Thursday, March 01, 2012

US deportations of Cambodian Americans challenged by exile community

Wed, 02/29/2012
Free Speech Radio News (USA)

During the violence of the Khmer Rouge regime in the late 1970s tens of thousands of Cambodians fled to nearby Thailand. Some went on to the Philippines and then to the US, where families resettled and tried to start over.

But about a decade ago, the US stepped up its deportation of Cambodians who had been convicted of “aggravated felonies” forcing many to leave the US, the only home they’ve known. Many of these exiled Americans now reside inside Cambodia. A group of them have made a short film called My Asian Americana that they’re using to advocate for changes in the US policy.

One of those involved is Kosal Khiev.

“If the world is black and white, then let me bring the color...”

That’s a clip from one of his poems, “Why I Write.” Khiev was born in a refugee camp in Thailand before moving to the US with his family. At the age of 17 he was charged with attempted murder in connection with a gang fight. He served 14 years of a 16-year sentence before being released in 2011, when he was deported to Cambodia. He joins us now from Phnom Penh.

To see a video of Khiev’s "Why I Write":

To see Studio Revolt’s "My Asian Americana," which features Khiev and other American exiles in Cambodia:


Anonymous said...

As most of you were born in the refugee Camps. You have no home or country, because you are the citizen of the UN.

Anonymous said...

Never and never want to support and help sign the petetion to sponsor these gangsters back to The United States. These gangsters are murders, criminals, and they are TRASH. The US deported these trash for a reason and they don't want these trash back on their streets.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wrong! He served his sentence and did this time in prison and paid his crime. He should be able to live in US just like an US citizen. The deportation of non-US born citizen is selective dicrimination!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Economically, sound like Cambodia is a better place to thrive right now, why long for America. Be content where you're at make yourselves useful instead of festering troubles by promoting American patriotism among the people there. Your gangster attitudes hasn't changed much from what I see.


Anonymous said...

Gangsters still gangsters! trash still trash! These people will NEVER change their looks, attitutes, the way they speak, acts, or every thing else. Don't bother show this video, we will never want you back.

Tell one thing... what gangsters do one good thing to the community? nothing but trouble after trouble.

You gangsters ruin our Khmer reputation. Khmers known to be good people, gentle, friendly, helpful, peaceful, trustable, knowledgeable people. But Khmer gangsters like you ruin every thing about Khmers. Why asks Khmers to help you, don't bother trying, don't.


Anonymous said...

he should be in school study and take a test to become a us citizen like everyone else instead he chose to join the gang scare asian community and murder his own people just like Pol Pot. Feel no sorry for him. I live in Lowell, the only people i scare of is my very own peoples can you believe that?

Anonymous said...

You are wrong again and don't judge him because his look and talk.

One of these day, you will encounter a White folk who are looking down on you because of your look.

He paid for his crime. He can perform his gangster act for as long as he does not commit a crime.

You are not gentle, friendly, and helpful as you claim yourself if you could not accept other's different look and talk.

Anonymous said...

Remember, it was their looks and talks that led them into troubles. I don't care how cool they think they are.

Anonymous said...

They talked tough, acted cool and ended up in prison. I've seen a lot of khmer teenagers are like that. Of course, every race has good and bad people but khmer people are more bad than good. Look at the majority of khmers in USA, Canada or Europe, they are usually at the bottom in terms of education and wealth compared to other minority groups.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of losers, looks like they still haven't learnt yet. You can't go home but you can go to jail and that's where you belong.

Convert to islam and be the jihads. Go to heaven because 7 virgins are waiting for you.
You losers, you are the scum of society. Go die somewhere and disappear from this planet. That would do more good to the people than having you around.

Anonymous said...

Kosal Khiev, you piece of garbage, do something useful for a change, go to assassinate the khmer leader now. Millions of Cambodians will thank you for that.

Pax et Bonum said...

You should not preach to anyone to murder people regardless how much you hate them. These men who were deported to Cambodia were not notoriously killers like the Vietnamese who killed million of Khmers, Laotians, Montagnards, and their own Vietnamese, and the Communist in Cambodia. Everyone makes mistake, but these men should be given a 2nd chance to live in the US where they grew up with their families. It is sin to split them apart after they already served their times.

It was so sad that they grew up and lived among the gangsters (in the US). I bet if they grew up among good people who choose education as a priority thing, I am sure they would good people.

They are your people not mine, at least you should pray for them.
I do pray for them that one day they will be reunited with their loved ones in the US.

Anonymous said...

Inspite that men (and/or wemen) hate you and do not even forgive you, God loves you. G to Him and He will welcome you back to Him no question asked.
the proof?
He sent his only begetten Son to redeem us all, the sinners.
God Loves you!!!
You are still my brothers and Sisters.