KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Kom tha ter (Frnçais Cheval),English......ah nis s'ei kor min jess der . Vea jess ter muoy muk kut, keu Kbort Cheat,Chker kanhjeas yuon Viet Cong,ning chea neak leng kap jack........
Kom tha ter (Français Cheval), English......ah nis s'ei kor min jess der . Vea jess ter muoy muk kut, keu Kbort Cheat,Chker kanhjeas yuon Viet Cong,ning chea neak leng kap jack........
It is sure that FBI will give the evidence to France court, otherwise FBI will lost his confidence. If this one eyed pirate don't come to officials to appear in France court, the international court in Hague will do the next step. So Hun Sen can learn France in the prison or maybe go to stady France with ah Ong Ho, ah Hok, ah Ruib... and the CCP-angle will bless his ass.
Don’t worry Ah Hun Kwack, they don’t speak barang there but barang sess which you understand.
(France = barang, français = barang sess)
ha ha ha ha ! thanks kim members alot making me laugh.
Hahah. Best speech bubbles ever. Hahah.
It is time to go to hell Ah Chor Roleuy Kwack !!
Kanduoy Mer Ah Choy Marai Mer Kbot Cheat Khmer !! Chit Dol Peul Ngorp Tai Horng Heuy Ah Ngorp !!
why never the bubbles to english?
I want to laugh also :)
Kom tha ter (Frnçais Cheval),English......ah nis s'ei kor min jess der . Vea jess ter muoy muk kut, keu Kbort Cheat,Chker kanhjeas yuon Viet Cong,ning chea neak leng kap jack........
Dy Pok
Kom tha ter (Français Cheval), English......ah nis s'ei kor min jess der . Vea jess ter muoy muk kut, keu Kbort Cheat,Chker kanhjeas yuon Viet Cong,ning chea neak leng kap jack........
Dy Pok
It is sure that FBI will give the
evidence to France court, otherwise FBI will lost his confidence.
If this one eyed pirate don't come to
officials to appear in France court, the international court in Hague will
do the next step. So Hun Sen can learn
France in the prison or maybe go to
stady France with ah Ong Ho, ah Hok,
ah Ruib... and the CCP-angle will bless his ass.
All the things have one end, only the sausage has two end. Bye, bye one
eyed pirate your friend Muhamed Gaddaffy is waiting for you.
គួរអោយអាណិតណាស់ពាក្យសំដីអង្វរកររបស់អាឃាតកខ្វាក់កញ្ជៈយួន ត្រូវថែមមួយពូថៅទៀតទើបត្រូវ អាង៉ាប់។
12:47 PM
“why never the bubbles to english?”
What the hell did you try to say?
No understand.
សូមខ្មែរឈប់នាំគ្នាទៅបោះឆ្នោតទៀតទៅ! បងប្អូនបានដឹងនិងលឺអាខ្វាក់វានិយាយទេ! យើងនាំគ្នាបោះទាល់តែអស់ក្តិតខោក៏មិនឈ្នៈវាដែរ,យួនពេញស្រុក,គ ជ ប សុទ្ធតែគ្នាវានិងអំណាចនៅលើដៃវាទាំងស្រុង។ រីឯសម ខាងស៊ីនិង កិម ត្រប់ខាក៏ជាកូនអុករបស់យួនដែរដូច្នេះអ្នកទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះក៏ជាអាយ៉ងយួនកំពុងជួយដើរតួអោយល្ខោនយួនដែរ។គឺមានតែប្រើអំណាចយើងជាពលរដ្ឋទាញទម្លាក់ក្បាលវាអោយចេញពីអំណាចទើបបាន។
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