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ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ និងសម្តេចម៉ែ ស្វាគមន៍អ្នកកាន់ទុក្ខនៅមុខវាំង។ រូបថត មិនា |
Friday, 26 October 2012
នរោត្តម សោម៉ា
The Phnom Penh Post
អនាគតនៃរាជានិយមក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា បានស្ថិតក្នុងខួរក្បាលរបស់ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា ខណៈដែលពួកគេកំពុងកាន់មរណទុក្ខ ព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហនុ។ ប្រធានបទនេះ ត្រូវបានលើកឡើង ដោយប្រជាជនក្នុងប្រទេសផង និងថែមទាំងក្នុងវេទិកាអន្តរជាតិផង។
ប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយ អន្តរជាតិជាច្រើន បានសួរសំណួរខ្ញុំ អំពីអនាគតនៃរាជានិយម ក្នុងនោះមាន CNN AsiaAffairs.com និងទីភ្នាក់ងារព័ត៌មានអាល្លឺម៉ង់។ ជាអ្នកសារព័ត៌មានម្នាក់ ក្នុងប្រទេសដែលគ្មានសេរីភាពក្នុងការបញ្ចេញមតិ ការផ្សព្វផ្សាយពីការពិត ដោយមិនឲ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់អាជីពរបស់ខ្លួន គឺជាជំនាញមួយ។
ក្នុងអំឡុងព្រះរាជពិធីបុណ្យព្រះបរមសពព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហនុ នៅថ្ងៃទី ១៧ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១២ ខ្ញុំបានមើលឃើញផ្ទាល់ភ្នែកថា ការរួបរួម ក្នុងចំណោមគ្រួសាររាជវង្ស មានលក្ខណៈពុំរឹងមាំ និងមានការបែងចែកក្នុងរដ្ឋាភិបាលបច្ចុប្បន្ន។ ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហមុនី ជាព្រះមហាក្សត្រ តែគ្មានអំណាច ហើយរដ្ឋាភិបាលនិងបក្សប្រជាជនគឺជាអ្នកកាន់អំណាចទាំងស្រុង។
វាច្បាស់ណាស់ នៅក្នុងព្រះរាជពិធីបុណ្យព្រះបរមសព នៅពេលសមាជិកគ្រួសាររាជវង្សមួយចំនួន មិនអាចចូលទៅក្នុងសាលព្រះរាជបល្ល័ង្ក នៃព្រះបរមរាជវាំងបាន ដើម្បីសម្តែងគារវកិច្ច ដល់សមាជិកគ្រួសារជាទីស្រឡាញ់របស់ពួកគេ គឺព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រនរោត្តម សីហនុនោះទេ។ សាលព្រះរាជបល្ល័ង្គពោរពេញ ទៅដោយមន្រ្តីរដ្ឋាភិបាល ប្រតិភូ និងឥស្សរជនសំខាន់ៗ មកពីបណ្តាប្រទេសអាស៊ី។ ខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ខ្ញុំកំពុងស្ថិតនៅក្នុងកិច្ចប្រជុំកំពូលអាស៊ាន មិនមែនក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យព្រះបរមសពនៃសមាជិករាជវង្សជា ទីស្រឡាញ់ និងជាទីគោរពរបស់ខ្ញុំនោះទេ។
អ្នករិះគន់ បានលើកឡើងថា លោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ហ៊ុន សែន និងរដ្ឋាភិបាល គ្រប់គ្រងសង្វៀននយោបាយនិងរាជានិយមហើយនឹងបន្តគ្រប់ គ្រង ដរាបណាលោកនៅកាន់អំណាច។ រដ្ឋាភិបាលមានអំណាចក្នុងការសម្រេចថា តើសមាជិករាជវង្សអង្គណានឹងក្លាយជាព្រះមហាក្សត្របន្ទាប់។ សមាជិកក្រុមប្រឹក្សារាជសម្បត្តិដែលមានសមាជិក ៩ រូប មានលោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ប្រធានព្រឹទ្ធសភា ប្រធានរដ្ឋសភា និងមន្ត្រីជាន់ខ្ពស់មកពីគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាផ្សេងទៀត។ អនាគតរាជានិយម ស្ថិតក្នុងកណ្តាប់ដៃរបស់ពួកគេ។
គ្រួសាររាជវង្សកម្ពុជា គ្មានអំណាច និងគ្មានទ្រព្យសម្បតិ្តទេ ខុសពីគ្រួសាររាជវង្សនៅប្រទេសថៃ និងអង់គ្លេស។ ការគ្មានអ្នកស្នងព្រះរាជសម្បតិ្តបន្ត ពីព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហមុនី ជាក្តីកង្វល់ចំពោះអ្នករាជានិយម និងអ្នកគាំទ្រមួយចំនួន។ អ្នកខ្លះជឿជាក់ថា រាជានិយមនឹងបាត់បង់ទៅបន្តិចម្តងៗ។ ខ្ញុំបានមើលឃើញការបែងចែកក្នុងចំណោមសមាជិកគ្រួសាររាជវង្សរបស់ខ្ញុំផ្ទាល់ នៅថ្ងៃនៃពិធីកាន់មរណ ទុក្ខព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហនុ។ យើងទាំងអស់គ្នា មកទីនេះ ដើម្បីកាន់មរណទុក្ខ ព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ ហើយសមាជិកគ្រួសាររាជវង្សខ្ញុំមួយចំនួន មិនបាននិយាយជាមួយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមកទេ។ ខ្ញុំមិនបានចូលរួមបំពេញមុខងារគ្រួសាររាជវង្សទេ ព្រោះខ្ញុំមានកាតព្វកិច្ចត្រូវថែទាំព្រះបិតារបស់ខ្ញុំ ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំចង់បង្រួបបង្រួមគ្រួសាររបស់យើង។
ប្រសិនបើយើង មិនអាចមានទំនាក់ទំនងល្អ ក្នុងគ្រួសាររបស់យើងទេនោះ តើអ្វីដែលធ្វើឲ្យយើងគិតថា យើងអាចនាំសន្តិភាពមកជូនប្រទេសកម្ពុជា? «រួបរួមគ្នាយើងឈរ បែកបាក់គ្នាយើងដួល» ជាបាវចនាល្បីមួយ ពីសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ដែលលើកឡើងថា នៅពេលយើងរួបរួមគ្នា យើងមិនអាចទទួលបរាជ័យបានទេ ប៉ុន្តែនៅពេលអ្នកនៅតែម្នាក់ឯង អ្នកអាចទទួលបរាជ័យ។
ជាមួយនឹងការគ្រប់គ្រងផ្តាច់មុខរបស់គណបក្ស ប្រជាជនបច្ចុប្បន្នហើយនឹងការបែងចែកក្នុងចំណោមសមាជិកគ្រួសារ រាជវង្ស អនាគតរបស់រាជានិយម ហាក់ដូចជាស្រអាប់។ ភាពភ័យខ្លាច អាចរីកឡើងក្នុងភាពងងឹត។ នៅពេលអ្នកប្រឈមនឹងភាពភ័យខ្លាចដោយមានពន្លឺអ្នកនឹងឈ្នះ៕
រឿងអត់ស្ដេច ឬ មានស្ដេច វាពិតជាមិនមែនជាការ
បង្ករឱ្យមានបញ្ហាចំពោះប្រជាជនខ្មែរទេ សូមជ្រាប
ឱ្យច្បាស់ រឿងដែលសំខាន់ គឺរឿង អាយួនឯណោះ
កម្ពុជាឱ្យបានឆាប់រហ័ស មុនចិន៕
Evil family. 3 million death because of them.
I don't like Hun Sen but I think he can do a better job than these dumb king.
do away you dumb king with your family.
Dumb king was in major dancing, not econmic, and he runs the country into the ground just kike his stupid ex-king hell father.
Hell just got his stupid father. 3 million death souls are very happy now that they had just met with him face to face.
I hope these stupid king read email sometimes, so they get the feeling that people don't like him.
Of course in Cambodia people don't know any better. They pretend to be sad, but most of them want to make sure the idiot king was death.
When the king was in power he ordered to killed and murdered anybody who was against him , it meant they had different political opinion. They were khmer nationalists such as Lok Eiv Keus, Sisowath Yutevong, lok Preap Inn, lok Mathoura, lok Sao Nguy, lok Chau Borey and the 3 millions in 1975 to 79. Some of killings were shown in every cinema in the country . In western and european countries, do not allow the criminal person like Sihanouk to lead the country.
8:28 PM
Your comment is so pro Hun Sen which means you are so pro Yuon. Therefore you are Yuon.
ការវិភាគ របស់ 11:54 PM ស័ក្កសម ឡូហ្ស៊ិក
8:35 PM
Only Yuon would say 3 million deaths by King Sihanouk. I say Yuon killed million Khmers inside Srok Khmer. Yuon were/are the ones who have committed genocide against Khmers, against Montagnards against Cham.
You dare to read the Yuon's GENOCIDAL History?
I bet you are damn scared to know the truth about your Yuon monsters.
My King did not ask to be King, it was Yuon/CPP begged him to do so. The King read and he knows that his real Khmer people many live him.
10:07 PM
You are too stupid did not even know that those names were recruited by Yuon Ngo Dinh Diem and Thai, the US's clients to destroy the unity of Khmers.
At that time Khmers were just freed from France but fell into trap of Communist v. Capitalist.
Khmers were brainwashed by Yuon and many brainwashed by US's clients. They were not ONE while the nation was at risk. As the leader and for the sake of the nation, he had to do what it must, and these people should be stopped.
I bet you are too stupid to understand what are in here. I bet you don't dare to read the real players who used Cambodia as a pawn and who killed million Khmers. It was YUON.
Correct/ post 12:00AM
My King did not ask to be King, it was Yuon/CPP begged him to do so. The King read and he knows that his real Khmer people many love him.
Wow too many fat monks, there must be many Yuon/CPP soldiers among them.
Poor the poor Khmers who cannot feed themselves but they have to feed these million lazy monks.
Buddhists Destroyed NATIONS.
reply to 10:07 PM
"When the king was in power he ordered to killed and murdered anybody who was against him , it meant they had different political opinion. They were khmer nationalists such as Lok Eiv Keus, Sisowath Yutevong, lok Preap Inn, lok Mathoura, lok Sao Nguy, lok Chau Borey and the 3 millions in 1975 to 79. Some of killings were shown in every cinema in the country . In western and european countries, do not allow the criminal person like Sihanouk to lead the country."
You are absolutely right! Thank for posting it. Good Job
10:07 PM
reply to 11:54 PM and 12:00 AM
1st statement:
"Your comment is so pro Hun Sen which means you are so pro Yuon. Therefore you are Yuon."
1) answer:
Are you stupid? I said I don't like Hun Sen (same as Viet and you)....I don't like the king and hun sen and you (stupid Khmer.)
2nd Question from 12:00 AM:
2) answer:
You are absolutely a moron. Sihanouk was a killer of all Khmers. 3 million deaths(period.) stop blame some one else. it was khmers killed khmers. Except full responsibility, Moron.
Go on an independent website, you will see dumb xihanouk loved to hangout in the Communist China and North Korea. His stupid body guards were from North Korea.
Once again I don't like Veit Xihanouk, Hun Sin, and you (stupid moron pretend to know everything.)
សីហមុនី គួរចុះចាកបល្ល័ង្កអត់មកុដមករាំបាឡេ
នៅបារាំងវិញទៅ បើមិនចង់មានកេរ្ដិ៍ឈ្មោះស្អុយ
ថាស្ដេចលក់ដីនោះទេ ឲ្យហ៊ុន សែនសោយរាជ្យ
ទៅ ព្រោះវាចង់ធ្វើដូចស្ដេចកនណាស់ ។
Noro-dumb Sihanouk was the "most" coward leader in the world. He would not stand on his own feet and fight back like other leaders.
During Lon Nol's uprising, Xihanouk fled the country so fast.
During Viet invasion in 1979, Sihanouk fled the country so fast.
During the uprsing during the post UN, Xihanouk and his dumb son Ran-Ah-Rid fled the country so fast.
During the late arguement with the One Eye King, Sihanoukd and son fled to China so fast.
You don't see king of Thailand do that, only the King of Cambodia.
Welcome to Cambodia.
I wonder when is the moron King is going to flee the country like his father, brother, and uncle? I guess it is run in the family.
reply to 12:08am
At that time Sihanouk lied to khmer people and the world that Cambodia was an independent State. But behind close door Sihanouk made commitment
with the communist vietcong and China. Sihanouk was afraid to loose power and kicked American out of the country. Sihanouk killed all khmer serey. Sihanouk let the communist took care the ham. He thought he
could stay in power for ever. He did not protect his people and his country.Finally he could not hide and handle anymore he dropped the broken rock on Lon Nol and ran away. At last end up with 3 millions got killed by the communist. He did not fit as a leader. The truth is the truth. Sir if you live in the free world (USA),shame on you.
Sihanouk got independence from France one way but lost Khmer Krom to yourn the other way for exchange. Sihanouk lived in the palace with vietcongs from the cook , laundry person to his bedroom. If Sihanouk were a real leader who loved and sacrificed for the country, he would choose which would benefit to the people and the country not for power and himself.
Replied to 7:20 AM
You wrote very well. You statement is "absolutely" truthful and correct. I wished I have your skills.
I bow my head and salute you for excellent written.
Thank You
These two with light skin were look more European and did not look like Khmer. Wonder why 3 million were death in the head of their families.
They are not my king. I respect a homeless more than the fake and useless king of Cambodian and Queen Monique.
In fact, Sihanouk and his accomplices did have their very own plan. Sihanouk must leave Cambodia to allow the Vietcong attacking Cambodia and use his fugue as pretext to force Khmer people to join the Khmero-vietcong movement by victimising Sihanouk of a ‘false’ coup Etat’ complot. Hanoi did need few Khmer to be mask on their real force. Then without this obscure plan, the Vietnamese would not have enough Khmer elements to archive their plan then they have to accomplish the dirty works with their proper hands which is something so delicate. The Vietnamese need to handle their baneful plan very carefully if they don’t want to have problem with Khmer people one they will officially occupy Cambodia to lead that long vietnamisation and their political of slow and invisible extermination of Khmer people as they are doing actually.
Continuing from 8:47 PM
Five days after the official destitution of Sihanouk or the complot of false ‘Coup Etat Mar 18 1970” in Cambodia, Sihanouk reached China where he created at March 23 1970 at Peking; Army Liberation Front and Unit National Front which armed to military and politically support the Khmero-Vietcong.
From that day, Sihanouk accelerated the killing field mechanic already in place. Since China, Sihanouk violently insulted Khmer people, Lon Nol, Serimatak, ….. ect… He placed himself as a miserable victim of an injustice and a dirty complot to incite Khmer people to joint Khmero-Vietcong movement.
P.Ponchaud was one arrested by Vietcong in Cambodia during that period testified that ‘Vietcongs have completely invaded Cambodia in that period. While he was one arrested by Vietcong he saw the Vietcong diffused the message of the king sihanouk telling Khmer people to join the resistance. This is how many of them joined the Khmero-vietcong movement by love for Sihanouk’
8:47PM again....
In some regions, the Vietcong got the message or consign of the king Sihanouk as protection or to show Khmer people that they come in the name of Sihanouk. At April 17 1970, Time News papers reported (1) that the Vietcong army force named themselves as the powerful army of Sihanouk. They went in many Khmer villages from East to West to force Khmer people to join their movement which they named it with Sihanouk since 1963, the ‘Khmer rouge’, a name forged from the Khmer-vietminh panel, a Yuon’s resistance in Khmer appearance in reality. This is how the real Khmer rouge (Khmero-yuon) movement was formed.
8:47 PM .....again....
Along seventies, Lon Nol force has arrested and killed many of Khmero-Vietcong on many battle fronts on Khmer territory. Many tonne of Vietnamese military munitions were seized by Khmer force. A war that many named as civil war in reality it was with the Vietcong. Cambodia was in war with Vietnam. At that time, 99% of those who commit terrorist act all over Cambodian territory were Vietnamese.
According to ‘Le monde of Juin 6 1970’ it was the general Giap who was the chef commander of the operation in Cambodia during that period. Those are what we call ‘Coup Etat 18Mars 1970 in Cambodia”
In an interview accorded to Paris Match May 3 1975 (1-2), Sihanouk revealed a such atrocious premeditated crime that he wanted to afflict to Khmer people. He said “Mother Queen who had abandoned me behind my back, I’ll humiliate her. The bourgeois of Phnom Penh who betrayed their chief and their motherland, I’ll humiliate them. And to punish them, I will not enter in the capital with my troupe, I will order to chasse them out at first. I don’t want to reinstall after the liberation. …. – Lon Nol, it’s Laval- I will shoot him naturally but as he is a Khmer and as all Khmers are my child, I will shoot him with tenderness (Paris Match May 3 1975, interviewed by M.Allain Peyrefitte - Extract from the Thesis Papers - "Myht of the Genocide in Cambodia "-
8:47PM again....
-ដោយទាំងសម រង្ស៊ី (អាយ៉ងហ៊ុន សែន)
-កឹម សុខា (ជាមនុស្សរបស់យួន)!
ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនគ្មានសល់
គឺយួនវាអកស៊ី ទាំងនគរបាត់ទៅហើយ!
CAMBODIA តែឈ្មោះទេ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
គឺ....ÑÂM̀B́ƠĐỈÂ !
1:51 AM
You are Yuon.
My King killed no his people but Yuon, the Yuon expansionism.
8:59 PM
I read it, but if you read/study when the Communists were fighting with the Capitalist (US), Zhou En Lai spoke out louder that Sihanouk's mother was not just a Queen mother, but she was meddling around with politics that would cause risk to the nation. China called her queen dowager. Prince Sihanouk had to make this statement to earn China trust. It was the time South Vietnam (Dinh Diem) and Thailand (Pridi)were escalating attacking Cambodia under US command.
It was recorded in the secret meeting of Zhou En Lai and his counterpart.
ឆ្អឹងខ្មែរបីលាន...មិនមែន NORODOM SIHANOUK & POL POT & TA MOK ទេ!
និងអាហ៊ុន សែន អាមេអបគមន៍!
(1975...2012...2013 ?????.....)
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