party created who created CPP in 1951 under the name of Kampuchea Peopl's Revolutionry Party or KPRP led by Son Ngoc Min who when to Hanoi with other fomer Khkmer Vient Mind about 1000 ater Geneva conference in 1954.
So this ECCC in Cambodia is Hanoi-US ECCC.
Chhang Yok is an US tool to hide genocide and war crime and killing field which committed by US during in late 1960s-1970s US B 52 bombing and US involvement in Vietnam war that later on that war spreaded into Cambodia.
Hun Sen is an poltical tool to hide genocide and war crime and killing field which committed by
late Ho Chi Minh who was the mastermind of the Indochinese Communist Party created who created CPP in 1951 under the name of Kampuchea Peopl's Revolutionry Party or KPRP led by Son Ngoc Min who when to Hanoi with other fomer Khkmer Vient Mind about 1000 ater Geneva conference in 1954.
So this ECCC in Cambodia is Hanoi-US ECCC.
Judging Khmer rouge without judging yuon hanoi is just a CRIME because youn hanoi are mastermind of Khmer rouge and the killing field. Yuon hanoi are the real murderers. Letting yuon hanoi get out of the crimes committed against Khmer is another crime against humanity and the DENY of justice for the victims of yuons’s atrocity and crimes. Internal community must STOP TO BE ACCOMPLICE of hanoi crimes by deny yuon Hanoi crimes and atrocities against Khmer and other weak and innocent people in SEA.
Sihanouk who worked along with hanoi and allowed vietcong to maneuver the killing field against Khmer must be the first to stand trial and judge for the killing of millions of innocent during the killing field. Sihanouk and yuon Hanoi are the MURDERERS of Khmer people.
ឱ ! ឥស្សរជនដ៏ឆ្នើម អើយ.....
រៀនមិនចប់មធ្យមសិក្សាដូច្នេះអញ្ចឹង ..???
គួរឱ្យស្ដាយ ...!
គួរឱ្យស្ដាយ ...!
រដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃក៍ដូចជាជោគជ័យសម្រាប់អង្គការលើដែលបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរប្រមាណបីលាននាក់ក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ដល់១៩៧៩។ ជោគជ័យទី១គឺវាបានពន្យាពេលសាលាក្តីដ៏យូរ។ ជោគជ័យទី២គឺមេដឹកនាំជាន់ខ្ពស់ទីមួយគេចផុតពីការកោះហៅ។និងជោគ
បានបំប៉ោងសម្លេងតាមប្រពន្ធ័ផ្សប់ផ្សាយជាតិនិងអន្តរជាតិជាច្រើនឆ្នាំមកហើយជាពិសេសគឺវិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ(RFI&RFA)ដើម្បីបំភាន់មតិសកលលោកនិងដើម្បីវាយប្រហារកិត្តិនាមកិត្តិយសអ្នកណាដែលមាននាមឬត្រកូល(ឌុច)ឧទាហរណ៍ជាងគំនូរ(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម) គ្រូភ្លេង(សុកឌុច)នៅតា
រដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃក៍ដូចជាជោគជ័យសម្រាប់អង្គការលើដែលបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរប្រមាណបីលាននាក់ក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ដល់១៩៧៩។ ជោគជ័យទី១គឺវាបានពន្យាពេលសាលាក្តីដ៏យូរ។ ជោគជ័យទី២គឺមេដឹកនាំជាន់ខ្ពស់ទីមួយគេចផុតពីការកោះហៅ។និងជោគ
បានបំប៉ោងសម្លេងតាមប្រពន្ធ័ផ្សប់ផ្សាយជាតិនិងអន្តរជាតិជាច្រើនឆ្នាំមកហើយជាពិសេសគឺវិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ(RFI&RFA)ដែលស្រែកដោយគួចគន្ធារាឬប៉ែនបុណ្ណា។ល។ដើម្បីបំភាន់មតិសកលលោកនិងដើម្បីវាយប្រហារកិត្តិនាមកិត្តិយសអ្នកណាដែលមាននាមឬត្រកូល(ឌុច)ឧទាហរណ៍ជាងគំនូរ(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម) គ្រូភ្លេង(សុកឌុច)នៅតា
រដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃក៍ដូចជាជោគជ័យសម្រាប់អង្គការលើដែលបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរប្រមាណបីលាននាក់ក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ដល់១៩៧៩។ ជោគជ័យទី១គឺវាបានពន្យាពេលសាលាក្តីដ៏យូរ។ ជោគជ័យទី២គឺមេដឹកនាំជាន់ខ្ពស់ទីមួយគេចផុតពីការកោះហៅ។និងជោគ
បានបំប៉ោងសម្លេងតាមប្រពន្ធ័ផ្សប់ផ្សាយជាតិនិងអន្តរជាតិជាច្រើនឆ្នាំមកហើយជាពិសេសគឺវិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ(RFI&RFA)ដែលស្រែកដោយគួចគន្ធារាឬប៉ែនបុណ្ណា។ល។ ដើម្បីបំភាន់មតិសកលលោកនិងដើម្បីវាយប្រហារកិត្តិនាមកិត្តិយសអ្នកណាដែលមាននាមឬត្រកូល(ឌុច)ឧទាហរណ៍ជាងគំនូរ(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម) គ្រូភ្លេង(សុកឌុច)នៅតា
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