Thursday, April 12, 2012

CCHR Fundamenta​l Freedoms Fact Sheet Series - Freedom of Informatio​n

Dear All,

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today releases the fourth fact sheet in its 2012 "Fundamental Freedoms" series which gives a brief overview of different fundamental freedoms or topics relating to them. This fact sheet ("Freedom of Information") provides an overview of freedom of information in Cambodia and calls for recently drafted freedom of information legislation to be debated and enacted - please see attached in English and Khmer. The fact sheet will soon be available on CCHR's website at: CCHR Fact Sheets.

In the coming weeks CCHR will be releasing analysis on the draft freedom of information legislation recently submitted to the National Assembly. CCHR will also be releasing a report entitled Freedom of Information in Cambodia: A Right to Know or a Culture of Secrecy? which looks at freedom of information in Cambodia and the challenges ordinary Cambodians face on a daily basis in accessing information. The report makes recommendations for legislative, structural and policy changes to ensure that the right is respected in line with international standards.

We hope that you find the fact sheet useful and interesting. If you should want to discuss it or any of the topics raised, please don't hesitate to contact Ou Virak (tel: +855 (0) 1240 4051 or e-mail: or Sana Ghouse (tel: +855 (0) 8961 4334 or email:

Wishing you a Happy Khmer New Year,

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia. For more information, please visit

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