Friday, March 02, 2012

COMFREL : 2011 Report on Cambodian Democracy, Elections and Reform

Dear All,

COMFREL would like to release its 2011 Report on Cambodian Democracy, Elections and Reform. Please, see the attached file.

Following on the last year’s Report on Cambodian Democracy, Elections and Reform, COMFREL continues its reports, which assess the annual state of democracy in Cambodia. The annual report takes a comparative approach in asking, what changed in comparison to previous years? Did the political system of Cambodia progress toward a consolidated democracy or is stagnation or even a regression observable, which put the democratization process into question? The assessment of the democratic process is based on the findings of the COMFREL ‘Government Watch’, ‘Parliamentary Watch’, ‘Media Watch’, ‘Election Watch’, and ‘Gender Watch’ sections. Besides primary observations, secondary sources of different national and international partners, stakeholders and media have been included in the report to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the democratization process in 2011.

Mr. Koul Panha, the Executive Director, shared a conclusion that, “Democracy and election reform has stagnated in 2011. The Royal Government of Cambodia does not yet have fully implemented the constitutional and international provisions under the International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights. Democratic process is undermined by a lack of separation of power, of electoral reforms, of a level playing field for a genuine democratic competition as well as a lack of constructive political discourse on policy issues of importance for Cambodia”

For more details, please contact:
Mobile: (855)-12-942-017

FYI : If you need releases or articles related to workshop on voter's voices, elections reforms, democracy/political reforms, decentralization and governance, please feel free to visit our website:

Best regards,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please help to reform cambodia in all sectors. we all can use good reforms in cambodia. god bless cambodia.