Friday, May 18, 2012

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: My Kingdom of Wonder


Anonymous said...

Monarchy is Hun Sen shit.

Anonymous said...

That is not very to innocent and non-violent King Sihamoni. It is sad that some of Khmer folks have not understood that the current King Sihamoni has been under the control of Communist CPP, Vietnamese dogs and evil masters of communist Hanoi, evil communist Vietnam.

Current King Sihamoni is different from his father King Sihanouk who initially made a hug mistake befriending with Communist Vietcong and China instead of the U.S. during the American war with evil Vietnam.

All we want is leave our current innocent and non-violent King Sihamoni. He has no power at all, but just representing the nation in the fake Democracy under the trick of evil masters of Hanoi that control the evil Vietnamese slave or dog.

Khmer Yeurng