Friday, May 18, 2012

Are these the ones who are accused of fomenting secession by the Hun Xen's regime?

Villagers arrested for protecting their land and houses are accused of secession by the tyrannical Hun Xen's regime (Photo: ADHOC)


Anonymous said...

Give these folks guns to protect their property!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Only DUMB Khmer will believe CPP. These 5 men protected themselves with farmng tools, and CPP had hundreds of armed police officers, vehicles and helicopters.

Why would any DUMB khmer believe CPP?

Anonymous said...

CPP is the second KR regime who will accuse all farmers as KGB or CIA...

Dumbest CPP!

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Shit,

Ah Runteas Banh Kwack Euy !!

Lmorm Chos Chenh Heuy !!

Kom Oy Ker Auss Kbal Tumleak Ah Chker Chkuot !!

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM,

Can you stop using your stupid words "Dumb Khmer"? Be normal, please. Otherwise, you will be called again as Dumb Yuon Dog Eater by other blogger. Khmer people have already lost the confidence in you, idiot. You are the main cause of fighting words, showing the bloggers of worldwide that Khmer are fighting each other because you. Do you understand?

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

I understand. I also understand that there are many DUMB Khmer, majority in CPP, they believe anything CPP say. Like I said, I met many DUMB Khmer inside and outside of Khmer.

Anonymous said...


Not so dumb Khmer

Anonymous said...

Please come out of your comfort zone, King Sinaouk.

You said that you and your son are immprisoned by Hun Sen/Yuon, why dont you cry for help?

Are you so comfort living in the palace with free meals and allowances and afraid of losing all of these if you speak up?

You should dare to speak up again through Lok ta Ruom Rith or openly express your ideas about the sufferings of Cambodian people, and see what Hun Sen/Yuon are going to do to you? or Are you afraid of death?

If you dont come out of your comfort zone and do something at the last part of your life, you would leave behind a very bad legacy of being coward mecurial king done nothing good for the nation.

If you dare to talk the truth, the international community would pay more attention and Hun Sen would slow down the killings.

You should stop putting pressure on your son to be just puppet King. Be yourself, recall your brave heart and do something to help stop the sufferings. By this, your legacy would be a good one for your family to live on. All your sins committed in the past would be forgiven and forgotten.

Now, get out of your comfort zone and fear no more death.

Anonymous said...

2:26 PM
Khmer Yeurng,
That is exactly this LEU KEU motherfucker wants to show the bloggers worldwide that Khmer are fighting each other.
You have to understand that his goal is to create havoc here as much as possible.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:21 PM DUMB Khmer use your brain.

DUMB Khmer are fighting DUMB Khmer because they are working for DUMB Khmer. That has nothing to do with me.

Im here because I see DUMB Khmer working for DUMB Khmer. But your fish brain cant seem to understand anything, so you blame it on me.

Think of me as your CEO. Im here to give you a chance. Its your choice if you accept it or not. Once you realised you are DUMB and DUMB Khmer have always been DUMB. Then we can talk about solutions and steps, so DUMB Khmer will stop voting for DUMB Khmer in CPP.

Make sense? Your fish brain probably fried on the first sentence.

Lets focus on the election. our team is doing well. We just need the DUMB Khmer to stop voting for CPP. Then we can argue later, okay DUMB Khmer?

Anonymous said...

Systemmatic to liquidation to all Khmers who have just only protect their land. CPP is bararian party to speak a lie in the public. This party and their leaders are mostly Viet in Khmers.
With law system against this regime those Khmers have no chance, now their need weapons. Because this regime is corrupt from top to the low level.

Anonymous said...

7:21 PM,

You are not Khmer, but you are Yuon/Vietnamese born in Cambodia who pretend to be a good guy using using Dumb Khmer. If we find out your IP address of your computer and location, then you will be stopped.

You said, "Think of me as your CEO. Im here to give you a chance. Its your choice if you accept it or not. Once you realised you are DUMB and DUMB Khmer have always been DUMB. Then we can talk about solutions and steps, so DUMB Khmer will stop voting for DUMB Khmer in CPP."

Whao! You like to boss everyone. You sound like Yuon on someone land and talk like Hun Sen, the Vietnamese dog. You are not Khmer, you idiot.

We don't need you to scare little people like that. You must Yuon with tiny eyes like Yuon gook sitting behind your dumb computer.

We don't need you to tell us by calling us Dumb Khmer to vote for SRP. You need to get out of here, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. I dare you and call you now. This is Khmer Yeurng. You are only one idiot behind your computer.

You are ugly yourself. If the situation gets worse with you, we will contact Web Hosting Co and Cyber Security Co and hire them to track your IP address of your computer. You will never know.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

We don't accept your behavior. You don't care about Khmer because you call Khmer people dumb. I told you many times to stop using the words "Dumb Khmer".

If you call us {Khmer Yeurng} Dumb Khmer, we will contact Web Hosting Co and Cyber Security Co and hire them to track your IP address of your computer via Ki-Media. You sound very suspicious and you fought almost everyone who tried or tries to correct you and tell you not to use the words "Dumb Khmer."

Glad that the blogger called you "Dumb Yuon Dog Eater" and "Double Yuon Spy."

Go ahead, you idiot, call whatever you want until your IP address of your computer is tracked and reported your location.

You are very dumb and very stubborn as well as a real trouble maker here.

We are not wasting time to respond to you again. We are doing something to track your IP address. We are located in the U.S. and EU.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

Khmer stop asking the bad, ugly, worst to save you. Only you, and save yourself.///

Anonymous said...

3:29 AM. DUMB Khmer. I said it before you can do anything you like. its your choice. But i have already told you Im a Khmer, born in Khmer and fight for the Khmer people.

It looks like you brain did get fried on the first sentenced. So i will make it easier here.

Im here to support SRP to fight against CPP. I am only calling DUMB Khmer, if

a) They vote for CPP.
b) THey blame Youn for everything.

DO you understand yet DUMB Khmer? Like i said, if you can get your fish brain to absorb new information, we wouldnt be in this circle. But dont worry DUMB Khmer, I am here to educate you even if it takes 20 years.

So lets show the world we can work together and remove CPP?

Anonymous said...

Well! Well! Well!

The reason AH HUN SEN accused these villagers of secession to make their own country because AH HUN SEN himself do it too when he lost election to Prince Ranaridh in 1993! AH HUN SEN threaten King Sihanouk to divide Cambodia into two and rule by two prime ministers!

Anonymous said...

8:21 AM,

All we say is game on. All we say to you, Fuck You, asshole. You are only one using the words Dumb Khmer. You are the most dumbest person behaving so stupid.

If we found out your IP address, we locate you and shoot you to death. We can't stand with you, asshole.

All Khmer should be united and don't let this asshole who uses the words "Dumb Khmer" for non stop.

We gonna beat you up if we found you somewhere that someone points you sitting somewhere. You will learn the lesson. Then, you will be on the news that you are the one who ruins the reputation of Khmer people. We remember you supported Mark's critics that Cambodia is the laziest nation in the world. You, asshole, supported that critics. It is time to find where you are located and beat you up. You will be spied on from now. Go ahead with your stupid and uneducated words "Dumb Khmer" and you are labelled as a Dumb Yuon by as Khmer bloggers. From now, we are watching you everywhere.

Ki-Media, would you please block this asshole with the words "Dumb Khmer" that have made some of bloggers so mad and feel shaking, wanting to beat this asshole.

If Ki-Media can't block, then we will locate this asshole with words "Dumb Khmer" via where Ki-Media signed up with. We need to locate IP of this asshole's computer using words "Dumb Khmer" for non-stop.

We hate you, asshole. Go to the Hell.

We as Khmer Yeurng here are trying to bring back out innocent and little Khmer people who voted for CPP and who did not know anything and who need the courage to join our revolution and coalition and unite with SRP, HRP, NRP, and other opposition parties. United we stand together as one Khmer Unity. No more break up. We need to encourage all Khmer for not fighting each other.

Khmer Yeurng