Friday, April 13, 2012

Extreme poverty in Cambodia


Anonymous said...

Dear Khmers,

Cambodia is NOT a poor country.
But, ONE MAN made it poor.
This man is very uneducated and a Khmer
Vietminh. He was put in power by and for Hanoi.
One thing that we can do now is to vote him out.
Let us vote for the largest opposition party SRP.
Your votes are your weapons, monnies, peace, security, and passports to better future.
Crying and praying are not going to do it.
Take action, make the change.
Let's march on !!!

Anonymous said...

That Right!
All Khmer need to get involved. Go tell, tech each other khmer people how important to have a good leader. Keep Sitting at home, complaining and talk is not going to changed anything. Get involed and start voting

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the video clip very much 'My life'. My life almost like her, not quite that different from her. Thank God, she met a person who have a good heart, helped save her life. My teas dropped when watching this video. When I visit Cambodia, I always help poorest people, I've contributed money for alsmost everyhere in the country. My heart like that lady had helped her. Thanks to God.

Anonymous said...

There are more than two million Khmer people living in overseas;
if they can organize groups in
every countries,states,they can
collect monies to help them;but
people who collect monies must
have good heart,morality,true
heart,and virtue.

Start now,don't be late.

Anonymous said...

5:38 pm and 8:24 pm,
Well said and you both make a good point as well. First of all, like 5:38 pm said, Cambodia is not short of resources. Cambodia is a few country in the world that has abundant of natural resources and hardly has any natural disasters. For this reason, Cambodia should not be poor and especially has starving people. The reason that Cambodia is poor is mainly due to human factors not the stringency of nature. The human factors such as dictatorship which lead to lawlessness and cronyism. As a result and despite cheap labor forces, the investors shy away from investing in Cambodia. Therefore, no mater how much the international aid pump into Cambodia or how much Khmer overseas pure money into Cambodia, it would not have much impact to reduce poverty in Cambodia. Cambodia does not need handout! What cambodia need is rule of law. In order for rule of law to be pratice in the country, we must remove the root cause of the problem - Dictatorship. In this regards, Khmer overseas can do so much to contribute because we know what freedom, justice and rule of law first hand and how much it benefit us. The best way is to get involve by participating in any political party who working toward eradicating dictatorship and promoting democracy. Secondly, each time we go visit cambodia we can talk to our relatives and friends about democracy. When each of us do our party, it will not be long before Cambodia can look at the countries aournd the world as equal again. Like 4:25 am said, Let's start now!

Khmer Las Vegas

Anonymous said...

Very good perspective !!!