Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Heated words between judges in Khmer Rouge trial

December 7, 2011
ABC Radio Australia

There's been yet another dispute between Cambodian and international staff working on the Khmer Rouge tribunal.

The trial is jointly run by Cambodian and UN-appointed judges to prosecute those blamed for the deaths of more than 1.7 million people in the 1907s, but it's been beset with allegations of corruption and political interference.

A replacement international judge, Laurent Kasper-Ansermet, has arrived in Cambodia to take over from German judge Sigmund Blunk who resigned in early October.

It's new judge's job to take over what's known as "cases 3 and 4" which the Cambodian government says should not go ahead.

Presenter: Sen Lam, Liam Cochrane
Speaker: You Bunleng, Cambodian investigating judge at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia; Claire Duffy, tribunal monitor for Open Society Justice Initiative


Anonymous said...

didn't we all hear and read that the last time this judge had resigned, why he came back again? maybe he's running out of money and is looking for a job, so he came back invited. isn't that intrusion?

Anonymous said...

Hun sen can sit on his people's head but you can not sit on UN's head. Hun sen I promise, you will pay for this. You can escape especially from the west influences and their knowledge. so just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen , Youk Chhang go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Put a bullet in AH Hun Sen head! End his misery.