Friday, November 16, 2012

Norodom Sihanouk, Servir le Cambodge


Servir le Cambodge

entretien et réalisation : Dominique Gallet et Mona Makki

L’ancien Roi du Cambodge Norodom Sihanouk vient de disparaître. Autour d’un entretien exclusif, Espace francophone présente un portrait de celui qui a incarné contre vents et marées au XXème siècle la permanence de l’identité khmère et qui, dans les années soixante, a été l’un des pionniers du projet de communauté francophone.

Norodom Sihanouk parle de ses parents, de son enfance et de son éducation, de ses influences spirituelles comme de ses choix politiques, de son attachement au Général de Gaulle et du discours de Phnom Penh, de la tragédie cambodgienne mais également de son espérance pour le peuple khmer.

L’émission Norodom Sihanouk, servir le Cambodge sera diffusée par France 3 le mercredi 14 novembre (vers 1h du matin) puis par les chaînes de l’outre-mer français, Canal France international, Télé-Bruxelles ainsi qu’une trentaine de télévisions nationales francophones.

Par ailleurs, elle pourra être visionnée à partir du jeudi 15 novembre à 8h00 sur le site du magazine Espace francophone par ce lien :


Anonymous said...

Norodom Sihanuk was a good person and he loved Cambodia but the results of his irresponsible in his leadership that make Cambodia suffer until now.

To be a leader must take responsible in every actions, not shift blame to other because at the end results millions khmers died and Cambodia get more suffer.

Anonymous said...

Norodom Sihanouk was the person who kicked UN forces out of Cambodia that lead to Cambodia more suffer as to day.

The art of Norodom Sihanouk was try to gain credit by kicking UN forces out of Cambodia and he believed that he can united the two prime ministers under him but his action is clear make Cambodia suffer until today.

The world and UN have gave Cambodia a chance of fair election and real democracy but Norodom Sihanouk was kick off this chance out of Khmer people. The results khmers prolong more suffer as today.

To be a leader must put the country first not himself try to gain credit by using unite all khmers and kick UN forces out. If he allow UN forces to help Cambodia as UN planes that time Cambodia will be better by now.

The khmers suffer was created by the irresponsibility leaders, not other nation to blame.

Anonymous said...

Norodom Sihanouk joined Pol Pot was result millions of innocent khmers died.

Norodom Sihanouk was kicked UN forces out of Cambodia that time result in Cambodia suffer and lack of democracy and human right violent every where in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OH! if I knew it was about King Father, I wouldn't changed the channel ... it's because I saw de Gaulle, then I changed....

Anonymous said...

12:15 PM

keu aH cHOY mRAY huN xEn,
vea samlab KHMERS
jreun jeang lok POL POT.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk was an Evil person. He was not a Cambodian blood line. Everything about him, was about China and North Korean. His body guards were from North Korea and Medical check ups and his palace in the Communist China.

He kicked the UN out because his dumb and womanizer son( Ranarid)was winning the election then. He said "no" to term limit for priminsiter position because his son initially won big votes. He closed cases of his son corruptions of selling properties and kept the money from donations.

He let and provided santuary to the VietCongs to stay in Cambodia. He kicked the French out who protected Cambodia from its neighbors, after that, the Saims and Viets were butchering us.

He kicked the American out during the Vietnam war because of that Vietcongs were all over in Cambodia. I can go "On and On".

His Resume was very "bad" and "evil" as a leader of a small nation. He should be trailed with these Khmer Rouge killers. It was him who told the "dumb" Cambodian farmers to go to the jungle and fight the war. However, when it was "time" for accountibility, he kept himself silent and pretended it did "not" exist. He never "admitted" to his numerous mistakes. He "only" took credit the good things, which was done by other people. He was a horrible singer and composer. He was not a good movie actor. He was a party builders and organizer, while the neighbor built up their militaries.

3 million people in the unmarked graves were welcome to see him.