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ប្រះកូណាសេះ និង សមមិត្តប្រះកូណា Norodom Sihanouk was the official head of state for the Khmer Rouge until 1976, after which he was put under house arrest |
Former King Won’t React To Allegations at Tribunal: Prince
Friday, 16 December 2011
Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer | Phnom Penh
“Anyway, he was one of the Khmer Rouge victims, too.” (sic!)
Sisowath Thomico said Friday that Norodom Sihanouk “doesn’t believe the hybrid court can bring full justice to the victims” of the regime. [KI-Media: You bet they won't because the person who called on Cambodians to join the "maquis" with the KR gets away free!!! By the way, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan said that they were victims also!!!]
The involvement of former king Norodom Sihanouk in the early days of the Khmer Rouge has been raised twice by former regime leaders before the UN-backed tribunal, but a spokesman for the former monarch says there will be no official reaction.
Ex-head of state Khieu Samphan asked the court earlier this month why Norodom Sihanouk had not been called before the court, because he led a political coalition that included the Khmer Rouge and was intent on reclaiming the throne after he was deposed in a US-backed coup in 1970. Nuon Chea, Pol Pot’s former lieutenant, told the court that Norodom Sihanouk had visited members of the Khmer Rouge for a week in 1973.
Both men are on trial alongside ex-foreign minister Ieng Sary for atrocity crimes, including genocide, in a trial that has helped shed light on the inner workings of the secretive regime.
Long Narin, a witness for the court, said in testimony that the Khmer Rouge resistance had grown “following Sihanouk’s call.”
Sisowath Thomico, a prince and spokesman for Norodom Sihanouk, told VOA Khmer on Friday the former king follows the court proceedings occasionally, “but he won’t make any special reaction” to the testimony of the suspects or witnesses.
“Anyway, he was one of the Khmer Rouge victims, too,” he said.
In fact, Norodom Sihanouk was the official head of state for the Khmer Rouge until 1976, after which he was put under house arrest. He has never been called before the court, and court officials declined an off-site invitation for talks in 2007.
Sisowath Thomico said Friday that Norodom Sihanouk “doesn’t believe the hybrid court can bring full justice to the victims” of the regime.
-------------មេខ្មែរក្រហមនិងសាក្សីខ្មែរក្រហមក្នុងសំណុំរឿង០០២និយាយថា អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុបានចូលរួមចលនារបស់គេ
ថ្ងៃសុក្រ, 16 ខែធ្នូ 2011
ដោយ គង់ សុឋានរិទ្ធ វីអូអេ ខ្មែរ | ភ្នំពេញ
«អ្វីដែលថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំខ្មែរក្រហម សម្តែងសព្វថ្ងៃហ្នឹងនៅក្នុងតុលាការហ្នឹង គឺមិនមែនទាំងអស់ទេ លោកមិនបានប្រតិកម្មអីជាពិសេសនោះទេ។ ចង់មិនចង់ លោកក៏ជាអ្នករងគ្រោះមួយដែរពីខ្មែរក្រហម»។ជនជាប់ចោទនួន ជា និងខៀវ សំផន រួមទាំងសាក្សីសក្ដានុពល លោក ឡុង នរិន្ទ ដែលជាអតីតកម្មាភិបាលជាន់ខ្ពស់ខ្មែរក្រហម សុទ្ធតែបានភ្ជាប់ការរួមចំណែករបស់អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុ ក្នុងចលនាតស៊ូកុម្មុយនីស្ដម៉ៅនិយមរបស់ពួកខ្លួន។ បើទោះជាមិនបានបង្ហាញពីភាពស៊ីជម្រៅខ្លាំងក្តី ការទាញចំណងភ្ជាប់គ្នានេះបានកើតឡើងជាបន្ដបន្ទាប់ក្នុងការកាត់ទោសសំណុំរឿង០០២ អស់រយៈពេលពីរសប្ដាហ៍កន្លងមកនេះ។
ក៏ប៉ុន្ដែលេខាផ្ទាល់របស់ព្រះអង្គបានអះអាងថា ព្រះអង្គបន្ដរក្សាភាពស្ងប់ស្ងៀមចំពោះការលើកឡើងទាំងនោះ។
សាលាក្ដីខ្មែរក្រហមបានបើកសវនាការសំណុំរឿង០០២ ចាប់តាំងពីថ្ងៃទី៥ ខែធ្នូមកម្ល៉េះ។ អតីតមេដឹកនាំកំពូលដែលមានវ័យចាស់ជរានៃរបបខ្មែរក្រហមចំនួនបីនាក់ ដែលត្រូវនាំខ្លួនចូលរង្វង់ក្រចកសេះ រួមមាននួន ជា អតីតប្រធានសភា និងជាអគ្គលេខារងនៃបក្សកុម្មុយនីស្ដកម្ពុជា ដែលជាអតីតមេដឹកនាំកំពូលខ្មែរក្រហមលំដាប់ទី២ បន្ទាប់ពីប៉ុល ពត ខៀវ សំផន អតីតប្រមុខរដ្ឋនៃរបបខ្មែរក្រហម និងអៀង សារី អតីតឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្ដ្រី និងជារដ្ឋមន្ដ្រីការបរទេស។ ដោយឡែកអៀង ធីរិទ្ធ ដែលស្ថិតក្នុងសំណុំរឿងនេះដែរ ត្រូវតុលាការរកឃើញថា មិនមានសម្បទាគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់ចូលរួមការកាត់ទោសនោះទេ។
នៅពេលចាប់ផ្ដើមបើកសវនាការកាលពីសប្ដាហ៍មុន ខៀវ សំផនបានចោទសួរតុលាការថា ហេតុអ្វីបានជា«មិននាំព្រះកាយ»របស់អតីតព្រះមហាក្រត្សចូលក្នុងតុលាការផង។ ហើយក្នុងពេលបន្តបន្ទាប់ នួន ជា ដែលជាអតីតប្រធានសភាខ្មែរក្រហម បានថ្លែងថា អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្របានស្ថិតនៅកៀកនឹងចលនាតស៊ូរបស់ពួកខ្មែរក្រហមដែរ។
«ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៣ ព្រះករុណាកាលនោះ នៅប៉េកាំង លោកមានព្រះរាជបំណង ចង់មកធ្វើទស្សនកិច្ច សួរសុខទុក្ខកូនចៅព្រះអង្គ នៅក្នុងប្រទេស។ ដូច្នោះ តាមរយៈចិនឲ្យទាក់ទងមកបក្សកុម្មុយនីស្តកម្ពុជា។ ពេលនោះយន្តហោះអាមេរិកកំពុងទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែកយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ ប៉ុន្តែទោះបីជាយ៉ាងនេះក៏ដោយ ក៏បក្សកុម្មុយនីស្តកម្ពុជាត្រៀមរៀបចំសព្វគ្រប់ដើម្បីរក្សាសន្តិសុខថ្វាយព្រះអង្គពេញទី រួចហើយក៏ធ្វើដំណើរជូនព្រះអង្គត្រឡប់ទៅវិញ ទៅហាណូយ ហើយក៏ត្រឡប់ទៅប៉េកាំងវិញ ដើម្បីដំណើរការដឹកនាំតស៊ូតទៅទៀត»។
ដោយឡែកលោកឡុង នរិន្ទ សាក្សីសំខាន់មួយរូបដែលបានធ្វើការក្រោមអំណាចរបស់អៀង សារី បានបង្ហាញថា លោកបានចូលរួមក្នុងចលនានយោបាយកុម្មុយនីស្ដខ្មែរក្រហមតាមការអំពាវនាវរបស់សម្ដេចឪ នរោត្តម សីហនុ ក្នុងពេលដែលព្រះអង្គកំពុងគង់នៅទីក្រុងប៉េកាំង។
ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ ស៊ីសុវត្ថិ ធម្មិកោ ជាលេខារបស់អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រ និងជាសមាជិកព្រះរាជខុទ្ទកាល័យព្រះមហាក្សត្រ មានព្រះបន្ទូលប្រាប់វីអូអេ សម្លេងសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក កាលពីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទសប្តាហ៍នេះថា អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រមិនប្រតិកម្មតបទៅនឹងអតីតមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរក្រហមទាំងនេះទេ។
«អ្វីដែលថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំខ្មែរក្រហម សម្តែងសព្វថ្ងៃហ្នឹងនៅក្នុងតុលាការហ្នឹង គឺមិនមែនទាំងអស់ទេ លោកមិនបានប្រតិកម្មអីជាពិសេសនោះទេ។ ចង់មិនចង់ លោកក៏ជាអ្នករងគ្រោះមួយដែរពីខ្មែរក្រហម»។
ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ធម្មិកោបានបន្ថែមថា នោះគឺជាសេចក្ដីអះអាងនៅក្នុងការដេញដោលតាមផ្លូវតុលាការតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
«អ្វីដែលលោកខៀវ សំផន លោកអៀង សារី ជាមួយមេធាវីខៀវ សំផន មេធាវីអៀង សារី នួន ជាទាំងអស់ហ្នឹង គឺលើកយកមកនិយាយនៅក្នុងក្របខណ្ឌតុលាការ។ ពេលណាដែលក្តីហ្នឹងមិនទាន់ចប់ យើងមិនអាចយកពាក្យទាំងអស់ហ្នឹងមកបកស្រាយ អត្ថាធិប្បាយជាផ្លូវការទេ»។
សម្តេចឪ នរោត្តម សីហនុធ្លាប់បានជំទាស់នឹងការកាត់ទោសពួកអតីតមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរក្រហម កាលពីឆ្នាំ២០០៥ ដោយព្រះអង្គទ្រង់ព្រះតំរិះឃើញថា ថវិកាចំណាយសម្រាប់ដំណើរការកាត់ទោសរាប់លានដុល្លារនោះ នឹងមានប្រយោជន៍ជាង ប្រសិនបើត្រូវបង្វែរទៅធ្វើការអភិវឌ្ឍប្រទេសកម្ពុជានោះ។ ព្រះតំរិះនេះ កើតឡើងមុនបន្តិចនៃការចាប់ផ្ដើមដំណើរការជាផ្លូវការរបស់សាលាក្ដីខ្មែរក្រហម។
នួន ជា នៅក្នុងសវនាការបានរំឭកថា អតីតមេដឹកនាំកំពូលខ្មែរក្រហមបានធ្វើពិធីជប់លៀងសម្រាប់អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រ ក្នុងពេលដែលព្រះអង្គយាងទតចលនាតស៊ូពួកខ្មែរក្រហម។
«ពេលនោះ មានការធ្វើការជប់លៀងថ្វាយព្រះអង្គ។ មានប៉ុល ពត មានសុន សេន មានអៀង សារី។ អៀង សារី ជូនដំណើរព្រះអង្គមកដែរ ហើយមានកម្មាភិបាលថ្នាក់ភូមិភាគមួយសចំនួន»។
ក្រុមមេធាវីការពារក្ដីរបស់នួន ជា និងសហចៅក្រមស៊ើបអង្កេតធ្លាប់បានស្នើយាងសម្តេចនរោត្តម សីហនុចូលផ្ដល់សក្ខីកម្មក្នុងសាលាក្ដីខ្មែរក្រហមផងដែរ ក៏ប៉ុន្ដែការប៉ុនប៉ងនេះបានទទួលបរាជ័យដែលរុំព័ទ្ធដោយភាពស្មុគ្រស្មាញ។
របបកម្ពុជាប្រជាធិបតេយ្យរបស់ពួកខ្មែរក្រហមបានកាន់កាប់អំណាចចន្លោះពីថ្ងៃទី១៧ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ ដល់ថ្ងៃទី៦ ខែមករា ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩។ មានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋកម្ពុជាស្លាប់យ៉ាងតិច១,៧លាននាក់គឺស្លាប់ដោយសារការធ្វើការដោយបង្ខំ ការបង្អត់អាហារ និងការសម្លាប់ជាដើម។
ជនជាប់សង្ស័យសរុបចំនួនប្រាំនាក់ត្រូវបានចាប់ខ្លួន និងចោទប្រកាន់។ ក្នុងនោះ ឌុច អតីតមេគុកទួលស្លែងដែលជាប់ចោទក្នុងសំណុំរឿង០០១ នឹងត្រូវអង្គជំនុំជម្រះតុលាការកំពូលប្រកាសសាលដីកា កំណត់ទោស ឬយ៉ាងណានៅខែកុម្ភៈ ឆ្នាំ២០១២។ ឌុចត្រូវសាលាដំបូងផ្ដន្ទាទោសឲ្យជាប់គុកចំនួន៣៥ឆ្នាំ ប៉ុន្ដែត្រូវកាត់កងនៅត្រឹម១៩ឆ្នាំ។ ហើយសាលាក្ដីខ្មែរក្រហមនឹងត្រូវការពេលវេលាច្រើនឆ្នាំតទៅទៀតសម្រាប់ធ្វើការកាត់ទោសអតីតមេដឹកនាំកំពូលខ្មែរក្រហមចាស់ជរាក្នុងសំណុំរឿង០០២។ រីឯសំណុំរឿងបន្ថែម០០៣ និង០០៤ ដែលមានជនជាប់សង្ស័យចំនួនប្រាំនាក់ទៀត ដែលសុទ្ធសឹងមានវ័យចាស់ជរាដែរនោះស្ថិតក្នុងភាពឃ្លីងឃ្លោង ប្រទាញប្រទង់យ៉ាងខ្លាំងរវាងភាគី ជាតិនិងភាគីអន្ដរជាតិក្នុងតុលាការកូនកាត់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ។
ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ស៊ីសុវត្ថិ ធម្មិកោមានបន្ទូលថា អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រមិនមានជំនឿលើយុត្តិធម៌បានពីតុលាការនេះទេ។
«លោកមិនគិតត្រឹមតែព្រះរាជ្យវង្សទេ ព្រោះលោកជាព្រះបិតាជាតិ។ ដូច្នេះលោកគិតរហូតដល់ប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស ព្រមទាំងប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរ ដែលរស់នៅបរទេសផងដែរ។ លោកបានបញ្ចេញនូវមតិរបស់លោកតាំងពីឆ្នាំ២០០៥ មកម្ល៉េះ។ លោកមិនជឿថា តុលាការហ្នឹងអាចផ្តល់យុត្តិធម៌ទៅឲ្យប្រទេសខ្មែរ ឬឲ្យប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរទាំងអស់នោះទេ។ មិនអាចទេ»។
មន្ដ្រីអ្នកនាំពាក្យសាលាក្ដីខ្មែរក្រហម និងក្រុមមន្ដ្រីអង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិល ដែលតាមឃ្លាំមើលដំណើរការកាត់ទោស ធ្លាប់បានពន្យល់ថា យុត្តិធម៌បានពីការកាត់ទោសនេះនឹងមិនអាចឆ្លើយតបតាមការចង់បានរបស់ជនរងគ្រោះ១០០ភាគរយនោះទេ។ ក៏ប៉ុន្ដែវានឹងក្លាយជាយុត្តិធម៌ ដែលតម្រូវតាមស្តង់ដាអន្ដរជាតិ។
អតីតព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តមសីហនុធ្លាប់គង់ជាប្រមុខរដ្ឋនៃរបបកម្ពុជាប្រជាធិបតេយ្យនៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៦ ប៉ុន្ដែលោក ឡុង នរិន្ទ ដែលជាសាក្សី បានបញ្ជាក់ថា ព្រះអង្គមិនមានអំណាចអ្វីនោះទេ៕
Ms. Soap, there is a rocket coming into your head right from the sky because of your IP address. You gotta be careful, Vietcong Bitch.
This is Hanoi-US ECCC in Cambodia Nuon Chea always attacks about yuon deeply involment in genocide between 1975-1979 but nearly 4 years this Hanoi-US ECCC have done nothing about yuon such investigation let alone summon.
Shamefull ECCC.
Khmer Viet Minh.
Former Khmer Viet Minh who worked side by side with Pol Pot between 1975-1978 are:
1. Heng Samrin.
2. Chea Sim.
3. Keo Meas.
4. So Phim .
5. Rhos Nhim.
6. Nai Sarann.
7 And many more.
So Phim had 2 positions between 1975-1978 :
1. Secretry of Eastern zone.
2. Member of Communist Party of Kampuchea ( range 4 after Ieng Sary number 3 ) or better known as Angkar.
Note: So Phim and Rhos Nhim were in law in 1976-1978.
So Phim had about 3 divisions of former Khmer Viet Minh fighters under his commmand included Heng Samrin and Cheam Sim between 1975-1978.
Every Khmer blogger, don't worry about Vietcong Bitch named herself Ms. Soap. We know where this Vietcong bitch is. It is very secret. She will be in a very big trouble because she wants to renew the Communist Regime in the region and protect herself and her bastards and bitches from wealthy.
All of you dumb idiot here on KI-Media cannot write proper Khmer, cannot write proper English, cannot write proper French:
What are all of you dumb idiot Khmer going to do besides leasing everything out for 99 years and being Viet's slave for the rest of all of you dumb idiot Khmer's life?
What are you going to do?
Que va-t-on faire?
Can you tell us that much?
Dites nous?
Ms. Soap
P.s. Your dumb stupid king Sihanouk of yours bows down to kiss the Viet's feet now .... Ask your dumb stupid king Sihanouk of yours to denounce the Viet if he dares and see what happens?
All blogs are always disturbed by YOU SOAP (prostitute YOUN)
I revere my king father Sihanouk.
P. from Long Beach
Me Soap, you dumb Vietcongs bitch! be careful!
Hey Dumb Vietcong lady, how dare are you? Can you speak properly? This Vietcong bitch is a Communist ugly. Don't be so smart to kill people.
Ms. Soap, you are getting weider and becoming the dumbest Vietgook lady.
Your comments are far worse than ever, how could your claim yourself who write properly? LOL
Dumb Vietcong killers including Vietcong bitch named herself Ms. Soap, a Viet/Yuon spy, have been brainwashed to be very bad Vietcong people on the planet.
Hey Dumb Vietcong lady, how dare you? Can you speak properly? This Vietcong bitch is a Communist ugly. Don't be so smart to kill people.
Ms. Soap, you are getting weider and becoming the dumbest Vietgook lady.
Your comments are far worse than ever, how could your claim yourself who write properly? LOL
Ms. Soap (Vietcong Lesbian) sounds funny and stupid. LOL
Dumb Vietcong killers including Vietcong bitch named herself Ms. Soap, a Viet/Yuon spy, have been brainwashed to be very bad Vietcong people on the planet.
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាស្តេចសីហនុ ថា៖
"អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះចិនប៉េកាំង និង យួនហាណូយ"
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន ថា៖
"ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះ យួនហាណូយ"
ជេរហើយជេរទៀត ដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ពីអំពើក្បត់ជាតិនឹងអំពើអាក្រក់របស់ពួកវា
អាឯងជេរអាសីហនុអញ្ជឹង អា P. from long Beach ដឹងវាអូសក្បាលអាឯងចូលគុក!
ចាស កូនចៅ! សម្ដេចឪ នឹង បង្ហើយ កូនចៅ
អោយហើយទៅ ដើម្បីកុំអោយកូនចៅ វេទនា
The case 002will be brighter if son of the bitch Viet fucker Sihaknuk go to the court and open up the secrete deal that Sihaknuk did with Hochiminh .But ah joy marai looser so afraid of the bitch Monique not open her smelly between legs for him.
Come on too old to afraid this shit thing it won't be any secrete anymore Coward Sihaknuk.
Sinanouk had KR connection.
Justice will not fall from the sky for us.
We have to fiercely fight for it.
And Vietnam will not let Cambodia lives peacefully unless we fight hard against this devil monster Vietnam, primarily through legal peaceful means. One way is to let the international Communities aware of Vietnam’s hostile acts against Cambodia.
Don't be complacent with the fake peace that we have right now. This peace given by Vietnam will lead to Khmer people become a minority in our own Country in the future. Look at the mass influx of Vietnamese into Cambodia.
The present Vietnam’s game toward Cambodia: Vietnam does not hit Cambodia with the war right now but Vietnam hits Cambodia with the deployment of Vietnamese people to take over Cambodia.
Khmer people must always remember that whether Cambodia has war or peace depends entirely on Vietnam. Vietnam can mount a fake civil war in Cambodia at anytime it wants.
So, to survive, we must get rid of Ah Kwack puppet government which has followed strictly all Vietnam's orders.
The puppet government has defied the Paris peace accord and implemented the detrimental bilateral treaties between Cambodia and Vietnam.
Look at the result of those bilateral treaties:
Koh Trol, Koh Krarchalk Sess, border encroachment on land and sea, use 3 Khmer provinces to serve Vietnam, massive land concession to Vietnam, lease Khmer's soul Angkor Wat to Vietnam, destruction of natural resource, mass influx of Vietnamese into Cambodia, etc...
So, when will Ah Kwack government wakes up and realizes that Vietnam is swallowing Cambodia ?
When will Khmer people be able to remove this puppet Yuon's slave from power?
To 9:11am Soap the dirty Vietcong bitch!
I told you not to drop your soap! Now you are going to get it! Hey Vietcong bitch! Do you want to be my English teacher and show me how to drop the soap?ahahahahah Show me how to write the so called standard English! In fact this Vietcong bitch doesn't even know how to write correct English herself and she want to be an English teacher! How about you teach me some English lesson in the shower with me! You Vietcong bitch pretend to drop the soap and bend down for me and I pretend to practice my broken English ...Mee Love You Loong time!
AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave claimed that his regime (CPP) is very democratic! How about put AH HUN SEN words under microscope for every body to see! Here it is folk!
-In 1993 when AH HUN SEN lost election to Funcinpec and refused to give up power and he demanded 50%-50% power sharing in the name of peace and stability! For the first time in history Cambodia has two Prime Ministers!
-1997 AH HUN SEN stage bloody military coup to overthrow Funcinpec from power sharing!
-1997 to 2011 AH HUN SEN has been in power ever since! He became Prime Minister, a King, and Decho up to now! So tell me where is the fucken democrazy that AH HUN SEN and his advisors or experts is talking about! Democrazy? Democracy?
So stop lying to Cambodian people!
So stop lying! Cambodian people don't believe in your stupid lie anymore! AH HUN SEN doesn't need to prolong the suffering because the time will come!
យើងត្រូវនាំគ្នាជេ ឃេអាយថា អាកញ្ជះសៀមនិង លោកខាងលិចដែរឬ? Stick to the point, who khmer khmer? who create policy that cause so many death. do not just accuse someone else. I collect wood for you to cook rice, but you use it burn the house so it is your mistake, why accuse me of collecting wood? Why don't accuse Leinin that create socialist ideology?
12:02 PM
Good ideas. You hit the right target.
Sdach Chkuot Sihanouk will give Ah Kwack new title: Samdach Maha Chor Chker Chkuot Kdor Krarlet Snhenh Hun Sen.
Mi Kanhchrouk got a new title too: Maha Ksath Trey Prahong Thom.
To 12:05
When AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave came to power with the help of the Vietcong government and he allowed million and millions of illegal Viet settlers in Cambodia and why do you blame Cambodian people for being so stupid to allow the Viet to steal their land and resources? When AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave signed illegal border treaties to give more land to the Viet and why do you blame Cambodian for being so stupid to allow the Viet to steal Cambodian land?
You should blame your mother for raising you to be a fool for using the wrong analogy!
who was a victim during the khmer rouge regime ? thomico or smart ass sihanouk ? did they ever wnet to transplane any rice at rice field or carried one basket of dirt to build a dam . Did they had punished by khmer rouge soldier or not . Fuck them , I got enough with this kind of shit.
King Sihanouk or no King Sihanouk wouldn't have a chance to fight against the Communists from China to Vietnam & Thailand. Ho Chi Minh carried on from his god father Pham Boi Chau and they were every where in a small Cambodia kingdom, they started since early 1900. Even if Sihanouk opposed them Cambodia will still be smashed by the Communists.
The US didn't commit to help Cambodia, so what side Cambodia can go?
If you Cambodians listened to Sihanouk called, leave the cities and Capital to join marquis, chances to survive would be many.
But you Cambodians have a reputation of being stupid and stubborn for the wrong thing. One article I read said Lon Nol spoke to his people via radio told them to leave because T'mils are merciless, but they laughed and cursed him.
Cambodia was infiltrated by Vietnamese Communists for a long times ago, I can tell you a few names of the Vietnamese espionage who were among you Cambodians: Son Ngoc Minh, Tou Samouth, Sieu Heng and many thousand to a million more.
Sihanouk is right, that this Trial will not help to find justice.
Have some manner and value as a real good Khmer. You don't have to use the barbaric words to people you hate, unless you are barbarian.
I don't like Hun Sen and his family like many don't but the word "Prahong Thom." depicts you are a very low class below dirt.
10:41 AM
You write languages like ah.mi yuokom batpsa. Have you noticed that God or Buddha is not on your side? The more you attack them, they are being lifting up higher and your dropping lower and lower.
Ah Sihaknuk is always right even if ah Sihaknuk created the khmer rouge and kneel down to ah Hochiminh.
in 1973 Ah Sihaknuk better come back home to support his slave Lon Nol to save Cambodia but ah Sihaknuk don't.
One more thing to add it on is ah dumb Sihaknuk did not fake the neutral perhaps Cambodia is not in the full control of youn .The French man said,if Cambodia under the French protectorate it might not be dissolved by the foreigners. SIHAKNUK at false one hundred percent.
Fuck you youn1:11pm .
Your mother fucker probably not under ah Sihaknuk khmer rouge,why you are not knowing a bout starvation ,hard working and force to kill.
I am nice to only not khmers rouge and youn if you are in my both black lists fuck you ass hole .
1:21 PM
Wrong. I am not Yuon but a Kaun Khmer mean pouch. I bet you are coming from a very low class family called a dysfunctional family.
1:15 PM
You talk like a Yuon propagandists.
And you believe that French would protect Cambodia? Don't you know how Yuon use trillion tricks would turn French upside down?
You are no difference from other stupid Khmers who follow Yuon espionages like Son Ngoc Minh, Tou Samouth and Heng Sieu.
Read the history of the Yuon revolution in Thailand, you may learn something about Yuon Communists.
How can I know for sure you are not?
People they have the right to hate to curse to through the rock on your head as long as you are the traitor,
You sound like one of the treacherous committees,why you are so offended?
When I am seeing you defended the traitors I think that is it SHUT UP and you are a disgrace one already.
The smart-book or people that just dumb ass want to be smart?
If you are really really smart like you claim ,Cambodia shall not be in the messes .
សមមិត្ត ច្របាច់ដៃគ្នា្ យ៉ាងណែនម្ដេចរត់ចោលគ្នា?
1:45 PM
I don't care you believe me or not, but I am a pure kaun Khmer, and I never debate with trash people such as yourself. I am a real Khmer from a rich culture and rich civilization in spite of my country has been faced many wars and went through many sufferings I maintain my pure rich Khmer background.
You may be mixed Yuon blood the way you react, because Yuon are merciless and savage and you act like them.
1:49 PM
When Cambodia was a mess I was not born yet. If all Cambodians knew the real history the real causes, we can make so much difference. I am alone cannot help, but if God's willing I sure hope so.
I never lose hope, because I knew things change.
The source of Khmers' sufferings under Communist started from here:
"Thailand and the Southeast Asian networks of the Vietnamese Revolution 1885-1954."
Then Yuon turned their revolution into a complex war in SEA until today.
you know, they all used each other, hoping they will gain power then! at the end, they stop trusting each other and the indiscriminant killing begin. of course, in the beginning, they all (KR, power clinging sihanouk, the vietcong all fought together against the US backed lon nol and sary matak khmer republic gov't; however, towards the end say 1975 and after the KR victory, they used their revenge, hatred, jealousy, evil, radical ways to killing first former gov't officials and anyone who had worked for the republic gov't, etc... at the end, they lost became distrust with each other and turned against their supporters, etc... they probably differred in their political philosophy, so the KR resorted to their ultimate, indiscriminant killing that led up to the vietcong invasion. and the evacuaton of the entire population was to create chaos because the KR needed to rob and pillage belongings of the population. it was like a massive shift of power by force, of course! it is unprofessional to be gullible with what noun chea is denying in the court right now. he and other KR on trial will say anything to make themselves look good in front of the court, even if they have to lie. it is up to the court to buy into their lies or not.
remember, khmer survivors are the living eyewitnesses who went through and lived through the dark period of the KR regime. it baffled the khmer survivors who hear this and could not believe their ears when those KR lied to the court as if the survivors and khmer people are stupid or something. khmer survivors can testify to the court what they lived through and witnessed and so on.
i believe sihanouk resigned as head of state for the KR regime after he realized nobody was supporting the KR regime and after he made sure that all his enemies from the republic gov't of lon nol were slaughtered or killed, then he resigned and lived under house arrest in 1976. it was the unthinkable happened so sihanouk realized he too and all members of the royal family were also killed under the paranoia, indiscriminant KR regime, meaning they had to kill anybody and everybody they deemed untrustworthy to their commy, primitive regime, of course. i think noun chea and pol pot adopted the hilltribe or primitive way of governing from the primitive hilltribes of northeastern cambodia known as isan in khmer. of course the KR regime was primitive! you know what primitive means? it means there was no law, no justice, no system of education, etc, etc... that's right, the KR regime thought they will rule cambodia forever at that time. they must've forgotten about the world out there during their reign of terror or reignof lawlessness, to put correctly, you know! anyway...
from this tragic history, i think cambodia and khmer people should learn that the country and people should not rely heavily on only one leadership like sihanouk because they all believed in sihanouk ability to bring peace back to cambodia, but at the end, they all were being deceived big time because they KR were radical, primitive communists that used each other to gain power for themselves. once they consolidated their power, they killed indiscriminately, that's what cambodia experienced. sad history, isn't it? at least we all can learn from it in order to prevent the same tragedy from happening again in cambodia.
keep in mind that there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! go after the culprit, not cambodia as whole. treat those criminals as individuals and stop hurting and isolating and depriving cambodia because of a few bad individuals who were ignorant, evil, uneducated, etc...
Khmer rouges Leaders are :
1)Samamith SIHANOUK
2)Samamith Mao Zédong
3)Samamith HO Chiminh
ANGKOR WAt is belong to khmers(khmer Surin,khmer krom,khmer borey ram,khmer US,khmer Fr....)
we need all the 10 Judges who had resigned to come back under UN controlled.
stop sending your children to study in viet/youn country and siem country. these two countries are bad influence for cambodia, if you ask khmer people. i say send your children to study in america, the best in the world. and no say to primitive society! if anyone tries to influence you in a primitive way, always say no way and refuse their influence, ok, cambodia! it's time to wake up forever, ok, cambodia! god bless cambodia and all khmer people and citizens.
praise and repent to god and ask god to forgive all sins committed. to err is human, to forgive is divine.
remember, there was that so-called sihanouk trail and ho chi minh trail. so, there's your answer!
justice, peace and love will prevail in cambodia!
បង់កក្រមាយួន ឈរអត់កាន់ពង យួនថាកំទេច អាចក្រពត្រ័ អាមូលធន អានាយទុនប្រតិកិរិយា បានទ្រឹស្ដីបទហ្នឹង ទអ្នក ជន្លាសខ្ទេច។
មានយួនណាមកសំលាប់ខ្មៃរ មានតែខ្មែរដែលមានកំហឹងវណ្ណ ត្រូវបានយួនពង្វក់មកសំលាប់ជាតិប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
some in the picture was purged during the KR indiscriminant killing of their own!
remember, in the beginning, he wasn't the victim, he was the lead! his plan got backfired for real! even the lead got deceived; it's a wake up call for everybody! the era of absolute ruler is no more, you know! so stop dreaming or living in la la land or fairy land, really! get real, ok!
Thai king ONLY ONE WIFE but SIHAKNUK uncountable wives ,just his kids fighting we are all will be miserable at our own cost already.
Why in the America the president always have one wife,if those president dare ,like(Clinton)there was a lot mess after his career.
Most of hight education Khmere were kille right away whille Shihanouk was president of the Motherfuckers! in 1975!
ខ្យល់រហៀកធ្លាក់រហើយ ឆ្លើយឆ្លងគ្នាក្រោមមេឃា
នៃមូលដ្នាន បានរំដោះ អ្វីទាំងឡាយប្រែក្លាយទាំងអស់ មុខមាត់ស្រស់ថ្មីស្រឡាងយា់ងស្រឡ
បានដឹកនាំយ៉ាងមុំាទាំពីអង្ការ អង្គប្រជាកម្ពុជាទាំងក្មេងចាស់ ទាំងប្រុសស្រីក្រោមពួតដៃវាយជំរ កំទេចចាស់ប្រែក្រឡាស់កសាងថ្មី
Sihanock's bloodline must go in order for srok khmer to be purified again. They have to pay the price for what they have done. The stupid king did not want to be part of US and then as a result of this our people are all gone, dead. In the end both Viets and the US turn of Khmers, because of this stupid king. wanting to king to the end, did not know how to play politic.
Neak samlab Khmer keu:
1- Ah Yuon Vietcong
2- Ah Samdach Ov (Norodom Xihanouk)
3- Pol Pot.....Hun Xen
4- Ah Dechoooo Hun Xen,ah muoy nis samlab Khmer krup regime.
5- Ah Vietcong CPP sorp tngay.
6- Ah pourk TERRORIST VIETCONG,del bonkorp kluon knong Srok Khmer.
4:10 PM
How much do you know about king Bhumibol? You don't even know the real story of your backyard but why pretend to know about others?
Yes through official show Bhumibol has only one wife, but there're so many women including Sirikit, Bhumibol's wife sister named Bosba who was pregnant-ed by Bhumibol all were kept silent.
3:10 PM
You missed many names who caused the killing field. There were Zhou En Lai and Pham Van Dong... and their secret deal.
Cambodia was just a small weak nation, and she cannot stand up to defend herself, that was why tragedy happened.
The source of Khmer tragedy was from this:
"Thailand and the Southeast Asian networks of the Vietnamese Revolution 1885-1954."
Try to check on google book and try to read to understand the real HISTORY why Vietnam turned her revolution to a complex war and forced Cambodia into the killing field.
The Vietnamese are very violent people and resilient to wars from the beginning freed from China, and Vietnam';s genocidal policies are to exterminate all Khmers.
How can the real Khmers recognize their enemies (Viets) if they are among Khmers? Son Ngoc Minh, Heng Sieu and Tou Samouth were all Vietnamese and many thousand closed to million more Viets who lived with Khmers posing as Khmers.
yes all youn are fierce killers but your king is married with youn? This is root of problems.
អា សីហនុ ជាមេខ្មែរវៀតមិញ និង ខ្មែរក្រហម
ដូច្នេះ វាមិនអាចប្រកែកបានទេ។
វាជាសត្ចសិង្គល្មោភអំណាច និង រាជបល្ល័ង្ក។
វាសុខចិត្តឲ្យរាស្ត្រស្លាប់រាប់លាន និង រលាយ
ផាំ យ៉ាងដុង និង ឡេ ដឹកថូ
ធ្លាប់សរសេរលើខ្នងសំបុត្រអោយ "ក្ដ" សីហនុ
កាលពីសីហនុនៅធ្វើជាប្រមុខរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្រហម ។
តើពួកអាខ្មែរធ្វើកញ្ជះអ្នកណា គ្រាន់បើជាងពួកអាខ្មែរធ្វើកញ្ជះអ្នកណា?
Nuon Chea says clearyl that:
Nuon Chea says cleary that Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith were not informed about the evacuation of Phnom Penh residents on April 17 , 1975 .
So what Kieu Samphan says verbally and always refused about knowing in advance about evacuation plan of Phnom Penh residents in April 17, 1979 for Khieu Samphan is not an excuse or trying to avoid any responsibitlity but according to Nuon Chea saying that Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith were not infomred , just showing Khieu Samphan honesty and as he says clearly in his book about what is really responsiblelity he has to take.
What I am trying to say is :
1. Not every CPP is bad or good.
2. Not every Khmer Viet Minh is bad or good.
3. Not every Khmer Rouge ( black uniforms is a killer ).
4. Not every single one of Sam Rainsy Party is perfect.
5. Saying the truth is very importnat part of real Khmer history.
Source: VOA Khmer ( in Khmer article when Nuon Chea is asked and anwered Vietnam no power on CPK the Comunist Party of Kampuchea ).
មេដឹកនាំគណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ីដឹងច្បាស់ថា : សម្បុកសម្ងាត់របស់
សាខាបក្សប្រជាជនកុម្មុយនិស្តកម្ពុជាមានមូលដ្ឋានតាំងនៅ ៖
ភោជនីយដ្ឋានប៉ៃលិននៅឡូវែល ម៉ាស្ស, ផ្សារប៉ៃលិននៅឡូវែល ម៉ាស្ស នឹង
ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅឡូវែល ម៉ាស្ស , ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅហ្វ៊ីឡា, ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ, ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅវ៉ាស៊ីងតោនឌីស៊ី ស.រ.អ., នៅរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា, នៅរដ្ឋកវ៉ាស៊ីងតោន, នៅរដ្ឋអូរីហ្កកាន់, កាណាដា
គឺជាប្រព័ន្ធគ្រប់គ្រង នឹងជាខ្សែរយៈប្រមូលផ្តុំ
នៅក្នុងសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិច នឹងកាណាដា!!
maybe cambodia was learning the hard way. after sihanouk, i think the next generation of khmer people will be smarter, better educated, more enlightened, wiser, etc... forget a one man rule again! may god bless cambodia and guide cambodia and khmer people to have great vision for our beautiful country of cambodia for all to enjoy in the long future ahead of us all.
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