Sunday, November 25, 2012

President Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, and the Bombing of Cambodia

B52 bomb crater in Rattanakiri, Cambodia

Bombing Cambodia - Nixon, Kissinger, and the Khmer Rouge

Cambodia in clasp of cluster bombs 

“Dozens of towns, villages, and hamlets were destroyed and burnt to ensure that they could no longer serve as a base or sanctuary for communist forces. There was no attempt to discriminate between innocent Cambodians and the enemy during these assaults. American and South Vietnamese forces Committed acts of rape, looting, and burning to retaliate for the murder of South Vietnamese.”

Excerpted from the book “Lying for Empire” - How to Commit War Crimes With A Straight Face

by David Model

The United States, apprehensive about Southeast Asia becoming part of the Soviet sphere of influence, were willing to commit whatever resources were needed to incorporate it into the American Empire. American military leaders believed that Cambodian territory was providing a transportation route from North to South Vietnam and a haven where North Vietnam established its headquarters. Despite the fact that in the 1960s and early 1970s, Cambodia was safely in the American camp, its use by North Vietnam was becoming a problem.

In 1969, President Richard Nixon and his National Security Advisor, Henry A. Kissinger, unleashed B-52 carpet bombing for over fourteen months against a people who still tilled the soil with water buffalo. The 3,500 bombing sorties resulted in 600,000 deaths. The American bombing of Cambodia was a closely guarded secret primarily because the U.S. was not at war with Cambodia.
“Given the burden of evidence, it was impossible not to agree with Hanoi's assertions that "In Cambodia, a former island of peace... no one smiles today. Now the island is soaked with blood and tears... Cambodia is hell on earth."
          -William Shawcross

Not only did Nixon and Kissinger not seek the necessary approval from Congress to bomb Cambodia, they tried to conceal the bombing not only from the American public but Congress as well. Nixon and Kissinger believed that these hideous lies were imperative to hold on to South Vietnam as part of the American Empire..

Following the bombing, many peasants were so outraged at the United States and their puppet leader in Cambodia that they chose to join the Khmer Rouge, a marginal revolutionary communist group whose ranks swelled to a major force. After taking power, the Khmer Rouge unleashed a reign of terror killing over one million people.

The French reestablished control over Cambodia in late 1945 but a new spirit of independence posed a challenge to the French. Cambodia was granted autonomy within the French Union on January 7, 1946. Although a Cambodian army was created as a symbol of independence, the French retained control over public order, foreign relations, and public services. France succeeded in maintaining its control until 1953.
“One effect of the invasion was to drive the Vietnamese forces away from the border and deeper into Cambodia, where they began to support the growing peasant resistance against the coup leaders [Lon Nol, et al].”

Although Prince [Norodom] Sihanouk owed his crown to the French, he was well aware of the growing demand for independence and decided to pursue the route of negotiation rather than armed conflict. As the opposition became more impatient, Sihanouk dissolved the Assembly and declared martial law in 1952. The next step in his campaign was to travel to France to demand independence for Cambodia but he was ignored by the French. The French were preoccupied with their war in Vietnam, a more valuable colony than Cambodia. To embarrass the French, Sihanouk departed for voluntary exile in Bangkok and then Battambang, proclaiming his refusal to return to his palace until Cambodia was independent. The French conceded and Sihanouk returned home to an independent Cambodia. The Geneva Peace Accords proclaimed that Cambodia would be guaranteed the right to remain neutral and non-aligned. It also committed Cambodia to a constitutional monarchy with elections open to everyone.

Despite the growth of his popularity after achieving independence, Sihanouk was apprehensive about his powers if the republican-minded Democratic Party, who was determined to abolish the monarchy, won the next election. His strategy was to abdicate the throne in favor of his father and to pursue his political aspirations. Sihanouk announced that he would establish a truly democratic party and end the rule of privilege. He formed a political movement called the Sangkum Reastr Niyum (People's Socialist Community) and because of his popularity, he had the support of the mass of the peasantry and several other political parties who feared annihilation at the polls. In 1955, Prince Sihanouk was elected premiere.

Over the next ten years, tension between Sihanouk and the United States intensified as American armed forces in South Vietnam made sorties over the Cambodian border and the U.S. attempted to shift Sihanouk's loyalty from pro-communist neutrality to pro-American.
Sihanouk was not really interested in democracy and therefore he ignored the Geneva accords by closing the opposition newspapers and harassing the opposition leaders. His strong-arm tactics did not backfire because of a strong political base among the peasantry.
The United States pressured Sihanouk to join the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) which included the U.S., Britain, France, Pakistan, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand. Washington viewed SEATO as an organization capable of containing China and protecting Southeast Asia from Chinese domination. Sihanouk refused to recognize SEATO because of his policy of pro-communist neutrality.

Other actions on the part of Sihanouk were cause for alarm to the Americans such as his establishing relations with the Soviet Union and Poland, accepting aid from China, and making overtures to North Vietnam. Although he seemed to be courting relations with communist countries, he did not hesitate to criticize them when Cambodia's neutrality was threatened.

The United States employed two strategies to pressure Sihanouk to move more into the American camp. One was the use of aid and the other was to step up military activities along the Thai-Cambodian and VietnameseCambodian borders.

Sihanouk deeply resented the efforts of the Americans to pressure him into abandoning his neutrality in favour of a pro-American position. He was concerned that too many of his generals and ministers were becoming overly dependent on American assistance. After the assassination of Diem in 1963, as an expression of his determination to be independent and neutral, Sihanouk implemented a program of economic reforms and nationalization. He then repudiated American economic and military aid programs and insisted that the United States shut down their aid missions.

“The enormity of Nixon's lies afforded him the opportunity to commit atrocities in Cambodia bordering on genocide. In the Nixon impeachment hearings, the fourth article of impeachment charged that Nixon:
... had violated his constitutional oath of office in that he "on and subsequent to March 17, 1969, authorized, ordered and ratified the concealment from Congress of the facts and the submission to Congress of false and misleading statements concerning the existence, scope, and nature of American bombing operations in Cambodia and derogation of the power of Congress to declare war... and by such conduct warrants impeachment and trial and removal from office."

          [Shawcross - Sideshow]

The Downfall of Cambodia
Sihanouk's neutrality and his relationship with the two most powerful groups in Cambodia, the urban elite and the officer corps, proved to be his downfall. It also proved to be the downfall of Cambodia as American bombing intensified under his successor and social order disintegrated. T. D. Allman, in Anatomy of a Coup, observed that:
... anti-Sihanouk forces' main complaint-when all the charges boiled down-was that the prince, during almost three decades of one-man rule, had deprived the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the army of their traditional slice of the financial action and of their accustomed place in the sun. It was an upper-class coup not a revolution.

Sihanouk's new Prime Minister, General Lon Nol, was not neutral but an enemy of the Vietnamese Communists and therefore, useful to the United States. The political and military elites in Cambodia and officer corps including American-friendly Lon Nol were confident that the overthrow of Sihanouk would meet with American approval.

The American military and CIA considered Sihanouk an enemy and Green Beret teams commanded by Americans conducted forays into Cambodian territory on intelligence-gathering missions which numbered 1,000 in 1969 and 1970 (Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power). A highly secret Special Forces unit was collecting intelligence on Sihanouk before the coup.

Although there has been controversy about the extent of American involvement in the coup to overthrow Sihanouk, there is documented evidence that the United States not only encouraged the coup but offered to support it. Samuel R. Thorton, an intelligence specialist who had been assigned to the U.S. navy in Saigon, has written that General Lon Nol was seeking a military and political commitment from the United States after the overthrow of Sihanouk. Thorton wrote that the United States offered to actually participate in the coup and that the plan was code named "Dirty Tricks." The operation involved the hiring of mercenaries to infiltrate the Cambodian army if military support was needed and a plan to have Lon Nol declare a national emergency calling for American military intervention in Cambodia to destroy communist sanctuaries.

In late February or early March of 1969, operation "Dirty Tricks" was approved by Washington with the message that there was interest in the plan at "the highest level of government," strongly implying that either President Nixon or one of his top advisors had personally approved the plan. Nol objected to the plan on the grounds that neither he nor the Americans would be capable of quelling the popular uprising that would ensue. He suggested that the coup be executed when Sihanouk was on one of trips to France. The Americans responded that their support would be forthcoming but that publicly the United States would have to tread carefully to avert international criticism.

In March 1970, while Sihanouk was in Paris, Lon Nol exploited anti.. Vietnamese sentiment by organizing demonstrations to protest Sihanouk's tolerance of communist sanctuaries in Cambodia in order to discredit his policies. The cabinet cabled Sihanouk in Paris announcing a radical change in military and foreign policy. Sihanouk's efforts to escape the imminent coup failed and on Wednesday, March 18, 1970, the assembly met to terminate an era in the history of Cambodia by voting Sihanouk out of office

Planners of the American war in Vietnam realized that as long as North Vietnam was able to supply its forces down the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos and Cambodia and at the same time provide sanctuaries for those forces, the war was not winnable. Having identified COSVN (Central Office for South Vietnam-Viet Cong headquarters) HQ facilities in Base Area 353, the Americans deemed it necessary to destroy it even though the area contained 1,640 Cambodians of whom 1,000 were peasants. The decision to bomb Area 353 led to a secret, massive bombing campaign inside Cambodia that has been recorded as one of the major evil deeds of history.

... Richard M. Nixon assumed office in January of 1969 and appointed Henry A. Kissinger as his National Security Advisor, a position which was restructured to transfer extraordinary power to Kissinger which enabled him to devise national security and foreign policy. Alexander M. Haig, Jr. became military assistant and then chief deputy to Kissinger.
During Kissinger's first week in office, the Pentagon reported to the White House that a defector had pinpointed the exact location of COS\TN. The legitimacy of this information was supposedly verified by other intelligence sources. General Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff advocated a "short-duration, concentrated B-52 attack" on COSVN in order to counter an imminent North Vietnamese offensive. ..

... Air Force Colonel Ray B. Sitton, an aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Alexander M. Haig were summoned by Nixon to meet with him and Kissinger in Brussels to discuss the proposed B-52 bombing strikes. Sitton, Haig, and Kissinger, while waiting for President Nixon, began discussing the bombing of Cambodia. Kissinger's overriding concern was secrecy. He did not want Congress, the American public, or the world to know that the United States was planning to bomb a country with which it was not at war and violate their neutrality.

To preserve the secrecy of the bombing, Kissinger was prepared to bypass the Strategic Air Command's normal command and control system. His obsession with secrecy was so strong that he did not want the crews bombing Cambodia to be aware of their targets.

Kissinger reported the outcome of the discussions to President Nixon. Nixon then consulted his Secretary of Defense, Melvin R. Laird, and Secretary of State, William Rogers and was warned that there would be intense criticism from both Congress and the press if word of the missions leaked out. Nixon's and Kissinger's obsession with Congress and the media motivated them to ask Sitton to devise a reporting procedure that would ensure absolute secrecy.

The clandestine operation began with a cable from President Nixon to Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker (American Ambassador to South Vietnam) explaining that there were to be no more discussions about the bombing of Cambodia and with full knowledge that despite its top-secret classification, the cable would be read by dozens of senior officers and military clerks.

The plan to destroy Area 353 involved sending 60 B-52 aircraft on a regular bombing mission to legitimate targets in South Vietnam. Forty-eight of them would be surreptitiously diverted to targets inside Cambodia if the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent the signal "Execute repeat Execute Operation Breakfast." Without the signal, all 60 planes would bomb targets in South Vietnam.

Critical to the secrecy of the operation was the dual reporting system created by Sitton. Before takeoff, the B-52 crews were given their normal briefing for targets in South Vietnam, most of which were cover targets. After the normal briefing, the pilots and navigators of the planes heading for Cambodia would be pulled aside by their commanding officer and told to expect special instructions from a ground radar station inside South Vietnam. Computers at the radar station would take control of the navigation system in the B-52s, guide them to their real targets in Cambodia, and compute the precise moment when the bombs should be released. After the bombing had been completed, the bomber's radio operator would call his base to report that the mission had been accomplished and the intelligence division at the base would enter the South Vietnamese coordinates in the official report. Major Hal Knight, commander of the radar crews, would collect any paperwork related to the real targets and burn them.

At the completion of the missions, the pilots would return to their home bases for a debriefing on the cover targets in South Vietnam. The evaluation of the bombing mission would then be reported in the Pentagon's secret command and control system as if the mission took place over South Vietnam.

The men who worked on the ground radar sites in South Vietnam were provided with top-secret target instructions a few hours before each mission by a special courier flight from Saigon. The radar operators in South Vietnam knew the real targets but maintained secrecy until the Watergate hearings in 1973.

When it became clear that Viet Cong headquarters had eluded American bombers, more bombing missions inside Cambodia seemed to be necessary to achieve the objective of destroying COSVN. Once the ice had been broken and the bombing had not been discovered by the media, subsequent missions would not be as difficult. The lack of protest from Sihanouk also facilitated further missions.

The next target selected, Base Area 609, code-named "Lunch," was also suspected of harbouring COSVN, not to mention the 198 Cambodians who lived there. The next target was Base Area 351, or "Snack," where 383 Cambodians resided. The Joint Chiefs of Staff were now committed to destroying all 15 sanctuaries, code-named Menu, where they suspected COSVN to be situated. To escape the repeated bombardments inside Cambodia, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong penetrated further into the interior forcing the bombing missions to expand their base of operations. Nixon and Kissinger had approved a total of 3,530 flights over Cambodia between February 1969 and April 1970 (Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power).

An alarming array of key personnel who would normally be involved in the planning, approval, and execution of an operation such as "Menu" were sheltered from the truth. The list includes the Secretary of the Air Force, Dr. Robert Seamans, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General John Ryan, the Office of Strategic Research and Analysis, all the Congressional Committees responsible for approving the funds and authorizing the mission, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and most of the Pentagon. Not only were these key persons in the chain of command uninformed about the bombing, they were lied to by Kissinger and Nixon. William Shawcross, in Sideshow, affirmed that:
... Nixon, Kissinger, Rogers, Laird, Elliot L. Richardson and other officials continued to assure Congress, press and public, without equivocation, that the United States had scrupulously declined to attack Communist positions in Cambodia before spring 1970.

President Nixon delivered a speech to the nation on April 30, 1970, to announce the use of ground forces in Cambodia. The speech denied any previous American involvement in Cambodia after 3,530 bombing raids. William Shawcross, in Sideshow, reported that:
Ignoring Menu, Nixon began with the lie that the United States had "scrupulously respected" Cambodia's neutrality for the last five years and had not "moved against" the sanctuaries. The falsehood was repeated by Kissinger in his background briefing to the press.

Nixon lied about respecting Cambodia's neutrality in order to grab Southeast Asia for the American Empire. The lie also paid huge dividends when Nixon asked Congress for the authority to send land troops into Cambodia to ferret out the Viet Cong headquarters. While American and South Vietnamese troops marched through Cambodia they committed more war crimes when they destroyed towns and villages. Without the lies there would be no empire. With lies, there are massive war crimes.

Seymour M. Hersh, in The Price of Power, confirmed that:
Nixon wrote much of his April 30 speech himself, but he read his final draft to Kissinger and Haldeman for their approval. Kissinger, as he subsequently told the Kaib brothers [authors, reporters], offered "only small comments." The speech included a number of major lies, notably Nixon's statement that the United States had previously done nothing to violate Cambodia's neutrality.

On April 28, 1970, Nixon authorized the use of American troops for an invasion of Cambodia. The two areas selected for targeting were Area 352 and Area 353 where Abrams believed COSVN was still operating despite the fact that 29,000 bombs had already been dropped there. According to Nixon, the mission would be limited in mission, scope, and duration. The scope limited American ground forces to within 21.7 miles of the Cambodian border and the invasion was to be terminated at the end of June 1970. Not only did Abrams invade Cambodia with ground troops but one week before the Cambodian invasion, the U.S. Air Force was ordered to commence striking Cambodian targets as far as 18 miles inside Cambodia and to officially report that their targets were in Laos. "Patio" was the code name for the 156 tactical air strikes flown over Cambodia under the same secret system as "Menu."

The United States dispatched 5,000 U.S. troops into Northeastern Cambodia, 1,500 into the Fishhook area and opened a new front with another 6,000 troops. By May 7, 1970, there were 25,000 American troops in Cambodia. American B-52 bombers continued to pound areas suspected of being sanctuaries or COSVN.

American and South Vietnamese forces destroyed a number of towns and all their citizens simply because they suspected that there might be communist forces there. For example, about two thousand people lived in the town of Snuol where they thrived by tapping trees for rubber. William Shawcross, in Sideshow, reported that:
When the cavalry came under fire, Lieutenant Colonel Grail Brookshire, ordered his tank crews to fire their 90-mm guns straight into the town and called in air strikes to discourage further resistance. After twenty-four hours of bombardment, Brookshire judged Snuol safe for his men, and the tanks moved into the centre. Only seven bodies could be seen, four of them Cambodian civilians... As they drove past shattered shops soldiers leaped off their tanks to kick down the doors that still stood, and they looted the town.

Dozens of towns, villages, and hamlets were destroyed and burnt to ensure that they could no longer serve as a base or sanctuary for communist forces. There was no attempt to discriminate between innocent Cambodians and the enemy during these assaults. American and South Vietnamese forces Committed acts of rape, looting, and burning to retaliate for the murder of South Vietnamese.

Nixon and Kissinger's strategy backfired because it only served to drive the Communists closer to Phnom Penh and to align the communist forces with disgruntled peasants in Cambodia who resented the American and South Vietnamese incursions into their territory and the continual bombing of their land. Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, in Manufacturing Consent, claimed that:
One effect of the invasion was to drive the Vietnamese forces away from the border and deeper into Cambodia, where they began to support the growing peasant resistance against the coup leaders [Lon Nol, et al]. A second effect, as described by U.S. correspondent Richard Dudman, who witnessed these , at first hand after his capture by the Cambodian resistance, was that "the bombing and shooting was radicalizing the people of rural Cambodia and was turning the countryside into a massive, and dedicated revolutionary base." Cambodia was now plunged into civil war, with increasing savagery on both sides.

In Manufacturing Consent, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky noted that:
U.S. bombing continued at a high level after the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Cambodia. By late 1971, an investigating team of the General Accounting Office concluded that U.S. and Saigon army bombing is "a very significant cause of refugees and civilian casualties," estimating that almost a third of the seven million population may be refugees. U.S. intelligence reported that "what the villagers feared most was the possibility of indiscriminate artillery and air strikes," and refugee reports and other sources confirm that these were the major cause of civilian casualties and the flight of refugees.

American and South Vietnamese assaults in Cambodia, a country whose neutrality the U.S. claimed to respect, caused massive, unconscionable death and destruction. The Finnish Inquiry Commission referred to the number of deaths as genocidal. According to the Commission, 600,000 Cambodians died out of a population of 7 million and another 2 million people became refugees. Carlyle Thayer, an Australian Indochina specialist, estimated the number of dead at 500,000 of which 50,000 to 60,000 were executions. The CIA estimated that 600,000 had died.

Notwithstanding the Paris Peace Agreements, which were signed on January 27, 1973, and which put an end to the war in Vietnam, the United States actually intensified its bombing in Cambodia in a desperate attempt to impede the Khmer Rouge from gaining control. The Khmer Rouge was a monster which began as a marginal revolutionary movement but whose ranks swelled as more and more peasants became alienated from the Cambodian government which depended on the United States. During March, April, and May, the quantity of bombs dropped on Cambodia was twice as great as in the entire previous year. Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, in Manufacturing Consent, explained that the rise of the Khmer Rouge can be attributed to that:
... Cambodia was being systematically demolished, and the Khmer Rouge, hitherto a marginal element, were becoming a significant force with substantial peasant support in inner Cambodia, increasingly victimized by U. S. terror. As for the U.S.-backed Lon Nol regime, Michael Vickery points out that their "client mentality" and subsequent "dependency led them to acquiesce in, or even encourage, the devastation of their own country by one of the worst aggressive onslaughts in modern warfare, and therefore to appear as traitors to a victorious peasant army...

By May 26, 1973, Operation Menu had persevered for 14 months and the bombing continued until Congress forced it to end in 1973. The bombing finally ended on August 15, 1973, after a total discharge of 539,129 tons of bombs on Cambodia.
Despite American efforts to prevent the rise of the Khmer Rouge, the Khmer Rouge were victorious and in April 1975 took control of Cambodia and ruled the country until 1978. The Khmer Rouge created a hell on earth f o,, r the people of Cambodia.

Brutality, carnage, bloodshed, and terror describe conditions under the rule of the Khmer Rouge. The social, political, and economic structure was destroyed by a group of fanatics whose adherence to their sacrosanct doctrine was merciless. William Shawcross, in Sideshow asserted that:
Father Francois Ponchaud, who by then interviewed over a thousand refugees, himself believed that the higher figure [2 million] was more accurate by spring 1978, and that, as a result of starvation, disease and execution, around a quarter of the population had died... Such a massacre is hard to imagine, and the figure could not be verified. But, in a sense, this was not critical. What was important was to establish whether an atrocity had taken place. Given the burden of evidence, it was impossible not to agree with Hanoi's assertions that "In Cambodia, a former island of peace... no one smiles today. Now the island is soaked with blood and tears... Cambodia is hell on earth."

Although the Khmer Rouge are fully responsible for the atrocities which they committed in Cambodia, the United States must at least accept some responsibility for creating the conditions that provided the Khmer Rouge with the opportunity to rise to power. Before the American-South Vietnamese bombing and invasion of Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge were a marginal force of about 3,000. The death and destruction resulting from the actions of the United States and South Vietnam drove hundreds of thousands of peasants into the arms of the Khmer Rouge giving them the strength to eventually take over the government.

Nixon's and Kissinger's Lies
The copious lies of both Kissinger and Nixon to the American people and Congress made possible the clandestine nature of and false justifications for the Cambodian incursions. Some of the lies were:
* Nixon and Kissinger decided to keep secret the bombing of Cambodia whose neutrality the administration professed to respect.
* Records were falsified to conceal the fact that the U.S. was bombing Cambodia.
* Nixon and Kissinger assured Congress that the United States scrupulously declined to attack communist positions in Cambodia before the spring of 1970.
* In 1970, Nixon claimed to respect Cambodian neutrality and that the U.S. would not move against communist sanctuaries.
* In 1970, Nixon lied to Congress when he claimed that military assistance to Lon Nol was minimal. o After Congressional approval for raids ending in June 1970 Nixon and Kissinger claimed that the Cambodian operation was a success. o The Cooper-Church amendment limited American bombing and Nixon and Kissinger greatly exceeded those limits.
* Kissinger claimed that the sanctuaries were uninhabited or only lightly populated by Cambodians.
* Kissinger claimed that the decision to bomb the sanctuaries was in response to an "unprovoked offensive" by communist forces in South Vietnam.
* Kissinger's insisted that the protection of American lives was the principal reason for the bombing, but regular American bombing occurred after the "unprovoked offensive" had ended. . Kissinger's memoranda to the defense department claimed L that no Cambodian lives were lost.
* Kissinger claimed on June 11, 1969, that he and President Nixon "fully briefed" Senator Stennis and Russell on the Menu operation.
The enormity of Nixon's lies afforded him the opportunity to commit atrocities in Cambodia bordering on genocide. In the Nixon impeachment hearings, the fourth article of impeachment charged that Nixon:
... had violated his constitutional oath of office in that he "on and subsequent to March 17, 1969, authorized, ordered and ratified the concealment from Congress of the facts and the submission to Congress of false and misleading statements concerning the existence, scope, and nature of American bombing operations in Cambodia and derogation of the power of Congress to declare war... and by such conduct warrants impeachment and trial and removal from office." (William Shawcross, Sideshow).



Anonymous said...

The New World Order in Action! Nothing New and Neither it is Orderly.

Conflict brings progress and controlled conflict brings controlled progress.

Anonymous said...

Americans don't care about others human lives suffering from their cluster bombs left over in Cambodia. They just care about their interests only. But I believe in Karma. Even-though no one could not attack them. But The Mother Nature will. They just got hit by Sandy Storm and killed many peoples. That is a Karma.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរយើងបានរងគ្រោះពីភ្លើងសង្គ្រាម និងការកាប់
សំឡាប់មនុស្សអស់រាប់លាននាក់ ហើយអ្នកដែល
សាក្សីបានដែរ។ ដូច្នេះ ត្រូវតែបើកការស៊ើបអង្កេត
ឲ្យបានច្បាស់អំពីឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មសង្គ្រាមនេះឲ្យបានទាន់ពេលកំពុងមានលោកMark Hamonដែលជាជន
ហមនេះ។ ដូច្នេះ យើងទទួចសូមដល់សាលាក្តីនេះ
អ្នកបកប្រែភាសាដែរ សូមលោកសហប្រធានចៅ
ក្រមបើកកកាយរឿងពិតនេះឲ្យឃើញ ដើម្បីឲ្យខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

President Richard Nixon and Dr. Henry Kissinger's decision were right, they ordered the massive B-52 bombing campaign in Cambodia. Anything that flies or anything that moves. right on.... Because,
those were vietcong and Khmer Rouge sanctuary.

I suppoted President Richard Nixon and Dr. Kissinger's decision , without them there is no more Cambodia today.

They bombed the hell out of vietcong that hide in Cambodia at that time.

Thanks President Richard Nixon and Dr. Kissinger for saving Cambodia.
You are my Heroes amd my mentors!


Anonymous said...

All Khmer must understand that, this site is a hypocrite site. It tries to fool Khmer in using the image of Khmer hero and Khmer traitor to show Khmer people they are with Khmer people and Khmer interest. In fact this site is to promote about Khmer rouge (the killing field) which mean Khmer killed Khmer rather than Youn spy penetrate behind Pol Pot in order to kill Khmer secretly. The S 21 is to show the world that Khmer killed Khmer. And the guides in that museum are Youn. Those Youns are Youn kids who are grown in Cambodia and speak well Cambodian. If Ki Media is a good site want to find the truth for Khmer people why didn’t they talk about Youn Killed Khmer during the Khmer rouge. We have so many proofs the show the world, BUT THEY TRY to PROMOTE ABOUT KISSINGER/ AMERICAN BOMBING IN CAMBODIA INSTEAD IN USING Seng THEARY AS the image of KHMER PEOPLE TO PROTEST DURING OBAMA 'S VISIT. That Seng Theary, if you really found out her root you will find out that she is a Youn kid who grown in Cambodia. Use your own judgement and follow what they talk, want they act you will you see who are Youn and who are not.
Mom Sonando ,Mom Samnang CPPCanada (Youtube account), Kem sokha,Kem Sos EX-director Khmer RFA, Kesor Raniya, Rong Chhun, Seng theary, Pong chiv Guek, Ho Van in SRP =Youn
Thea real Khmer are Sam Rainsy, Meach Sovannara, Soun serey Ratha ect…, but you’re got to know that Soun Serey Ratha and Meach Sovannara don`t get along together because of AH Mom Sonando who a Youn tried to break Khmer unity. Is it easy to have a radio station in Cambodia? Mom Sonando has one. You must to understandthat Ah Hun Sen put Mom Sonando in jail is simply a Youn trick to proof Khmer people that Ah Mom Sonando is with Khmer people. In fact, he is a Youn spy. The same as ah Kem Sokha, when he was in the prison, it was simply ah Youn trick to fool Khmer people. Few months later, Ah Kem sokha create a new politic party in order to break Sam Rainsy vote. If Ah Kem Sokha then really thought about interest he would joint Sam Rainsy right away without creating his own politics party. Finally, we found out that ah Kem Sokha is Youn. He promoted Youn’s economy in Cambodia……
Don’t believe what I said or other people said. Use your own judgement and think. The answer is in you.

Anonymous said...

12:03 AM

រឿងចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋ ជានយោបាយរបស់អាឆ្កែយួនហ៊ុន សែនដែលយក ដំរីស្រុក ទាក់ដំរីព្រៃទេ...

ពួកបណ្ឌិតបណ្ឌិតសុទ្ធតែចាញ់បោកអាសួន សេរីរដ្ឋាទាំងអស់។ អានេះវានាំអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិឲ្យចូលអន្ទាក់CPP នរណាគាំទ្រវា នរណាឧបត្ថម្ភវា នរណានៅជិតវា មិនយូរទេ វានឹងរាយការណ៍ទៅCPPឲ្យចាប់ដាក់គុកមិនខាន។ អាសារ៉ាត់ សាយ នៅរ៉ូតអាយឡិន និង អាប៊ូ ជឿននៅហ្វ៊ីឡា ក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្លាំងណាស់ដែរ ព្រោះពួកវាជាអ្នកគាំទ្រអាសួន សេរីរដ្ឋាតាំងពីណាពីណីមក ដល់សព្វថ្ងៃ។
បណ្ឌិតទាំងឡាយ ឈប់ជឿតាមអាសួន សេរីរដ្ឋានិងដៃជើងវាទៅ អាក្មេងម្នាក់នេះជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្លាំងណាស់៕

យួនមានពាក្យស្លោក១ឃ្លាថា :

<< បណ្ឌិតខ្មែរ១០ មិនបានយួនឡប់១ >>


Anonymous said...

អារឿងទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែកបេ៥២ មកលើកម្ពុជា តែង
តែមានហេតុ ទើប មានបច្ច័យ ។
ហេតុ គឺ អាយួនយៀកកុង ចូលជ្រោកនៅតាម
ព្រំប្រទល់កម្ពុជា ដើម្បីទៅច្បាំងអាខាងត្បូង ដោយ
មានការអនុញ្ញាតិ្ត ពីមេដឹកនាំនៃកម្ពុជា។

បច្ច័យ បណ្ដាលឱ្យអាមេរិកាំង ទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែក
បេ៥២ សម្លាប់ពួកអាយៀកកុង រួចហើយក៏រាល
ដូច្នេះ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា អាយួនយៀកកុងត្រូវទទួលខុស

Anonymous said...

Another Yuon Thieves' propaganda putting the blame on the US. Yuon thieves have always designed new lies, buy hiding their crimes against other weak nations.

This Theary Seng is a US unemployed. Her very small BA degree cannot find any job, and her Law Degree is never put to practice. She made her living by returning to her own country joining the corruption that has choked the nation. Her advertisement has come out with many forms, in one of the many forms is a pro-Vietnam/CPP as she is trying to make her name known by attacking Dr. Henry Kissinger who fought against Communists.

Theary Seng is having many FACES from what we majority have seen her actions.

Blaming the US for bombing? It was Yuon Communists who used Laos and Cambodia since an old time of Phan Boi Chau who drafted how his compatriots can take Cambodia easily. The Ho Chi Minh trail was Phan Boi Chau's strategy and Yuon made their route into Cambodia recruiting Khmers to join them and they lied to Khmers that they(Yuon) were brothers and they fought to free themselves from French. The route was created by Yuon and until later they asked Sihanouk to agree with, then they renamed to Ho Chi Minh trail legitimately. But if Sihanouk said NO, then Yuon would say "Tough luck". They would refuse the same as they refused to acknowledge the Paris Peace Accord in 1991. Former General/Journalist Bui Tin, and in his memoir. Bui Tin was against his Yuon thieves, for he's afraid of bad thing will fall upon his people in the future, he wrote memoirs unmasked the crimes committed by his Yuon, then he run to live in hiding.

Breaking NEWS

The Thai Monarchists parade the big Protest forcing Prime Minster Yinluck to STEPDOWN for corruption. HOW ABOUT the Yuon Puppet, Hun Xen?

Anonymous said...

"American and South Vietnamese forces Committed acts of rape, looting, and burning to retaliate for the murder of South Vietnamese.”

=This is a very interesting quote! From this quote Cambodia as a country mean nothing for President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger. Cambodia has become playground for the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese and the American to do their killing! I don't believe for a moment that Cambodian leaders would invite the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese and the American to Cambodia to kill each other in Cambodia and at the same time kill more Cambodian people in the process! If King Sihanouk care so much for Cambodian people and why he set up this kind of scenario?

The fact is the communist Vietnamese were using Cambodia long before Cambodia got her independence from France! So to say that Cambodian leaders allowed the Vietcong and the Khmer Rouge to take sanctuary in Cambodia is ludicrous!

The question is who kill the South Vietnamese army? It is the North Vietnamese(the communist) of course and for being short-sight and stupid President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger make Cambodia pay for their stupidity!

Anonymous said...

The indiscriminate bombings were wrong.
Using Cambodia as a sanctuary to attack the US was wrong.

What do we gain from this old shit story and diverting the attention from this evil Vietnam swallowing Cambodia ?

To benefit Khmer, the present discussion must be on how to overhaul the NEC and how can Sam Rainsy return safely to Cambodia?

After the election, there will be another discussion. Why this puppet government has always won?
Start to get the solution from there.

Ah Saddam Hussein had 99.9% approval rate from the election until people pulled his head out of the rat hole and hanged him.

Ah Kwack is worse than Saddam Hussein because he has always given in to Vietnam's demands.

Anonymous said...

Why American sent B52 to Cambodia? The answer is easy to find if you have brain because Ah late Sihanouk sided with the North Vietcong and let them use Cambodia land to fight with America. Ah Sihanouk, China, and Vietcong need to be brought to justice. They killed Khmer people; especially Ah Youn Vietcong and China.

Anonymous said...

American just tries to topple communist countries and terrorists to become democracy. If you're friend with America, you'll be OK. If not, you will find your coffin. I hope America destroys Ah Hun Sen for good.

Khmer people need liberty and freedom and America need to take Ah Hun Sen out of the equation because Ah Hun Sen doesn't care about America. He works for YOun Vietcong and Chinese interest.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen and Ah Sihanouk are Khmer traitors who killed Khmer people for the interest of YOun Hanoi.

Ah Hun Sen snubbed Obama and praised for his master YOun Vietcong. Obama didn't dare to confront Ah Hun Sen. AFter Obama left Cambodia, Ah Hun Sen barred Sam Rainsy from joining opposition in coming election. What is Obama going to do with strongman Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...


Ho Chi Minh Trial Part I '60
Ho Chi Minh Trial Part II '80
Ho Chi Minh Trial Part III '10-2099?

NWO (Now With Outsider)

Anonymous said...

Is Theary Seng a Chomsky-esque liberal socialist? Or, is she a conservative religious christian? I am confused, and I think she is also confused.

How is she going to argue in the court in defense, or in prosecution of the KR criminals if she blames both sides? If it was Kissinger and the US bombing of Cambodia who made the KR as strong and angry as they were, then the cause of the killings should be placed on that policy and campaign. It is also fair to hold responsible the vietcong and red china who materially and ideologically supported the KR, after all, the KR could be pissed high up to sky by Kissinger and the bombing, but they could not have beaten the Lon Nol regime, and committed the killing fields atrocity. So, Ms. Seng has to show clearly the faces of all those who should be on her poetic justice dart game boards.

Anonymous said...

The Media can say what they wanted but the politic is other way.

In fact, during the Vietnam war 60-80 % of NVA & Vietcong were hidding in Cambodian teritory after/before they fought against US & SVA. The US told Sihanouk x-times with enough proofs about this hidding but Sihanouk had always blind declined about the NVA & Vietcong in Cambodia teritory and Sihanouk turned to make allie with communists, esp. Ho Chi Minh because he thought after Nord Vietnam won USA, Cambodia can free from Vietnam. That is moronic from Sihanouk because he hasd never leand about the Khmer losing history with Vietnam. Is Cambodia now free from Vietname? NO, but already slow under control Vietname by using its tricks and elements like they annexed Champa and Khmer Krom.

If Sihanouk stayed with US allie till now or as real neutral:
1) Sihanouk was always King and the king family will be like Thai's king today.
2) Cambodia will be South Korea now
3) The devision of Vietname stay till now and Koch Tral is belong to Khmer forever.
4) The Khmer economy will be wonder and all Khmers will be so pround about this.
5) and Vietnam has no chance to controll Khmer like today under Hun Sen.

The blaming to Mr Nixon doctric is not correct, if no NVA & Vietcong in Cambodia at the time the bombardment was never also happed in Cambodia. Why you all don't blamed Sihanouk and his allie communism CPP, Viet and China? This propagenda is used only by the CPP?

Anonymous said...

Here for those who was/is ignorance

Anonymous said...

To Khmerican NY;If you shut your mouth no one can tell that you had a psychological disorder another word(you are dumb& plain stupid)because Cambodia has so many of your kinds which had lead Cambodia in to the Killing Field,If you were in Cambodia I got nothing to say to such a poor mind person like you but you are in America,you are still as stupid as a human race can be on this planet.You may have hold a Phd degree but my dog is much smarter than you,you should have been dead during the reign of terror.Sorry to say that but your brain is really smaller than a bird brain,and no you are not human enough to comment back to me because I don't talk to animal...

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer who know nothing and bias on Yuon communist side....

President Richard Nixon and Dr. Henry Kissinger were not bombing Cambodia.
But, bombed on vietcong, North vietnamese heads and Khmer Rouge Vietminh' sanctuaries in Neutral Cambodia territory and yuon violation of 1954's Genève conventions.

Kaun Khmer

Anonymous said...

As long as the Khmers don't recognize their history and occupy her mentality like the people in Israel, then the land of the Khmer automatically will be fall into the hands of the Viet 100%. This is no doubt. Please view it carefully fron year to year.

Anonymous said...

shame on some people who commented that the US did nothing wrong. They killed your own innocent people but you guys still claimed that you are 100% and support it. No matter what they killed our people they must appology for it.

Anonymous said...

I just realized that KI-Media is the site for uneducated people to voice their opinion and/or to destabilize Cambodia through their baseless allegation,I wish we have more educated Khmer people who really know what is wrong and what is right and team up to figure what is the best way to peacefully remove the Hun Sen regime.It's so sad that most Khmer nowadays are educated but has lack of analysis skill and political skill and worst of all they still adapt the Khmer way of thinking and is still influenced by the Khmer education & idealism ....

Anonymous said...

To 7:12 am;I am agree with you,yeah It's sad to see that our Khmer people who made it to the US but is still so uneducated and yet they still act like they know something and they even want to convince other people to believe in their baseless allegation as well...It's laughable ...

Anonymous said...

To all dumb khmer out there.......

Reasons U.S. involvement and B-52 bombardment in Cambodia, Because:

The Prince urged the United States to intervention on Cambodia, Because :

." Sihanouk explained that he had been unable to get the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong to leave their sanctuaries inside Cambodia. "

Khmer Studen At
UC Berkeley Graduate,

Anonymous said...

1:51 AM... 2:08 AM
Your comment attacking and cursing King Sihanouk is Yuon's strategy has long drafted and successful by some of you believed it. What you said were all lies and are not found in any secret documents I read. You only imagine but nowhere I found that supports your comments.

Anonymous said...


X Ben said...

7:48 AM
Please quote some references to support your comments. And please DO NOT or NEVER call these invisible posters "Dumb Khmer outthere..." then signed Khmer "Student At UC Berkeley Graduate" to convince others that your comment is legitimate, and others' are nothing.

You appear to have some sort of education, but your languages calling others "dumb Khmers..." make you to be a very despicable person. You are very rude, very insolent and very nasty being.

X Ben
Ph.D candidate in political science

X Ben said...

7:14 AM
If you already realized that this site is mostly uneducated people, then you can try to write based on facts from what you have learned. And avoid insulting people.

May be most educated people do read not write.

X Ben

Anonymous said...

1) Bombing on Cambodia was wrong, but Bombing on Viet-Communist was right. Reference: Ho Chi Minh Trail

2) Who created Ho Chi Minh Trail?
Reference: From "Vietnamese revolution Networks in Thailand" and the "transformation from networks in Thailand" to "a very complex War= Vietnam War".

The Viets already secretly created the Ho Chi Minh trail, then asked Sihanouk later. The same as Viets took Cambodian land and islands then asked Hun Sen to sign later.

The same as the Viet troops were inside with Pol Pot, the Viets lured Pol Pot to cross the border to legitimize their secret expansionism, then the legitimate invasion in Cambodia by Vietnam agreed by the International Community begun.
Reference: General/Journalist Bui Tin's memoirs

Who should we blame? Vietnamese were the source of the tragedy in Cambodia. Don't blame King Sihanouk or anyone else. King Sihanouk was torn apart between US and China and each one of them wanted Cambodia to renounce one side. Sihanouk decided to choose "Neutralist", but Ho Chi Minh disagreed with him saying that regardless what you said "we use the route without your agreement".
Reference: Ho Chi Minh met Soviet Leader about Cambodia.

Sihanouk pledged to the US to stop Thailand and South Vietnam from invading Cambodia, the US ignored. The lost of Koh trall to South Vietnam, the US had something to do with it. Because the US owned South Vietnam after French left. The US wanted that island Koh Trall which is adjacent to Utapov (Thailand) as part of its own territory (SVN) against the Communist. All the bombs carried from Utapov.

At that time, the US did not care or commit to help Cambodia at all. Cambodia was just a small and poor nation with a population about 5-6 million or so.

Later Sihanouk decided to stay with China who's at that time helping Ho Chi Minh to fight US. Then the US(CIA) attempted to kill Sihanouk after they shot Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Ding Nhu.
Reference: Top Secret Sihanouk and new order...

My opinion: If the US was willing to help Cambodia at all cost like they helped Thailand and South Korea or Kuwait, or Afghanistan or Israel, Sihanouk would have not sided with China. But the US cared no body but themselves that was why Communist took Afghanistan. The US abandoned Afghanistan until the Taliban came to power, the Islam terrorists grew, then the US realized their mistakes. Now the US went back to Afghanistan and Iraq, and now the US economy is about to be doomed, and now the Liberal Progressive (Socialist to Communist) took over.

However, whatever happened, Vietnamese invaders are to be blamed for the destruction of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

4:31AM said:
"Is Theary Seng a Chomsky-esque liberal socialist? Or, is she a conservative religious christian? I am confused, and I think she is also confused."

Reader's opinion: Theary Seng is a very confused and very unpredictable woman. Her actions show us that she is a Liberal Socialist(US Democrat today). TS is Conservative Religious Christian? No, she is not. I am very concerned that TS may have a mentally disorder or with a diabolical mind.

"How is she going to argue in the court in defense, or in prosecution of the KR criminals if she blames both sides? If it was Kissinger and the US bombing of Cambodia who made the KR as strong and angry as they were, then the cause of the killings should be placed on that policy and campaign. It is also fair to hold responsible the vietcong and red china who materially and ideologically supported the KR, after all, the KR could be pissed high up to sky by Kissinger and the bombing, but they could not have beaten the Lon Nol regime, and committed the killing fields atrocity. So, Ms. Seng has to show clearly the faces of all those who should be on her poetic justice dart game boards."

Reader's opinion: I do not believe TS has the ability to make any small case against even a thief that grabbed her IPhone why does anyone believe she has the ability or a brilliant mind to establish such a highest profile case?

To me TS is an entertainer, nothing else.
4:31 AM

Anonymous said...

To 10:34 am;If all Khmer has 25% of your ability of analysis skill Cambodia wouldn't be like today,I like your opinion and analysis,this is called an educated individual way of independent analysis,It take more than a degree to do this.You had proved to me that you didn't base solely on any other sources to analyse of what had happened and what had caused what happened in Cambodia but you used all the information available to support your opinion.Not all Khmer are dumb..

Anonymous said...

Everyone on this website is complaining about how many youn spies are in Cambodia but never refused to consider how many Chinese spies exist in Cambodia from 1952 until this day...............................

Anonymous said...

To 4:31am & 10:57 am:There is nothing wrong with Ms. Theary Seng,the problem is you,to most educated person,including the white westerners,agree & know exactly, what is Theary Seng is talking about.10:57AM,if you don't open your mouth no body know that you are uneducated,and if you did have some kind of education then you had wasted all those time in school,you only get dumber....don't just sit here act like know something but do nothing to know nothing....You are insulting our Khmer race,you might be the real Youn puppet

Anonymous said...

To X Ben;No one need to do any more writing about the fact of what had happened in Cambodia,the story had been told and the fact had been shown,It's up to you and everyone to understand what had been told and It's really up to your ability to understand what had been shown.Best luck to your wanna be a politician and/or political analyst ...

Anonymous said...

I am one of the dumbest Khmer on earth because It took me some 12 yrs to earn a lousy master degree in political science for nothing,I am too chicken to go back to my native country(Cambodia) to lend some help to my Khmer brothers and sisters and I had no experience at all to gain anything in the US and thus I am just a simple technician earning the average like everyone else.Nevertheless,I do proud of those who returned to Cambodia and help out those who are helpless without thinking twice about their safety.I really respect their decision to do so.However,I am willing to challenge any of you in here in any field of discussion about politic whether it's about Cambodia today,Cambodian modern history,Iraq,Afghanistan,North Korea or The gulf war...

Anonymous said...

Mr. School of Vice,

Thank you very much for having compiled historical information on the bombing of neutral Cambodia by the Nixon administration.

Kissinger is indeed a criminal that has yet to be punished!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

11:13 AM

Chinese do not encroach and steal Khmer land. Why talking about Chinese? It was Yuon and it is Yuon that caused sufferings upon Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

11:03 AM

The boy is half Khmer and half White, and he is only 24. I sent him this link below since last year 2011, and he learned so well. He is not majoring in political science or history, but Chemical Engr.

We told him he can be a great debater. He came to KI because I told him to drop by.

Anonymous said...

5:54 AM,

Right on, my friend!

Totally in agreement with you about the Khmerican who lives in the US and talks like an ignorant!

Even Kissinger was surprised to hear such a support on his policy from this dude; after all, Kissinger himself knows his policy was not only wrong, but also barbaric!

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng 11:21 AM

So you really hate readers who do not agree with your behavior from 'preacher' to 'darting game' and to 'political entertainer', etc.?

You appear to be not a liberal socialist, a preacher, a political entertainer, but a dictator want to be.

This "KI" is not owned by Communist or by Hun Xen but by who the heck it is, but from our observation, many readers who come here can throw away their thoughts.

Oh I am not educated person because I wrote my reply to 4:31AM that agreed with him/her that you (Theary Seng) is an unpredictable person? If I did not reply I am an educated person based on your irrational remarks.

And if I "have some kind of education then I had had wasted all those time in school, and I only get dumber."?

Well, I hate to disappoint you that your degree is useless that was why you ended up in Cambodia adding more corruption in Cambodia.

You can brag as you want, readers observe, and so the readers have their say.

Why do you think those White westerners are superior to other RACES and are always RIGHT? Do you also support the White Westerners who wrote articles and Thesis accusing Khmers of being RACIST against Yuon?

You are insulting Khmer people for saying the White westerners are superior to other races.

FYI, there has never been a so called "Khmer Race". There are only FIVE Races according to a Traditional Anthropological studies: There are

1) Caucasoid (European)
2) Negroid (East Black African)
3) Capoid (south Black African)
4) Mongoloid (Asian and American Indian); and
5) Australoid (Australian and oceanic)

Anonymous said...

This article about Henry Kissinger bombed on Cambodia and why wait for so long until Kissinger is too old and is about to die to write about him? How about Yuon invaders? How about China involvement?

I smell something fishy from Yuon new trick. While Khmers are so busy with focusing on how to get rid of Hun Xen and how Khmer nationalist Sam Rainsy can return to his country, Cambodia, Yuon again paid a highest price to the corrupt White people who need money real bad to attack one person Kissinger.

This is the election time, but the Yuon's secret servant Ms Theary Seng a faceless and nameless promotes herself to be a hero. That was what Kem Sokha did it.

Kissinger did not bomb Cambodia if Yuon invaders were not inside Cambodia.

Only Yuon would bring this story in the time of Khmer election 2013 while Yuon prepare Hun Sen to win again.

Anonymous said...

កាន់អំណាចកាន់តែយូរ នឹងត្រូវគេធ្វើបាបរឹតតែវេទនា
មុននឹងគេសម្លាប់លោក មើលតែមេដឹកនាំផ្ដាច់ការពីរ
ក្បាលទៅ ភ័យខ្លួនទុកឱ្យហើយទៅលោកតើត្រូវគេ

Anonymous said...

What really bother me is that some of the readers had unreasonably criticized the works of Ms Theary Seng which has no effect to the Cambodian social order and its society,instead she has only try to help those who are in need most in Cambodia.She may has taken this as a great opportunity to gain her experience and/or scholar but she did it when Cambodia need her type of professional for the time being,I support her work and I appreciate her helps.How about some of these readers ??have they done anything for Cambodia??They had the current Cambodia leaders and their regime to talk about,to write about,to comment about and to criticize all they please....

Anonymous said...

1:44 PM
Let Khmer Election 2013 be heard.

Why are you so angry with readers who made their comments toward you?

Why do you spend your time asking other million Khmers what or how they do for Cambodia & for Khmers?

Do they have to report their works in KI or to you?

Bring Khmer Election 2013 for Khmers to read and save your attempt on Kissinger after the 2013 election. Many knew that Kissinger is being attacked by the Liberal Socialist-Communists (Dem), but this present time Khmers must focus on how to help Khmer Nationalists to face Yuon/CPP who have occupied Cambodia for many decades.


Anonymous said...

Hey Vietnamese dog eater a.k.a Pi Anh @3:06 PM:

You need to listen your own stinky fart. Your wasteful space of comment is nonsense and the same old fart for your communist CPP dogs to read.


Anonymous said...

Year (1970-75) is that USA had ordered Lon Nol
bombing Khmer villages?

Year (1975-79) is that China-Viet had ordered
Sihanouk Khmer Rouge to kill 3 millions innocents Khmers?

Paris V.

Anonymous said...

To 7:14 AM,

You said that all people who give comments over here are uneducated people!

Maybe you have right because most of us hold Phd or master with study at the universities. Opposite most of you hold phd or stars by buying or without universities.

Please hold more education from Hanio and lean how to serve your boss Viet OK. Please look back to Khmer Kampuchea Krom under Viet administration at the present, then you will see what the will be happed to you next.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំចង់សួរវិញដែរថា ប្រសិនបើគ្នាទាហានអាយួនយៀក
កុងជ្រោកនៅតាមព្រមប្រទល់ខ្មែរ(1970-75) ក៏គ្មាន
ការទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែកបេ៥២ ពីអាមេរិកាំងផងដែរសូមធ្វើ
ការពិចារណា!!!រឿងរ៉ាវទាំងឡាយនះ តើអ្នកណាជា
អ្នកចាប់ផ្ដើម?ប្រសិនបើ អ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរសម័យនោះ
ទាំងមហាក្សត្រ ទាំងនាហ្មឺន ប្រឆាំងស្លាប់រស់ជាមួយ
មិនចូលបក្ខសម្ពន័្ធ ហើយមិនចាញ់ឧបាយកលយួន
ទាក់ទាញមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរឱ្យធ្វើក្រហម កម្ពុជា នឹងទទួល
បាននូវសន្តិភាពពេញលេញ អធិបតេយ្យភាពបរិបូណ៍
ឯករាជ្យភាពពិត មិនក្លែងក្លាយដូចបច្ចុប្បន្ន ពិសេស
កម្ពុជា មិនបានបាត់កោះត្រល់និងសំណុំកោះដទៃទៀត

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 10.34 AM & 11.03 AM

Anonymous said...

រឿងចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋ ជានយោបាយរបស់អាឆ្កែយួនហ៊ុន សែនដែលយក ដំរីស្រុក ទាក់ដំរីព្រៃទេ...

ពួកបណ្ឌិតបណ្ឌិតសុទ្ធតែចាញ់បោកអាសួន សេរីរដ្ឋាទាំងអស់។ អានេះវានាំអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិឲ្យចូលអន្ទាក់CPP នរណាគាំទ្រវា នរណាឧបត្ថម្ភវា នរណានៅជិតវា មិនយូរទេ វានឹងរាយការណ៍ទៅCPPឲ្យចាប់ដាក់គុកមិនខាន។ អាសារ៉ាត់ សាយ នៅរ៉ូតអាយឡិន និង អាប៊ូ ជឿននៅហ្វ៊ីឡា ក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្លាំងណាស់ដែរ ព្រោះពួកវាជាអ្នកគាំទ្រអាសួន សេរីរដ្ឋាតាំងពីណាពីណីមក ដល់សព្វថ្ងៃ។
បណ្ឌិតទាំងឡាយ ឈប់ជឿតាមអាសួន សេរីរដ្ឋានិងដៃជើងវាទៅ អាក្មេងម្នាក់នេះជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្លាំងណាស់៕

យួនមានពាក្យស្លោក១ឃ្លាថា :

<< បណ្ឌិតខ្មែរ១០ មិនបានយួនឡប់១ >>

អៀ គិមស្រេង

Anonymous said...

When will they stop bringing this bombing story up?

The root of the problems was Sihanouk because the bombings were occurred only after Sihanouk had allowed the Vietcong to use Cambodia land as sanctuaries to attack the US and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh’s Indochina Federation doctrine was also the root of the problems.

That was the past and it will not help Khmer people to resolve the current situation by bringing this story up.

This old story would only exacerbate Cambodia’s current situation since it diverts the public from discussing the vital issues such as the overhaul of the NEC, the return of Sam Rainsy, the social unrest stemming from land grabbing, the incessant mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia who also awarded with the right to vote, the border issue, Koh Trol, Angkor Wat “owned” by a Vietnamese, etc…

The 2013 election is approaching, while the request by Khmer people and the international communities to overhaul the NEC and the Sam Rainsy’s return have been unjustly ignoring by the puppet government.

In my opinion, these issues should the hot topic that Khmer people should be focused on since it will help Cambodia to liberate itself from Vietnam’s control if the opposition party wins the election or gains a sizeable numbers of the seats in the congress.

Please stop disseminating an irrelevant story to Cambodia’s present situation to alienate people.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Correction by 10:54 PM

When will they stop bringing this bombing story up?

The root of the problems was Sihanouk because the bombings were occurred only after Sihanouk had allowed the Vietcong to use Cambodia land as sanctuaries to attack the US and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh’s Indochina Federation doctrine was also the root of the problems.

That was the past and it will not help Khmer people to resolve the current situation by bringing this story up.

This old story would only exacerbate Cambodia’s current situation since it diverts the public from discussing the vital issues such as the overhaul of the NEC, the return of Sam Rainsy, the social unrest stemming from land grabbing, the incessant mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia who also awarded with the right to vote, the border issue, Koh Trol, Angkor Wat “owned” by a Vietnamese, etc…

The 2013 election is approaching, while the request by Khmer people and the international communities to overhaul the NEC and the Sam Rainsy’s return has been unjustly ignoring by the puppet government.

In my opinion, these issues – the NEC and Sam Rainsy’s return - are the hot topics that Khmer people should be focused on since it will help Cambodia to liberate itself from Vietnam’s control if the opposition party wins the election or gains a sizeable numbers of the seats in the congress.

Please stop disseminating an irrelevant story to Cambodia’s present situation to irritate people.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

I'm not an educated person per say, 'college grad.' I admire those who hath the brain power to study. Somehow study was not in my DNA. Having command of the English language is still a chore for me. When I was very young I fell on something that give me a dent on my right side of my skull. So maybe this is an good excuse for poor learning.

In 2008, I read two books by William Shawcross. Shawcross was a journalist and a lover of Cambodian people. I'm not sure if he is still alive. I think most of the info for this particular book was taken from the Freedom of Information Act, from Liberary of Congress of the United States of America.

This was how I come to learn a little bit of the history of Cambodia.

In the early 1990s, a friend of mine went to Cambodia and he got sick real bad was send to Bangkok for treatment. He gave me a travel survival kit book on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. This was how I come across Shawcross books. But I never read them until the beginning of 2008.

When I read the second book of his, it touched my soul to the core. I wept and wailed as he described the flights and dire straight of the refugees trying to survive at Thai borders.

Now that I'm in my late 40s, I have learned a few things about the politics of this world. What I know I don't think they teach them at Higher Learning Instituitions in America and abroad. I also noticed of another person on comment post that knows the agenda of the United Nations.

But the best knowledge comes from the Bible, the most hated book on KI posts? I meant from some readers.

God already wrote the script for the End of this Age (man rule). Political leader of nations are playing out their parts.

We can see the practice that is now taken place in Middle East. It is all starting to unfold as the script says it will.

The Script says that the Ottomon Empire will revived (Muslim Nations). Once they regroup and solidify they all will come against the nation of Israel.

When the curtains of this play is wide open it will affect the whole world. Bar none.

I believe according to the Bible that the origin of man started in the land of Israel, not Africa. This is why what happens bewteen Israel and Muslims will cascade into the utter most part of the world. The world revolse around Israel.


Anonymous said...

Now Khmer people should be happy that Cambodia is liberated from America whom they hated the most and placed under Vietnamese colonization instead. Don't pretend that you don't see that Vietnamese are everywhere in Cambodia, including in government offices, National Assembly, Army, Every communes, Tonle Sap lake. Congratulation Khmer people. You have deep hate for America and you get what you wanted now: Vietnam slaves.

Anonymous said...

មានតែសាលាក្តីខ្មែរក្រហមមួយប៉ុនណ្ណោះ ដែលអាចរកយុត្តិធម៍ឱ្យពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ នឹងរំដោះប្រទេសរួចចាកពីនឹមត្រួតត្រារបស់យួនបាន។
អ្វីទៅដែលហៅថា(ខ្មែររំដោះ)គឺជាខ្មែរកើតឡើងនៅក្រោយថ្ងៃ១៨មិនាឆ្នាំ១៩៧០។ស្តេចសីហនុបានបង្កើតក្រុមនេះ នៅថ្ងៃទី២៣មិនាឆ្នាំ១៩៧០
គឺជាខ្មែររណៈសិរ្ស(តាមការពឹតក្រុមទាំងពីរនេះជាក្រុមតែមួយ)ក្រុមខ្មែររណៈសិរ្សបានសហៈការមួយយួនហាន់ណូយ នឹងក្រុមកូនខ្មែរដែល
ជ័យជំនៈថ្ងៃ១៧ខែមេសាឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥គឺជាជ័យជំនៈរបស់ខ្មែររណៈសិរ្ស ក្រោមបញ្ជាការរបស់(អង្ការថ្នាក់លើ)។មកទល់ឥឡូវពិភពលោកនៅតែ

Anonymous said...

1:41 AM is the only Vietnamese slave on earth,no one else,because we are a little smarter to be a slave to the poor master,we chose to be a slave of the richer one.....1:41 AM good luck with your master and stop claiming that you are a Khmer..

Anonymous said...

TO 7:22 PM,It's sad to see a Phd & Master degree graduated person are still have not improve his/her knowledge of any kind.Phd & Master degree never represented a person intellectual ...Isaac Newton,Albert Einstein,and Johannes Kepler etc;as a few example.A amart individual is not those who hold Phd or Master degree but those who rule the ones with Phd & Master degree....Got It??

Anonymous said...

Hello Bun Thoeun 10:54 PM
It is correct that Khmers should focus on this 2013 election instead of old story bombing resulted from "The Vietnamese Expansionism within a Complex War -Vietnam War".

But you ignored the real history of Yuon Expansionism based in Thailand that led to -Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge... long prior to Sihanouk became a teenager received the crown from French.
Reference:Thailand and the Southeast Asian networks of the Vietnamese.

Yuon knew Geographical Regions in Cambodia and in Laos like inside their own home. How many roads that Yuon created and used them as their communications to reach/communicate with Khmers inside Cambodia?

Multiples routes, but they picked one route that was quite accurate to transport their supplies from North to South.

And to legitimize their scheme from international condemnation, they had to ask Sihanouk. In new history by Gaddis mentioned that Ho Chi Minh met with Soviet leader, and Ho Chi Minh refused to accept Sihanouk's neutrality, he would use the route with or without Sihanouk approval. Sihanouk wanted to stay as a "Neutral" but neither Yuon or US agreed with his decision.
Cambodia was just a small poor nation, and no body cares for her. Both sides ready to abuse her and they did.

If the US was really devoted to help Cambodia and agreed to order Thailand and SVN to stop invading Cambodia, Sihanouk would have not sided with China.

To Phan Boi Chau to Ho Chi Minh' minds, Cambodia and Laos have been always parts of Indochinese states and Yuon who fought and defeated French believed they should rule/control over Cambodia and Laos.

Explore more and more before you write your answer condemning Khmer (King Sihanouk) to make Yuon so happy with your answer.

Can you please read this history?

If you read it or read any documents or history wrote by scholars please share. And if you read and read you still don't understand about Yuon expansionism and their long wait to divide and to annihilate all Khmers, you deserve a Middle FINGER from us and the words "Fuck you Bun Thoeun 10:54 PM."

Anonymous said...

Hello 1:41 AM

Your mockery is stupid. Khmer people do not hate American people, but US elected official members were too arrogant and looked down on Khmers in the first place. They forced us to side with them but they would not commit like they have been doing to protect Thailand, and South Korea.
They refused to stop their dogs: Thailand and SVN from invading Cambodia. If Khmers agreed to side with them, they would let Thais and SVN take control over Khmers, and those butchers would come and rape/rob Khmers.

What goes around comes around, so now the US is being punished for their sins against other poor and small nations, by having liberal socialist-communists rule and wreck the US economy. Now most states in the US wants to have its own nation.

We are not worried about it, whatever comes we will have to live with it and wish/pray that this universe will someday ends the sins created by us.

What NEW? The same old day again and again, war, war,... killing, killing....and at the end we all end up dead.

Anonymous said...

4:45 AM

It is good that you know deeply about Khmer history.

My essential point that I wanted to make is not the history. I simply want Khmer people to concentrate on the present problems that our country is facing: Vietnam's control over Cambodia through its puppet government of Hun Sen.

My solution is to find an alternative to this puppet government. The obstacle is the puppet government's refusal to overhaul the NEC, and the denial of Sam Rainsy' return to Cambodia.

These are my points.

Note: Regarding history, I personally thought that without your Boss or your relative Sihanouk's help, the Khmer Rouge could not have seized the power in Cambodia and killed Khmer people.

And you want to give your middle finger or your penis to me , it is your choice but I will not take it. I don’t know what to do with your penis beside grinding it.

But as a Khmer, I just want to express my sincere opinion in this popular site - the KI.
Making unnecessary argument with you, I don’t have time to do it.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

4:45AM is still living the life of the 17th century and needed to wake up to today world,Hello,yeah like he is the only one who know about the Vietnamese arrogant attitude and their expansionism,to bad today is the 21st century,It's way too late for the Viet to do anything in order to make their way into the west(The Journey to the West)..4:45 AM just need to wake up and catch up with the real world and need not to no longer has the fantasy living life of the stone age.Your knowledge is really outdate and your claim is really baseless and your perception is really meaningless and your analysis is really a joke.No one deserve a middle finger from a no brain person like you...

Anonymous said...

5:07 AM,

Don't say Americans were not trying to help. they spent almost $2 Billion to fight against the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge in 1970's. But we were corrupted. Instead of fighting with the Communists we sold weapons, bullets, medicines we get from Americans to the Communists. Not only that, the number of Lon Nol soldiers mostly as ghost soldiers as their leader pocketed ghost salary and when time to fight the communists there are no real soliers to fight. And as the result, Americans are tired of helping as they know that there was not way Lon Nol administration was going to win the war. In the 1990's, UN spend about $2 Billions to put troop in Cambodia and organized an election. But due to our stupidity, Cambodia went back to Communism. After all Sir, money don't fall from the tree. We screwed up and lose and opportunity to be free. We should blame ourselves for screwing up and not the foreigners.

Anonymous said...

TO 6:41 AM,your comment is right and is also wrong,you should know part of your comment is wrong if you are smart enough...very reasonable opinion though...

Anonymous said...

7:04 AM,

I am 63 years old and live the whole time throughout the years from the 50's until now. My writing is not based on the books but based on what I live through and. It's not an opinion but it's a fact.

Anonymous said...

Now, listen up your maggots! Why is it so difficult for you dumbfuck to forget the past; the past is the past. Yes, all of you need to learn how to forget the past, and try not to dig up the past and cause trouble for Cambodia and its people, and instead have all of you come together and unite with your savior. Yes, with your savior (my strong-man Samdach Hun Sen), he the one who saved your sorry asses from the holocaust. Without your savior, you wouldn't have the occasion to chitchat with anh.

I'm relatively elated and ecstatic to have seen all of you killed each other over little thing, because you dumbfuck are NOTHING but another dumb and ignorant savage. In other words, you people are equivalent to "Panong" (Phnong). Is this how you sign up more opposition and other rivals for your cause.

In addition, it is critically imperative to remember to re-apply for your public assistance (food stamps and SSI)before the end of the month, because I don't want your children crying and cursing you because you don't have food on the table . Also, most importantly, whatever you do, don't forget your child-support payments, because I despise deadbeats. Sorry kids, I feel your PAIN.

Before I disappear from your ugly faces, I want to remind you that as the general election looms,I want ALL OF YOU vote for your savior (Samdach Decho). Remember he's the ONLY ONE who can save Cambodia from the suffering.

I recall three decades ago, Phnom Penh, the Cambodia's capital, as I marched into the city, it was punctuated by the emptiness of buildings and houses and filled with broken roads and bridges, and now the city has morphed into a proud, beautiful and vibrant city. I'm certain that you can guess who transformed this ghost city into a beautifully developed city.

As a democratic country, we not only an ASEAN member, but the chair of ASEAN. Because of this remarkable achievement, we have received numerous praises around the world, even the leader of the free world (Barak Obama) and other leaders. Yes, you dumbfuck should be proud with all these achievements. Remember it is okay to be critical, but it is not okay to be cynical, particular with my government and country. Again, I welcome criticism, but not cynicism. hahahah Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

To 9:39 AM,You make yourself sound pretty well educated if observe on your English,but you made yourself look as a thug or a gangster if observe on your language.And your claims are a little too exaggerated..
Without you we will sure have a much better Cambodia,You won't live longer than anyone of us and I suggest that you should do some good deed for the sake of your younger generation.Tirk lerng trey si sror mouch pel tirk houch sror mouch neng si trey vinh,proyat na my friend,It's coming to your way soon...

Anonymous said...

9:39 AM

Thlang Kdor Nass Ah Pee Anh Euy.

When people see your fucking name on the bottom, they are not going to read your slave Yuon or Yuon's (You) comment.

Anonymous said...

9:39 AM,

For almost 30 years now we live under your prime minister Hun Sen. During those years we live on as beggars and loan from China. The donation from other nations and loan from China enriched your prime minister and his cronies only while majority of khmer people live in poverty. The progress you see in Cambodia nowaday is not as result of your inept leader who only has two years of high school education and who is good at begging only. Khmer people should appreciate other nations for helping out as without them we would be like monkeys living in the jungle. Under Hun Sen's leadership for 30 years we are still living as beggars. Don't we feel ashamed for having a leader who know nothing but begging.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bun Thoeun 5:55 AM.
FUCK You. Now you deserve a Middle finger and the words

You know why? You are part of the problem that led Khmers to fight and kill each others because you was deeply brainwashed by Yuon.

You have to heads: one head is saying you are a nationalist.
head two you attacking/dividing Khmers ignoring the great scholars who worked too hard to do their re-search and wrote the history for humans to understand/see the past that million did not see. You are a great Divider of Khmer people for Yuon. We are not sure you are really Khmer. May be a Yuon using Khmer name to divide Khmers.

When I copied from those references to show you, you then turned around calling King Sihanouk is my Boss. "FUCK You, son of Bitch, Bun Theoun". You deserve a big slap on the head from me (not 30 years old yet).

King Sihanouk was the leader of Cambodia back then, he was Khmers' leader. If you were born in Cambodia, he is yours, but if you are Yuon, he is your enemy. Since I was not born in Cambodia like the rest of you, I read and I share.

Don't use that argument "Who is whose boss, then FUCK You, Ah Yuon son of bitch". I don't think you are real Khmer, because you have two heads.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bun Thoeun 5:55 AM.
FUCK You. Now you deserve a Middle finger and the words

You know why? You are part of the problem that led Khmers to fight and kill each others because you was deeply brainwashed by Yuon.

You have TWO heads: one head is saying you are a nationalist.
head two you attacking/dividing Khmers ignoring the great scholars who worked too hard to do their re-search and wrote the history for humans to understand/see the past that million did not see. You are a great Divider of Khmer people for Yuon. We are not sure you are really Khmer. May be a Yuon using Khmer name to divide Khmers.

When I copied from those references to show you, you then turned around calling King Sihanouk is my Boss. "FUCK You, son of Bitch, Bun Theoun". You deserve a big slap on the head from me (not 30 years old yet).

King Sihanouk was the leader of Cambodia back then, he was Khmers' leader. If you were born in Cambodia, he is yours, but if you are Yuon, he is your enemy. Since I was not born in Cambodia like the rest of you, I read and I share.

Don't use that argument "Who is whose boss, then FUCK You, Ah Yuon son of bitch". I don't think you are real Khmer, because you have two heads.

Anonymous said...

Bun Thoeun is among an iron head old group, and his group will never accept the facts from scholars or from real history anything. His group designed to hate Sihanouk (Ho Chi Minh's wishes to divide Khmers), and even if the zillion proofs, it won't make any different to him and his group.
His iron old group always pose a dangerous to Khmers who learn the facts and willing to Unite.

Two heads fits his vision.

Anonymous said...

When did the B-52 stop dropping bomb in Cambodia ?

Any one know ?

Did it continue after Lon Nol took over the country ?

Anonymous said...

The Cash /Carter family were patriot people to U.S.
The Cash family got there property 20 acres / Mule.
Dyress Arkansas where they pick cotton from sunrise/sundown
.Richard nixon wanted John Cash to come to white House.
JohnCash sang at the White House then came the Riots at the,
Kent State university -anti war - with people Kerry/HanoiJane.
Nixon not only lied to America he lied to the Soldiers fighting.
Many Soldiers lost their lives in Vietnam / Cambodia.
Nixon did not have congressional approval to bomb Cambodia?
The American People said hey wait a minute were suppose to
get out of Vietnam not expanding Spreading the war?
Even Cubans went into war Felix Rodriguez/Morales?
At that time, Draft and young men were buring draft cards?
But it didn't stop it -because the _ could come get them anyway?
Some of the Draft dodgers went to Canada so didnt have to go ?