Friday, November 16, 2012

Obama to meet China, Japan PMs

US President Barack Obama makes his way to board Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Obama will meet next week with the premiers of China and Japan at a time of high tensions between Asia's two largest economies, the White House said Thursday
AFP News – 11/15/2012

US President Barack Obama will meet next week with the premiers of China and Japan at a time of high tensions between Asia's two largest economies, the White House said Thursday.

Obama will meet Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Tuesday on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in Cambodia, deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes told a press conference call.

Rhodes said that Obama will also meet in Cambodia with leaders who are part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed free trade pact. Obama will earlier visit US ally Thailand and pay a historic trip to Myanmar.

China and Japan's historically tense relations have become significantly worse in recent months as nationalist activists on both sides stake claims to islands in the East China Sea claimed by both countries.

However, Wen and Noda could both be out of office soon. China on Thursday unveiled a new leadership in which Li Keqiang is on course to become premier. Noda has called a December 16 election in which he faces a tough challenge from the conservative Liberal Democratic Party.


500riel_toilet said...

I don't think CPP Hun Sen is reading KI. I know because he would have read about china,japan, thailand and other SEA changing leadership.

With all of their ph.d, you'd think they can read a simple blog.

Anonymous said...

If you want to rise up like Arab Spring, the right time is when President Obama comes visiting Cambodia. The key is to produce mass demonstration walk without scare of death to inform all your suffer to President Obama and the world, than President Obama can't refuse the facts and the truth about human right violent in Kingdom of Cambodia.

Do it or never!

Anonymous said...

When the president Obama visites Cambodia the world will pay more attention to Cambodia and this is the time that you must rise up to show your suffer and human right violent. But the successful demonstration require massive people that walk without fear of death. The sacrify of your lives will start the revolution.

Base on advance mathematic prediction! Do it or never! It is your choice for yourself and your country!

Anonymous said...

​O B A M A, ចេញទៅមួលក​ អា​ខ្វាក់!