Sunday, November 25, 2012

Golden memories . . .

បេះបានឬទេ? - Sinn Sisamouth

បទុមសុរិយាអូន - Sinn Sisamouth & Ros SereySothea
ម្លប់ដើមស្រឡៅ - Sinn Sisamouth

ជួបដោយចៃដន្យ - ស៊ីន ស៊ីសាមុត

រដូវច្រូតកាត់ - ស៊ីន ស៊ីសាមុត


Anonymous said...

Super Bessbanrethe and bothomsoriya!!I like more make me want to go over soon.Thanks for these song!Preas chinevong i moony of you LoL!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone on this website is complaining about how many youn spies are in Cambodia but never refused to consider how many Chinese spies exist in Cambodia from 1952 until this day...............................

Anonymous said...

Yawning is just President Obama's way of displaying that he he is tired, bored, of 30 years of Hun Xen's tyranny, dictatorship rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The postern wanted, that we relax and list these nice songs.
Therefore we should enjoy and relern the real higher value of our Khmer peosies.

Anonymous said...

Bes Bann Reu Te wasn't sung by Sin Sisamouth.