Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cambodia : Death by small doses

Cambodia : Death by small doses

According to the information provided by Vong Chandara in his enclosed article (in French, Khmer and English), Cambodians would face a major health problem in the years to come because of the consumption of vegetables, fruits and products imported from Vietnam which are inoculated with very high doses of harmful chemical substance.

The effects of this consumption of these products will be borne not by the current generation of Cambodians but also by the future generation. Each of babies newly born, the parents of whom have consumed these products, will systematically have a very serious problem of health. The harmful chemical substances inoculated with a very high dose will have immediate consequences in term of development of serious illness which will appear in the near future for the consumers and appearance of incurable disease problems or incidence of increasing malformed babies in the coming years.

In this context, it is very urgent that Cambodians should be aware of such a dramatic risk. As a precaution, they must give up the consumption of such products with very dose of harmful chemical substances to avoid a major health catastrophe which will cause a new and silent massacre of the Cambodian people.

Kith Chamroeun
Cambodge : la mort à petites doses

D’après les informations fournies par Vong Chandara dans son article (en Français, Khmer et Anglais) ci-joint, les Cambodgiens devraient connaître une catastrophe sanitaire majeure dans les années à venir du fait de la consommation des légumes, fruits et produits importés du Vietnam qui sont inoculés de substances chimiques nocives à très fortes doses.

Les effets de la consommation de ces produits vont se faire sentir non seulement sur la génération actuelle des Cambodgiens mais aussi sur la génération à venir. Chaque nouveau né dont les parents ont consommés des fruits et légumes ou des produits aura systématiquement des problèmes de santé graves. Ces substances chimiques nocives inoculées à très fortes doses auront pour conséquences immédiates le développement de maladies graves qui se manifesteront dans un avenir proche chez les consommateurs et des problèmes de pathologies incurables ou de malformation des nouveaux-nés ne tarderont pas à se faire sentir dans les années à venir.

Dans ce contexte, il est extrêmement urgent que les Cambodgiens connaissent le risque qu’ils encourent. Par mesures de précaution, ils doivent renoncer à la consommation de tels produits comportant de très forte doses de substances chimiques nocives afin d’éviter une catastrophe sanitaire majeure qui aura pour effet d’engendrer à nouveau un massacre du peuple cambodgien dans un silence total.

Kith Chamroeun


Anonymous said...

Have Peking Duck for lunch/'s a lot safer...

Anonymous said...

Another word, does the increase in GPD have any values, as 1/4 of the nations are still living in poverty. Given that Hun Sen often manipulate the statistics against independent researchers. Can we trust Hun Sen uneducated inconsistent speech.

Anonymous said...

It reminds us in Khmer people in Khmer Krom during the French Colony period, that Yuon/Viet folks who cooked rices with broken glasses and feed the Frenches and then many Frenches died from the broken glasses cutting their stomachs and then accusing Khmer people instead. That is how Yuon/Viet Frenches hate Khmer and gave the land of Khmer Krom to evil Yuon/Viet.

Yuon/Viet are very evil and so smart at killing other people like Khmer people to take lands.

What happened to Laos? Home many people were killed by Yuon/Viet there?

Never trust Yuon/Viet. Hun Sen, Heng Samrin might be poisoned by their Yuon wives. Khmer men should never marry to Yuon/Viet wives because they are very dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Scientific prove, please. If you academically research and found it harm, send report to ministry, don be stupid post here like a propaganda...

Anonymous said...

Hey asshole at 2:37 AM, give us your address so we can send you six months worth of those products to test consume yourself...and don't cheat, ok asshole?