Thursday, March 01, 2012

No health clinics for pregnant women in Phnom Bat settlement (Video by Theary Seng)

Deplorable living condition for evicted Borei Keila residents in Phnom Bat: There is no health clinics for evicted pregnant women who now live in Phnom Bat settlement. Video by Theary Seng of Civicus-Cambodia on 29 February 2012.


Anonymous said...

i think this is a test for gov't to provide for these people even though they are relocated to this new location. gov't or the company or the developer that evicted them to this area should build proper housing for them and also build schools and health clinic for the new community. it is the least they can do to help these people in the name of good, responsible developer, etc...

Anonymous said...

if these people are real poor, it is the right thing to help them with housing and schools and clinic so they can start a new life there in the new settlement.