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Norodom Soma |
Monday, 29 October 2012
ដោយៈ ដើមអម្ពិល(DAP)
ការសរសេរ អត្ថបទ ដែលថា ការ រៀបចំ នៅក្នុង វាំង មិនឲ្យ ព្រះ រាជវង្សានុវង្ស ចូលនេះ គឺជា មូលបង្កាច់ និងក្នុងចេតនា អាក្រក់ បំផុត។ភ្នំពេញ ៖ អ្នកនាំពាក្យរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា និងជារដ្ឋមន្រ្ដីក្រសួងព័ត៌មាន បានប្រតិកម្មចំពោះការ ចុះផ្សាយអត្ថបទព័ត៌មាន របស់កាសែតក្នុងស្រុកមួយ ដែលបាន លើកឡើងថា អនាគតរាជានិយម ស្ថិតក្នុងកណ្តាប់ដៃគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា ដោយការលើកឡើងនេះ ជាការបំបែកបំបាក់រវាងព្រះរាជវង្សានុវង្ស ជាមួយរាជ រដ្ឋាភិបាល ក៏ដូចជាគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាផងដែរ។
លោក ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ អ្នកនាំពាក្យរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា បានមានប្រសាសន៍ ក្នុងសន្និសីទកាសែត នៅថ្ងៃ ទី២៩ខែតុលាឆ្នាំ២០១២នាទីស្ដីការក្រសួងព័ត៌មានថាការចុះផ្សាយរបស់កាសែតភ្នំពេញ ប៉ុស្ដិ៍ កាលពីថ្ងៃទី២៦ ខែតុលាកន្លងទៅនេះ ដែលក្នុងភាសាអង់គ្លេស បានដាក់ ចំណងជើងថា«យើងគួរតែរួបរួមគ្នា»និងភាសាខ្មែរបានដាក់ចំណងជើង ថា «អនា គតរាជានិយម ស្ថិតក្នុងកណ្តាប់ដៃបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា» នោះ គឺជាការញុះញង់ និងចង់បំបែកបំបាក់ជាតិខ្មែរ ពិសេសបំបែកបំបាក់ រវាង ព្រះរាជវង្សានុវង្ស ជាមួយរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល និងបក្សប្រជាជន ផងដែរ។
លោកបន្តយ៉ាងដូច្នេះ «យើងឃើញថាអត្ថបទនេះជាអត្ថបទបញ្ឆេះធំណាស់ ឆ្លៀត ពេលដែលយើងមានទុក្ខសោកទាំងមូលហើយគាត់បានឆ្លៀតប្រើអត្ថបទនេះដើម្បីបង្កជាការបំបែកបំបាក់ក្នុងប្រទេសជាតិរបស់យើងផង បំបែកបំបាក់រវាងព្រះរាជរង្សានុវង្ស និងរាជ រដ្ឋាភិបាល ក៏ដូចជា បក្សប្រជាជនផង»។
អត្ថបទរបស់កាសែតភ្នំពេញប៉ុស្ដិ៍ ជាភាសាខ្មែរ ចុះផ្សាយកាលពីថ្ងៃទី២៦ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១២ សរសេរដោយឈ្មោះ នរោត្តម សោម៉ា ក្នុងទំព័រទី២ បានដាក់ចំណងជើង ថា អនាគតរាជានិយម ស្ថិតក្នុងកណ្តាប់ដៃបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា។ អត្ថបទនោះ បានសរសេរថា ក្នុងអំឡុងព្រះរាជពិធីបុណ្យ ព្រះបរមសពព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហនុ នៅថ្ងៃទី១៧ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១២ ខ្ញុំបានមើលឃើញផ្ទាល់ភ្នែកថា ការរួបរួម ក្នុងចំណោមគ្រួសាររាជវង្ស មានលក្ខណៈពុំរឹងមាំ និងមានការបែងចែកក្នុង រដ្ឋាភិបាលបច្ចុប្បន្ន។
ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហមុនី ជាព្រះមហាក្សត្រ តែគ្មានអំណាច ហើយរដ្ឋាភិបាល គឺជាអ្នកកាន់អំណាចទាំងស្រុង។ វាច្បាស់ នៅក្នុងព្រះរាជពិធីបុណ្យព្រះបរម សព នៅពេលសមាជិកគ្រួសាររាជវង្សមួយចំនួន មិនអាចចូលទៅក្នុងសាលព្រះរាជបល្ល័ង្ក នៃព្រះបរមរាជវាំងបាន ដើម្បីសម្តែងគារវកិច្ច ដល់សមាជិកគ្រួសារជា ទីស្រឡាញ់របស់ពួកគេ គឺព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុ។ សាលព្រះរាជបល្ល័ង្ក ពោរពេញទៅដោយមន្រ្តីរដ្ឋាភិបាល ប្រតិភូ និងឥស្សរជនសំខាន់ៗ មកពី បណ្តាប្រទេសអាស៊ី។ ខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ខ្ញុំស្ថិតនៅក្នុងកិច្ចប្រជុំកំពូលអាស៊ាន មិនមែនក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យព្រះបរមសព នៃសមាជិករាជវង្សជាទីស្រឡាញ់ និងជាទីគោរព របស់ខ្ញុំនោះទេ។
ការសរសេរអត្ថបទខាងលើនេះ ត្រូវបាន លោក ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ អ្នកនាំពាក្យរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា និរដ្ឋមន្រ្តីក្រសួងព័ត៌មានបញ្ជាក់ថា នៅក្នុងពិធីដង្ហែព្រះបរមសព អង្គសម្ដេចឪ យាងចូលព្រះបរមរាជវាំង កាលពីថ្ងៃទី១៧ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១២ កន្លងទៅនេះ សូម្បីមន្រ្ដីរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល គឺមិនមាននរណាម្នាក់បានចូលនោះទេ គឺមាន តែថ្នាក់ត្រឹមឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្ដីឡើងលើ ទើបអាចចូលបាន ក្រៅពីនោះគឺមានតែ ព្រះរាជវង្សានុវង្ស និងមន្រ្ដីជំនិត របស់អង្គសម្ដេច ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
លោកបញ្ជាក់ថា នៅក្នុងពិធីដង្ហែព្រះបរមសព អង្គសម្ដេចឪ យាងចូលព្រះបរមរាជវាំងនោះ ព្រះរាជវង្សានុវង្សមួយចំនួន ក៏មិនបានចូលទៅថ្វាយបង្គំនៅថ្ងៃនោះដែរ ដោយសារតែមានមនុស្សច្រើន ហើយការសរសេរអត្ថបទដែលថា ការរៀបចំនៅក្នុងវាំងមិនឲ្យព្រះរាជវង្សា នុវង្សចូលនេះ គឺជាមូលបង្កាច់ និងក្នុងចេតនាអាក្រក់ បំផុត។
រដ្ឋមន្រ្ដីក្រសួងព័ត៌មាន និងជាអ្នកនាំពាក្យរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល មិនទាន់បានចេញសេចក្ដីប្រកាស ឬការណែនាំណាមួយ ឲ្យចាងហ្វាងកាសែតភ្នំពេញប៉ុស្ដិ៍នោះ កែប្រែ អត្ថបទរបស់ខ្លួននៅឡើយទេ ដោយរង់ចាំ ឲ្យអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ក៏ដូចជាព្រះរាជវង្សានុវង្ស ជាអ្នកចេញសេចក្ដីប្រកាស ឬណែនាំវិញ ព្រោះ ឈ្មោះអ្នកសរសេរនេះ អាចខ្សែរាជវង្សានុវង្ស៕
លោកខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ ដ៏រប៉ិលរប៉ូចអើយ លោកមើល
ស្មានតែគ្មាននរណាដឹងហើយមើលទៅ ផោមក្នុងទឹក
មិនដូច្នោះទេមិនមែនស្ដេចខ្មែរល្ងង់ ឆោត ភ្លើ ឆ្កួត រហូត
ដល់ចុះព្រះហស្ថលេខា លួចលាក់លើសន្ធិសញ្ញាបន្ថែម ក្រោមការកម្រាមពីក្រុមចោរហារយណាម្នាក់នោះទេ។
អត្ថបទរបស់នរោត្តម សោម៉ា ពិតជាត្រឹមត្រូវឥតខ្ចោះ!
កម្ពុជា»និង "ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហមុនី ជា
ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ តែគ្មានអំណាច ហើយរដ្ឋាភិបាល គឺជាអ្នកកាន់អំណាចទាំងស្រុង"លោក ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ
បើមានបន្ទូលថា ៉ក្រោមត្រកូលព្រះបាទ ហ៊ុន សែន ទាំងស្រុង ៉ ប្រហែលជាកាន់តែត្រឹមត្រូវជាង។ ច្បាស់ណាស់!
Khiev Khanariddh is paid to say everything the Yuon/CPP(Hun Xen). He he is a useless robot of Yuon/CPP.
Soma is right 100% about the thugs in Cambodia.
Soma seems to be smart, she waited until the door opens for her to make a move to make "her name known" or to prove the public that she is a real royal blood, not a fake princess. And this a good time that Soma chose to do to kill 2 birds with one stone.
Here is how I see about Soma.
Soma appeared to be too proud of being a princess. but she has been criticized by the public of trying to brag about herself too much. Not even that Soma even claimed her title was Her Royal Highness (HRH) which she lied.
If in fact Norodom Vatvani is her real father, and her father's titled is only "Neak Ang Rajavong Norodom Vatvani" or His Highness (HH), then how could Soma is titled HRH?
Soma has some sort of education and she must be careful what she said lying to the public, to get respect and get a job, etc. People this day are too smart, all they just check her out, BINGO.
Since her name, her siblings and her mother are not included among the Royal family members recorded in the Data base maintained by Henry Soszynski, Soma makes herself known: first she criticized the thugs Yuon puppet, second she tells Henry Soszynski that she exists and she is a daughter of HH Norodom Vatvini.
If she will be included after a proper investigation by Hensy Soszynski, Soma must know no matter how proud she is part of Norodom, she has no title of HRH, and she is not a niece of this current King, King Norodom Sihamoni either.
She is a distant relative but the current King's niece.
King Sihamoni has only TWO proper nieces, daughters of his young late brother Norindarapong, and they are: HH Norodom Simonarine 1983, and HH Norodom Moninouk.
All the King's halve nieces/nephews, children of his halve-sisters and halve brothers there is no name of Soma at all.
Soma! until we see your name in the database maintained by Henry Soszynski, you are NOT entitled to be called/addressed as "princess".
អាម៉ីអាថោង ចាក់រុកទៀតហើយ
ចង់មិនចង់ អាសែនឆេះដុំរករឿងពួកស្ដេច
សំណល់ហ្នឹងទៀត ដើម្បីផ្គាប់ចិត្តយួនឬបើ
យួនចាក់បន្តិចផង អាខ្វាក់មុខជាលោត
ដូច្នេះ បណ្ឌិត កាន់ក្ដិតឯងជាមេភ្លើងដុត
កំដៅនិងកំចាយពូជខ្មែរឲ្យអស់ពីដីខ្មែរ តើ
ទៅអនាគត លោកឯងទៅនៅឯណា?
HRH title only for the direct descendent from a King or a former King, who reign the country.
In the case of the princess Norodom Soma, she did not have the right to use the title of HRR or HR, because her father was not a King or a former King.
Soma is the only person who enjoys to be known as a princess. She goes around telling lies about herself as HRH, and a niece of the King, bla, bla...
Her lies now back to slap her on the face. Because people checked out her background, then it ended of her bragging.
She is not HRH anything, not King Sihamini's niece. I am not sure she is a princess either.
Mr. Henry Soszynski recorded the world royal family members is very accurate.
Whoever this woman "Soma" is, she is telling the true that "King Sihamoni" has no power, and that King Sihamoni is Hun Sen's puppet, and Hun Sen is Yuon's puppet, thus the King is prisoner of Hun Sen/Yuon.
And that Ah Chumkourt Khiev Khanaridhh is Hun Sen's paper toilet, and Hun Sen is Yuon's paper toilet.
Exactly Miss Soma Norodom is not closely related to King Sihanouk and King Sihamoni either. Therefore, she has no title to anyone of them (HRH) or (HH).
It is so true that King Sihamoni has no power, and all the power is in the hand of Hun Sen (CPP) or Communist people party.
At least Soma has the courage to say the truth. I am glad Soma said all.
Well I did not see CPP's dog (Khannaridh) replied to that one that Monarchy is in the hand of CPP.
All the dog Khiev Khannaridh said "bombaek bombak between CPP and Monarchy".
4:30 am
We cannot understand what you're trying to tell us.
Can you say it in Khmer?
Some of the direct grand sons/daughters of the king father dont go around the city and make proud themselves like that. They remain modests. This woman is ruining all their effort to preserve their name in order wanting to be famous...one day she will be gang raped before being kicked out of the country...
What she said is true.
What you are saying, 5:57 AM for her to be gang rape is discussing, sick and bad for her or any female.
You should think about what you are saying.
5:57am, you're a sick individual.
To wish harm to your fellow Khmer for having the courage to speak out is disgusting.
If your daughter is a writer like Soma, would you feel good if your wish happens to her?
I guess you have learn nothing from Pol Pot.
She's a cutie! I'd do her and she can be my princess everyday of the week.
Sihamoni is a good King and a good man, he is doing what he can to honor his dad's will. Now the chapter is finished and it is time that he goes back to enjoy life in France with his mom and his 2 nieces.
No need to argue on Miss Somali view, the Cambodian on the streets know well that the real power is in the hands of PM HS and his CPP. He will tell all Cambodian that after Sihamoni, no Royal is fit to be King, so Cambodians have no choice but accept to continue with King Hun Sen. After all he promised loudly that he will protect the throne and the kingdom before Sihanouk corpse. You and me have to be customary with new brand Preah Karuna Hun Sen. Sound strange to me, isn't it?
Princess Soma is an American and she can say whatever she wants based on her personal feelings, observation, and conclusions. Her opinions are hers and hers alone. As an American with royal Khmer root, she is entitled to her freedom of speech guaranteed by the United States Constitution and I think by the Cambodian Constitution as well. Keep writing and speaking up about anything that concerns you, Prince Soma, especially about the royal families. However, take care not to reveal so much because the outside evil forces will find the opportunity to strike. We are very proud of you. Keep on writing and speaking up. At least for me, I enjoy learning about Cambodia from your personal experiences. For example, your writing on the Cambodian casinos, the selling of donated female underwears at the market, the late King Father, and the disunity of the royal families. Keep writing more.
5:57 AM
You are gone too far. Why are you so evil wishing someone to be gang raped? That is not going to happen. You know why we love her already with that article, and we pray for her.
Soma said the truth about CPP gangsters, and that King Sihamoni is having no power beside CPP's prisoner.
Those direct children and grandchildren of the late King Sihanouk are modest, OK.
Soma may not be King Sihanouk direct children/grand-children so what? At least she is brave and she spoke the truth.
Soma is not King Sihanouk's close relative, but she can be Khmer nationalists' princess, like princess Diana. With her first article good like this, Soma is Khmer people' princess.
It is up to people who see her work who like/love her work. As long as she is so brave like that, she will be Khmer people' princess and sweetheart.
Look at direct children and grand children of the King. Arunrasmi, the youngest daughter of the King is azz's kisser, and almost all of her siblings like Chakrapong, ..are no good at all.
Soma is Khmer people's truly princess with or without title HRH or HH, WHO CARES?
9:11 AM
No it is not Miss Soma it is Khmer people' princess. Read my comment at 11:58AM.
Hun Sen can dream on to be king, but the world never will accept him to be one. Not just they won't see him as king even an aristocrat Hun Sen is not in the list either. If that is so easy in this modern day, Saddam Hussein would have done/been already.
Hun Sen is always a low class, and he remains a gangster no matter how much money he has or how much power he can reach.
This is to Princess Soma Norodom.
With this first article you wrote, you won so many Khmer people' hearts. You are truly Princess, and don't worry about title. If Henry Soszynski does not include your name in his data base, we will demand that he must.
Another self-promoting Khmer-American. She must be the twi-sister of Theary Seng!!!!! And definitely she is not a HRH or even an HH.
Totally agree with you. What i have evoked related to gang rape is not a threat to her, but what could happen if speak too much like that... It happen to many people less speak out than her. You know the cambodian gangsta environment.. Dnt play too much and hit like that our actual leaders.
They are far to meet your western standard in term of democracy and education, but at least they do what they can especially when it is to lead a country with heavy past and strong present challenges. Critisizing without understanding local political science only lead to to no where and even worst personally. Everyone should do something more constructive. At the end everyone must appreciate the actual freedom in cambodia that is more compared to other asean countries...
It's not hard to understand how the communists operate. The local political machines that you've mentioned are there to guarantee the party's grip of power. That's all; communist governments around the world work the same way. You don't need to make excuses for them for looking for their interests instead of Khmer's.
By the way, is that political freedom that I should appreciate?
6:51 PM
You may have meant well, but what you said to the author of this article sounded very rude.
Soma Norodom said what she has seen and witnessed.
In Cambodia under these least educated and the most brutal people like Hun Sen and his clans (many General(s) with its own army carrying guns to shoot and to kill people) who're employed by Hanoi, it is going to be very difficult to win a battle of civilizational confidence with them. But no one should live in fear. Soma Norodom expressed her concern is just the beginning.
Hun Sen and his clans are Hanoi's visible army, and so many Vietnamese/Khmers who are in a death squad to assassinate Khmers who may pose a threat to their scheme and power. These thugs are from dysfunctional sitcom families, recruited/employed by Hanoi, presiding over their own crimes, and if no one stop them, they won't stop.
These Vietnamese invaders, Hun Sen and his clans think they have biggest dicks in Cambodia so they keep urinating on the Khmer people; well, Soma Norodom spoke up and million Khmers must also do and urinate back at them.
You said: "They are far to meet your western standard in term of democracy and education, but at least they do what they can especially when it is to lead a country with heavy past and strong present challenges. Critisizing without understanding local political science only lead to to no where and even worst personally. Everyone should do something more constructive. At the end everyone must appreciate the actual freedom in cambodia that is more compared to other asean countries."
WHAT IS IT? How can they if they are mostly uneducated brutal people?
What "Political Science" has to do with the "thugs from the jungle or Hanoi's employees" operate their crimes in Cambodia?
You need to shut up and listen to the majority' voice sometime. Are you one of them that invented by Hanoi?
Cambodia can be developed fast without Hanoi (expansionism) and its employees such as these thugs interfere.
These Vietnamese invaders and their employees' activities in illegal and stolen timber, control Cambodia economy to feed its own industries and army for more than 30 years, and you claimed you know "political science"?
You can use these words to fool those thugs, but don't say it to us.
I don't have time to write a reply to anyone, but your bizarre remarks caught my eyes.
But remember, no one should live in fear.
Ben X
PhD Candidate in Political Science
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