Saturday, March 03, 2012

Ms. Theary C. Seng's Note to ECCC: ENOUGH!

Judges remain at loggerheads; Theary Seng out as civil party

Hey, ECCC the Clown, which part of


do you not understand?????

I think Ms. Seng is serious in that she really, really, really, really, really thinks you are beyond redemption.


Anonymous said...

The exclamation mark "!" or the five questions mark "?????"

Anonymous said...

NO, I wasn't educated in America.

Anonymous said...

Khmer must know that this ECCC is a clown since 2006 but it is not too late to know now.

Anonymous said...


Stop the KRT immediately!!!

Ah Hun Sèn must be tried instead and blindfolded for the firing squad if found guilty!

Yes, there have been enough evidences that Ah traitor Hun Sèn is killing Khmer people left over from the Viet engineered killing Fields for the free flow of millions of illegal Viet into Cabodia and giving up Cambodia as the land for the Viet Federation of Indochina!!!