Saturday, March 03, 2012

Murderers of [Cambodian] Man Dumped By [Thailand's] Chonburi Motorway Arrested

02 March 2012
Pattaya People

On Wednesday at Chonburi’s Command Center, the Commissioner of Royal Thai Police Bureau Region 2, Pol. Lt. Gen. Dr. Panya Mamen, conducted a press conference was held by in companied by the Chonburi Provincial Commander Pol. Maj. Gen. Jaamnong Rat-ta-na-goon to publicize the arrest of the 2 murderers of a mysterious man. The killers are 2 brothers Mr. Aaraan Sirichai, aged 22 and Mr. Sattawat, aged 20, both from Songkla province.

The deceased was Mr. Jack Jia, aged 20 from Cambodia, whose body was thrown on the side of Chonburi’s Motorway earlier this week. The 2 killers confessed that they had all been friends for many years, and worked together at a steel manufacturing plant in Chonburi. They were all addicted to Yah Bah and always bought the drugs to share with each other.

On the day of the murder, 3 of them plus 2 more men went to Chachoengsao province to purchase Yah Bah, and on their way back to Chonburi, they started arguing about divvying up the drugs. The 2 brothers ganged up with another friend called Mr. Jaackrit Tareecheep, and assaulted the 2 Cambodians. Mr. Jack was beaten to death and the other man, called Mr. Aam, fell into a coma but managed to survive. Mr. Jaackrit is still on the run, and further investigations will be made, as this arrest will certainly lead to the traffickers in the Don-hua-lor Sub-district.


Anonymous said...

piece of shit; kill them all.

Anonymous said...

This Khmers deserved. They shouldn't be in Thailand making friends with the Siam animals. These Khmers know better, they also fucking using drugs. When you hanged out with bad peoples what the hell do you expect. I do sadden every time I heard fucking Siam animals killed our blood brothers.

The Viets, Siam, Chinese, American, French, Black, Latino, even fucking Hmong/Laotian they are contributed in killing our Khmer peoples.

Anonymous said...

12:27AM, You talk like a true ignorance asshole. That's what people behave from sub-parred upbringing. Blame game is your only way to ease your sorrow mind!!!

5:56PM, Pol POt's utopia platform is well alive within you, bravo!!!

Anonymous said...


Stop the KRT immediately!!!

Ah Hun Sèn must be tried instead and blindfolded for the firing squad if found guilty!

Yes, there have been enough evidences that Ah traitor Hun Sèn is killing Khmer people left over from the Viet engineered killing Fields for the free flow of millions of illegal Viet into Cabodia and giving up Cambodia as the land for the Viet Federation of Indochina!!!

Anonymous said...

siem is so evil, always killing khmer. maybe siem is KR, too!