Friday, March 02, 2012

Thanking "Sross" (gorgeous) Theary for Having Fought The Good Fight



Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and hope you'll always find the courage to fight for the victims of the
Viet controlled regime in Cambodia and not just those of the Killing Fields!


Anonymous said...

The words Viets control Cambodia and Laos, the whole universe knew all about it. These "Yuon" are are barbaric creatures and they won't go anywhere soon if their times are not yet ended. Don't need to use that phrase to put on front page like Kem Sokha came to raise money and said "
we need supports to fight Yuon".

Theary Seng is in Cambodia are for few reasons:
1) She wants to help her native land.
2) She needs a job for living because she cannot get a decent job in the US.
3) Living in Cambodia among the majority poor cost less and it helps her to have a high self esteem.../
But her activities in Cambodia are mostly mixed phase clouds, the readers sometimes see her as a confusing/unpredictable woman or a bipolar disorder some sort of things. They lost interest with her since she started her darting game and more.etc..

Theary Seng from what I heard that she was a small-short pretty charm woman no doubt; however her character approached others turned them off. Like someone's prophetic words "TS is pretty and charm woman but her nose is large", may be the reason (?..) no one knows.

Whatever happens, we hope Theary Seng does not go far beyond the reality -she has to know that her activities (works) represent who she is and what she stands for, not to fight to be recognized the look but by her works, and the people will judge her according to what she's presented.

Anonymous said...

The words Viets control Cambodia and Laos, the whole universe knew all about it. These "Yuon" are barbaric creatures and they won't go anywhere soon if their times are not yet ended. Don't need to use that phrase to put on front page like Kem Sokha came to raise money and said " we need supports to fight Yuon".

Theary Seng is in Cambodia are for few reasons:
1) She wants to help her native land.
2) She needs a job for living because she cannot get a decent job in the US.
3) Living in Cambodia among the majority poor cost less and it helps her to have a high self esteem.../
But her activities in Cambodia are mostly mixed phase clouds, the readers sometimes see her as a confusing/unpredictable woman or a bipolar disorder some sort of things. They lost interest with her since she started her darting game and more.etc..

Theary Seng from what I heard that she was a small-short pretty charm woman no doubt; however her character approached others turned them off. Like someone's prophetic words "TS is pretty and charm woman but her nose is large", may be the reason (?..) no one knows.

Whatever happens, we hope Theary Seng does not go far beyond the reality -she has to know that her activities (works) represent who she is and what she stands for, not to fight to be recognized the look but by her works, and the people will judge her according to what she's presented.

Anonymous said...

កូនខ្មែរដែលស្រឡាញ់ជាតិនិងមានបំណងចង់រំដោះជាតិទាំងអស់ជាទីគោរព វេលានេះដល់ហើយ ជនក្បត់ទាំងឡាយដែលបានប្រព្រឹត្តនូវអំពើរឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មប្រឆាំងនឹងមនុស្សជាតិនៅក្នងស្រុកខ្មែរយើង ត្រូវបានលោក Obama ប្រធានាធិបតីសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកបើកភ្លើងខៀវអោយខ្មែរយើងហើយ ដូច្នេះសូមកូនខ្មែរស្នេហាជាតិទាំងអស់មេត្តាជួយចុៈឈ្មោះsign petition on line អោយបានគ្រប់ៗគ្នា, គេអោយពេលយើងរយៈពេលតែមួយខែប៉ុណ្ណោះចាប់ផ្តើមពីដើមខែមិនា២០១២រហូតដល់ចុងខែមិនា២០១២នេះ, ហើយនេះវាជាឧកាសដែលល្អបំផុតដែលយើងអាចនឹងអូសក្បាលពួកក្បត់ជាតិទាំងអស់ទៅកាន់តុលាការវិច្ឆេតកម្មអន្តរជាតិ(ICC)នៅប្រទេសហូឡង់បាន។ ពេលនេះពួកក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន ស៊ីលែងឆ្ងាញ់ដេកលែងលក់ហើយ!Please click to KPPM to sign up the petition thank.

Anonymous said...

KR had been bad and wrong but the more you condemn the KR the more you lose for your country.
Without Viet there would be no KR.

Why revenge on your own people who are already dead.

Thery Seng is Ph. D but not quite knowledgible about viet politic.

Yes she has a good look. I wish I would be close to her and advise her not to do dart game.

Anonymous said...

Dear 5:00 AM

Theary Seng has no PhD degree. She earned only one little Bachelor Degree (BA) and further said she earned a Law degree (Juris Doctor).

It is not appropriate to call lawyers/attorneys "Doctors" or called her Madame "PhD". But it is OK to write their names, e.g., Touch Bora, Esq.

None of more than 7 million lawyers in the US called themselves "Doctors". Unless the lawyers hold a Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D) degree.

Anonymous said...

It seems too much about Theary Seng. I used to appreciate her works, but later I feel that her publicity are all about Theary Seng. She has access to KI, probably through her brother as KI publisher (moderator)?


. said...

Dear Curiosity,

Please send us anything you want published here on KI-Media and see it for yourself, ok?


Anonymous said...

By listening to the Khmer Post radio about Theary Seng's round table conference call, I realised that Theary Seng does not know anything about Vietnam's tricks.

She should continue to read more Khmer history.

Anonymous said...

Please suggest that directly to Theary, 12:38 PM. If you just want to let it out of your chest or vent out here...we hear you. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Theary is a useless bitch obsessed with her self-promotion