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Loun Savath said Thursday he is following the teachings of Buddha by defending human rights and he vowed to continue his activism. (Photo: by Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer) |
Friday, 25 May 2012
Say Mony, VOA Khmer | Phnom Penh
“The contract is serious, and it affects not only me but everyone.”
Loun Savath, a monk and rights activist who was detained by plain clothes security officials Thursday, was released that night, after he agreed to sign a letter vowing to stop leading and participating in protests. However, he has promised he will not halt his activism.
Loun Savath was seized while observing a protest by villagers of the Boeung Kak lake development project. He has become a common figure at land protests, vexing Cambodia’s Buddhist leadership.
Two protesters who were also arrested Thursday have not been released. Their arrest follows the rapid guilty verdict of 13 Beoung Kak protesters who were sent to prison Thursday for terms between one year and two and a half years.
“The contract is serious, and it affects not only me but everyone,” Loun Savath told reporters after his release.
The monk was forcibly arrested and detained Thursday by senior member of the country’s Buddhist hierarchy for more than 10 hours, following his participation and filming of a land rights protest by residents of Boeung Kak, who were angered by the arrest and trial of their 13 representatives. The pagoda remained sealed off for all of Thursday.
The monk said he was not to be defrocked, contrary to some reports. He called his detention “ridiculous” and “beyond what I can describe.”
Loun Savath, who is sometimes called the “multi-media monk,” has filmed and photographed a number of protests of forced evictions and sometimes performs blessings for the participants. He has been heavily censured by Buddhist leaders, many of whom are aligned with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party. Last year, he was banned by Buddhist leadership from receiving room or board at any of the country’s pagodas.
But Loun Savath said Thursday he is following the teachings of Buddha by defending human rights and he vowed to continue his activism.
Part I
For all Khmer people, please think carefully and do not allow the Vietnamese/Yuon folks and secret agents hiding behind your backyards and every corner to see our weakness. Please watch out those secret and evil Vietnamese secret agents and folks acting like Khmer and hiding among Khmer folks and Khmer society. So, just be aware of those Vietnamese hiding among us Khmer who can speak, read, write and understand Khmer language. So watch out each other and support each other. We as Khmer folks can spy on the Vietnamese folks and agents as well. So, don't be fooled.
That is also really a dirty trick of Vietnamese master-minded killers in Hanoi and the secret roles of Vietnamese officials in higher offices of CPP regime in Cambodia led by the Vietnamese dog Hun Sen.
You should that Vietnam leaders and followers are very clever just like they are playing chess game here. You should think the dirty trick of Vietnam master-minded killers in Hanoi and secret roles of Vietnam officials in CPP offices in Cambodia.
You want to see why? Because the Vietnamese masters know now to fool the people like us Khmer folks that painting the U.S. flag marks on Helmet to fool the gullible villages (NOT you
and us Khmer bloggers here) by seeing deeper about the dirty and ugly tricks of Vietnamese master-minded bastards in Hanoi and in CPP systems.
Vietnamese masters know or knew how to paint the pictures of Pol Pol and Pol Pol's Khmer Rouges inner circles and Khmer Rouges comrades as the scapegoats that killed more that two millions of innocent and well educated Khmer people during the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979 instead of the secret, dirty and bloody hidden Vietcong/NV agents (real Vietnamese killers or Cadres) who were behind and among the Khmer Rouges soldiers, dressing black and pretending Khmer Rouges soldiers to kill and beat Khmer with sticks to death with blindfolds. Remembers those Vietnamese secret agents could read, write and speak Khmer language very well. Now, they are still in CPP regime so that we (Khmer folks and friends) should have watched out on those evil Vietnamese everywhere and every corner and then we. When it came to the fake rescues to Cambodian/Khmer victims in Cambodia by invading in 1978, Vietnam leaders in Hanoi knew that the UN envoys and inspectors were planing to come to inspect Cambodia during the Killing Fields and then those evil secret Vietnamese agents were told by Vietnamese masters in Hanoi to change the uniforms and some of them fled to Vietnam (like Hun Sen as an example) before they came back as pretenders to help rescue the Khmer victims of the Killing Fields. The evil secret Vietnamese masters and followers as bloody secret Vietnamese agents could get away from the exposures of their dirt deeds and murderous killing of Cambodian/Khmer people in the Killing Fields. Therefore, the UN and International Communities have been fooled and did not see the real Vietnamese killers of the Killing Fields instead of Khmer Rouges of Pol Pot who were so busy fighting against the Vietcong armies in the South border with Vietnam to get the Khmer Krom (Southern Cambodia as South Vietnam) and Cambodian/Khmer islands back. That was why the evil secret Vietnamese agents were behind the killing of millions of innocent Khmer people during the Killing Fields
Part II
Now, you can see that instead of Vietnamese dirty plans to paint the foolish pictures to tell you and gullible Khmer villages or foreigners to believe that only those you guys just mentioned, they can killed and shoot the innocent and unarmed Khmer civilians and villages or Khmer heroes, warriors and activists by borrowing the dirty hands of other sides to kill unarmed civilians to make dirty and clever Vietnamese/Yuon master-minded killers "REAL NICE, SWEET, PEACEFUL VIETNAMESE/YUON FOLKS" instead of their hidden criminal acts. We should know there are not many Khmer people like us think carefully about the dirty trick of Vietnamese master-minded killers hiding among us Khmer citizens and Khmer/Cambodian society in Cambodia today.
Yes, you can only blame Chinese, Russian, Germany who are not deeply involved to swallow the land of Cambodian country, but only the Vietnamese dirty criminal hiding behind in Cambodian backyards and playing the secret roles to fool the Khmer villages and folks who do not know. So, please, you and Khmer folks and villages to be award of the dirty secret and ill-intentions of evil Vietnamese master-minded killers and bosses of CPP regime (led by Vietnamese dog Hun-Sen) for the next generation to come. You and Khmer folks must pay attentions to Vietnamese. We want to remind all Khmer folks and bloggers to watch the dirty games of Vietnamese master-minded criminals hiding behind our backyards and every corners.
Khmer Yeurng
អាកញ្ជះយួន (CPP) នៅ Montréal,
អ្នករកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតចងការប្រាក់នៅតែCasino Montréal,Québec.Canada អោយខ្មែរណាដែលអស់លុយ-ចាញ់ល្បែងស៊ីសង ។បោកបញ្ឆោតខ្មែរតាំងខ្លួនជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ-អ្នកជាតិនិយម.......។
ឃើញតែប្រមូលលុយខ្មែរៗយកទៅ ជួយនេះ-ជួយនោះ នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ...ចុះឡើងស្រុកខ្មែរញយដង????
បើខ្មែរយើងនិយាយប្រឆាំង និងអាយួន ទេព វង្ស (ទេប វង់)សង្ឃក្លែងក្លាយ ជាសង្ឃឥតសីល អាសង្ឃ ៧ មករា- អាសង្ឃឃាតករ- អាសង្ឃភេរវករ- បួសស៊ីបាយយប់-បួសលេងស្រី- បួសផឹកស្រា បួសមានអង្គរក្ស ឆ្វេងស្តាំ មិនបានទេ....
វាជួយការពារ- អាសត្វតិរច្ឆាន CPP គាំទ្រនិងគោរពស្រលាញ់ពួកអាប្រែតនេះគឺអាចោរយួនទេព វង្ស របស់អាហ៊ុន សែន !ជននេះតែងនិយាយដដែលៗថា:
ខ្លួនខ្ញុំសព្វថ្ងៃមិនថាបក្សណាជាបក្សណាទេអោយតែខ្មែរគឺចូលទាំងអស់...បក្សប្រជាជនក៏ជាខ្មែរ...(sic!)និយាយធ្វើដូចជាមិនដឹងថាបក្សប្រជាជនជាបក្សអាយ៉ងយួន - ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ជាតិ -ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ទឹកដី.........
ជា អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ ?
ស្នេហា $$$$$$$$$$$ ឬ
ក៏ជា KGB យួន !!!!
This monk should work for CPP & stop being SCUMSR's slave. Pi Anh.
All the best to you Ven. Loun Sovath. All Khmers must unite behind Loun Sovath to become a unified Khmer Patriotic Force to fight for justice etc... in our unjust Khmer societies...
Thank You!
It's better to die on our feet than to live on our knees...
The International Community must rally behind the Khmer People and the Democratic Forces of Cambodia in order to be able solve the Cambodian problems once and for all...
And help firmly to protect the Cambodian Independence, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity by forcefully initiate the activation of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia, as the current Cambodian government is unwilling or unable to do so due to the fact that it is only a puppet government of Hanoi in disguise under the current fake democracy in Cambodia.
Thank you all.
អា Pritheaចោរ CHEA SOPHORN aka SAPHON NHEL,អាកញ្ជះយួន (CPP) នៅ Montréal,សំដីសម្លេងទន់- ពិរោះពេកក្រៃ ,អ្នករកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតចងការប្រាក់នៅតែCasino Montréal,Québec.Canada អោយខ្មែរណាដែលអស់លុយ-ចាញ់ល្បែងស៊ីសង ។បោកបញ្ឆោតខ្មែរតាំងខ្លួនជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ-អ្នកជាតិនិយម.......។
ឃើញតែប្រមូលលុយខ្មែរៗយកទៅ ជួយនេះ-ជួយនោះ ???នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ...ចុះឡើងស្រុកខ្មែរញយដង????
បើខ្មែរយើងនិយាយប្រឆាំង និងអាយួនទេប វង់(ទេព វង្ស)អាសង្ឃក្លែងក្លាយ ជាសង្ឃឥតសីលវិន័យធម៌-អាសង្ឃ ៧ មករា- អាសង្ឃឃាតករ- អាសង្ឃភេរវករ-អាសង្ឃបួសស៊ីបាយយប់-អាសង្ឃបួសលេងស្រី-អាសង្ឃបួសផឹកស្រា-អាសង្ឃបួសមានអង្គរក្ស ឆ្វេងស្តាំ យើងនិយាយប្រឆាំងមិនបានទេ....
វាជួយការពារឲ្យអាសត្វសង្ឃតិរច្ឆាន CPP... គាំទ្រនិងគោរពស្រលាញ់ពួកអាប្រែតសង្ឃនេះគឺអាចោរយួនទេព វង្ស របស់អាហ៊ុន សែន !ជននេះតែងនិយាយដដែលៗថា:
បក្សប្រជាជនក៏ជាខ្មែរ...(sic!)...មានអ្នកខ្លះចោទបក្សប្រជាជនជាអាយ៉ងយួន...និយាយធ្វើកលដូចជាមិនដឹងថាបក្សប្រជាជនជាបក្សអាយ៉ងយួន - ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ជាតិ -ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ទឹកដី.........
ជា អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ ?
ស្នេហា $$$$$$$$$$$ ឬ
ក៏ជា KGB យួន !!!!
អា Pritheaចោរ CHEA SOPHORN aka SAPHON NHEL,អាកញ្ជះយួន (CPP) នៅ Montréal,សំដីសម្លេងទន់- ពិរោះពេកក្រៃ ,អ្នករកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតចងការប្រាក់នៅតែCasino Montréal,Québec.Canada អោយខ្មែរណាដែលអស់លុយ-ចាញ់ល្បែងស៊ីសង ។បោកបញ្ឆោតខ្មែរតាំងខ្លួនជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ-អ្នកជាតិនិយម.......។
ឃើញតែប្រមូលលុយខ្មែរៗយកទៅ ជួយនេះ-ជួយនោះ ???នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ...ចុះឡើងស្រុកខ្មែរញយដង????
បើខ្មែរយើងនិយាយប្រឆាំង និងអាយួនទេប វង់(ទេព វង្ស)អាសង្ឃក្លែងក្លាយ ជាសង្ឃឥតសីលវិន័យធម៌-អាសង្ឃ ៧ មករា- អាសង្ឃឃាតករ- អាសង្ឃភេរវករ-អាសង្ឃបួសស៊ីបាយយប់-អាសង្ឃបួសលេងស្រី-អាសង្ឃបួសផឹកស្រា-អាសង្ឃបួសមានអង្គរក្ស ឆ្វេងស្តាំ យើងនិយាយប្រឆាំងមិនបានទេ....
វាជួយការពារឲ្យអាសត្វសង្ឃតិរច្ឆាន CPP... គាំទ្រនិងគោរពស្រលាញ់ពួកអាប្រែតសង្ឃនេះគឺអាចោរយួនទេព វង្ស របស់អាហ៊ុន សែន !ជននេះតែងនិយាយដដែលៗថា:
និយាយមាយារធ្វើកលដូចជាមិនដឹងថាបក្សប្រជាជនជាបក្សអាយ៉ងយួន - ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ជាតិ -ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ទឹកដី.........
ជា អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ ?
ស្នេហា $$$$$$$$$$$ ឬ
ក៏ជា KGB យួន !!!!
Hey land thief and crook @6:10 AM, stop being nonsense. You are the real crook in Cambodia who supports CPP to protect your stupid ass. You are really a scumbag yourself. You don't like to follow the rule of law, but you scumbag want to rape women as you want, steal someone's property as you want, break the laws as you want, and you want to go above the laws yourself, scumbag.
You are a real stupid CPP dog.
Dear 5:27 AM,
Dear 5:27 AM please keep in touch to share yours your important view to share with other and keep our Khmer real history on real Khmer pages.
Dear all Khmer on this blogs.
I agree with you all especially 5:27 AM, I agree with his comment not only 100% but 10000 % so let me quote part of his comment as fellow ( because my views about who really killed million Khmer just look at this ECCC they have been dragging on and on to avoid free and fair tial ECCC trial by letting Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan talk all; before 1975, during 1975-1978 and after 1979 and fully investiste Cases 003 and 004 must not blocked by CPP or Hun Sen ).
Part of quote of 5:27 AM:
The evil secret Vietnamese masters and followers as bloody secret Vietnamese agents could get away from the exposures of their dirt deeds and murderous killing of Cambodian/Khmer people in the Killing Fields. Therefore, the UN and International Communities have been fooled and did not see the real Vietnamese killers of the Killing Fields instead of Khmer Rouges of Pol Pot who were so busy fighting against the Vietcong armies in the South border with Vietnam to get the Khmer Krom (Southern Cambodia as South Vietnam) and Cambodian/Khmer islands back. That was why the evil secret Vietnamese agents were behind the killing of millions of innocent Khmer people during the Killing Fields. end quote.
Put yourself in this shoes.
Therefore, the UN and International Communities have been fooled and did not see the real Vietnamese killers of the Killing Fields instead of Khmer Rouges of Pol Pot who were so busy fighting against the Vietcong armies in the South border with Vietnam to get the Khmer Krom (Southern Cambodia as South Vietnam) and Cambodian/Khmer islands back. That was why the evil secret Vietnamese agents were behind the killing of millions of innocent Khmer people during the Killing Fields
this monk so stupid, coward ,
he was dared to speak, but he afraid to face justice, fear justice..
why? he was not dared to face justice
this stupid monk deserved to arrest by forced,
our authority has done a good job, i supported
8:06 AM
And you are who, the brave one who hides in front of your computer screen and your name is Anonymous?
Why don’t you go sucking Ah HUN SEN’s kdor to calm yourself down, motherfucker…
Venerable Luon Savath should test for poison.
Puok Ah Prett Tep Proyong and Non Ngorp might have done something bad to him such as put poison on his foods to make him die later.
Ah 8:06 AM,
If you are yuon born in Cambodia afer 1979 go to hell but if you are real Khmer, Khmer by blood, Khmer by soul you better feel ashmae for yourself as 8:26 AM said why you remaining behind computer screen and stayed anonymous show yourself up with the victims in Cambodia as Ven Luon Sovath has done.
So if you are real Khmer, Khmer with Khmer soul you are one of Khmer minortity who good at speaking but do anything good for our country( our motherland ).
But it sound more likey you are one of youn born in Cambodia afer 1979 and pretend to be one of Khmer.
Sham on you.
Shmae on Hun Sen.
yes all country in the world they knew VIETNAME was kill hundred and thousand france soldier and hundreds thousand armerican soldier as well as moslim people call ( cham-pa )and more than 3 million cambodian people during khmerouge regime,SO this Vietname people is real murder so people a round the world must be alert specially who ever want marit with Vietname girl they going to cheat you and if you going to make friend with a vietname men they going rape your daugther or your wife or they may kill you to take over your property .....don't take my word but don't blame me that i am not reminding all of you ..!
PLEASE, pass it over thanks
yes all country in the world they knew VIETNAME was kill hundred and thousand france soldier and hundreds thousand armerican soldier as well as moslim people call ( cham-pa )and more than 3 million cambodian people during khmerouge regime,SO this Vietname people is real murder so people a round the world must be alert specially who ever want marit with Vietname girl they going to cheat you and if you going to make friend with a vietname men they going rape your daugther or your wife or they may kill you to take over your property .....don't take my word but don't blame me that i am not reminding all of you ..!
PLEASE, pass it over thanks
Venerable Loun Savath has the rights to follow The Teachings To Buddha by defending human rights. Is this a crime?
11.29 AM correction:
The Teachings Of Buddha.
this monk , sucked , wanted to be hero,
so he can makes money
12:36 PM, only you are greedy yourself and you have been addictive to the money. We can you are very ugly with a huge belly with a full of beers and alcohol just like old fart CPP guys sitting in the public scene to show off their ugliest images in the world. Now, you are going to make money by exploiting the villages in forest and farm area where you want to grab their lands and cut trees down just like a bunch of low class CPP animals with very little education like 5th grade.
Our great Khmer Buddhist Monk Venerable Loun Savath doesn't want the money like you who is a fucking greedy animal.
to lok @9:25 AM
I agree with your comment !
Venerable Luon Savath should test for poison.
Puok Ah Prett Tep Proyong and Non Ngorp might have done something bad to him such as put poison on his foods to make him die later.
11:29 AM
This monk is a brave man who dares to face the ruling party who provides no justice to the land. The monk defends the poor who are helpless and hopeless, but he does not follow Buddha's teachings. Buddha involved NO politics, but the way how to end sufferings through His Dharma.
You (Cambodians) are foreigners who adopted Buddhism from India but you all are ignorant about Buddha's teachings. Often times you Cambodians abused the real teachings of Buddha. This monk is not following Buddha's teaching but he follows his heart as a good man with a good conscience, who cares for others that have nothing. The Buddhism in your country has been destroyed by both sides: CPP and non-CPP.
CPP members are Communists who wear Buddha's robe, and the non-CPP side such as yourself abused His Buddha's teaching for your own interest.
Dear Foreigner Buddhists!
This Monk is more like Ghandi. He broke Buddha's rule for engaging with the problems, but if he wears no Buddha's robe, then he breaks NO Buddha's rule.
Abusing Buddha's rules/teachings means cursing Buddha.
ចំពោះ ក្រុមបដិវត្ដន៍ ផ្កាឈូក, ក្រុមខ្មែរម្ចាស់ស្រុក និង
សូមប្រយ័ត្នកុំជឿក្រុមអាក្តសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អាមេគ្រោះនេះអោយសោះ។
ព្រោះអាក្តសាយ សារ៉ាត អាមេរកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតនៅ Cranston RI , អាយួនគីម ធឺម (KIM THOMAS) និយាយខ្មែរដូចយួនច្រៀង នៅ WA, State,
និង អាជើងកែក (ដំណើរក្អែក) ក្បាលទំពែក ដេកស៊ីលុយឆ្កួត
ប៊ូ ជឿន ភ្នំសំពៅ
ប្រពន្ធផិតប្ដី ប្ដីផិតប្រពន្ធ នៅ South Phila, PA វាបានឡូឡាថា :
ICC ក្បាលអាចម៍ឆ្កែនែ ឈប់ដើរបោកប្រាស់ខ្មែរទៀតទៅ !
មានលុយប៉ុន្មានចង់ទៅ ICC នោះបើមានសមាជិក
សុទ្ធតែអ្នកដេកស៊ីលុយឆ្កួត និង អ្នកប្រមឹកស្រវឹងខួប
ពន្លឺ អាទិត្យា
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