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Theary Seng |
Radio Australia
Cambodia's UN backed genocide court has not only overturned an appeal by Khmer Rouge jailer Duch but has also increased his sentence to life in prison.
In 2010, Duch born as Kaing Guek Eav was sentenced to 35 years in jail for his role as commander of the Tuol Sleng prison.
At least 15,000 Cambodians were tortured there before being executed in the killing fields outside the capital Phnom Penh.
The revised sentence has been welcomed by many of the victims including Theary Seng, President of the Association of Victims of the Khmer Rouge.
Presenter: Liam Cochrane
Speaker: Theary Seng, President of the Association of Victims of the Khmer Rouge
Click the control below to listen to the audio program
Listen to the khmer post radio and world khmer radio at www.thekhmerpost and www.worldkhmerradioonline.com
រដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃក៍ដូចជាជោគជ័យសម្រាប់អង្គការលើ ដែលបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរប្រមាណបីលាននាក់ក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ដល់១៩៧៩។ ជោគជ័យទី១គឺវាបានបន្លាយពន្យាពេលសាលាក្តីដ៏យូរ។ ជោគជ័យទី២គឺមេដឹកនាំជាន់ខ្ពស់ទីមួយគេចផុតពីការកោះហៅ។ និងជោគជ័យទី៣គឺឈ្មោះពិត(កាំងគ្ហេចអ៊ាវ)បានបន្ថែមនិងក្លែងបន្លំហៅ(ឌុច) ដូចដែលអង្គការលើវាបានប្រឌិតហើយបំប៉ោងសម្លេងតាមប្រពន្ធ័ផ្សប់ផ្សាយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិជាច្រើនឆ្នាំមកហើយដើម្បីបំភាន់មតិសកលលោកនិងដើម្បីវាយ
ប្រហារកិត្តិនាមកិត្តិយសអ្នកណាដែលមាននាមឬត្រកូល(ឌុច) ឧទាហរណ៍តួកុន(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម) គ្រូភ្លេងបុរាណខ្មែរ(សុកឌុច)នៅខេត្តតាកែវព្រមទាំងជីតាអ្នកនាងសេងធារី(ឌុចសោម)។ល។ ហើយពួកអគតិជនមួយចំនួនបានសរសេរឬឈោសនាបំប៉ោងសម្លេងបំរើនយោបាយអង្គការលើ ដោយយកឈ្មោះ(ឌុច)ជាគោល ដើម្បីវាយប្រហារជាពិសេសអ្នកនយោបាយឆ្គួតលីលាសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ព្រមទាំងអ្នកនិយាយវិទ្យុជាតិឬអន្តរជាតិជាឧទាហរណ៍វិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ(RFI&RFA) ដែលស្រែកដោយ(គូធគន់ធីរំា)។ល។
And when will Henry Kissinger get life in prison for his war crimes affecting many millions of innocent people in various countries, including Cambodia?
And when will George W Bush, Blair & Howard get life in prion for slaughtering over a million innocent Iraqis in their illegal war against Iraq.
And when will Obama the Bomber get life in prison for his illegal war crimes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, etc.
Etc., etc.
And when will pigs fly???!!!
Pigs will fly when dictator Hun Sen meet his friends. They all uses crimes and murders and human right abuse. They are Bin Ladin (dead), Gaddafi (dead), Saddam Hussen (dead), Hun Sen (next).
Hun Sen is a coward when compared to them. Those dictators kill invasion, but piggy Hun Sen supports the invasion killing his country so he can have power.
Dear Theary, I I have read and I heard you repeat the name (Duch) instead the real name (Kaing Kek-ev) that the Khmer Rouge organization (Angkar-leu) has invented this name (Duch) as a scapegoat to hide the truth and whitewash their crime. You don't think you are about to make propaganda for the organization Khmer Rouge (Angkar-leu) who killed your parents and 3 million Khmer. You don't think that you are manipulated by politicians descendant of Ankar-leu. You're like as parrot to repeat the name (Duch) instead (Kaing kek-ev) for disgrace your grandfather (Duch Som) and the famous people like (Duch Sidim,Duch Kimhak, and the master of traditional Khmer music (Sok Duch) etc.. Remember when you were a kid, Angka-leu took you indoctrinate and manipulate the same method is to hide truth (leakkar) to assassinate our innocent people. Dear Theary think again and change quickly to avoid losing the title heroine that you sacrifice your strength for victims of the Khmer Rouge. Don't walking in night without light it is very dangerous. ParisV.Januery 6, 2012
អ្នកខ្លះដឹងច្បាស់ថា លោក ឌុច ជាយួនទៀតផង។
ហោណាហុង គាតឈន់ សុខអាន ឱមយិនទៀង
ជាម យៀប ....ទាំងអស់សុទ្ធតែយួន ហេតុអ្វី
ពួកអស់លោក នៅមានដំណែងខ្ពស់តាំងពីរបបពី
ឃាដ មកទល់សព្វថ្ងៃ?
អ្នកនាងធារី នៅតូចណាស់កាលនោះ យ៉ាងណា
នាងដឹងមិនអស់ទេរឿងរ៉ាវខ្មែរក្រហមនេះ ចង់មិន
មានចម្ងល់ថា ហេតុអ្វីបានជាអ្នកនាងសម្រេចដក
ពាក្យបណ្ដឹងទាក់ទងទៅនឹងសំណុំរឿង ០០៣ និង ០០៤ វិញ?យួនអាចបញ្ជាឱ្យអាយ៉ងសម្លាប់ខ្មែរមិន
C'est une guerre psycho-politique
que l'organisation des khmers rouges
(អង្គការលើ)qui a inventé le nom (Duch)
à la place (Kaing Kek Ev) comme le bouc émissaire pour faire tromper le monde
en espérant que leur crime à bien blanchir. L'organisation des khmers rouges à insulter le nom (Duch) pour attaquer les personnes
célèbres qui portent ce nom par example(Duch Sidem, Sok Duch, Duch Kimhak etc.) et diffuser par les médias nationals et internationals
y compris la Radio France Internale
(RFI&RFA)que le journaliste (Kouch
kunteara...)qui a bien gagné leur
salaire de cette propagande.
Paris V.6 Février 2012.
Hello Ki_média, you're independent and you respect the freedom of thinking and looking for the truth for the victims of the Khmer Rouge genocide (Angkar-leu), thus we
wishes you to continue to publish comments without bias. Other media are fearful the truth because they do their business with the crime against humanity.
On behalf of victims of freedom of expression thank you very much.
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