Thursday, September 06, 2012

Hun Xen's "Close the door, beat the dog" military operation in Proma village - by Anonymous


Anonymous said...

The dogs will bite Kdor Ah Hun Sen who close the door and hit us.

Ah Knhom Yuon Hun Sen has never said a word about Yuon's barbarous acts toward Cambodia and Khmer people.

Ah Thork Teap Hun Sen will die in 2013 like the way Ah Hok Lundi did - by Runteas Banh Chhao.

Anonymous said...

Go back to Kveal Krarbey Dechor Hun Shit.

Anonymous said...

ម៉ាក់យាយចៅឃើញអាចឹកហេងស៊យឈរពី ក្រោយឆ្កែឈ្មោលទៀតហើយ
អើតាមតែវាចុះ អាមួយនឹងវាខ្ទើយ វាដើរតែធើក្តិត ឆ្កែចឹងអែង

Grandma, I saw Heng Xoy standing behind that male dog again.
It's ok, he's gay. He likes to screw the dogs in the ass all the time.

Anonymous said...

ម៉ាក់យាយចៅឃើញអាចឹកហេងស៊យឈរពី ក្រោយឆ្កែឈ្មោលទៀតហើយ
អើតាមតែវាចុះ អាមួយហ្នឹងវាដើរតែធើក្តិត ឆ្កែអញ្ចឹងអែង..........ក្តិតម៉ាក់យាយក៏ដូចគ្នាឱ្យតែម៉ាក់យាយភ្លើ....អាចឹកហេងស៊យឈរទយពីក្រោយ....ប៉ាច់ៗៗៗ.....ប៉ាច់ៗៗៗ !..........