Saturday, March 03, 2012

Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy to hold a video press conference on the commune election

Graphic originally posted by The Khmer Post
03 March 2012
By Moniroth
Translated from Khmer by Soch

Phnom Penh – Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy announced a press conference to be held on 05 March 2012 regarding the registration of political candidates to the commune election on 03 June 2012.

The video press conference will be held from France and will be broadcasted live at the SRP headquarters located on No. 576 National Road 2, Chak Angre Leu commune, Mean Chey district.

The announcement was published by the SRP office on 03 March 2012.

Regarding the list of candidates to the commune election, the National Election Cheating (NEC) will also hold a press conference on 06 March 2012.

Candidate registration for the commune election takes place between 01 and 03 March 2012. The NEC announced on the 1st day of the registration that candidates from 9 political parties have registered.


Anonymous said...

hey hey, be constructive! we all need each other to reform our country, just keep things civilized and nothing personal, ok! that's what matters!

Anonymous said...

leadership hold a different responsibility. they all must be professional and ethical in their conduct at all time, you know!

Anonymous said...

OK, SRP ...Sorley Ridiculous Party...?

Anonymous said...


Stop the KRT immediately!!!

Ah Hun Sèn must be tried instead and blindfolded for the firing squad if found guilty!

Yes, there have been enough evidences that Ah traitor Hun Sèn is killing Khmer people left over from the Viet engineered killing Fields for the free flow of millions of illegal Viet into Cabodia and giving up Cambodia as the land for the Viet Federation of Indochina!!!

Anonymous said...

SRP should be scum rainsy party.