Thursday, March 01, 2012

Two Thais Pledged not Guilty in Border Trespassing

Thang Deng Yakla, 52, and Phit Orna, 48 were arrested in May 2010 at Preah Vihear province. (Photo: Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer)
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer | Phnom Penh

"I think that if the appeal court has a will to have good relation with neighboring country, they should release my clients.”
The appeal court heard on Wednesday a trespassing case of two Thai nationals armed with a shotgun and entered Cambodia illegally.

The two were identified as Thang Deng Yakla, 52, and Phit Orna, 48. They were arrested in May 2010 at Preah Vihear province.

Defense lawyer said the two were hunters and had no intention to cause armed conflicts.

"They came here for hunting," said Kao Sopha, defense lawyer for the two accused. "I think that if the appeal court has a will to have good relation with neighboring country, they should release my clients.”

Cambodia and Thailand had deadly armed clashes in the past due to ownership claims over a piece of land near Preah Vihear temple.

The appeal court prosecutor Tith Sothy failed to produce substantive evidence against the two Thais, and agreed that they had no ill intention against Cambodia.

Tith Sothy said the accused did not have intention to enter Cambodia and that they “lost their way and the gun was only used for hunting animal not to engage in a war with Cambodian soldiers.”

Provincial court sentenced the two to five years in jail in August 2010 on charges of illegal entry and using illegal weapon.

The final verdict will be announced next month, according to Judge Khun Leang Meng.


Anonymous said...

"I think that if the appeal court has a will to have good relation with neighboring country, they should release my clients.”

- The same can be said to the Thai court.

“The appeal court heard on Wednesday a trespassing case of two Thai nationals armed with a shotgun and entered Cambodia illegally.”

- If they were Cambodian armed with a shotgun and entered Thailand illegally they would be shot dead long ago at the border.

Anonymous said...

When Khmers cross the border, Thai soldiers shoot to kill. Why don't Khmer soldiers do the same to the Thais?

Anonymous said...

i'm never fond of siem. i always hear news about abuse and shooting at khmer civilians along the border by siem soldiers. i think the way siem soldiers mistreated khmer people made khmer retaliated and unfriendly and think bad of siem. siem's mistreatment of khmer people will always make khmer people, especially along the border hate siem. so, if they want want cambodia to do them a favorite like freeing these illegal trespassing, siem also have to think about not mistreating khmer people along the common borders. otherwise, the cycle goes around and around like what goes around comes around, it's called bad karma, the cause and effect concept. so, if siem wanted to be good neighobors with cambodia, they have to stop mistreating khmer people like shooting at khmer people, abusing khmer people and looking down on khmer people, etc, otherwise, siem's cruelty will get the same result from khmer people in cambodia.

i mean, siem and their country should know better not to mistreat khmer people for one thing, they said they are buddhist country, and buddhist believers are supposed to treat every life, include khmer's fairly and humanely, instead, they look down on khmer and hated khmer people and have bad attitude with cambodia and khmer people, thinking they are better than khmer people and cambodia, etc... that is an evil and selfish and greedy way to treat your neighboring country like cambodia. no wonder cambodia and siem country never have good relationship due to this kind of bad, evil attitude toward khmer people. sometimes, i think the way some westerners travelers wrote or speak of cambodia negatively were due to siem and youn influence on those travelers. so they too think negatively or biased toward khmer people and cambodia like the siem and the youn are toward khmer people and cambodia. but we know highly educated people don't mistreat khmer people and cambodia, only the under-educated ones do that. if siem and youn want to improve their good relationship with khmer and cambodia, they must stop mistreating khmer people and cambodia and stop being biased and bad attitude toward khmer people, otherwise, all these countries will never like each other and always look down on each other, it. what goes around comes around, eventually, good or bad, really! so, it's up to siem and youn to start changing their bad, evil attitude toward khmer people and cambodia, you know.

Anonymous said...

i think the way siem did to khmer people and cambodia reflex on how khmer people and cambodia feel mutually toward siem. it goes both ways. we always hear siem soldiers shooting at khmer people along the common borders, so don't expect cambodia to give special treatment for these siem when their soldiers kept soldiers and killing khmer people along the common border all the time. khmer people always feel the same way siem felt toward khmer people, you see. if you they want special treatment, cambodia want the same for our khmer people, not shooting at khmer people at the border, ok! stupid siem!

Anonymous said...

siem soldiers always mistreated khmer people, why should siem get special treatment in cambodia? they look human like khmer, so why would should they get special treatment when they shot and killed khmer at the borders?

Anonymous said...

siem soldiers should stop shooting at khmer people at the borders!

Anonymous said...

It is such a big mistake not to shoot and kill these two Siem!

Fuck AH Kao Sopha for being Siem bitch! And fuck the good relation with the Siem! And fuck you again AH Kao Sopha!

As long as the Siem thuggish army shoot to kill any Cambodian and the Siem citizen deserve the same fate!

Anonymous said...

it is unfair and unjust for siem trespassers to get special treatment while khmer people at the border get shot at by those evil siem soldiers! where is the human rights people, they should complain and look into this to let the world know what's going on at the border siem soldiers shooting and killed khmer people! that has got to stop before khmer people retaliate and do the same to them, really!