Saturday, July 21, 2012

Vietnam blocks KKF application to ECOSOC

យួនព្យាយាមបញ្ឈប់មិនឱ្យសហព័ន្ធខ្មែរកម្ពុជាក្រោម ចូលជាសមាជិក ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាសេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងសង្គមកិច្ច នៃអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ

Click here to listen to RFA's report:

Click here to listen to VOA's interview of Mr. Thach Ngoc Thach


Anonymous said...

ar-choy-mray YOUN ,we will fight till the end time up from now our new generation start stant up fight face to face Jeyo KKF ,We have plan B

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i hope CHAPA stant up fight back the same Khmer krom

Vietname now you know you can't chang history the history start turn back the world watching you every day what you was murder you can not hide

CHAMPA people caming up soon

Anonymous said...

That sucks. All of ASEAN supported Vietnam to reject KKF application. KKF now need to gain support of countries outside Asia to support it. Right KKF only have support of Human Rights Organizations. It's hard.

Anonymous said...

Chey Yo ! khmerkrom ! BaraChey Ah Cpp youn Tep Wathana or Tep Nitha ,Tep Vong!!!!

i always love khmerkrom more than khmer hun sen ......

Anonymous said...

2:42 PM
Do you sincerely want to really know where are people of CHAMPA?

Please read "Vietnam's Genocidal Policies against Cham" of a World History of Genocide and Extermination.., by Ben Kiernan, Yale University, Press, 2007, pages 109-11.

Majority people in the world do not know much about Champa, and don't know at all that Yuonamese were worse billion times than Pol Pot. Under Yuon king named Le Thanh-tong, he ordered to annihilate(exterminate) all Cham people, and Yuonamese forced Cham women to marry Yuonamese. So you see, pure Cham aren't existing in Vietnam, only in Cambodia and Thailand.

If you call Cham in Vietnam, you only be caught in the middle, because they are Cham-Yuon, unless those mixed race Cham-Yuon knew the history and love Cham not Yuon. You'd better very careful, because many of them use Cham name for their Blogs, but they are pro-Yuon.

They post their propaganda against Khmers saying that Khmers exterminated all Cham and Yuon during Pol Pot, and saying that they Yuon are brotherly Cham-Yuon.

Anonymous said...

KKF=Khmer Krom Fuck

Anonymous said...

10:27 PM
It is normal for all the nations in the world. If KKF has a land and a form of a government, every nation would recognize KK. But sadly KKF does not represent a nation, it is only Human right, who could.

But it will always a light exist on other end of of the dark tunnel as long as people continues to fight.

To say further that may not please the people in this community, I say it anyway. The fight with the same ancient weapons against the enemy who fast forward toward the modern society, do not dream to be freed. You should be able to amend your way of life in accordance and comply with the world we are living.

If your enemy (Viets) could and so could you. Viets can do and amend their way of life to fit with the world, and with their sacrifice, they are always ahead of you.

I am saying is not a blaspheme (attack) what KK believed (deep in Buddhism), it is a way to find freedom.

Watch what your enemy are doing and why your enemy are many liked/loved by the world.

Anonymous said...

11:20 PM
I saw a blog named "free Vietnam from Chinese aggression". Does it mean "Fuck Vietnam fuck Chinese aggression?".

Why do you have to express some sort of beast-like?

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom people keep their fore-fathers' belief (Buddhism) and why do they fight to get their land back? Buddha Gautama did not care about a Nation, He cared only a way to End the sufferings and a way to Nirvana (Heaven), no more re-birth.

If KK try to fight to get their land back, then they and their fore-fathers are anti-Buddha. Buddha did not care to reply or even mention anything when His country men and His people (Nepali) begging Buddha for helps and to perform miracles while at war with their neighbor. Buddha walked away. So KK should obey their Buddha if they are really Buddhists.

Khmer Krom may be able to ask to live their lives according to their forefathers used to live, but to get their land? Forget it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they fuck YOUR mother !

Anonymous said...

To 11:20pm is youn hun sen'ssssssssssssss if you want, you can fuck Le Duc THO's wife o k .

from chinese speak Trieu Chau,Madarin ,cantonese,youn khmer,love justice will always support khmer krom

Anonymous said...

11:40 PM

11:22 PM

Study more and then you understand what all about!!!! We are Khmer Kroms all around the world know exactly what we are going/doing next step-by-step.....just wait and see, you are youn vietcong can not hide( what you did/do to Khmer Krom any more)from the world.

Anonymous said...

I support KKF 100% but one condition, most khmer krom are distrustful and not really honest to khmer kondal... you see, most khmer krom high educated men who served in lon nol regime and some also served in khmer rouge regime.After all these khmer krom seems to served the interests of vietnam.... like eing sarey, and more were from khmer krom. like most khmer krom who are living at abroad always hang out with khmer but when khmer have the problems with YOUN..khmer krom stepped aside and sometimes they helped YOUN to fight khmer. When khmer krom hang out with YOUN... They kinda khmer this bad.. that bad... when they hang out with KHMER they said YOUN THIS and that.

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong government can twist and turn the issue of the Khmer Krom people but they can not deny the fact that they are oppressing million and million of Khmer Krom people!

The father of the Vietcong copied American declaration of Independence and read to his Vietshit people which guarantee life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness! But for the Khmer Krom people they never enjoy the life, the liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! They will always remain as the second class people in the Vietshit society unless they fight for their freedom!

So struggle, the discussion , and the debate will continue until there is a solution to the Khmer Krom people!

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong government can twist and turn the issue of the Khmer Krom people but they can not deny the fact that they are oppressing million and million of Khmer Krom people!

The father of the Vietcong copied American declaration of Independence and read to his Vietshit people which guarantee life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness! But for the Khmer Krom people they never enjoy the life, the liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! They will always remain as the second class people in the Vietshit society unless they fight for their freedom!

So struggle, the discussion , and the debate will continue until there is a solution to the Khmer Krom people!

Anonymous said...

nay, khmer krom are sux, that's why SOMDECH DEYCHO KEEP THEM OUT OF THE SYSTEM IN CAMBODIA...HAHA BLARRRRR you can't hurt me,lalala!

Anonymous said...

3:37am YOU mean SOMEDECH DEYCHO HUN SEN IS your mom'spussy sucker? or what? i don't get it

Anonymous said...

Be warned our IT team can trace back your IP address easily.

Anonymous said...

How do you know when Khmer Krom hang out with youn they kinda Khmer this bad..that bad
Are you hang out with youn at that time?
If you real Khmer, or a thousand stupid Khmer like you is not equal one good, smart Khmer. A good or smart Khmer can smell your Bull Shits miles a way. And a stupid Khmer like you always try to hurt your own kind.Stupid People know enough just to be dangerous.

Anonymous said...

5:05 Idiot

So what if you can track my IP address, come and I will give your Idiot team fuck in the ass. My cock is horny, come and suck

Anonymous said...

Thanks to government of Cambodia not side with VN in protest against KKF to become a consultative member of United Nations Economy and Social Council.

The countries support VN are : Philippines,Indonesia, Singapore, Lao, Thailand, Myanmar,Malaysia, and El Salvador from Central America.

The civilize countries will support KKF include: USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, French, Germany... and many more.

In the last few weeks, KKF have been a hot topic at the UN, because others countries wonder why VN an independent state launch a massive campaign against KKF an NGO ???

We have been won because we have reach our goal in term of educate the world about " WHO IS KHMER KROM'


Chiyo KKF, chiyo Khmer Krom, chiyo all Khmer ( krom, leu, kandal )

Anonymous said...

Finally, Cambodian government has done a good thing as Koun Khmer for not supporting Vietnam to against our own race NGO, KKF.

ASEAN is a well-known club that abuses the Human Rights. Lately, ASEAN tries to come up with a Human Rights Declaration that do not allow the Civil Societies to involves. Now, ASEAN members support Vietnam which is a country has a reputation of violating human rights.

In 2004, Vietnam has done a stupid thing trying to the ECOSOC status of TRP and lost in shamed. Now, Vietnam has tried to lobby other countries to invoke the consultative status of KKF. SHAME! SHAME!.. ONLY ASEAN members support them because they belong to a Human Rights violation club.

Cambodia is a chair of ASEAN now. Cambodia has done the right thing for not supporting this club members to violate the Procedure of ECOSOC. All the member states of ECOSOC do not support Vietnam, except: Philippine, Indonesia, and El Salvador.

It shows that no matter what happens, we are KHMER. We must support our own people, no matter where we live. Cheyo KHMER Samaki!!! Justice will come to Cambodia one day soon...!!!

Anonymous said...

No body is going to support you to fight with their friend. Vietnam now have United States of America as good friend and partnership in political and economical in the region. They're not going to help you Thach Ngoc Thach.
General Thach Yen in Maryland and General Thach Khewmarin in Phila said you are a big LIAR to Khmer Kampuchea Krom.

Anonymous said...

For one thing, we will infect your systems with software virus.

Anonymous said...

To 6:00am,
Here we go again, Khmers fighting Khmers.
We 've got to stop that.
We all must fight OUR common enemy Yuon !!!

Anonymous said...

to 6:am
Thank for no thank. Thach Ngoc Thach and the KKK are fighting Viet communist to liberate you and others from viets slave'

Anonymous said...

6:00AM is not Khmer.
He tries to get Khmer vs. Khmer.
We know who the people he mentioned their name. They don't hate KKF because they are khmer Krom.
If US support VN in this case, VN already put US on the resolution. If he follows this issue, US is the county against VN for trying to violate the procedure of ECOSOC.
This shows that this man just tries to cause the issue to serve the VN's interest.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. I couldnt have said better. Millions of Khmer Krom had been suffered so much under the Viet oppression for generations. The suffering of Khmer Krom had been hidden from the world community for so long. Thanks to all Khmer people around the world, who devoted their times, energy and efforts in order to bring forth the suffering of Khmer Krom people to the world community. It is your tenacious effort that the suffering of Khmer Krom began to surface in the eyes of the international. Personally, I couldn't thank you enough for all the sacrifices each and everyone ( Khmer and non-Khmer alike) had contributed to the cause. We must continue our strugle until the end of time. (1+1+1=1)

Las Vegas

Anonymous said...

kiss my ass, ah 5:05 AM

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah that's hilarious! Have you ever seen KHMER KROM do things with dumb ass khmer like you? Especially khmer krom in USA are separatist, they never do things with's the truth,man!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info. Yes, education the of who we are and what the Viet had been doing to us is the key to our success. We can not do it alone. We must get the justice loving people around the world to get involve. We all must stand up. We must continue to fight and we will win!

Las Vegas

Anonymous said...

I second your opinion. No matter where we are in the world we must fight together. (1+1+1=1)

Las Vegas

Anonymous said...

Dear Kkmer khrom you are hit righ on AR-youn head ...look all the nagative a bove ..they trying make khmer fight with khmer like they did befor (( the old youn tactic now trying to use this place is not work any more AR-YOUN..))

ar-6:00am is AR-YOUN


Anonymous said...

i am khmer kendal and i support khmer khrom they figh back so hard by KKF as you can see they do a lot work after UNPO now became ECOSOC ...I wish all the best and i like to urge all khmer kendal and khmer ler must help and support them.

PS.all the nagative comment is not khmer if you have experience in KI who have idea against khmer they are is not khmer just do what you have to do

from me Vancouver,bc.CANADA

Anonymous said...

10:14 AM
I saw some negative comments and some are good advice.
I don't believe what you said that some of negative comments are from non-Khmers. How about some real Khmers (CPP) who are enjoying money and villas? These Khmers don't care about KK.

Anonymous said...

To 8:39am,

We adhere to our codes of ethics.
We do NOT stoop ourselves to YOUR level.
But, still be warned !!!

Anonymous said...

CPP members are also Khmers.
But they,by in large are BAD Khmers.
They are bought and paid for by Hanoi.